Emerging │ Young!Sterek

By 831Tea

22.5K 855 480

A week after the eventful night, a new member of the Argent family arrives in Beacon Hills. Scott and Allison... More

Omega: Part I
Omega: Part II
Shape Shifted: Part I
Shape Shifted: Part II
Shape Shifted: Part III
Ice Pick: Part I
Ice Pick: Part II
Abomination: Part I
Abomination: Part II
Venomous: Part I
Venomous: Part II
Frenemy: Part I
Frenemy: Part II
Restraint: Part I

Restraint: Part II

1.3K 51 78
By 831Tea

Adjacent Corridor

While Scott is busy with the chemistry test with Mr. Harris and Allison trying to see if she can talk with Jackson Whittemore alone. Right now, the school bell rings and Lydia hurries out of class with Stiles following right behind her.

"I'm not supposed to tell anyone." Lydia rolls her eyes while Stiles is still persistent.

"Anyone who says I'm not supposed to tell anyone is always dying to tell someone. Tell me." Stiles pleaded with the popular girl.

Lydia frowned with suspicion and astonished. "Why do you want to know?" she questioned without even looking at the lanky paled teen.

"I can't tell you that." Stiles made a dramatic-cringe face while following her.

"Then I'm not telling you." She retorted back, smoothly.

Stiles sighed. "But you are telling me you could tell me something if you want to tell me?" he nearly almost got confused with his words.

The redhead furrowed her eyebrows, confused. "Was that a question?"

"It felt like a question."

Lydia huffed softly and paused. "Well, tell me if this feelings like an answer..." she mockingly thought about it and then open her mouth. "...no." she glances at Stiles with unamused then starts off down the corridor.

Stiles watches her with a defeated sigh. "Great... that was useless." He grumbled to himself, dissatisfied.

"Stiles?" he turned around and saw a blonde werewolf who walked toward him as she ignores the whispers and glances from peers. "What's going on?" Erica asked, as she stop next to the lanky human teen.

"Why are you asking Lydia about Jackson's real parents?" she whispered, as she gently grabbed her friend's hand and tug him to walk down the corridor together.

The son of the Sheriff allowed her as he frown. "How much do you know about the Kanima situation?" he asked, instead of while keeping his whiskey-brown eyes scan in their surroundings.

"Enough to know that Jackson is the Kanima, and he was being controlled by someone. Isaac gave me and Boyd a short version of it." The blonde werewolf replied as she adjusted her bag over her shoulder.

Stiles clicks his teeth with his tongue thoughtfully. "...basically yeah. Der told me that Jackson has a real problem in his life that could prevent him to become a real werewolf. I remembered that he was adopted so I thought maybe Lydia might tell me."

Erica hummed understandingly. "Then, his parents are about a half-mile from here." Stiles nearly snaps his neck when he turned to her surprised. "In Beacon Hills Cemetery." She added.

"H-how? Wait, how do you know?" they both turn into the different corridors as the second school bell rings for the start of class.

The blonde glanced at his confused friend. "It was a car accident. I know it because my dad was the insurance investigator. Every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he's getting when he's eighteen."

"Hold on." Stiles halted with his hand raised and Erica stopped. She turned to him with dry amusement as she already knew what Stiles is thinking. "Are you saying Jackson's not only rich, but he's going to get even richer at eighteen?" Erica nodded her head in response. "There's something so deeply wrong with that." Stiles gap at her with incredulous. "Unbelievable."

"I could try to find the insurance report in my dad's dropbox." Erica offer. "He keeps everything."

Stiles' eyes lit up with gratitude and hopeful. "You're amazing, Catwoman." He praised her which made her beamed at him happily. Then they both start walking around the corner of the hallway. "We'll need to tell Derek about this."

"Are you going to be alright with this?" Stiles speaks up, worried for his blonde friend. "I mean, you and Boyd just got dragged into this supernatural war with the Kanima and whoever is the master. I feel like it wasn't fair for you and Boyd."

Erica just smiles at him. "It's fine, Stiles. Derek told me that with us—me and Boyd—could have a real chance to fight against the Kanima and his master. As long as we're together in strength." She said, strongly.

Stiles smiles gratefully at her. They both paused when they noticed the water seeping into the corridor. Their eyes followed where the water was until it landed on where the clear liquids from underneath the door to the locker room. "What the—" the door smashed open violently as Scott flew to the wall.

They both startled back in horror shocked when they noticed the fight between soaked Scott and Jackson in the corridor.

Before the lanky human teen and blonde werewolf knew, they quickly find themselves caught in the middle. "Oh shit!" Stiles curses under his breath while Erica stops closer to the human teen protective. Allison comes through the door as a group of students gathered from the distance to watch the fight.

Stiles' gaze went to his best friend, bewildered. "Scott! Hey, Scott!" he shouted, trying to get the McCall werewolf's attention. And when Scott and Jackson shove each other away, Erica quickly retrains Jackson with her super werewolf strength, holding him back as he was struggling against her.

The lanky teen grabbed his best friend, holding him back, and flinch when he felt the claws scratch into his forearm deeply. Stiles hisses softly while holding onto Scott. "Scott! Knock it off!" he snapped, worried and frustrated.

"What the hell's going on?!" Mr. Harris storm up the corridor with fury blazing in his eyes. "Enough!" he demanded when he noticed Scott and Jackson attempt to free themselves, wanting to finish the fight. However, they stopped when Mr. Harris step between the teenagers. "I said, enough boys!"

Intense silence in the corridor for a moment while Mr. Harris examined around him carefully. Stiles dropped his arms from Scott and pulled down one of his sleeves to cover the claw marks on his forearm. While Erica released Jackson and step away with caution.

Until Matt held up a tablet as he steps forward gently. "I think you dropped this." He told Scott who turned his head to him.

However, Mr. Harris grabbed the tablet out of his hand roughly. He uses it to point at Scott and Jackson. "You and you. Actually..." he turns to Stiles, Erica, Allison, and Matt with stern eyes. "All of you. Detention. Three o'clock."







Principal's Office – Waiting Area

Mrs. Argent glanced up from a screen of multiple security camera views, she noticed melissa standing at the door. "Hi there." The McCall nurse greeted the woman with a friendly smile.

"Oh." Victoria smiles politely as she moved her rolling chair to grab the phone. "I'll have an announcement made to bring Scott to the office."

Melissa stopped the woman. "Actually—" Mrs. Argent paused, curious. "—I came to talk to you."

"Me?" Victoria blinked at her in surprise. She gently drops the phone back as Melissa nodded her head. "How can I help you?"

The McCall nurse folded her fingers together as she placed it on the countertop. "I came here to talk about our children. My son and your daughter, I believe they are seeing each other."

Victoria, somehow maintains a perfect calm despite the nurse's disturbing news. "I was under the impression they were no longer dating."

"Me too. But it looks like they are. And more. A lot more." Melissa huffed out an awkward chuckle as she thought about the condom box in her son's bedroom, all used up until one left.

Mrs. Argent smiles stiffly at her. "How do you know it's not some other impressionable young girl? With severely low standards."

"Because I know Scott." Melissa easily brushed off the dig as she stares at the strict woman's cold eyes. "And Allison's the only one he's ever talked about like that. It's the secrecy I didn't quite get. Until now. You've cleared that up. Completely. I just want them to continue being safe."

A cold tense smile appeared on Victoria's face. "I couldn't agree more."





"Wait—what?" Derek stared at his first Beta in incredulity. He is standing in front of his locker while his two Betas; Isaac and Boyd are with him. The young Alpha has been waiting for others for a while until Isaac and Boyd arrived and told him the news.

Isaac crossed his arms while Boyd scanned their surrounding quietly. "It's true. Stiles, Scott, Erica, Allison, Matt, and Jackson got detention after school with Mr. Harris." He repeated, worried for his friends.

Derek rubs his weary face with his palm as he leaned his back against the lockers behind him heavily. "What did they do this time?"

"Scott and Jackson were fighting. Stiles and Erica got in the middle of it. Mr. Harris, being an asshole, decided most of our friends are going to be in detention." The curly-haired werewolf explained with an annoyed frown at the thought of that awful mean teacher.

The brooding Alpha made a noise from the back of his throat and then dropped his hands. He sighed softly as he contemplatively the situation their friends got themselves into. "Where will the detention be located?"

"Library." Boyd answered quietly to his Alpha.

Derek hummed. "We'll need a plan." He got his two Betas' full attention. "Since Jackson will be in the library with others. Boyd and I will keep an ear out in the distance just in case the Kanima appears." He glances at Isaac with a serious face. "And Isaac, I need you to sneak into the library as soon as possible when Mr. Harris is not in there. Can you do that?"

"Yeah, I can sneak in." Isaac smirked playfully. "I'm actually pretty good with stealth." He added, proudly yet there's a hint of sorrow in it. Derek eyeing at his first Beta with gentle understanding. Isaac learned how to be stealthy all because his father was an asshole abuser.

Derek placed his palm on the curly-haired werewolf's shoulder, gently allow to scent him which made Isaac's mood brighten up a bit. "Good. Once you're in, inform Stiles and others that we are waiting for them outside. They aren't alone."

"Understand, Alpha." Isaac nods his head.

The young Hale Alpha is satisfied and pleased that his Betas are willing to work with him in Pack. He is still learning how to be an Alpha, and so far, his processing as an Alpha is going well. 'Looks like I'm doing good so far, Uncle Peter.' He mused, slightly sad that his uncle won't see him acting like an Alpha of Hale Pack.




After School

Mr. Harris watches the students walk into the empty library with his hands on his hips. He glares at them sternly, waiting for the students to take seats at the tables. Stiles, Scott, and Erica sat down at one table while Allison, Jackson, and bewildered Matt sat at another table.

"Oh, uh, we can't be in detention together." Jackson informed the teacher happily. "I have a restraining order against these tools." He sits on the chair before he dropped his backpack on the ground.

Mr. Harris raises his eyebrow at Jackson. "All of these tools?"

"No, just us tools..." Stiles corrected it with weariness as he pointed to himself and his best friend.

"Fine. You two." The teacher pointed at them and gestured at the different table that is a bit further away from Jackson. "Over there." Then he walks away, ignoring Jackson's baffling while the two best friends changed seats.

Scott maintains a furious glare at Jackson as the lanky teen sat across from Scott. The McCall werewolf turned his glares to Stiles. "I'm gonna kill him." he muttered, angrily.

"No, you're not." Stiles sighed. "You're going to find out who's controlling him and then you're gonna help save him." he attempted to calm his angry best friend.

Scott shakes his head. "No, Isaac was right—let's kill him." he decided, gravelly.

"Oh, no..." Stiles realizes how serious the werewolf is. He glanced over at Erica who frowns at them with concern.

At another table, Allison watches her friends unaware that Matt is viewing the page from the Bestiary on his tablet. Curiosity filled in his eyes when he saw the strange word on the translated note. Then he noticed Allison turned her gaze to him. Matt turned off his tablet and smiles innocently at her. Allison returns her friendly smile back.

A moment later, Mr. Harris is grading tests at the librarian's desk quietly. Erica is working on her assignment on her laptop. Allison is reading a textbook. Jackson is doing his homework. Matt is snacking on chips from the bag of chips. Scott and Stiles are the only ones who don't have anything to do except sit and wait.

Stiles carefully examined around the library until his whiskey-brown orbs landed on Matt. He studied him thoughtfully and then taps Scott's arm. The McCall werewolf lifted his head from his folded arms with a puzzling face. "What if it's Matt? This whole thing comes back to the video, right?" the brunet teenager suggested.

"Danny said Matt's the one who figured out there were two hours of footage missing." Scott denied it as he shook his head.

The son of the Sheriff leaned forward. "Exactly! He's trying to throw suspicion off himself." He is starting to believe his theory.

"So, he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of Argent's Hunters, and the mechanic working on your Jeep...?" the McCall werewolf said, perplexed as he is trying to understand what his best friend's thinking. Stiles nodded his head in response. "Why?"

"Because..." Stiles shifted his whiskey-brown orbs over at the table where Matt is, eating chips quietly. "...he's evil."

Scott turned his head over and watch Matt in curious and puzzled for a moment. "You just don't like him." he voiced out.

"The guy bugs me." The lanky paled human confused frown with calculating eyes. "...I don't know what it is." Scott stared at Stiles with doubt. "Just look at his face!"

They both looked over to see Matt who is munching on chips while he offers a chip to Jackson. Jackson glares at him in response. Matt shrugs and keeps eating happily.

"Any other theories?" the McCall werewolf asked Stiles with a skeptical tone. Stiles just bit his inner cheek with heavy thought for a heartbeat or two.

Meanwhile, on the other table, Jackson placed a hand on his head, and gritted his teeth in pain. Matt noticed it and frown with concern for the popular jock. "You okay?" Jackson just grabbed his backpack from the ground and slipped it over his shoulder while standing up.

"I need to use the bathroom." Jackson said, while rubbing his head, hoping to get rid of the agony that hits inside of his mind.

Mr. Harris paused his work when he noticed Jackson nearly stagger but managed to foot it to the doors. "Are you alright? Hey, you don't look so good..." the popular jock barely glances at the teacher.

"I just need to get some water." Jackson replied, leaving the library while Mr. Harris stood up and walked around the desk with concerned frown.

The teacher turned around with warning stern in his eyes. "No one leaves their seat." He hurriedly follows after Jackson.

The moment the door closes behind them. Scott and Stiles jump up and race to Erica's table. The McCall werewolf sat on the chair across from the blonde werewolf while Stiles sits next to her. "Stiles mention that you might have information about Jackson's parents' death?"

Erica nodded her head. "Yeah, I did a little bit of a digging—" she moved her fingers on the keyboard to change the windows before she saved her assignments. "—I didn't realize this detail, but I thought maybe this might be helpful—" she was interrupted by the PA system crackles to life above.

"Scott McCall. Please report to the principal's office." Scott frown confused as he glances over at his secret girlfriend who looks worried. While Stiles and Erica exchange puzzling frown.

They watched Scott stand up from the chair and leave the library. Stiles sighed softly then turned his head to the blonde werewolf who raise her questioning eyebrow at him. "Just continue. We'll tell Scott later." Erica nodded her head and her fingers flew over the keys.

Unaware, that a certain puppy werewolf sneakily through the doors quietly. Allison noticed Isaac as she tilted her head with questioning while Matt just watches with curious interest. Erica paused on the keys, but her eyes remain on the screen. "Isaac is here." She whispered to Stiles then resume typing.

"Wh—" Stiles nearly yelps when Isaac pokes his shoulder. "—oh my God..." the lanky paled human placed his hand on his fast beating heart. "I thought werewolves finally stop giving me a heart attack!" he hisses to himself, trying to calm his heart.

Isaac whines softly. "Sorry, Stiles." He didn't mean to scare the lanky teen. He gracefully moves his feet to the chair across from Stiles.

"What are you doing here?" Stiles muttered to the puppy werewolf with wondering. His whiskey-brown orb scanned around quickly then back to Isaac. "Where's Der and Boyd?"

The curly-haired werewolf leaned forward. "Derek and Boyd are waiting outside, they are watching out for you guys since, ya know... the whole Jackson and Kanima thing. Alpha wants me to be closer to you guys."

Stiles hummed with understanding.

"There." Erica speaks up, getting others' attention on her. She pointed at the windows with her finger to show Stiles. "See that line... that might be important."

The lanky paled teen leaned forward at the laptop's screen and open his mouth. "Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA. The estimated time of death, nine-twenty-six P.M, June fourteenth, nineteen-ninety-five." He trails off, thinking deeply.

"Wait—" the curly-haired werewolf furrowed his eyebrows unsurely. "—isn't Jackson's birthday on June fifteenth..." Erica glanced up in appalling surprise.

Stiles slowly nodded his head, confirming that Isaac's correct. "Yeah... his parents died before he was born." He whispered, sympathy for the popular jock. His eyes spark with calculation when he reads more of the report on the screen. "...that means he was born after his mom died by c-section."

Erica and Isaac exchanged a horror glance while Stiles closed his eyes. "They had to pull him out of her dead body." The lanky human mumbled, softly in conclusion.

"That's..." the blonde werewolf trails off, unnerved yet there's a hint of sympathy for Jackson.

Isaac's head jerked up as his brown eyes flashed in golden-yellow. "Shit." He mumbled, quickly pushed himself up from the chair and leaped to one of the bookshelves aisles, and hid without caring he got weird looks.

After a heartbeat, the doors open to reveal an ashen-faced Jackson drifts back to the table and sat down. Allison frowns at the popular jock's disturbing gaze with puzzled and worried. While Mr. Harris ambled his way around to the desk, gathered his things into his briefcase, and zipped up.

All heads turned to the Chemistry teacher who is packing his stuff up. He picked up the strap of his bag and walked around. He watches the students begin packing their things to leave as well. However, they stopped when Mr. Harris chuckled with dark amusement. "On, no. I'm sorry." He steps forward to stand between the carts full of books. "Uh, yes. I'm leaving, but none of you are."

Mr. Harris placed his hands on the overflowing with returned books. "You may go when you're done with the re-shelving." All students stared at him and the books with disbelief. "Enjoy the rest of your evening." The teacher added, smugly.

"God, I hated that guy." Stiles mumbled, exasperatedly as he watches Mr. Harris leave the library.




A moment later, Stiles, Isaac, Erica, and Allison are in one of the aisles as they huddled together around the cart of books. They are quickly putting books into the shelves while listening to Stiles' sharing information. While several rows down, Jackson and Matt are shelving the books quietly.

After Stiles finished explaining the parent's death and Jackson was born from a c-section. Allison grabbed another book from the cart with a questioning frown. "So was it an accident or not?"

"The word all over the report is 'inconclusive'." The lanky paled human pushes a book into one of the shelves with a solemn face.

Isaac leaned against the bookshelf, and crossed his arms with a thoughtful frown on his face. "Does that mean his parents could have been murdered?"

Stiles half-shrug and turned around with a weary sigh. "If they were, then it falls in line with the Kanima myth." He uttered, hesitantly. "It seeks out and kills murderers."

The huntress furrowed her eyebrows with confusion. "But, for Jackson?" she is skeptical about that.

"Or the person controlling him." Erica chimed in as she finished putting the books into the proper section on the shelf. The blonde werewolf turned her head to them thoughtfully. "Should we tell this to Jackson?" she asked, uncertain.

Stiles shakes his head. "No, it will make Jackson very upset. I don't want to give another reason for him and Kanima to kill one of us." He refuses to risk his friends into danger. "For now, we need to finish all these—" he waves his hand over the books in carts. "—and we'll talk more with Derek and Boyd." The other understood and start re-shelving the returned books.

After a while, Scott returned to the library and made a beeline to Allison, and help to put books away. The huntress whispered the information to Scott from a safe distance just in case the camera saw them.

In one of the aisles, Stiles and Isaac are whispering while putting books away. "I hope we can really save Jackson..." the son of the Sheriff muttered; a bit overwhelmed by the information he learned about Jackson's dark background.

Unaware, Scott decided to inform Jackson as he moves away from protesting Allison. He steps forward down the path but paused when he saw an open book sitting outside of the row. A confused frown appeared on the McCall werewolf's face.

He walked toward it and slowly shifted his gaze to the aisle where Matt is laying on the ground, face down. However, the most eye-catching was a thin slash at the back of Matt's neck. With a burst of glass and sparks, a light above goes out.

"Erica!" Scott warned the blonde werewolf when he noticed Jackson is leaping over in the direction of where Erica is. The others paused in astonishment surprised by the sudden alarmed shout from Scott.

The blonde werewolf whirled around as she dropped the books on the ground. She opens her mouth to reveal her wolf fangs as her bright brown eyes shifted to golden-yellow and her claws grew. Her eyes spot Jackson and before she could do—

She tumbles to the ground with a thin slash on the back of her neck.

Above the shelves, Jackson leaping and bounding across them, lights bursting and shattering, and sparks falling everywhere. Allison yelps loudly as she bends down and covered her head with her arms, protecting herself from the flying objects.

"Look out—" Isaac instantly protect Stiles from the shatters of glass and lowered down to press against the shelf. The curly-haired werewolf made sure the lanky human is safe from the danger, becoming Stiles' shield.

The door slammed open, and two figures stormed inside the library Scott turned around with claws open. His tense shoulders relax a bit when he saw the young Alpha and the Beta. "Derek. Boyd." Scott is relieved to see them.

Derek's scarlet-red orbs shine. "Go see your pack members." He ordered Boyd who nodded and obeyed. The brooding Alpha steps forward to stand next to McCall werewolf with a cautious glint in his eyes.

Soon, they both turned around when they heard a thud behind them. Jackson standing in front of them, arms covered in scales, mouth filled with a double-row of teeth, as he is in half-in and half-out of the transformation.

Scott launches up to attack as Derek stays back in the defense position. However, Jackson is far more powerful. He tosses Scott into a book cart with ease. The half-Kanima hisses warningly at Derek.

Derek growls dangerously as wolf fangs emerge from his teeth. Intense yet remain stood still, watching warily at the creature.

Glowing scarlet-red orbs staring at dark-yellow reptilian orbs.

An Alpha and a Kanima.

Meanwhile, the library goes quiet. Scott quickly and silently crawled away from the bent cart to frighten Allison. The huntress grabbed her boyfriend's arm for comfort and safety. They both peek over the shelf, wary.

Stiles and Isaac carefully glimpse where they are hiding, watching Derek staring at the half-Kanima and half-Jackson.

It was full of tension and apprehension in the library. Slowly, very slowly, and carefully. Jackson step backward while his cold reptilian orbs never move away from the Alpha Hale's alertness gleaming scarlet-red eyes.

Once Jackson is a few distances away from Derek. The half-Kanima blindly reached behind him as he stands front of the easel chalkboard. his head lolls to the side as his cold reptilian eyes slowly shifted to blank white. His clawed hand scratches the board, making loud high-pitch screeches that cause all werewolves and humans to flinches as they covered their poor ears.

Except for Derek who gritted his fang but remain frozen with his guard up. He won't relax nor move until the dangerous enemy made any attack move toward him or his Pack. He noticed how Jackson is being controlled like a marionette with invisible strings.

The horrifying screeches finally stopped harshly, and Jackson dropped his clawed hand to his side. On the chalkboard with the hastily scrawled threat—

ꇙ꓄ꋬꌦ ꄲ꒤꓄ ꄲꊰ ꂵꌦ ꅐꋬꌦ. ꄲꋪ ꒐'꒒꒒ ꀘ꒐꒒꒒ ꋬ꒒꒒ ꄲꊰ ꌦꄲ꒤.

Unexpectedly, Jackson darts forward, hands hitting the carpet as he drops to all fours and leaps up in the air. He smashes through the windows of the library, glass shattered everywhere.

Derek's body slowly calms as claws and fangs return to their human features. Yet his eyes still remain scarlet-red. While the others stood to their feet, coming forward cautiously as their eyes are on the threat words.

The young Alpha snapped his head around when his inner wolf howls aggressively. Pack! Danger! His gaze landed on Boyd who is holding paralyzed Erica in his arms. The blonde werewolf was motionless until she's beginning to shake, tremors rippling through her body. "Erica!" Derek instantly darts toward his Beta with concern and bewildered.

"Oh my God!" Stiles flails his arms around as he rushed toward the blonde werewolf with Isaac following closely. "Wh-what's happening?! Why does she look like she's having a seizure?!" the lanky teen is close to panicking for Erica. Boyd held onto his girlfriend with worried as Erica's body wrenches and twists with violent spasms.

Scott step forward but paused when he saw paralyzed Matt. "Allison..." he tipped his head at Matt. Allison understood her boyfriend's silent question. The huntress quickly went to check on Matt yet her eyes kept glancing over Erica with trouble and anxiety.

Derek quickly observed the blonde werewolf for a moment until he realized the problem. "The paralyze venom is blocking her regeneration healing." He muttered, gravely as his scarlet-red orbs shifted back to hazel.

"I-is that even possible?" Isaac blurted it out in horror as he leaned closer to Stiles for comfort.

The young Alpha's lips pressed together while studying the blonde werewolf silently. "I-is she dying?" Scott speaks up, almost shy.

Boyd tightens his arms around his girlfriend with gritted teeth. Stiles nearly faints at the thought of his friend dying while Isaac whines with fear and concern.

"I need to get the venom out but in order to do that, I have to trigger her regeneration healing but..." Derek trails off, hesitant.

Stiles narrowed his eyes at the young Alpha with wariness. "But...?"

The brooding Alpha clicked his tongue sharply and lifted his gravely hazel eyes at his Pack. "I have to break one of her arms, tore her skin apart just to get the venom out." Scott made a disgusted face while Stiles closed his eyes as he shudders with revolt, and Isaac paled in appalled.

"D-do it... do it..." Erica weakly said, as her eyes are full of trust in Derek.

Boyd lifted his gaze to the young Alpha with a blank face. He nods his head. "Please, Alpha."

Derek stares at them and then nodded his head. "Alright. But I can't do it here. We need to go somewhere safe." He stood up to his feet. "You'll carry her?" he asked Boyd, just in case.

The silent Beta nodded his head, and carefully picked Erica up in his arms in bridal style.

"I know a place where you can help her." Stiles offers, watching Erica with worried.

Derek jerks his head at the doors, silently asking Stiles to lead the way. The lanky human sauntered toward the doors while others followed him out of the library.

Except for Scott who is hesitant since Allison is helping Matt. The huntress glanced up at her boyfriend who is staring at the door with conflict in his eyes. "Go."

Scott shakes his head. "I'm staying here with you." He steps around to the other side of Matt. Scott glanced over unconsciousness paralyzed Matt.

"Scott..." Allison stares at her boyfriend with a concerned frown.

The McCall werewolf cleared his throat. "We'll need to call an ambulance."

"It's okay, you know that, right?" the huntress whispers to him with assurance and sincerely. Her bright brown orbs met her boyfriend's gaze. "It's okay to be part of a Pack. It won't change anything."

Scott stares at her for a heartbeat then shakes his head. "I don't want to be part of Hale Pack, Allison. I'm fine being alone." Allison inwardly sighed at the stubborn werewolf. "Where's your phone?" Scott ignores the small pang of hurt that he wasn't part of the Hale Pack.

Scott McCall doesn't need any Pack. He's fine being a lone wolf.




Moment Later...

Boyd gently placed Erica on the tarp that Stiles laid out for her. "Please step back." Derek calmly ordered his Pack who obeyed silently. "Do not move or get involved. We don't want to disturb Erica's healing once I start breaking her bone. Understand?" he got the confirmation from his Pack which satisfied him and his wolf.

The young Alpha lowered his knees down next to his Beta. "Prepare yourself." He warned Erica who nodded her head and closed her eyes. Emotionally and mentally prepare for the brutal healing. He placed his hands on Erica's arm, pushed her sleeve up, and firmly grasps his palms around her forearm.

Derek's face went blank as he presses down on her forearm, breaking it as Erica screams in agony. Boyd's hands curled into tight fists at his side. Isaac flinches violently as he steps closer to Stiles, brushing his arm against the human's back. Stiles covered his shocked mouth as his whiskey-brown eyes widen in horror.

The young Alpha closed his eyes for a brief moment as he controls his breathing while his inner wolf howled angrily. Derek's hands gripped tighter, pressed down until her skin tore apart while Erica shrieked as tears spilled over her cheeks. Blood leaked onto the tarp along with the viscous venom.

It felt like hours when in reality, it's only been a few minutes. It was a very terrifying and horrible agony for Erica who desperately want to black out, but she fights to stay conscious.

Finally, finally the venom is gone, and Derek opens his eyes to reveal his shimmering scarlet-red orbs. He quickly looks over at his Beta with a blank face. Erica released a shuddering sigh mixture of exhaustion and relief. "...her body is healing."

Stiles leaned heavily against Isaac who held onto him with obvious relief while Boyd instantly went to his girlfriend's side.

The brooding Alpha watches Boyd gently and very cautiously lift Erica's head and placed it on his thigh. He brushes a few strays of her hair away from her tired face. "...hi." Erica whispers to Boyd with a sweet smile on her face.

"Hi." Boyd whispered back, tenderly and he dries her tears mark from her flawless cheeks.

Then Erica glanced over at the young Alpha with grateful sparkles in her bright brown eyes. "Thank you."

Derek's lip twitches with a soft smile as his scarlet-red orb fades to hazel. The blonde werewolf hummed with ease and relaxed. Slowly, she closes her eyes and sleeps on her boyfriend's lap.

The young Alpha Hale lifted his gaze over to Stiles' twinkles of happiness in his whiskey-brown eyes. The lanky teen smiles proudly at Derek, making his wolf puff up its chest with satisfaction and pleased.




Beacon Hills
Memorial Hospital

The sound of shrieks from a newborn baby that is carried away out of the room by the nurse-midwife. While Melissa stayed behind with the new mother who is completely exhausted. The McCall nurse gently covered the sheet over the woman with a soft smile. She loves seeing newborn babies and can't wait to witness the new mother react to her newborn baby.

It's one of her favorite moments during work as a nurse. Before Melissa leaves to grabs a wet rag to help clean the woman. A shaky hand pressed against Melissa's arm. The nurse paused, glancing over at the woman who looked at her with half-open eyes.

"Please... you have to tell them."

Melissa smiles warmly at the new mother. "It's okay. The baby's fine." She assures.

"Not the baby..." the woman shakes her head weakly, making Melissa frown with confusion. "He killed Sean."

The nurse sighed softly with empathically sad for the woman. "Honey, the police know."

"They don't—" the mother swallowed dryly. "—they didn't see it." Her eyes slowly close as her voice went low. Melissa leaned forward to hearing the woman's words with a puzzling frown. "...it wasn't human." Her hand slipped from Melissa's arm and drifted off into nothingness.

The McCall nurse stares at the new mother for a moment. She decided to leave the woman to her sleep alone and will talk more in the morning. Melissa double-checked to make sure the woman is comfortable and ambled her way around to the door. Melissa switched the lights off and left the room with the door closed quietly.

Unaware, a stranger in the hoodie slipped into the room. A gloved hand covered the slumbered woman's mouth while another hold her nose. After a moment, the woman snapped her eyes open widely, she attempts to struggle but she was heavily sedated. Her killer is smothering the life out of her.

Weakly and reluctantly resign to her unavoidable death.




Beacon Hills
Former Hale's Mansion

Lydia's eyes filled with terrified, peering out with a distant, glazed look. The look of someone who can no longer discern the real from the imagined. Didn't realize that a burned Peter Hale casually take a seat next to her.

His legs lay in front of him as his hands entwined together on his lap. Peter scanned around the burnt ashes of his former home. His bright blue eyes shifted to blank Lydia who is leaning heavily against the wall behind her. He sighed softly. "I'm so sorry, Lydia..." Peter whispered, mixed guilty and determined. "...I understand all of this must be terribly confusing. At least you know you're not actually crazy. Well, not completely." He made a grimaced face. "There might be some residual effects... minimal amount of post-traumatic stress... and maybe, a few years of profoundly disturbing nightmares."

Peter shakes his head with a heavy sigh. "I didn't want to do this. I wasn't even planning to use this Plan B. I was going to stay in peace... but... I didn't go. I couldn't bring myself to move on and see my family. Not when Derek is all alone. He's the only Hale alive and..." he trails off, thinking about his nephew. "Little wolf is an Alpha, the Alpha of the Hale Pack. I don't think he realize how heavy responsibility and burden it was to carry on his shoulders. There are secrets that only Hale Alpha, Emissary, and Enforcer know."

He turned his head to daze Lydia. "Your immunity will help me to start this plan of mine. I'm sorry for doing this to you but I need to help Derek. There's so much he needs to know about the Hale Pack." He carefully observed the redhead girl for a moment remorseful and ashamed. "...I only need you to do one very important thing. Just one thing and I promise I won't haunt you after this." He closed his eyes and took a large breather.




"LYDIA!" a roar snapped Lydia out of a trance of all the old flashback rushes in her mind. The time when she was sitting in the waiting room and saw a cute junior in the chair turned out to be an empty chair. Another flashback where her dog, Prada was carried out with a cute junior, changed to Prada leaving out of the woods alone. A brief time where the junior is handing her a flower and then instantly gone as if he was never there. Another time when the cute junior talked to her at her locker, changed that she was talking to herself. Then the biggest part of the flashback that sticks out to her the most, is that she recalled when she approached the trophy case with its portraits of athletes. One of the portraits of a young man, with the name underneath his picture—Peter Hale.

Lydia slowly turned to her left where Peter Hale was, but he was gone. All alone inside of the burnt and ashed mansion. Her eyebrow furrows with confusion, anxiety, fear, and unnerving. Her fingers curled but paused when she felt the soft texture inside of her hands.

She looks down at her hands cautiously. Slowly, she opens them to find the soft object she was looking for earlier.

A purple wolfsbane flower.

Lydia gently lifted the flower between her fingers, twirling around as her confusion shifted to familiarity and certainty as if she was under a spell.

She lifted her green orbs over at the few feet away from her, as if she knew exactly where it is when her gaze landed on a specific spot.

Underneath the floorboards of the burnt house, surrounded by earth and roots, the burned corpse of Peter Hale lies buried.

Patiently waiting to be awoken.  

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