His librarian

By everlove2069

303K 4.9K 1.4K

Kahli Luca, 25, is the leader of the the most fearless gang in town. He only talks to his his close friends a... More

Getting to know me :)
Chapter 1💕
Chapter 2💕
Chapter 3💕
Chapter 4💕
Chapter 5💕
Chapter 6💕
Chapter 7 (part 2)💕
Chapter 8💕
Chapter 9💕
Chapter 10💕
Chapter 11💕
Chapter 12💕
Chapter 14💕
Chapter 15💕
Chapter 16💕
Chapter 17💕
Chapter 18💕
Chapter 19💕
Chapter 20💕
Chapter 21💕
Chapter 22💕
Chapter 23💕
Chapter 24💕
Chapter 25💕
Chapter 26💕
Chapter 27💕
Chapter 28💕
Chapter 29💕
Chapter 30 (last chapter..)💕

Chapter 13💕

9.1K 163 56
By everlove2069

Kahlis pov (surprise shorty!)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I smacked it successfully turning it off.

I lay in my king-size bed for a few more minutes before slowly sitting up. I groaned as I stretched out my sore shoulders.

I walked to the bathroom while thinking of the events of last night. I finally grew a pair and kissed her. I fucked up with the whole Sofi thing but I tried to fix it.

I had a race tonight with Derrick, one of my gang members that know how to race. I have been racing for nine years and I fucking love it.

The way the air gets filled with the smell of burning tires and the smell of gasoline. I race every week but this week is a little different.

Other gangs are going to be there and a few Mafia bosses are coming down as well. I never liked the idea of the whole Mafia thing. I rather sell drugs and guns as a gang than as a Mafia.

I use to just sell weed and coke but now I sell heroin and fentanyl and guns. I do a few deals with the Italian and American mafia sometimes, but that's about it.

My gang is known for not being merciful, but rather fearless and strong. I don't care if someone is male or female or even they/them. You piss me off I will kill you.

I handled my business and then brushed my teeth. I wanted to call her but I know that she is probably getting ready for school.

I usually don't show weakness but for her...it's an exception.

I spit out my toothbrush and left my bathroom. I heard my door creak and I grabbed the pistol that I keep by my bed.

I pointed at my door and suddenly it opened. I shot the person right over their head and I heard a girly scream.

"Fucking dumb ass!" I yelled at Tyler as he lifted up off the ground. I threw my gun on my bed and walked to my closet.

Tyler walked into my room like he owned the place and sat on the edge of my bed. I looked at him waiting for him to talk and he looked around like a kid in a principal's office.

He sighed and looked up at my ceiling. "Tyler I will put a bullet in you if you don't-" I was going to finish but he cut me off. "-they are back." That's all he said for me to feel my blood boil.

I grabbed black jeans and a simple black shirt with a black hoodie and walked out of my closet. "Where the hell are they?" I asked as I took my shirt off.

Tyler was typing on his phone and in a few seconds spoke up. "By a high school.." His voice trailed off and as he looked up the school's name.

I heard him inhale deeply while getting up from the bed. He walked into my closet and started grabbing guns. "Tyler what the fuck!" I yelled at him.

He turned around and threw me a gun that I easily caught. "They are at the girl's school." I tucked the gun into my jeans and grabbed a few beautiful knives.

I grabbed my phone as it started ringing. I looked down to see her contact name. I quickly answered it while running down the stairs.

Me: hello?

Athena: Kahli...there is a guy at my school asking for you.

Me: Is he by you?

Athena: Yeah Amirah is here as well.

Me: Okay. Stay there.

Athena: O-


The phone turned off making me panic. I turned to Tyler and saw him talking to a few of my men. "Follow behind us! Tyler let's go!" He nodded and ran behind me.

I ran to my Audi R8 and got in while Tyler got into his red Lamborghini.

As I was driving I was wondering if this was all just some trick. Do they know Athena's my weakness already? Maybe they are seeing if she is really my weakness or not if I show up.

With that thought, I pulled out my phone and called Tyler. After a few seconds, the ringing stopped and his voice came through the car.

Tyler: What is it?

Me: Remember who the fuck you are talking to for one and two turn around.

Tyler: What the fuck no!

Me: Tyler I will fucking kill that bitch Amirah and make you watch. Turn around.

Tyler: Okay.


I made a sharp u-turn and Tyler soon followed. I called Mason to send guards to look after her.

It was one hell of a risk but I need to make sure she is safe. Something deep inside me told me that I was doing the right thing but at the same time, I still had some doubts.

My phone buzzed and I looked down to see Athena's name across my screen. I pulled over and so did Tyler. I opened the text and sighed.

Athena: Hey, sorry to bother you but the guys left and said to let them know that they will see you tonight. I hope you are safe :)❤️

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back onto the seat. She is safe.

I started my car and started driving back to the base with Tyler following behind me.

I got out of the car and saw Tyler run over to me. "What the fuck?! Seriously dude, just leave our fucking girls out there with no fucking help?!" I have been way too soft with him.

I had to look down at him. Not the other way around. I balled my fist and pulled my elbow back and punched him right in the face.

He dropped to the ground and I stepped on his chest making him stay down as I spoke to him. "Learn your fucking place, friends or not I will fucking kill you." I lifted my foot and walked away.

I saw Sofi laying on the couch with only a bra and underwear on. "Put some fucking clothes on. This isn't your house it's your workplace." She shot up and looked at me with lust-filled eyes.

I am really not having a good day so when she looked at me and started slowly walking over to me I took out my gun and shot her leg.

She screamed and held her now bleeding leg. "Why the fuck would you do that?! What all because of some whore?!" When she spoke of Athena like that I lost all control I had.

I walked over to her and grabbed her neck in a tight grip, I pushed her up against the wall and her eyes were now filled with fear. I slowly put my hand on her thigh and felt around for the bullet wound.

I found it and pushed my fingers deep inside feeling the jelly-like substance. She screamed so loud and it made me push deeper.

I whispered in her ear as I kept my fingers in the wound. "Talk about her like that or even think of her like that and I will fucking end you." With that, I dropped her to the floor and left the room.

I think everyone is starting to think I'm soft now. Which is completely wrong. So now I'm going to make them train until they drop.

I called everyone to the training room and made them train. I called down the sick and hurt guards as well and made them train.

"Mason, and Frederick. In the pit." Everyone stopped training to watch the fight go down.

They stepped into the pin not caring to wrap up or anything. They circled around each other before Frederick made a sharp punch to Mason's stomach.

Mason held his stomach before quickly shaking it off and standing up. I walked away not caring how they ended it. "Sofi, and Roman. In the pit." I mentally smirked.

Roman was my best fighter and could take down anything or anyone you give him. He was 6'7 and 250 pounds, and Sofi was 5'6 and 110 pounds so this should be fun.

Sofi looked at me with wide eyes and I nodded to the pit. "Get in." She slowly got in and Roman bounced on his feet a bit.

I know that if Athena was here she would tell me to stop but she's not so oh well.

Sofi tried to find anywhere to swing and she slapped Roman across the face. You see Roman has anger issues so that was just fuel to his fire.

He grabbed her by the neck and threw her to the ground. She groaned and tried to get up. Roman threw his foot down on her ribs earning a crack.

I walked away once again not caring how it ends. I walked to the door and stopped when I saw Tyler in the corner punching a bag.

"EVERYONE STOP!" Everyone stopped and looked at me. "The next fight is me and Tyler." I have built up anger and I know me and Tyler can go a few rounds.

I know he is angry as well because he nodded his head and walked to the ring. I got in and threw off my shirt.

We circled around each other and I went first. I punched him in the stomach and then before he could move I punched him in the face.

He spit out some blood when he came up and scored a punch on my face making my head whip to the side.

We went back and forth for a while before we both started getting tired. "You...you just let them sit there!" Tyler yelled while spitting out more blood.

I spit out some blood as well and grabbed his face. "You really think I wouldn't have a fucking plan you moron?!" I brought his head down to my knee and smacked his head right on the tip of my knee making him fall back.

I stood over him and held out my hand. "Don't question me again, you are like a brother to me and I don't want to have to kill you." He took my hand and slowly got up.

I turned around and everyone was either working out or shooting targets. "Kahli I wasn't really questioning you I was just worried." I nodded my head as we left the ring.

"I think you broke my nose."

"You think?" He was holding his nose and I looked over to see that it was really badly broken.

I sighed and signaled for him to come closer once he was close enough I put one hand behind his head and the other on his nose. I quickly pulled it down making it snap into place.

He groaned and held his nose. "Ah, you fucking dick sucker mother fucking Jesus!" I smirked and walked to my room.

I showered and cleaned up the cuts on my face. I laid some ice packs on my face as I lay down. I usually just leave them but I know Athena would flip if she saw how many bruises I have.

I looked over at my clock and saw that it was 5 pm. I can't pick her up today because I have that race so I got up and texted her.

Me: Can't pick you up. Be safe and don't be stupid.

Athena: Okay. Be safe!🦋

I put my phone down and rested for a bit. Ever since I met Athena it's like I'm missing something every time I try to fall asleep.

Whenever she is on me or even just close to me I am instantly almost falling asleep. I don't know what she does but whatever it is. It works.

I got up after a few minutes and changed my clothes. I threw on some black cargo pants and a white tee. I grabbed my Air Jordan 1's which were black and white and walked out of my bedroom.

I saw Derrick downstairs with a black leather jacket and some black jeans on. He grabbed his helmet while I grabbed my keys.

I got into my red Corvette and looked over to see Derrick getting onto my Kawasaki Ninja H2 R. It was a very sexy bike with a clean body.

I am letting him borrow it for the race tonight because I want to win. But I already told him that if he gets one scratch on it I'm taking him to the basement.

I told Derrick to go in front of me while I did a detour. I slowed down as I saw her library. I saw her scanning a book for a kid. She was smiling at the kid and I felt my anger drop.

She looks so perfect. She has a soft jawline but she always covers it with her hair. And her teeth are all straight and perfectly white. She's an angel.

I slowly went by and then turned a couple of corners to get to the meeting point for the race.

I saw a few Mafia bosses that I have worked with and I saw a few other gangs that didn't necessarily like me.

I got out of my car and saw Derrick talking to my good friend Damion. Damion was the Italian Mafia don and he was pretty chill for the most part.

I locked my car and told my guards to watch it and they soon covered it with their bodies.

I walked over to Damion and slapped his shoulder making him turn around. "Ah! THE FAMOUS KAHLI!" He patted me on the back and I shook his hand off.

He rolled his eyes as I took out a cigarette. "You know Kahli. You have great potential, you wanna take over a Mafia you can do that with a single click. Why don't you?" I took a drag of my cigarette and held it in my mouth.

I exhaled while talking. "Why don't you mind your own business eh?" I raised my eyebrows and he threw up his hands in surrender.

He got a phone call and answered it. "Aria...no I will be home soon...yeah that sounds great baby. I gotta go bye love you." I chuckled as I listened to him talking to his wife.

Derrick started laughing as I chuckled while he hung up. "Oh yes, Aria my sweetheart! Whipped mother fucker." He glared at me and I smirked.

We heard the all-call to get to the starting line and so I walked back to my car. The guards moved out of the way and I got in.

I started my engine and drove to the starting point. There was a girl there that had a flag. "Okay, 2 laps around the town! The winner gets thirty grand!" I took a deep breath and cracked my neck.

She continued to talk as I tried my best not to envision Athena. "Cars go first. Motorcycles go last! Everyone ready?!" There were cheers and hollers as she slowly raised the flag.

Come on do this for her.

She dropped the flag and I pressed on the gas. I was in third place as I turned the corner of the first street. All racers had to go on the freeway with people on it and that was the most difficult.

I got onto the freeway and weaved in and out of moving cars. I heard an engine behind me and I looked in my mirrors and saw Trent on my tail.

Trent was part of the 'Devils' gang it was a small Russian gang that hates me for some list of reasons.

He tried to cut me off so I swerved right as I passed a semi-truck making him smash on the breaks.

I got off at the on-ramp and saw that I was now in second place. I pushed harder on the gas when I saw another sharp turn coming up.

The man slowed down a bit as I speed up. I saw the turn and squeezed into the side of him and the open road.

I heard my beautiful car getting scratched but I blew it off. I made the turn first making me win back first place. I turned to another corner and saw the library.

I kept my head forward and took the shortcut I took this morning. I made it to the raceway point and speed up.

I heard a car next to me so I used my sports mode and just slammed my foot hard into the gas making me zoom past the finish line in first place.

I sighed as I slowed down the car. I parked it and rested for a bit, letting my heart go back to normal speed.

I got out of the car and told the guards to guard it which they did again. I walked around and heard shouts and drunken words and laughs. Some people were cheering and the others were booing.

I rolled my eyes and found Derrick. I walked over to him and slapped him on the back making him turn around. "Take a left at the library," I whispered into his ear and he nodded.

I saw Trent slam close his car door and start walking toward me. "YOU FUCKING CHEAT!" I looked up and sighed.

He got close to me and something in me just snapped. I pushed him away and he pulled out his gun.

I quickly slapped it out of his hand and just lunged at him. I sat on his stomach while repeatedly punching him.

I was dragged off of him and pulled to the side.

I tried to fight the people off me but they had like ten people grab me like I had done something wrong. Damion slapped my head and I turned to glare at him. "One click." I shook my head and he shrugged and walked away.

I was let go and I ran back over to Trent. I picked up a metal pipe and before I could hit him he mumbled out a few words. "I knew she meant something to you. Just you wait." With that, I hit him in the stomach with the pipe.

I started bashing his head in and I saw as his face began to get all unrecognizable and I continued to just swing the pipe into his head seeing only red.

I couldn't stop I just kept going and going until I was dragged off once again. This time it took thirty men to drag me off.

Everyone looked at me in horror and some with respect. I took out my gun and shoot his body a few times. My gun was grabbed out of my hands and thrown somewhere.

I took a few deep breaths and some of the guys let go. The next race is in ten minutes, and I need to watch it.

The rest of the guys let go of me as I watched a few guards drag Trent's body away.

I felt my phone buzz and I looked down.

Athena: Hey, I know this sounds crazy but I think some guy is watching me.

I immediately started calling her. After a few rings it finally picked up.

Me: What the fuck happened?!

Athena: Kahli breathe...are you okay? Look I just saw this guy in a red Corvette drive by a few times and it freaked me out. And Brian is here and just offered to take me home, so I said no and now I might say yes...so I just wanted to tell you.

Me: Don't say yes. Wait outside. I will pick you up.

Athena: No Kahli you said you were busy.



I hung up and put my phone back in my back pocket. I walked over to the race line where everyone was getting ready.

As I was watching the race I realized what I just said to her and sighed. I saw Derrick come across and cut someone off while getting on the freeway.

We couldn't see anything for a few minutes and then I heard an engine and looked right in time to see Derrick catch air while crossing the finish line.

I walked over to the money keepers and they handed me the money. "Next race is next week!" I nodded and walked to my car.

Before I left I called Derrick over. He walked over to me and I gave him ten grand. He smiled and quickly said, "thank you, boss." I just shrugged and got into my car.

I drove to the library and saw a tiny body curled into a ball by the large glass doors. I realized how bad I sounded over the phone and felt a bit of guilt.

I got out of the car and walked over to a sniffing Athena. I bent down and just picked her up.

She gasped and looked up only to look back down and cross her arms. Her bottom lip was trembling and I knew I fucked up really badly.

I set her down in my car and tried to buckle her up. She slapped my hands and grabbed the seat belt from my hands.

I walked around and got into my side. "Athena..look I'm sorry for what I did okay? I've had a shit day and I took it out on you." I glanced over and realized something.

She got 'ready' today. I remember what she said about how whenever she feels pretty or happy she gets 'dressed up' and I ruined her day.

I grabbed her hand and kissed her cold fingers. "You look very gorgeous today. As you do every day." She nodded and looked out of the window.

I started the car and silently drove to her house. I kept trying to hold her hand but she would just keep her fingers open.

When I saw her house I slowed down not ready to let her leave just yet.

When I parked I kept the doors locked and turned to look at her. "Kahli...why do you yell at me?" Her soft voice filled my ears and I felt even more guilty.

I shook my head and leaned over to unbuckle her seatbelt. She glanced at me and I saw her very red puffy eyes. "Oh baby, come here." I lifted her up and set her on my lap.

She put her head on my chest and I rubbed her head. "I don't mean to. In the moment it happens, I feel terrible that I had done that. Because you don't deserve that angel. I will try to get better." She nodded and sighed.

I felt my eyelids get heavy and my hand slowly stopped moving. "Kahli you can't sleep in the car." I nodded and she sighed.

It was quiet and I was on the edge of falling asleep. "If I let you do something promise me you will follow my rules?" My eyes slowly opened to look down at her.

I thought for a second before nodding. "Okay...drive around to a park or something and then come back...if you see a black SUV in the driveway go around the back gate." I nodded and she got up.

She got out of the car and I quickly drove to a park. I got out and locked the car and walked back to her house.

I didn't see an SUV but I still went around back. I climbed on an AC unit and found her room. I opened her window and crawled in.

I heard the sink running so I just waited on her bed. The bathroom door opened and Athena jumped and then held her chest.

I looked at her up and down to see her in pajama shorts and a shirt. Her legs looked like silk and her hair was in a messy bun.

She locked the door and I took a peak at her gorgeous round ass, she had hip dips which made her ass look even sexier. I felt my pants get tight and I tried to hold in a groan.

She turned around and gasped. I was confused and then I realized my face. "Athena. Don't." I warned as she tried to reach for her first aid kit.

She got into bed and I took off my shoes and got in next to her.

I soon fell into a peaceful sleep while holding my girl to my chest.

Hey guys sorry for the super long chapter but I hope you enjoyed it! Love you- love author. Word count: 4139

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