The Bad Girl's Pregnant

By MonicaMonique_1

47.1K 1.1K 242

The bad girl is pregnant?! That's not surprising, far from it, but what is surprising is when rumors come out... More

Chapter 1: "The Bad Girl's Pregnant!?"
Chapter 3: "The Bad Girl's Plan"
Chapter 4: "The Bad Girl's Horny"
Chapter 5: "The Bad Girl's Move"
Chapter 6: "The Bad Girl's Got Him"
Chapter 7: "The Bad Girl's conversation"
Chapter 8 "The Bad Girl's Friend"

Chapter 2: "The Bad Girl's Plot"

7.6K 186 28
By MonicaMonique_1

Lunch came very quickly for my liking. I usually walk with Jasmine and another friend of mine to lunch, but since I've been slacking on some class work, I have to make it up during my lunch period. As much as I want to skip and bail, I know if I don't make up any of my work, I will most definitely see the same halls of Fairfield high once again next year.

Yup, I second that thought.

I quickly made my way to my English classroom, already dreading that I have work to make up.

"Nice of you to join us today Miss. Lynn." Mrs. Harper said in a sarcastic tone as soon as I stepped foot into the class room. "Didn't think you would make it yet again with a lousy excuse."

I mentally rolled my eyes and sucked in my teeth, finding and sitting in the nearest empty seat. "Oh don't worry Miss. Your last threat didn't go unnoticed by me."

Even though I did come in here to make up work so I wouldn't have to worry about it catching up to me at the end of the year, I possibly did come in here because of her far or so less threating words of suspending me for rude behavior and not following any of her rules.

Seriously, suspension really wouldn't do me any good what so ever. I need this high school diploma for my benefit. Even though I don't see myself becoming bigger or greater than where I'm at already, I still need it if maybe parse I decide to change my mind.

Mrs. Harper smiled at that comment. She began to pull out piles of paper from a folder and began to walk my way. I gave a flustered look.

"Please don't tell me I have all that work to finish." I asked with a frown.

She smiled brightly and slammed all the paper work onto the desk. "Yes ma'am. You have a whole month to finish all these assignments."

I opened my mouth wide and observed all the papers in front of me. I heard a few giggles from behind which made me turn to see a few other students already sitting doing their work, but at the moment peeking up staring and hearing the conversation going on between me and Mrs. Harper.

I gave the few students that were staring an evil glare before putting my attention back on my English teacher.

"Mrs. Harper, please there has to be another way for me to do all this work in a longer period of time. I highly doubt this," I said, lifting a few of the papers up. "Will take a month to finish." I pleaded.

She crossed her arms and shook her head. "Sorry my dear." She said before she turned away to go back to her desk.

I looked through all my paper work as though it was foreign. Some of these assignments will take longer than possibly a couple of days to finish! How the hell am I supposed to finish all these paper works in a month if I have already from what I counted, 4 essay research papers!

I ran my hand through my long dark brown hair and recollected myself. As much as I would LOVE to argue and see if I can work something out with Mrs. Harper, I knew she already has given me enough slack. She didn't have to let me come and remake all my work, she could just have failed me for this semester, but she's giving me a chance, so I guess I will be happy with that.


Already 20 minutes in and another 20 minutes left of the period, was when the sound of the class room door opening snapped my attention from my paper work to the boy who entered the classroom.

"Good Evening Mrs. Harper." The guys deep voice spoke.

I rest my elbow on my desk and rest my head on my hand, observing this hottie who I never seen in my life, but looks oddly familiar, prance in the classroom like he owned the place.

He's very tall! That's for sure. His hair is up and messy in a stylish way. His, what looks to be a natural tan to himself, brings out his golden blonde highlighted hair, which reminds me of a girl I wouldn't like to think of.

Since his back is facing me, I really cant make out how he looks in the front but from the back, I can already tell he's lean and possibly slightly built. I cant help but to think of not so good and rated R thoughts.

I've seen my fair share of guys, but for some reason, this guy yells different in a weird kind of way. And to make matters worse, I don't even know him to base anything off him, just simply that he has a very flirtatious backside.

Mrs.Harper and the mysterious boy began to laugh and without further notice, I picked up the piece of paper I was working on, and began to make my way towards Mrs. Harper and the cute hottie, who didn't notice I was coming up from behind.

"Yes, my father was very delighted for that.." I heard him say in a rich tone.

Mrs. Harper spotted me and gave me a small smile. "Is everything ok Miss. Lynn?"

I smiled and tucked a free strand of my hair behind my ear. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting?" I said in a innocent voice.

Mrs. Harper shook her head and stood up from her seat. Within the time she shook her head and got up, I used those few seconds to observe the boy next to me. To say he's pure hotness would be and understatement! He has very light grey eyes, almost blue, that pull you in thought first. I was right when I said he was tall, taller than myself. But I couldn't help but notice how structured and similar his features looked to someone else I know.

I quickly but slowly pulled my observing eyes away from his body and started to play cool, and place my glance else where other than staring at the handsomely beast beside me.

"Not all Chastity, me and Blake here were just finishing, are you finished with anything?"

I shook my head with a smile. Blake is mystery boy's name. It suits him.

"Yes everything is ok, but I need help on number 20. I don't get the difference between a protagonist and antagonist." I said pointing my index finger on the question.

Even though I already know the answer, I only came up for help to get a better view of Mr. Handsome beside me. And boy do I love what I see.

Right before Mrs. Harper could explain the difference to me, a deep voice cut in.

"I can answer that for her Mrs. Harper." Mysterious hottie said.

I directed my gaze from my English teacher to the guy next to me.

"You see Chastity, In classical and traditional literature, the protagonist is the main character of a story while the antagonist is the character or group of characters who oppose the protagonist." He paused, sounding very educated.

I lift my eyebrow in amusement.

"Did that answer your question?" He said with a smirk.

I heard Mrs. Harper say something, but my mind went into complete overdrive. Here is this guy, who i now know goes by the name Blake, who just waltz into this classroom with a very different demeanor than what I'm use to being around.

I'm used to guys flaunting over me, throwing themselves at me desperately and making it very clear what they want from me. Nothing less or more than just careless Sex.

But Blake isn't really showing any signs of lust for me.

I quickly brought my thoughts together and tried to dismiss my previous thoughts of Blake.

"Thank you." I say in a curious, observing tone.

Just before another word could be spoken, the sound of the school bell rang loudly. Letting everyone know the period has come to an end.

"Anytime." Blake said a few seconds after the bell rang. "See you around." He waved before leaving the classroom without giving me a second glance.

I slowly walked towards my seat where my belongings are still occupied at and couldn't help but feel a little disappointment. I don't know if its because I'm so use to people throwing themselves at me, giving me all the attention that when Blake didn't do that, it put my mind on a blank space.

I always get what I want. Is my dress not short enough? Was there not enough cleavage showing? I know my features didn't go unnoticed, I'm very appealing, very attractive no doubt! That much I have confidence in, but why? Why didn't Blake throw himself at me!?

After throwing all my papers into my purse, I quickly exited the classroom, heading for my next class, with the thought of Blake cursing my mind.


After dropping Jasmine off at her house, Racheal was the last to drop off before I have to head in for work. Racheal is another friend of mine. I've known jasmine far way longer than I known Racheal, just a 3 year difference. I met Racheal during freshman year where as I met Jasmine back in 6th grade.

The whole car ride was spent with my radio blasting some rap song by Iggy and us smoking a cigarette or two.

A few minutes later, I finally pulled into Racheal's apartment complex.

I may have known Racheal only a few years lesser than Jasmine, but on some note, me and Racheal can relate. We were both raised basically the same. No father figure around, a pot head and an uncaring mother, and having to live life like an adult at a young age. That's one of many reasons why we clicked so well in the beginning. As for Jasmine, she's more or so raised a little bit better than me and Racheal.

She has both of her parents in her life. Her parents aren't really dysfunctional and had the time to be a kid, unlike me a Racheal. We had to be both child and adult at some point in time at a young age. None the less, Jasmine will always be my friend. We don't let our past judge who we are.

"You don't have to get me tomorrow, I'm skipping." Racheal says after turning down the loud music.

"Really, why?" I say giving her a confused look.

She shrugged. "I'm not feeling it, you know, school. I don't know, I sometimes just want to drop out. Life is such a bitch I tell you." She says rolling her eyes, leaning her head on the head rest.

I nod my head in understanding. "Tell me about it, sometimes I feel like doing the same, but hey we made it this long, might as well finish the last 5 months. Besides, I'm going to prove Ana and her little minions wrong." I say as I yet again light another cigarette.

Racheal laughed sarcastically. "Since when did you give a flying fuck about what Ana and her friends thought about you?"

I directed my gaze on Racheal, giving her one of my glares. "Your funny. I don't, but I will do just about anything to see the look on her face when they call my name down to receive my diploma." I said devilishly.

Racheal gave back yet the same look. "Your such a bitch Chasity." She joked.

I blew smoke out of my mouth and smiled. "I try to be." I laughed.

For some strange reason, in that very moment, that Blake kid came to mind. I don't know why, but the thought of his icy blue light grey eyes ran through my thoughts like wild fire. Something about him is just so tempting! Almost dangerous.

"Hey Racheal?" I paused.

Racheal replied with a yes, taking the cigarette from my grasp, popping it into her mouth.

"You wouldn't know any one by the name of Blake would you?" I asked out of curiosity.

She stared at the dash board in front of her, with a thinking look. "Umm..I know a lot of Blake's, you think you can be a little bit more specific?"

I nod my head. "I wish I could be a little bit more specific. All I know is that he goes to our school, probably in our grade and has the most difficult demeanor I can read."

Just thinking about him, makes me anxious, that I, myself cant seem to figure him out. But something about him yells familiar.

Racheal seem to get tensed when I said that.

I noticed the change in her body language and gave her a concerned, confused look. "What?" I asked as she gave me her wide eyes.

"Oh my god!" She said with a huge smile. "This is just to good!" She clapped her hands.

"What is to good?"

She shook her head and took a swing of the burning cigarette. "Because if your talking about the Blake I know, lets just say his full name is Blake Pierce. As in Ana Pierces twin brother."

The minute that was mentioned, I couldn't help but let that newly found information sink into me. The guy who I so desperately wanted attention from was no other than Ana Pierces brother!?

"Brother!? No! He cant be, I thought her brother was some type of nerd of some sort?" I practically yelled.

She laughed and nod his head. "Where have you been the past couple of years?"

"What's that supposed to mean!?" I yelled, still in shock on how hot her brother is.

She smirked some more. "Trust me, he's a nerd and very traditional mentally. But in appearance wise, lets just say he can be featured on a GQ magazine." She said with babbling eyes. "Do you understand how many girls want him. He is seriously everything any girl wants! I mean, you know, with his charming looks, his smarts, his riches, his southern mentality.."

She continued her list, but my thoughts are still processing that Black is Ana's brother. How the hell that go unnoticed? Now that I sit here and rethink things, no wonder why he looked so familiar, him and Ana have the same features. The only difference is the color of their eyes. Ana has pure blue, Blake has a mixture of blue and grey.

No wonder why he seemed so uninterested in me. Ana's brother is known for being all about school and how to better his future, but never in the few years I've known Ana have I ever heard of her brother being eye candy! But from what I have heard about him, i know he's far more into books than a relationship, no girl has ever been with him.

That thought alone, brings an evil thought to mind.

"...I swear, he will make the perfect husband some day." Racheal finally ended.

But I completely zooned her out. "Racheal, we hit the jack pot." I said with an evil smirk.

She was quiet for a second giving me a confused look. "Why?"

I tore my attention from Racheal and looked out my window shield, glancing at the blue apartments in front of me. "I'm going to sleep with my enemies brother."

I felt Racheal's hard glare on me. But I didn't dare to turn around. I'm, so fixed with my plan, I can careless who looks at me in this moment.

"And how do you suppose you will do that? You do know that he never had a girlfriend let alone a one night stand before, right?"

I looked at Racheal and shrugged. "I always get what I want. Whether if I get it the easy way...or the hard way." I said with a smirk.

It took Racheal a second to understand what I said but when she did, she gave me a knowing smile.

We will see who gets the last laugh Ana Pierce. I thought hatefully to myself.

Sorry for any grammar or misspellings, this is a rough copy and WILL NOT be edited until book is finished!!!




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