O'conner twins

By redroseib

76K 1.5K 89

Brian O'conner has a twin sister. But they ended on bad terms when he decided to be a cop. He can't help but... More

Looking for family
Coming together
It's been a while
Well that was unexpected
hey all
Stop that!
Kill me now
Shit hit the fan
if you want

Night talk

6.2K 150 6
By redroseib

Most nights it was quiet in the Torretto household with everyone asleep. For some reason one night (Isa has been with them for some months now) Dom found himself waking up and unable to fall back to sleep. SO not being one to do nothing he got up put on some jeans and a wife beater and after washing his face, he went downstairs and turned on the t.v. after getting a beer from the fridge he sat himself on the couch.

Now with it being about five in the morning he was not expecting anyone else to wake up. But leave it to an O'conner to prove him wrong. He heard the footsteps before he saw the person who came down the stairs. He looked to find Isa standing there at the landing leaning against the wall. She wore an over sized shirt and shorts. She also held a blanket in her arms.

"You're up." she stated looking at him in his jeans and shirt but she looked like she was biting back a smile.

"So are you." was his reply "You can sit down; i don't bite promise." he said realizing she made no notion to move.

Now he got a smile from her but it was more like a smirk as she sat curling into the corner of the of the couch wrapped up in the blanket; "you biting isn't what I'm scared if." she stated and turned to the smile.

"Then what are you scared of?" he prompted and tried to read her expression but her face was turned from him so he looked at the t.v. like she had.

"Not much really."

"Oh really?" he asked in disbelief.


was all he got from her and now Dom had fully turned himself around to look at her but she wouldn't look him in the face as she spoke; and he asked "Clowns?"

"I'm scared of clowns." Isa stated and he found himself laughing. CLOWNS! of all the things this strong willed girl had to fear it was clowns that terrified her.

"Don't laugh! Clowns are horrifying things! You can never tell what their real emotions are because they always have that damn smile painted on their face and frowning clowns are even creepier!! ....besides it doesn't help that one night Rom stayed over and he and Brian watched "IT" and I was soo stubborn andwanted to stay up with them and watched that damned movie when we were younger. So yes......I'm scared of clowns." She said all this with a small pout and arms crossed over her chest her body now completely turned to face him and rationalizing her fear of clowns.

"Okay; okay...so clowns is what scares you the most?" Dom asked still finding it hard to believe that was her biggest fear.

"Nope; that's my second fear. " she stated simply and he waited for her to finish but when she didn't they starred at one another. Isa was judging just how much she wanted to tell Dom about herself. And was surprised she wanted to tell him everything ...sighing she gave in to herself and his stare and looked him in the eye evenly. "Abandonment. That's my greatest fear. I'm terrified that one day all the people that matter to me will just realize I'm nothing but a waste of time and space and will get fed up with me and just leave. Then I'll be all alone with no one and nothing. I talk big but in all honestly I've got nothing if not for the people that matter having my back. I truly cannot stand being alone."

Dom watched as her eyes filled with emotion that she would never express on her face and said with all the meaning in the world; "Well you got family now...and I don't mean just your brother. We got your back. and you wont ever have to be alone; I promise you that."

He watched as she gave him a full blown smile that actually reached her eyes this time. He knew what he just said he had meant. She yawned and spoke in tired voice; "Well I'm going back to bed. Night Dom." and with that she made her way upstairs but didn't miss his mumbled "Goodnight Isa."

Who knew night talk could lead to her feeling like she finally found home. She went back to bed with a smile on her face and for once no nightmares haunted her. Neither knew that Brian had gotten up as well and had heard everything. He was glad Dom made the promise to his sister that she would never be alone. For he knew once Dom felt you were family then you would always have a place to stay. Because family helps family; and family was all that they got.

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