Rocky and Bullwinkle: Fluffy...

By MixelFanGirl100

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After a Failed Reunion Party. The villainous C. Rabbit came across to conquer Frostbite Falls. now Rocky and... More

Prologue- The Tv's First Star
Chapter 1- The start
Chapter 2- Reunion Party
Chapter 3- The Arrival of C. Rabbit
Chapter 4- What happened to Aesop's Son?
Chapter 5- Meeting up the S.H.H
Chapter 6- C. Rabbit's Plan
Chapter 7- Warner-ing
Chapter 8- Bar
Chapter 9- Hidden Passage
Chapter 10- The ink is Taken
Chapter 11- Weapon Warners
Chapter 12- The Smoking Chicken
Chapter 13- Sivar Meets Sherman
Chapter 14- Meeting go Wrong
Chapter 15- Fall of a Hero
Chapter 16- I need you
Chapter 18- The Ink Master
Chapter 19- Resurrect
Chapter 20- New Changes, New Cessation
Epilogue- Adventure Never Dies

Chapter 17- Heroes Against the Rabbit

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By MixelFanGirl100

In of the damage former reunion party, Rocky, Bullwinkle, Sivar, Yakko and Wakko are standing where C. Rabbit's Sky ship located in the sky.

"Hey Robots!" Wakko call out "We give up! Give us our surrounding, now!".

He pulls out a used sandwich and throw at one of the robots.

Robots appear to them quickly. They aimed their laser gun. All six of them putting their hands up for surrender.

"Please... we just want your attention." Yakko claimed.

"Yes. We are done of hiding. Take us!" Sivar said.

All of 6 robots take them and flying to the sky ship along with them. The main big open itself for the robots in. The door closes and suddenly, Whack!

Everyone are smashing the robots in pieces as they started to turn off in destruction.

After attacking the robots, they get up as they clean themselves up.

"Okay, Here's the plan." Sivar announces "we'll split up, You four will find the others, I'll find my mom.".

As they all agreed, sivar left on other side while the others stay to think of something.

"I hope we will find dot." Yakko said "we're worried about her.".

Yakko and wakko walk the main hall. Rocky and Bullwinkle talked before they go.

"Bullwinkle, i just wanna say... thank you for... everything.".

Bullwinkle smiled

"It's a good thing that we are not gonna leave everyone behind.".

They walk in confidence.

"Now, Let's go save our family.".
As they arrive in the main hallway, it was nothing.

In C. Rabbit's room while looking at the security recording.

"So... Rocky and bullwinkle are here already?" He laughed evilly.

Rags on the other hand notice the recording that he saw. He sees rocky and bullwinkle that makes him smile relief.

"So rags, you're up to something. What can we do?".

"Oh...uh, maybe do the plan you work from previously.".

"Indeed, My rags.".

C. Rabbit pushes a button to make an alarm for the main hallway. The door on each sides opens itself reveal 3 bodily armies. Turns out it was 3 toons in armies in control. It was Hoppity Hopper, Uncle Waldo, and Fillmore.

Rocky and Bullwinkle were shocked. They didn't know all three of them were being in controlled. They also forgot about The trio.

"Hoppity Hooper, Fillmore, and Uncle Waldo?" Rocky said in shocked as his pupils were shrink "What happen to Them?".

"We forgot about them." Bullwinkle gulped.

While they were stunned. Suddenly, a pull-out tv from the roof appears and it was static at first but then changed fixed. The screen appears shown C. Rabbit.

"Crusader Rabbit." The Duo said when they saw the villainous rabbit.

"Ahh, Finally you discover my name, huh?" He said "WELL LEARN IT, FUCKERS!".

The Tv started to move around where the trio stand as C. Rabbit Continued.

"It seems you both forgot about these guys. it's true they haven't been star enough since you both lost your old cartoon. Look at them, Simple, Cheap, and Straightforward Bullshit!".

"Hey! Keep your dirty swearing mouth to yourself and release them now!" Rocky demanded.


C. Rabbit laughed.

"You see that Little boy ran off too? That's where he left. he'll die soon.".

They were surprised.

Rocky goes a yikes expression "We gonna get him!".

"Ehhh, Don't Worry." Yakko said "Sivar got this. He's a strongest kid.".

"ENOUGH!" C. Rabbit interrupted "ATTACK!".

The Trio's Helmet vision being to glow in orange. causes them follow orders while in control. Hoppity Hopper grows a grin in his face.

"Right away, Leader." He said in a robotic voice.

The frog himself, Uncle Waldo, and Fillmore begin to charge at them to attack.

Rocky and Bullwinkle along with their kids are ready to fight as they charge.

In the other side to the hallways, Sivar looks around to find his mom.

After moments of searching, he notice jails cells are locked fill of toons, all of the jay ward toons. The Bars are made out of magma out of C. Rabbit's power. Has he look of all of the prison toons, he notice his mom was there too, Looking upset.

"Mom!" He cried out.

Peachfuzz was surprised to hear that voice. She sees her son rushes to her.

"How did-" She spoked.

"No time!" Sivar interrupted "I'm gonna get you out.".

Sivar begin to reveal his power, his human strength that he got from his dad. He punch the code box and hit it hard as he can. The bars begin to disappear from the damage code box. Peachfuzz was free at the time and she comes to embrace Sivar.

As Peachfuzz felt happy while they're reunited, she notice sivar was crying.


"Mom, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to know the truth. But you keep shutting me out. All i evet wanted to know... and... i work too hard to be like you... I'm not perfect.".

Hear Sivar makes peachfuzz feeling guilt. He look at her son so sadly.

She sighed.

"Sivar... You don't have to pushing yourself to be perfect. You're perfect that way you already are. Don't do this to hurt your confidents to follow in your dreams.".

Sivar look at his mom, still has tears.

"Listen to me." She said putting her hand in sivar's head "I did... things that I'm not suppose to do. But i did otherwise. All i want is to someone to get out of my way so they think they'll better off without me. Some people say I'm paranoid.".

"That's because you are paranoid!" Dudley call out while in the prison cell.

Hear it makes Peachfuzz angry and she looks at him quickly.

"Did your Ex-girlfriend tell you to keep your mouth shut to yourself?".

That cause all of the toons look at dudley after they hear Peachfuzz's insult to Dudley's stubborn. They chuckled of it.

She look at her son again as she continued.

"I thought I'll keep disappear along sticking with problems, till I saw Rocky and Bullwinkle again, they changed and so does everyone and so does I. And my powers are nothing but cause of trouble and i know you are afraid of my powers... But this is how we toons use their powers for. But you are kid and you got a lot things that kids can do things even you can changed too.".

Sivar wipe off the tears and smiles.

"I'll help you to feel better... i promise." He respond.

They both smile and they both hug. Which cause all of the toons cried of the scene.

"Now, Let's free everyone and get out of here." Sivar said.

"It's no choice." Sherman said in the cell "you see... Mr. Peabody has been...".

Suddenly, They hear a door shut far behind them. it was occupied and locked. it was cause by Mr. Peabody (But in Controlled armor too.)

He was Growling. he pull out a small knife. the knife was bright, Made out of Magma.

they're back away from him.

"Yeah... He's in control now." Sherman Claimed "But you better freed him! Please!".

Sivar and Peachfuzz gets up as they gets back from the Controlled!Peabody. Sivar begins to pumped up to right for fight.

"I got this mom!" he said.

Peachfuzz was surprised, she begin to push sivar out of the way.

"no... I'll handle him. You need to stay away."

Sivar open his eyes in shocked.

"WHAT?! NO! I-I don't want you to-".

"Sivar, Please... I'm not gonna hurt him. I'm getting my old friend back. and please... cover your ears.".

Sivar does what his mother told. he went all the back to get away from the fight and begin to cover his ears. Even closing his eyes.

Peachfuzz is ready to fight and so does the controlling Peabody. His Fingernails appears in her fingers of black nail claws. The fight begins.

Peachfuzz aimed for a punch while peabody kicks her in the stomach causes her to fall.

"Well... you're tough as i imagine." She said.

She gets up and begin her using some karate moves but cut short from peabody's movements. They fight and fight will Peabody almost slice peachfuzz when he actually slices her off shoulder top. Her top has been torn out.

Mr. Peabody stod there if she ready to fight again.

Peachfuzz was pissed.

"Fine! Is that how you wanna play it?" She begin to grab her torn top and tear it apart to remove. Reveal her black top with a cut out front.

She unleased her electric power.

"Then, Let's play!".

They both charged at each other to continued to fight.


Meanwhile, Rocky and bullwinkle and their kids keep being the controlled trio.

"Ugh! They're too tough." Rocky said got caught by Uncle Waldo.

"More than i though." Bullwinkle claimed while getting choked by Hoppity Hopper.

Yakko and wakko use their weapons to attack the trio to get away from their dads.

The trio gets up and waiting to continued to fight.

Rocky, Bullwinkle and the others are panting from all the fight stress they got. Sweating.

"So now are we gonna do?" Bullwinkle asked "We can't handle this strong fight.".

As they tried to think. Rocky notice the orange light from the trio's helmet wears.

He realized.

"Guys! I have an idea!".

They all putting their heads together for a huddle as rocky explain the plan for them. As they return to read for another fight, they charge to them. Bullwinkle uses his antlers to tackle them to the ground. Yakko unleashes his yoyo and tie them up. Wakko tackle them to make sure they're not getting up again. And finally, Rocky hits the trios helmet screen to break it.

Uncle Waldo, Fillmore, and Hoppity Hopper got bright veins under their eyes from the controlled situation army they became. The veins begin to go away as they all woke up. As they notice Rocky and Bullwinkle rescue them. They surprised to see them again.

They all hug in reunion.

"Thank god, you are ok." Bullwinkle said.

"Have you seen our daughter?" Rocky asked.

Hoppity Hooper shake his head of disagree.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Squirrel." He replied "We've been in the armors for much as long as we remember.".

Bullwinkle begin to worried about Dot. He grab his chest again but feeling shaky and panicking.

"Bullwinkle, are you ok?" Rocky asked feeling worried.

"I'm worried about dot." Bullwinkle claimed "she could be anywhere right now. I hope Sivar might find her.".

Rocky hugs bullwinkle to comfort.


Meanwhile, Peabody and Peachfuzz are still fighting. Peachfuzz can't handle the fight much longer as she could. Marks are on her and her nose and mouth begin to bleed in blood and ink blood.

As She grab him by the neck, Peabody use the Magma knife to cut her arm to letting him go. didn't burn at all but it hurts to peachfuzz as she fell down. out of nowhere, Peabody tackles Her to the wall causes her to be defeat and it the wall made cracks.

Sivar feels a silence as he peek his eyes open and uncover his ears. he was shocked to see his mom defeated. he rushes him to get her up, Suddenly, She spoked while she stills hurt.


This makes sivar back off the way.

"They... did this... to him."

Her hands started to clutch hard, suddenly her opens begin to open but strangely, her eyes were glowing purple. Her powers are too. But powers begin to grow and changed. The electric sparks change to techno symbols on her. And the veins grow on her arm much longer.

Peabody rushes to her to attack. Peachfuzz unleashes her power. Her power attacks to the screen part of the helmet. She does not know what is happening. The helmet screen begin to grow cracks. Peachfuzz can't handle all of the techno blast grow a bit stronger. the screen on the helmet finally cracks. as Peabody has been defeated. Peachfuzz's Powers begin to faded away as she finally revive of the powers she used. First, She didn't know what was that. She sees the Defeated Mr. Peabody on the ground.

She rushes to him making sure is he's okay.

"Mr. Peabody?" Sherman call out worried while in cells.

Mr. Peabody finally open his eyes. He finally his old self again. His head was spiny from the controlling army. he look up who saves him, He spotted Peachfuzz look at him in worried.

"Director Peachfuzz?!" He stunned.

Peachfuzz was happy to see her old friend ok. she started happy tears and laugh happily.

"MR.PEABODY!" Sherman cried in joy.

As they get up, Peachfuzz felt apologetic.

"Peabody... I'm sorry that i hurt you... and everything. I just wanted you to understand that... i changed."

Peabody slightly smiles.

"And... I'm sorry for fixing the Magic... goop filled... pencil and whatever.".

Peachfuzz smiles. She pull out her hand for a handshake.

"So... Let's make a promise we're gonna hurt each other again and focus on to dealt our problems, Truce?".

Peabody chuckled slightly and he agreed and accepted the handshake.


Their forgiveness makes Sivar smiles and proud of them. he felt understand what his mom told him.

"now, let's get out of here and stop C. Rabbit!" Peabody said "First, Let's get everyone free.".

They all went to the cells were all of the toons trapped. Peachfuzz look at her both hands from all of this "New Power" she got and decided to try again.

She submit her new techno ability and able to connect the code boxes making to unlock the cells to make everyone freed. As everyone are in it together to get out. Peachfuzz hacked the other code box by using her power again to let the door open. But not so lucky, All of the Robot Armies are coming to stop everyone. they all shocked while Sivar felt confident as ready to fight.

"Should we all take this off-guard, Mom?" He said Mischievous.

Peachfuzz to begin agreed to her son and she felt confident and so does everyone.

"Let's take those robots Down!"


"HE WHAT?!" Bullwinkle Screamed.

"He said They're gonna control all toons... or kill them. to gonna take over our world!" Uncle Waldo admits everything.

"That means, Without us, We will never exist so nobody thinks we're NEVER exist!" Fillmore said in worried.

"Let's Stop C. Rabbit!" Rocky said.

"How?! The ink is now maybe in C. Rabbit's Lair and the Pencil? Should've been destroy in the first place." Bullwinkle worried.

"I Know, That goop causes too much power and evil since before our adventure retired." Rocky said.

"And now, Thanks to Peabody, it's fixed and it's gonna cause more chaos to our lives and our home!" Bullwinkle terrified.

"It's more powerful than just... 8 of us." Rocky said after counting.

There was a silent for their worriedness.

"Not without our help." A voice appears behind them.

It was Mr peabody who said it along with the toons who are safe in sound.

Rocky and bullwinkle are happy to see their friends again and safe.

"We were wrong about you, Rocky and Bulllwinkle." Henry said "i guess you were trying to see us again and not trying to make a fool of us.".

"Sometimes, we have been through such a hard time for... how we were hurt." Fred claimed "even change can be scary and had to get us too.".

Dudley sigh "and... You might be heroes.. but You wanted to help us to be save and show how you care. And... I-I'm sorry. We're sorry we made you feel bad.".

Everyone agreed to Dudley as they all apologized to Rocky and Bullwinkle.

Bullwinkle slightly smiles of how his friends had a change of heart. He wipe off the tears and felt confident.

"Now... Let's stop C. Rabbit!".


An explosive cause of distraction of C. Rabbit's lair door.

They all march to face C. Rabbit... or now fully called Crusader Rabbit.

C. Rabbit grin and turns around to see all of the Jay ward toons. Rags notice Rocky and Bullwinkle has arrive as he felt happy to see them again... but felt blaming himself for betraying them.

Bullwinkle faces to the crazy psycho rabbit.

"Your crazy genocide plans are over!".

C. Rabbit evilly chuckled.

"Oh Bullwinkle. Don't you know? Ruling this toon world is something i would get since Jay ward abandoned me over a Moose and Squirrel like you two!".

"You're Crazy!".

"YOU FUCKING THINK?! I use to be a perfect rabbit. A perfect first tv toon and nobody heard of me! The world is a fucking piece of shit place! And believe I know you all been through when it comes to a happy go lucky world.".

All of the toons think that Crusader rabbit gets a point. But Rocky ain't having any of this.

"You might be a first toon that Jay ward ever created you. Sometimes when they forgotten. Sometimes you gonna let go!".

C. Rabbit yawned in stubborn.

"What you said made me sleep. Sleeping away from your shitty inspiration speech.".

Peachfuzz march along with the duo.

"What's your plan for using the Pen and the Pencil?!".

"You wanna know?! Fine!"

C. Rabbit type something on his sci-fi keyboard and the screen shows the working progress of the loading. the plans on screen pops up.

"You see, With this pen, It's full of living existences that we all are exist!".

The Pen with the ink filled was attached in a tubed.

"And the Pencil... Well... It's from the Goop inside of it. It's full of ultra power!".

"Ultra Power?" Peachfuzz asked confused.

C. Rabbit continued.

"The Ultra power means that goop gives you some radioactive powers, use it will cause 24 hours death if you touch the goop.".

Rocky and Bullwinkle were shocked when they remember when they got the goop before.

They almost throw up from everything they learn what the goop is actually for and not gifting super powers for fun.

C. Rabbit roll his eyes from the duo's reaction.

"Combine with all of these powers... I'll be Unstoppable!".

"Oh, is that it?" Peachfuzz mocked as she submitting her techno powers.

"Oh... is that it?" C. Rabbit smirk "Don't you know? Your all gifted powers aren't gifted... THEY'RE ALL-".

"Cursed! I know." Bullwinkle interrupted.

Everyone was surprised of what bullwinkle just said.

"Yeah... You all heard me. You're all powers are cursed. Jay lied to us! He cursed you all because you all were not famous enough. What the point of getting cursed and having powers to keep? It's not make any sense. We're toons, Not superheroes! I see Peachfuzz got a new power and she... accepted?".

"But how?" Peachfuzz asked while looking at her powers.

"It seems she got a new power, not only it's the power of accepted but herself and change of heart of... her beta self." Mr. Peabody mentions.

Peachfuzz was surprised.

"Good gravy." She swear "Beta knows i learn my lesson.".

Rocky sighed.

"Well.. it's stupid to get a cursed for no reason. But hey, we can fight without hurting ourselves with it.".

They all agreed as they continued to be prepared.

"THAT WAS SO SUCKS!" C. Rabbit shouted.

Rocky is frustrated about it.

"That does it! ATTACK!".

C. Rabbit Snaps his fingers to submit his all 30 Robot Armies. It started off like a war. All of the toon uses their abilities and/or techniques stopping the robots. Aesop uses his plant defense power that stop a robot and made it tighter.

"That was for my son!".

Mr. Peabody using his paper ability making the paper into origami swans dangerously, Protecting Sherman while attacking the robot. Dudley has some wood abilities creating a wooden bat destroy 2 robots was gonna blast him. Fred and Henry was on their side by side, Henry uses his fire bestowal to strike the robots while Fred who shown no powers just using his punches that smash the robots. Hoppity Hooper jumps higher smashing on the robots heads. Fillmore slices the robots in half with his bear claws. Uncle Waldo tackles the robots and destroy them like a wolf he is. Sivar using his strength ability giving the robots a knuckled sandwich uppercut like his father had. Peachfuzz hacked all of some a few robots causing them to self destructive. Yakko and Wakko using their gifted weapons blast and hit the few robots were arming their lasers on. and of course, Rocky and Bullwinkle powers not as gifted as their friends but worth they made for as they help their friends from the robots if they struggle.

They finally stop the robots as they wait for C. Rabbit.

The Rabbit Growled.


Rocky and bullwinkle march up to the Rabbit. but as they were almost there, C. Rabbit whistle for calling another one... but it was not a robot at all.

The duo stops as they fall down for what they saw.

It was dot. She was in Controlled too. While holding a scythe made out of magma. she was defending the rabbit.

"Dot?!" Bullwinkle said horrified.

The Warner sibs were shocked seeing their sister gets lost in mind.

"Dot... Attack" C. Rabbit commanded.

The Controlled begin to rush to attack so quickly. Bullwinkle dodge from her moves while he was still worried about dot.

Dot kicks his adopted father to the ground far. She begin to getting close to him slowly.

"What are we gonna do? We can't hurt her!" Yakko said.

"Don't worry, I'll hack the helmet." Peachfuzz said as she refill her ability.

Suddenly, Bullwinkle had an idea. He gets up.

"No, I know a way." Bullwinkle said "I'll get her back.".

Rocky and Peachfuzz were shocked.

"Are you Crazy?!".

"She's gonna kill you!".

Bullwinkle gives them a serious stare.

"Killed or not... I'm getting my daughter back.".

Bullwinkle walks towards to the controlled dot.

Dot rushes up close to Bullwinkle. Everyone close their eyes, waiting what is happening of horror. Suddenly, Rocky peek his eyes open, he open fully till he sees Bullwinkle grab the scythe while dot was being stopped. Dot tried to fight back but bullwinkle was tough than he seen.

Somehow, Bullwinkle begin to sing.

"Hello, Little ones i see you.
Struggle and pain i see too.
But we'll face together
And heal forever"

Bullwinkle keeps singing til Dot's arms are getting weak and down.

"What's he doin?" Dudley asked confused.

Yakko and wakko noticed.

"He's... Singing Dot's song. Dad made that song for her whatever dot is upset or sad." Yakko said.

As Bullwinkle keeps singing, Dot suddenly started to cry from the helmet. She cried on the ground finally recognized. She started to sing along with her dad.

As they sing and sing. They both finished the song together. Bullwinkle notice the screen on dot's helmet started to flicking from Dot's tears. The light on the screen begin to black out. Bullwinkle remove the helmet from Dot. She finally notice her moose dad was here.

Dot hugs him.

"Dad-do... I'm sorry..." Dot said in tears "I wanted to help the reunion party to make us sing together and wanted to help you. You were sad... missing your friends, your family. I was mad cause you refused to sing with me.".

Bullwinkle felt guilty of it. He put this hand on his daughter face.

"The reason i refused to sing... cause i though i hurt our friends feelings. It's not your fault, Dot. It was me. I'm a bad father that i can't feel better about everything and always blame myself.".

Dot wipe off of his dad tears.

"Hey... it's more important that we're back together.".

Bullwinkle slightly smiles.

Dot smiles too and he tear up a bit.

They both hug and comfort.

"I promise... for real. That i'll sing with you for real.".

As while Dot and Bullwinkle hug of reunion. C. Rabbit Snaps.


C. Rabbit begin to press a button from his sci-fi keyboard. The floor on him standing turn into a elevator going down. Suddenly, a loud shake appears. Everyone felt it.

Till that, The Stairs sudden turn into double doors like. Giant footsteps begin to step loudly as the toons are jumped by the loud footsteps. It reveal a giant armor, a robot armor.

Seeing how big it is that made everyone shocked. The armor was fill the half of the pencil goop and the ink from the magic ink pen.

The armor remove the tubes out of it and finally stood up.

C. Rabbit was inside of the armor. He spoke inside of the robotic armor with a deep robotic voice.

"Hahahaha! What do you think?" The robotic armor asked "It's the Toon Slaughterer! I pick a perfect name for my armor.".

Everyone was not amused of that name.

"It sucks!" Bullwinkle call out.

"You look like a bootleg transformer!" Rocky call out as well.

The Toon Slaughterer was pissed.


His arm turn into a gun the filled of real lasers and blast to the broken damaged robots and explode.

Everyone was fearful and shocked.

The giant robot begin to blast everywhere while everyone tried to run away but they still can't give up on a fight. As they rush to fight him. They were interrupted by the armor's biggest stomp that echoes the shake making them all fall down.

All of the toons were felt defeated. As they look at the armor approach to them.


Suddenly, a drill sound has came to the ceiling begin to crack. And out of nowhere, a bottle of a science potion crash into the armor made of a small explosive.

Someone had jump landed safety to the ground.

It was Dr. Lesso. Along with her new invention, The Drill pack with 4 drills.

She was confident as she sees rocky and bullwinkle.

"Dr. Lesso?!" The duo shocked.

"Hey, boys! Did you miss me?" She asked happily.

C. Rabbit growled in frustration.

"Get out of here! You're not a member of jay ward toons.".

The mad sciencist chuckled.

"I'm a non-toon, you rabbit fuck!".

Her drills started as she jump to the armor by the knee with her drill. As the armor came to grab her, She stop him with the same potion smoke bomb.

She went to each body parts of the robotic armor by damages and keep smoke bombing the armor that C. Rabbit controlled. As the smoke keeps into him, Dr lesso call out to Rocky.

"Hey Squirrel!" She shouted "Help me tied this bastard so we can stop him!".

She throw a giant rope to rocky. Rocky grabbed the rope and did as told. As he keep putting the armor tie around, C. Rabbit, inside of the armor was pissed.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" He growled.

He begin to press a button that was in front of him. The armor's arm turn into a fired gun. It fire it seems like a jousting lance. Rocky was almost ready to tied up high. The jousting lance aimed where rocky is located. As it fired it launch, suddenly...


Rocky stops, he felt like something that stab him when he was trying to reached.

He was stabbed through the heart.
He saw the lance was impaled him.

The silence between him and everyone started to crumble. Dr. Lesso was shocked. Everyone else were horrified. Bullwinkle... was been heartbroken. He screamed in tears.

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