The forsaken (Rainimator book...

By doctorofhope

6.4K 298 971

the Controller is gone, but things are not safe, Rain relives the past as one of his close friends becomes a... More

prologue: what use to be
what just happened
old friends
How are you here?
castle in swamp
Netherbane misson
the mind that suffers
Arcane Knight
birthday message
things are getting worse
Prepareing for the devils daughter
the tundra
the being of the attack
to save his soul
dreaming of a stranger
oh dear
Stop this!
nether search
goodbye for now
Sam Hunter
the straw that broke the camel
morning in frostbourne
arcane plan
fractured family
oh dear not again
Nether encounter
spies in the camp
outside this reality
Frostbourne's undead problem
kingdom of pain
the air
battle plans
the forgiven
the nether
cleansing her soul part 1
The past
Ciara's sorrow
cleansing her soul part 2
cleansing her soul part 3
night time
a date night
the deal
the unknown attacker
path of fire
a stab in the back
king vs princess
the dream
Dragon's fire
land ho!
soul of the broken
village standoff
lasting defence
the nightmare of death
life and death
hopeful planning
a snow day at Frostbourne
wrath of the ender kin
a past not forgotten
A Sister's revenger
the question of a life time
a mother's goodbye

days go on

72 4 16
By doctorofhope

POV Stella

I had no one idea what to do, Ceris had beaten Patrick to near death, but she was a broken person right now, I took her back to her room, and let her sleep. even taking the baby ender dragon with me.

Rain was doing what he did best, Training, I just went in there and sat down to watch. he looked over at me and saw how sad I look, so he smiled at me, I know what he was planning, he was going to cheer me up.

"Mmmmm," Rain hummed. "I wonder what happens if I....." He took a deep breath and threw the ender great sword up into the sky, slamming into the ceiling. then caught it with his left arm. before then dropping it and losing his balance. falling face first.

any other day I would of laughed at this....but today, not today. Rain got up and brushed himself down. and smiled at me dimly, and came to sit next to me. "It hurts me to see you like this," He said and I leaned my head on him.

Then the door opened and Jun walked in looking really happy. "Why are you smiling so much?" Rain asked.

then behind him, Nina walked, and we both jumped up. "NINA!" We both called.

I smiled. "Oh Nina, you won't believe how relieved I am to see you alive," I said.

"Yeah, someone named William told help me out," Nina explained.

Me and Rain looked at each other. both with the same look on our faces. "He wanted me to pass a message onto Charlie have you seen him?"

"No actual not today," Rain answered.

"Oh he left last night I saw him from the wall," Jun said. "I thought he would of told you all?"Jun answered.

We stood there shocked. "he...He left without telling us?" I asked. I could feel the tears pricking at me. "I....I..." I teleported out of the room ending up in my bed, I couldn't help but think I'd done something wrong, I know I hadn't but it didn't change my mind, staring up at the ceiling, I thought he was my friend.

POV Rain

"I...Thank you Jun," I said before stumbling to the door. I walked into the hallway way, I had to think for a moment clear my mind. Who was here and who wasn't, No Meeps, had she left with Charlie? Why?

Ember was still here, he was close to Charlie, it weird me out, don't get me wrong I like Ember, where other people find him annoying I find him funny, I wish I could be as fun as him, But there was something about his relationship with Charlie...It made me jealous.

It took Charlie so long to be comfortable around me, sometimes I don't think he is a lot of the time. Yet him and Ember seemed to have hit it off, same for Meeps and Shizuku, Ember was...a good man, a hero, and I was happy he and Charlie got along but still.

so when I ran into him in the hallways, I stopped him. "Ember, did he tell? did Charlie tell you he was leaving," I asked. Ember looked down. "Ember I'm not going to yell, I won't threaten you.....I...I need to know, if...if we did something, I...I don't want to lose him too,"

"I promised I won't say....but it's not you Rain, It was never you," Ember said.

"since she came back...again Abigail and I....well we don't get along anymore, in fact, we hate each other, I don't want that happening to me and Charlie," I answered.

Ember smiled. "Rain I don't think that's ever going to be a problem, Charlie cares about you so much,"

then from the door next to us, Kane burst out. "SHE HIT ME WITH A PAN!" He yelled scaring the daylights out of me.

"WHO?" I yelled back.

"CIARA!" Kane answered.

Ember laughed. "That was a pan-ishment," he said.

I'm not ashamed to admit I laughed at that slight joke. "THIS ISN'T FUNNY! SHE'S GONE AFTER CHARLIE!" Kane yelled.

"What? why?" I asked. "Oh, what am I saying, of course, she would," I answered myself.

things today just keep getting worse and worse. "So, Charlie and Meeps are, Ceris snapped and beat Patrick near death, and Ciara goes after Charlie, anything else anyone wants to tell me?"

POV Azura

I sat there next to Patrick's bed, I'd left Charlene with Hild and Lyria why I checked on him. Ceris had really hurt him. his left arm was broken. severs broken ribs, fractured bones a broken nose, and the list goes on.

I was holding his hand. Nostra had looked him over and fed him some health potions. she was sure he was going to recover, but I still worried about him, I loved him, we have a daughter and I would rather she grow up with a mom and dad.

the question remained. "What did you do to annoy her Pat?" I asked. I watched as the breath went up and down. I sighed and left him, I'm no use to anyone setting here, I should get on with something, anything.

"Azura!" Someone called. I turned to find Andrew walking toward me. "I was wondering if you know what happened to that A.I chip Charlie? Meeps told me that Zen seemed damaged," Andrew said.

"He plugged it into his laptop, but I can't seem to get Zen to active, the repairs should be done," I answered. "You can have a look if you like although be careful...."

"Charlie doesn't like people playing with his stuff? yeah, I had guessed that" Andrew said.

"Come on, I'll have to unlock the door for you," I said we walked down to the door and found Nina and Jun waiting outside.

"Azura, I need you to have a look at this, these coordinates are for something in the Nether, but don't match any maps for the nether," Nina explained.

I looked at the two, I hadn't spoken to Jun much, but he was clearly happy to have Nina back, and I felt happy for him. "Yeah Nina, I'll have a look in a minute," I said unlocking the door.

the four of us loomed over Charlie's laptop. "See, according to this, Zen's systems are fully active but he's not answering me," Azura said. 

Andrew and Nina examined it as the door opened Shizuku walked in silently and sat down opening her book. Jun looked down at the laptop and pressed a button. "It was muted," he said. 

The other three stared at it for a moment. "Huh," I said. "I'm not used to this laptop, didn't know it could be muted, Zen how are you feeling?" I asked. 

"This unit is adjusting to these systems, it is new, refreshing," the A.I said. Its voice has not changed. 

"That's good," Andrew said. 

"Zen, are you still linked to your main storage bay?" I asked. 

"Yes," the A.I said. 

"Good might come in handy, now let's get a look at Nina's problem," I said walking over to my workbench. I lift the derelict power inducer to Shizuku, "Can you put that out of the way please?" 

"Sure," she said taking it. I then swiped everything off the table. it clattering to the floor. I then went over to a stack of books and loose papers. I knocked a few books about and pulled out a large map. 

I laid it out on the table. "So these coordinates don't match anything on the map?" I asked. 

Nina nodded, showing me the coordinates. "See it does match anything on the map, yet Crystal seemed certain that she knew how to reach them," Nina answered.

I thought for a moment. "What's something Crystal knows that we don't?" I asked. 

"Something to do with the red legion? she grew up in it?" Andrew said. 

"Hmmm, Who else was in the legion? Gwendoly!" I yelled. "hang on, I'll go get her," I raced out into the hallway right into Gwendoly. 

"Oh hello solar," Gwendoly said. 

"Gwendoly, can you give us hand with something?" I asked. 

Gwendoly nodded. "I can help, I'm sure, what do you need?" 

"How much did the red legion know about the nether?" I asked. 

Gwendoly thought for a moment. "A lot, I was high up and knew a lot of stuff others didn't show me what you're working on," I took her into the room and showed her the map. "This is a map of the whole nether?" she asked. 

"Yes," I answered. 

Gwendoly shook her head. her dark blue hair going from side to side. "This is only a small part of the nether. there are sections of it through the bedrock wall no one knows about. these coordinates are for that part of the nether," She answered. 

"A secret part of the nether? well, that's interesting," Nina said. 

"Until you realise we're going to have to go there," Jun said. 

"a new bit to the nether?" Shizuku asked walking over. looking at the map. her eyes seemed to memorise the whole thing. 

"We should gather the others, talk through what to do next, well expect Patrick and Ceris, and Charlie, and Meeps, is it me or are we slowly losing everyone who's meant to meet in the war room?" I asked.

I looked around. "Andrew, can take this to one of the guards? they'll know what to do with it," I said. 

"Sure," He said nodding. within a few minutes, everyone else had left the room. I just want a few moments to myself about why I finished working on an upgrade to Patrick's armour based on Charlie's shield bracelet, I couldn't always watch his back when we're in a fight, so this is the next best thing. 

I forgot I wasn't alone until. "Information: this unit has detected an encrypted message being sent from this location," the voice of Zen called. 

I stared at the laptop. "What?" I asked. "no one should be able to do that," I said. 

"Information: based on date, the encrypted message is beyond this unit to counter, theory, there is a spy within frostbourne," Zen said. 

I froze. "Who?" I asked. 

"Unknown," the voice called. 

I couldn't be 100% sure, but if there is a spy in frostbourne, who can I trust? Patrick, he can't be behind if he's still unconscious, same for Ceris, Charlie and Meeps if they are not here, but apart from that, who can I trust? 

a knock at the door brought me back from the thought, it was Lyria. "Ummm, Azura, I thought you might want to see your daughter," she said walking in and holding Charlene.

I smiled at the young girl, "Thank you," I mumbled taking the baby. Lyria nodded and walked out. I could trust her, I knew that much. I rooked the sleeping Charlene. "I love you so much baby, I promise that'll be a better world for you," I said kissing her on the forehead. 

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