Stay - Book two in The Stormf...

By EmmielouKates

262K 9.4K 1.1K

Abby is still recovering from the chest infection she contracted after running away from Gabes mansion in the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Part One
Chapter 8 - Part 2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 17

6.7K 335 40
By EmmielouKates

Well it looks like my mojo is back in full force. Here's a nice long chapter for you all :)

Chapter 17

"Mary!! Mary, where the fek are you hiding?"

 Gabe and Abby were in their room packing for their weekend in London, when they heard Pod bellowing downstairs.

"What the hell is up with him?" Gabe threw a pair of jeans into a suitcase and headed for the door.

"I have no idea but it sounds serious." Abby replied, as she followed him.

When they got downstairs they found Pod storming towards the kitchen.

"You won't find her there mate, she left for her sisters an hour ago."

Gabes words halted Pod in his tracks.

Running a hand through his already messy hair, he swore under his breath.

Helen appeared from the lounge looking annoyed.

Abby looked between Pod and her friend trying to work out what was going on.

"Well isn't this a fine mess she's dumped on me, no wonder she ran before I found out. I need a drink." Pod strode towards the lounge, closely followed by Gabe, Abby and Helen.

Abby gave Helen a questioning look, but Helen just rolled her eyes and mouthed 'ask him'.

Gabe caught up with Pod as he was pouring a large measure of Wild Turkey into a glass.

"You going to tell me what's happened? I'm afraid my mind reading powers are a bit off today."

Pod glared at Gabe then downed his drink, he was about to pour another when Gabe grabbed the bottle from him.

"What the fuck Gabe?"

"Tell me what's happened. Then you get the bottle back."

Pod slammed the glass down on a table then rubbed his hands over his face. When he removed his hands and looked up, Gabe could swear he saw fear in his eyes.

"Come on mate, spill. Whatever it is, you know we will help if we can."

Helen made a weird snorting sound behind him. Abby looked at her friend and was even more confused to see she was trying to stifle a giggle, by stuffing her knuckles in her mouth.

Pod narrowed his eyes and glared at Helen.

"So you think this is funny do you, well you're coming with me." He folded his arms and gave Helen a smug smile.

Helens giggles stopped and she had a look of horror on her face.

"Oh no. No way." She blurted.

Before they could get into an all out argument Gabe raised his hands.

"Enough!" He shouted, making Abby jump.

"Will somebody please tell me what's going on? Abby and I would like to leave soon, so I would appreciate an answer."

"I'll tell you what's happened. Mary has been meddling again." Pod growled out.

"She's only been on the phone to our Ma."

 "Ah." Was all Gabe said.

"Ah indeed." Pod replied.

Abby looked between Pod and Gabe. "I have no idea what you two are talking about."

Gabe put an arm round Abbys' waist and drew her close.

"Our Ma, is our Irish friends term for mother."

"Ok, so Mary has been talking to Pods mother. So what?" She shrugged.

"So what?" Pod rubbed the back of his neck and blew out a breath.

"She's only gone and told her a load of crap about Helen and me."

Abby was quiet for a second and then her eyes grew wide as the penny dropped.

"So what happened?"

"I got a call from our Ma summoning me home." Pod replied as he turned to Helen with a smug look on his face. "And you have to come with me."

Helen started to back away, a look of horror on her face.

"Hell no."

"Hell yes. I'm not facing her interrogation on my own."

Gabe and Abby looked on in amusement as Pod moved towards Helen, who was still backing away.

"I didn't sign up for this." Helen whined.

"Well you can thank Mary when she gets back. But in the meantime, you need to pack as it looks like we're spending the weekend in Ireland."

Gabe could see that Abby was on the verge of cracking up and he knew if she started laughing he wouldn't be far behind.

"Speaking of packing, we need to finish ours. Have a nice weekend in Ireland you two." His voice broke a little as he tried to stifle a laugh. So he grabbed Abbys' hand and pulled her out of the lounge. They raced up the stairs and into their bedroom. Gabe shut the door and they both dissolved into fits of laughter at their friends expense.

The drive up to London was uneventful and passed fairly quickly as Gabe and Abby discussed their friends predicament. They arrived at Gabes apartment just after 11pm on the Thursday night and went to bed shortly afterwards.

The next morning they discussed their plans for the day over breakfast.

"So, what do you want to do after we've been to the hospital?" Gabe asked, as he put their breakfast plates in the dishwasher.

"I want to visit some fabric suppliers, but if there's anything you need to do, you don't have to come with me."

"I was planning on seeing Joe to sort some paperwork out, but I don't mind coming with you."

"No it's ok, you'll only get bored. How about we meet up later in the city? It's been ages since I've shopped in London, it would be great to have a look around."

Gabe was quiet for a moment and Abby was worried he wouldn't agree to her going off on her own.

"I know what you're thinking, but I'll be fine."

Gabe blew out a breath. "If you're sure, but promise me you'll call me if anything happens."

"What's going to happen? I'm just going shopping."

"You could get papped, you know how relentless the press can be."

"I don't think anyone will notice me on my own, I'll just blend in with the crowds." She walked over and gave him a hug.

"Perhaps, but promise me you'll call if you need me."

She slid her hands up his chest and around his neck. "Stop worrying, I'll be fine." She grinned, as she pulled him in for a kiss.

"What's up Doc?" Abby used her old greeting for Dr Powell as he walked into the waiting room.

"Abby, how's my favourite patient?" He asked, as he gave her a hug.

"I'm great. Never felt better." She replied, as he stepped back to take a good look at her.

"So it seems." He smiled and turned to Gabe.

"It looks like you've been taking good care of her."

Gabe stepped forward and shook his hand. "I'm trying doc, but it will be good to get that confirmed today."

"Let's go into my office and we can discuss where we are."

They followed him into the private room and sat down in front of his messy desk.

"Still struggling with paperwork I see." Abby joked.

"The bane of my life, as always." He grumbled as he sat down.

"Now, you've already had blood taken and I should get those results back later today. Before we do an ultra sound I just want to check a few things. I want the truth Abby, and Gabe I expect you to speak up if you have any concerns."

They both nodded their agreement, so he looked down at his notes then back up to Abby.

"How's your appetite. Eating well I hope?"

"You don't have to worry about that, Mary is keeping me well fed. In fact I'm not sure whether my expanding waistline, is down to the baby or all the food I've consumed." Abby joked.

"That's good. It certainly won't hurt for you to put on a few pounds. Any nausea or vomiting?"

"Nope, I think my body has decided I had enough of that when you were pumping all those chemicals into me."

"Yes, well hopefully that's all in the past. But there are no certainties with this disease."

Gabe shifted in his chair and took Abbys' hand in his.

"Is there any chance that the pregnancy could trigger its return?" Gabe asked as he squeezed her hand gently.

Dr Powell steepled his fingers together and held them against his chin before he spoke.

"I'll be blunt with you both. There is always a possibility that it will and as you know I wasn't happy about the pregnancy. Abby has been through a lot and I was worried that it would put too much strain on her body." Gabe opened his mouth to speak but the doctor continued before he could say anything.

"However, she has surprised me with her progress and at this moment in time, if the tests come back clear. I would say she has a pretty good chance of carrying the baby to term without any major problems."

Abby felt Gabes hand relax in hers and all she could do was give him and the doctor a broad grin.

"Right, I'm guessing you'd both like to have a look at this baby?" He asked, as he stood up and walked towards a piece of equipment in the corner of the room.

"Let's get you up on the bed and undo your jeans so that I can take a look at your tummy." He spoke with his back to them as he fiddled with the machine.

Abby stood up and walked to the examination bed, closely followed by Gabe.

Once she was settled, the doctor picked up a bottle of gel.

"This will be a bit cold I'm afraid." He warned, before squirting the thick gel onto her exposed stomach.

Gabe sat beside the bed holding her hand as the doctor ran the ultra sound scanner over her stomach. They both held their breath as he manipulated it, watching the screen in front of him intently as he tried to get a clear picture of the baby.

Suddenly, the grey and black swirls on the screen started to form a clear picture. Gabe and Abbys' eyes widened in awe as they saw their baby for the first time. There was this tiny, perfectly formed human being that they had created.

Dr Powell pressed a few buttons on the machine as he moved the scanner around. He held it still again and looked back at them.

"Let's hear your baby's heartbeat shall we?"

They both nodded their heads, still unable to speak as they stared at the screen.

After pressing another button, the unmistakable sound of a heartbeat came over the speaker.

Gabe looked over at Abby as she continued to stare at the screen, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"Hey baby, don't cry."

She sniffed and looked back at him. "I'm not, I'm just overwhelmed. I never thought I would see this, ever." Pulling him in so that she could brush his lips with hers, she didn't miss the fact that his eyes looked a little watery too.

"Thank you." She whispered.

Gabe used his thumb to wipe away a stray tear.

"No. Thank you." He gave her a soft smile.

They were interrupted by Dr Powell clearing his throat.

Gabe pulled back and took a shaky breath.

"Yes, well everything looks fine. The baby is within acceptable limits for ten weeks and the heart sounds strong. You'll probably want this." He smiled as he handed over a photo of the baby.

Abby just smiled as she took the photo, noticing that Gabe had a grin so wide she thought he might split his face.

After the doctor wiped the gel from Abbys' stomach, he went back over to his desk and rifled through some papers.

"I'm going to refer you to an obstetrician at Exeter hospital, it's a lot closer to where you live and will save you travelling up here all the time. As much as I enjoy seeing you, babies aren't really my field of expertise."

He handed a business card over to Gabe, who studied the details before slipping it into his jacket pocket.

He gave Abby another hug, then shook Gabes hand.

"I'll give you a call later about the blood tests and from now on I'll get Helen to send regular samples up here."

"I'm going to miss you doc." Abby said, before her eyes lit up.

"Oh yes, there's something we need to ask you."

Dr Powell looked puzzled at her statement.

Abby took hold of Gabes hand before she spoke.

"We're hoping to get married on Christmas Eve at our house, please say you'll come."

For once, the doctor appeared to be speechless.

"You can bring your family, there's plenty of room for you all." She added hastily.

"I'd be honoured Abby and I'm sure my wife will be overjoyed. Thank you for inviting me."

Abby bounced on her toes and clapped her hands.

"Wonderful. I'll send you an official invitation as soon as we get them sorted."

Dr Powell looked at his watch and frowned.

"Now scoot you two, I have rounds to make." He joked.

Gabe grabbed Abbys' hand and started for the door. "Come on, before he changes his mind."

Dr Powell smiled as he watched the happy couple leave his office.

Abby couldn't stop looking at the ultra sound photo as they walked back to Gabes Range Rover.

Gabe unlocked the doors with his key fob and held the passenger door open for Abby.

"Where's this fabric shop you want to go to? I can drop you off on the way to see Joe."

"It's in Berwick Street. Do you know it?"

Gabe laughed. "Yeah, it runs parallel to Wardour Street, which is where I'm going."

He shut Abbys' door and walked round the front of the car to the drivers door. Settling into his seat Gabe put his key in the ignition and the engine roared into life.

"How long do you think you'll be?" He asked, as he maneuvered the large vehicle out of its parking space.

"Probably a couple of hours at least."

"Do you want me to come to you when I've finished with Joe?" He drove out of the car park and filtered into the midday traffic.

"I have a better idea as you'll only get bored if I'm not finished. How about we meet at the Old Coffee House in Beak Street at five?"

"Sounds like a plan." He glanced over and smiled at her before turning his attention back to the crowded street.

Half an hour later, Gabe dropped Abby off outside the Berwick Street Cloth shop.

"Call me if you need me." He said before kissing her goodbye.

"Of course I will, but stop fussing, I'll be fine." She blew him a kiss as she stepped onto the pavement.

After Gabe had driven off, she turned and made her way into the shop.

To Abby, it was like walking into her idea of heaven. She gazed longingly at the shelves full of rolls of beautiful fabrics. Pulling her design notes out of her shoulder bag, she set to work seeking out all the fabrics she would need to bring them to life.

After hours of searching out just the right fabrics and negotiating prices, Abby checked her watch. She had been so engrossed in what she was doing, she was sure she was going to be late to meet Gabe. Much to her surprise, it was only four fifteen, but as she had worked up a thirst and her stomach was growling. She decided to make her way to Beak Street.

After ordering a soft drink and a baguette, she found a cosy corner to sit in and people watch.

Once she had finished eating, she pulled out some of the small fabric samples she had acquired and started making notes about them. She was so engrossed in her work that she jumped slightly when a hand brushed her shoulder. Looking up with a grin, expecting to see Gabe, her mouth fell open when she recognised the man standing in front of her.

"Hello Abby, I thought it was you."

She was so shocked that she just stared open mouthed him.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" He asked, in his all too familiar dry tone.

Abby shook her head in an attempt to clear her head of all the thoughts swirling around it.


"Ah, she speaks." He responded, as he sat opposite her at the table.

Abby studied her ex-boyfriend as he leaned his elbow on the table and stared back.

He hadn't changed much, his dark hair perhaps a bit shorter than it had been. His face was perhaps a little fuller than before, probably from too many executive lunches, she thought. He was wearing one of his designer suits, the top button of his white shirt undone with the tie loosened. He had obviously just finished work for the day. She could kick herself for forgetting that she was sitting in one of his favourite haunts. He took a sip of his beer and smiled at her as he placed the glass back on the table. She noticed a few additional fine lines around his slate grey eyes that hadn't been there the last time she saw him. She gave an involuntary shudder when she remembered that last time. When he told her he couldn't be with her, that he couldn't deal with her illness.

His parting words as he left her hospital room. There's no room in my life for this Abby.


"You're looking well." His eyes looked her over as he said it.

She was still struggling to think of anything to say to him. What do you say to the person you gave your heart to. The person who shattered it into a million pieces, when he left you fighting for your life in a hospital bed.

"I gather you've become a bit of a celebrity since I last saw you. How did you manage to snag a high profile rock star? Bit of a step up for you isn't it?" His hands clenched as he spoke, his knuckles turning white.

"What do you mean?" She finally found her voice, albeit rather a shaky one.

"Oh come on Abby, I took a chance on you even though you didn't really fit easily into my life. You couldn't cook. You were always late for our dinner parties, chasing some stupid dream at that magazine. If you couldn't deal with my life as an executive. How on earth do you fit into the jet set lifestyle? Oh but wait a minute." He tapped his bottom lip with one finger as he appeared to be thinking. "Poor sick Abby, what a great way to clean up a rock stars grubby past. I bet his publicists are loving this. So how much is he paying you for this little act hmm?"

Abbys' eyes widened in disbelief. How could she have ever thought she loved this bitter man? That she could have spent the rest of her life with him. Realisation hit her like a punch to the stomach. He never really loved her, and her illness was the ideal opportunity to bail on the relationship.

"I want you to leave." She spoke through gritted teeth, her fists balled tight in anger.

"But I haven't finished my pint yet and catching up is such fun." He replied, his tone acidic.

"The lady asked you to leave." A shadow fell over the table as Abby looked up to see Gabe standing beside Adam. The muscles in his jaw twitching with pent up anger.

Abby had no idea how long he had been there or how much he had heard. She guessed by the way his eyes bored into Adams that it was enough.

Adam turned to look up at Gabe, the grin on his face belying the tension in his body.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

Gabe shifted slightly, his stance giving the aura of a wild animal ready to pounce.

"No, but I know enough about you to say with certainty that your presence isn't welcome here."

Adam picked up his pint and stood up slowly to face Gabe. He was a little shorter, but gave the appearance of not being intimidated by that fact.

"Such a shame, Abby and I were just catching up." He lifted his wrist to look at his watch.

"Well this has been fun, but I'm meeting my fiancé in fifteen minutes. So I'll leave you to my sloppy seconds."

Abby winced at his words and looked up at Gabe, her eyes begging him not to start something. As much as she would love to see him punch the smug look off of Adams face. She didn't want Gabe to get into trouble for starting a fight.

The two men faced each other in a stand-off. Abby noticed a few of the customers watching them warily.

Finally Gabe spoke. "As much as I'd like to punch your lights out right now. I would never do anything to hurt the woman I love. The fact that she is carrying my baby makes it even more important that I put her needs first."

Adam glanced over at Abby in shock at Gabes words. Before he could say anything, Gabe reached down and took Abbys' left hand in his. As he helped her out of her seat, he held it in such a way that Adam got a good look at the engagement ring on her finger.

Without another word, they left the pub. Gabe steered Abby to where he had parked his Range Rover. The silence was killing her but she had no idea what to say to him.

She could tell by the way he squealed the tyres as he pulled away that he was still pissed. Glancing over she could see his jaw working overtime as he held in his anger.

By the time they had parked at his apartment you could cut the air with a knife.

Gabe switched off the engine and turned to face Abby, his green eyes blazing with fury.

"I'm going to ask you one thing and then I want to forget about that piece of shit."

She just nodded her head.

"Did you arrange to meet him today?" He ground out.

"What? No. Of course I didn't, why on earth would you think that?" Now she was getting angry.

Gabe visibly relaxed at her words, he rubbed his face with is hands before he spoke again.

"How could you have ever loved that guy?"

"I have no idea. Call it temporary insanity." She replied, as she leant over and nuzzled his ear.

"Are you ok?" He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug.

"I am now." She snuggled into his body as they sat in silence for a few minutes.

When Gabe made a move to get out of the car, Abby spoke.



"Thank you for not hitting him." She noticed his frown and carried on quickly. "Not because I didn't want you to, but we could do without the shit that would come with it."

His face relaxed and he smiled at her.

"I can't promise you that if I come across him in a dark alley I will be able to hold back."

"I'll hold your jacket." She gave him a cheeky grin and he burst out laughing.

"You never cease to amaze me."

Keep voting and commenting, I love getting your feedback.

Oh and thank you all for putting me back on the what's hot list.

More coming soon.

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