A Night to Remember

By aria_34

135K 1.6K 404

Hermione shares a heated night with Draco Malfoy after seeing Ron snog another woman. What she didn't know, i... More

A Night We Will Regret
Head Girl
Another Day, Another Secret
Unfortunate Interactions
New Friends
Shopping Trip
Party Prep
Makeup and Cheers
Body Say
The Aftermath
Oh Ronald...
Life Updates
A Long Night
A Long Week
Apologies & Invitations
Weekend Fun
Taken Pt 2
What's Going On?
A Beating
A Somewhat Succesful Execution
Out of Danger
Back to Normal
New Years Kiss

Rescue Mission

1.5K 28 2
By aria_34

Draco's POV

We apparated to the Malfoy lands. We were out of reach of the wards, so no one would be alerted. The area where the manor was supposed to be, looked just as I left it. Burnt remains of what was once my home.

"It has to be a glamour charm," Harry said from my left.

"It's the only thing that makes sense." I agreed. How did he pull that off though? "Right, if the manor really is there, the wards won't let anyone not of Malfoy blood in unless invited. Knowing my father, he has adjusted that."

"I'll test it," Blaise said from my right. "I have a permanent invite into the manor, so if it doesn't work for me, he's tampered with it." I nodded at him and he began walking up to the gates. The gates were still standing despite what I had thought I did to the rest of the manor. I did leave the gates open though, so luckily we don't have to mess with those. Blaise was a few steps away from the gate, when an invisible force threw him back. He landed a few feet from the gate. I ran up to him with the Weasley clan following close behind.

"Are you okay mate?" I asked as he winced.

"Bloody amazing," he huffed standing back up. Molly began inspecting him like a mother usually does.

"Okay so, invites not a thing anymore," I sighed. I walked up to the gate myself and stepped through without a problem. I raise my wand and try my hand at taking down the wards. This has never been this hard. My wand burns in my hand as I wave it in intricate patterns. I begin to feel lightheaded.

"Draco!" I hear Molly yell from the other side of the gate, but it sounds muddled. Distant. Suddenly a snap is heard and I fall to my knees. When an hand grabs my arm, I look to see Blaise next to me. Arthur has squatted down in front of me with a handkerchief in his hand.

"Your nose is bleeding son," he says. I notice the warm trail of liquid on my upper lip now. I take the handkerchief with a quiet thanks and wipe it away.

"He must've done something major to the wards," Harry said from opposite of Blaise. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I answer meekly. That's a complete lie. My body feels as if a hundred hippogriffs trampled me. My wand hand stings from the heavy dark magic I just undid. "Let's go. He knows we are here by now." I stand swaying and Harry and Blaise hold me steady. Once I feel stable, I nod to them. I lead the small army to the doors of the manor. Time to face my father.

I walk to where the doors usually stand. I don't have the strength to mess with his glamour charm, so I hope this works. I reach my hand out where I know the handles are situated. I wrap my hand around what looks like nothing, and open the door. I step into the foyer of the manor and sigh. So it didn't burn to the ground.

"Hello Draco." I tense at the sound of my fathers voice. It's like my nightmare is coming true. I raise my head to the balcony of the stairs and see a broken version of my father. If I wouldn't face Azkaban, I'd kill him right now.

"Lucius," I reply as the Weasleys, Blaise, and Harry flank me.

"You will address me as father, I am your father after all."

"Not anymore." I send a spell flying toward him, but he dodges it. "Find them!" I yell as my father and I begin to duel. I see the group break off in many different directions.

Hermiones POV:

I hear what sounds like fighting. Did they get my message? Godric I hope that's Draco.

"Hermione what's going on?" Ginny asks from where her head lays in my lap. Her fever had gotten worse. She was sickly pale and I hated that I couldn't help her.

"I'm not sure Gin," I whisper running my finger through her hair.

"Hermione!" I look up at the sound of my name.

"That was Ron!" Ginny exclaims. I stand and run to the door. I bang against it hard.

"Ron! Ron we're in here!" I scream. Narcissa started to bang against the door with me. The handle starts to jiggle.

"Hermione! We are here! We are all here!" I feel tears forming in my eyes. Thank Godric. "Stand back! I have to blow the door down!" I follow Ron's orders and go to Ginny. I cover a majority of her body with mine, my back facing the door. "Bombarda!" The door blows into many pieces. I turn and see Ron smiling. After everything that's happened between us, I didn't think I'd ever be this happy to see him.

"Ron!" I run and hug him hard. He wraps his arms around me.

"Mione, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry," he says.

"It's okay. It's all going to be okay now!" He suddenly let's go of me and runs behind me.

"Gin? Gin what's wrong?" He starts to panic.

"They broke my leg Ron," she says sadly. "We have to get out of here." He nods and turns back to me.

"I'll apparate with her to St Mungos. Take my wand." He hands me his wand and I grab it. "Tell Mum and Dad where we went. Malfoy and the rest are here." When he turns back to pick up Ginny I grab his shoulder.

"Take Narcissa with you. She needs medical attention as well." He nods and picks up his sister, carrying her bridal style. Narcissa grabs his shoulder and smiles at me.

"Kick his ass Hermione," she says before they apparate. I take a moment to take in the fact that Narcissa just told me to kick her husbands ass. Not a second later, I'm bolting out of the dungeon and straight into the fire. It doesn't take long for me to find Draco and his father in a heated duel. Draco looks hurt and weak. He's holding his shoulder as he throws hexes. He must've been hit with something. Lucius is throwing unforgivables at his son and Draco is using all his strength throwing up protegos. Lucius hasn't seen me yet, I use this to my advantage.

"Stupefy!" I aim Ron's wand at Lucius hitting him right on. He flies to the other wall, slamming with a hard thud. Draco binds his father and turns to me.

"Mia..." he runs straight for me and I jump into his arms.

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