The Mess I Got Into ( This Is...

By Trustrated_soul

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"Unrequited love does not die; it's only beaten down to a secret place where it hides, curled and wounded. Fo... More

This is how I met you.
This is how I met you - Kim taehyung
This Is How I Met You Kim Taehyung (Part 2)
This Is How I Met You Park Jimin
This Is How I Met You Park Jimin - Part 2
This is how met you Kim Taehyung
This is how I met you Kim Taehyung - Part 2 - Jungkook POV
This Is How I Met You Jeon Jungook
This Is how I Met You Jeon Jungook ( Part 2)
I'm Falling For You
I'm falling for you - 2
The Burning Desire
The Mess I Got Into ( Part 1 )
Love or Attraction?
I Hate You! But Do I ?
I Hate You! But Do I? - 2
My Heart Belongs To You
Jealousy Jealousy
Jealousy Jealousy - 2
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You bring out the best and the worst in me.
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Confession - Kim Taehyung
Confession - Park Jimin
Confession - Park Jimin (Part 2)
Confession - Park Jimin & Hoseok - 3

Love or Attraction? Part 2

62 10 3
By Trustrated_soul

But what now? What am I supposed to do with all these feelings?

Jungkook POV

In all these past years I have loved Taehyung with all of my heart, what has changed now? Why does this one person make me question my devotion for years in just a few hours? Even if it's one sided that really never stopped me from loving him. Am I over Taehyung? Have my feelings changed for him? How can I feel this way for my enemy? It's not love I know but it's something more than hate and that scares me. I have hated him all these years, how can it just vanish in a second? I was in deep thought when Taehyung lightly nudged my shoulder "Mind sharing thoughts? You've been unexpectedly quiet since Jimin is here? What is it? Is it about Jimin? You can still change your mind. I'll take him to my place if that's bothering you." I just shook my head and said "No.. no.. it's not him" i lied "I'm sorry if I made it look like that, I'm just occupied with my thoughts you know work is hectic at times, I'll tell you later. Let's just cook for Jimin now. I know you don't want him to starve". I tried changing the topic as i had no explanation, he smiled ( his boxy smile is my favourite. With that smile, if he asks me to drink poison I'll do it without asking any questions) "How about i cook for Jimin today?" I proposed. I really wanted him to know that Jimin is no burden. Yes, my mind is a mess and I'll deal with it later. I have agreed to this in the first place so I'll try my best to make Jimin comfortable. I can at least try for Taehyung. "Really, that will be great." Just to make a good impression on Jimin and make him feel good, I cooked every dish he liked, with the help of Taehyung.

"Taehyung, isn't it too much? I think I overdid it. Let's just order something, I don't think he'll like it" whom was i really trying to impress Taehyung? He was already impressed seeing my efforts to welcome Jimin. Jimin? But why?. "No Jungkook, he'll like it, don't worry and if he really doesn't like your food which i doubt, then we'll order the food" we both kept on going back and forth on the same. "What are you guys talking about?" We heard an uncertain voice. Jimin was standing in the door, looking at us nervously. Was he always this nervous? If not, what is making him so nervous?. "Hey, you're on time, the food is ready. Let's eat?" I said to lighten his nervousness. He was looking at me with an unreadable expression. I continued "We have cooked your favourite dishes, I'm not that good a cook as taehyung but I have put in a lot of effort today, so i hope you'll like it?. "It smells amazing, can't wait to taste it" he smiled. That smile just seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me. That smile has a magical power; it makes me smile back. "Do you need any help?". He asked while playing with his sweater sleeves, he looked fucking adorable. "No, today is your first day here so you just sit and enjoy the food, rest leave on us, right tae-tae?" I said, taehyung nodded. We asked him to sit at the dining table so we could quickly get the food on the table."Why did you cook so much? Are there more people coming? Isn't it too much for the 3 of us? We both laughed looking at each other. He looked confused and cute. Oh wait! Cute, I must have lost my mind. "That's what we were talking about before you joined us, we wanted to welcome you with good food and we ended up cooking all of it. Our Jungkookie thought of ordering more food from out as he was not sure you'll like his cooking. I told him it's tasty and you'll be fine but he was not listening" Taehyung explained. "Okay! if that's the case then we better start eating before it gets cold and I'll tell you if i like it or not? And Jungkook, I'm a foodie and food critic so I'll give you my honest opinion". He said. "Well, the pressure I have now. Mr. Critics please taste and tell me how the food is?" We all laughed and started eating. I kept on looking at him, waiting for his opinion. I really didn't get why it mattered but I waited. "Well, not bad. I'm impressed, you did a great job", His words made my heart do somersault, i felt like some teen getting praised by someone special. He just leaned forward and patted my head. My heart skipped a beat, my brain stopped functioning the moment our eyes met. I felt millions of butterflies in your stomach. Suddenly it felt like there was a ticking time bomb in the house. Silence, unwanted feelings and unwelcome thoughts, We're just looking and looking at each other. And I can feel something unspoken between us. I felt like running away from him, far from these feelings. Considering how much I was beginning to fear the truth or of him reading them with ease. Maybe it was best to avoid it. We both saw each other for the last time before we went back to eating and pretending nothing happened. The tension between us was a lot to handle. Jungkook, get hold of yourself, it's just a few hours and you're behaving like a different person, you love Taehyung and only him so don't let Jimin tame your feelings, I scolded myself while eating.

After eating we decided to have some drinks, Taehyung got a wine bottle as a welcome gift for Jimin. Taehyung and Jimin were talking about things here and there. Round after round we kept going till we felt dizzy. Well, I needed something to control my jealousy and alcohol helped. Suddenly Jimin asked a question that caught me and Taehyung off guard. "Taehyung have you ever loved anyone, for that matter liked anyone? I have known you for my whole life but we never talked about your love life, you never told me about it" we both looked at each other. He closed his mouth, unsure how to answer, not prepared to lie. Not prepared to tell the truth. Yes". "Really, who? why didn't you tell me?" Jimin got curious. Taehyung just smiled but I knew the pain behind that smile. The nights he cried for Jimin. How heartbreaking it was to see him break every day, the memories just came as a film right from my eyes. "Enough about me, let's talk about you? Do you like someone?" He was looking at us as if waiting for some answers which never came. "Yes" that simple word made our world stop. As if we misheard it "What? Who?" I asked him. Curiosity took a toll on me. I felt bad for Taehyung. I should feel relieved that Jimin likes someone else and I'll have Taehyung for myself, but nothing felt right. I felt a sting in my heart. "Who? Why didn't you tell me?" This time it was Taehyung who asked. "For the same reason you've not told me, when you'll tell me, I'll tell you too". He surely was hiding something, I could see through him. His eyes never left the ground, as if he was struggling to gather himself and mostly his thoughts. We all went silent, all in our own world or it was alcohol playing with our minds. After a few hours, Jimin was already high and half asleep. Taehyung and I started cleaning the mess. After a few minutes of silence I finally asked him "How are you feeling?" He knew exactly what I was talking about. "You know right, you can talk to me anytime, I'm always there for you" I continued. He just nodded and a tear skipped his eyes and he quickly wiped it but it didn't go unnoticed by me. I wish I could help him in some way to ease his pain. I hugged him. He sobbed historically it pained my heart seeing him in such pain. We stood there, it felt like hours passed. He said he was feeling better and I let him go out of my tight grip. We both went to the living room where Jimin was sleeping peacefully like a kid. We both sat in the same places we were sitting before. Both of us looked at Jimin. Both of us, fighting with our feelings. Both of us, angry at the fact this tiny man has a hell lot of control over us. This man has the power to ruin us.

The day passed, I was unsure how my life with Jimin was gonna be? If this was a trailer I wonder how the picture is gonna be?
It took me two years to give him all of my hate, and he threw it away in one night.

It's gonna be harder than I expected.

Hi fam,

Love is not hard it's we who make it hard.
If you have someone whom you love, go confess before it's too late.

Stay healthy, stay strong.

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