✔Come Back To Me (L.T Fanfic)✘

Oleh Boys_On_The_Stairs13

5.5K 179 27

Hi I'm Zoey Carter and this is my messed up life. My best friend is Louis Tomlinson, you heard me right Louis... Lebih Banyak

Come Back To Me
Character List
Day In The Sun
Too Much Dough
Movie Night
Sleep Over
Food Day!
Zayn And Natasha's Alone Time
Will Louis Like The "New Me?"
There She Is
I Think Its Time
Harry And Nila's Time Alone
The X-Factor
Tonights The Night
Back Home
Romantic Ride At The Carnival
Its Time ;)
Its Over
Authors Note
How Could He?!
Final Goodbye
Could It Be?
The Appointment.
Here Comes The Mood Swings
TWINS??!! And A Date To Remember
The Gender And A Secret
Authors Note
Picnic, The Secret Plan And The Unexpected Guest
Growing Feelings?!
Is This Really Happen Or Am I Dreaming?!
Common Question And Baby Names
The Revealed Plan And Is It Worth It?
The Truth Comes Out And Does He Believe Us?!
He's Here And Can It Work??
The Twins And Derek?!
Authors Note
Can't Leave You And The New Boys
Finally Able To Leave, The Presents And She's Back?!
Little White Lie And Jinxed Night
Answer To All The Questions And A Warrant
Authors Note.
One Thing After Another
The "Lawyer" On Our Door Step
Need A Plan
Author Note!
Im Sorry
The End

Midnight Call

18 1 1
Oleh Boys_On_The_Stairs13

Louis' POV:
Everything was a blur. I couldn't think straight or focus on anything. First, Emily came into my life and ruined my relationship with Zoey. Then, she said that she was "pregnant," but really it was the love of my life who was carrying my child, well children. Next, my little boy ends up in the hospital and now Emily has a warrant on Nila. Now I was sitting in this uncomfortable hospital chair waiting to find out what was going on with my little boy. Zoey and I were about to go to sleep when we got a call in the middle of the night telling us that we needed to come to the hospital ASAP. I was nervous, scared and everything in between. I felt someone grab my hand and rub their thumb over the back of mine. I brought her small hand up to my lips and gently placed a kiss there.
"Hey beautiful," I looked at her and she smiled sadly. She's been through so much already.
"Hi handsome," Zoey rested her head on my chest and I placed a light kiss on her head.
"He'll be fine baby girl," I felt horrible. I couldn't even promise to the love of my life that our son would be alright. But to be honest I couldn't even promise myself that. I had to be strong for her and our family which was hard with everything going on.
"I love you," I whispered into her hair as I watched her chest rise and fall peacefully indicating that she was fast asleep. I was close to falling asleep myself when I heard feet walking towards me. I looked up and my eyes meet Harrys.
"Hey mate, how are you holding up right now?" He questioned softly as he sat down next to me on the cold plastic seat.
"Honestly?" a sigh left my lips and I kept my eyes focused on her face while nervously licking my chapped lips.
"Yeah of course" Harry said while fixing the beanie on his hair. I guess he was having a bad hair day so he used it to tame his wild curls.
"Horrible" was all I said before the doctor was walking towards us.

Sorry for the late and short update. I'm gonna try to update more, comment and let me know how you all are doing rn. I love you guys.

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