Kindred Spirit (Mori x OC)

By maybeicanbutiwont

144K 4K 385

Fujioka Hanabi, sister to Haruhi, meets the Host Club! There, she finds a kindred spirit in the form of the '... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight


5.1K 143 6
By maybeicanbutiwont

Ranka was accompanied by the Host Club, and together they were tailing Haruhi to the supermarket. There was no point to hiding, other than to spy on Haruhi. And also because the cross dresser wanted to be seen with the handsome men of the Host Club.

A motorcycle sped down the street, and stopped a few feet ahead of Haruhi.

"Is that...Maki-kun?" Ranka guessed. He wasn't wearing a helmet so he saw his blonde hair. Only the rider in the back had a helmet on. He watched as the female dismounted the bike, and took off her helmet to reveal his eldest daughter. "Hanabi....!!!!" He growled.

Hanabi shook her head as she took off the helmet, really not liking how constricting it was. "That was fun, but I don't think I'd ever do it again," she laughed.

Maki took the helmet from her, "that's a shame, I liked having your arms around me."

She rolled her eyes, "see you later, Maki-senpai."

Maki turned his head slightly to make eye contact with those of the Host Club, having seen them as he passed by. They stiffened in response, and gained irk marks as he smirked at them. Before Hanabi could join her sister, he grabbed the top of her head, pulling her back to place a kiss on her temple. She froze.

"See ya." He quickly placed his helmet on and rode off before she could attempt to punch him.

Hanabi regained consciousness just as he pulled away from the curb. "Maki-senpai! You idiot!" She pulled off her shoe and attempted to whip it at him, obviously failing. "Who the hell does that little shit think he is? He stole my first temple-kiss!!!! I was saving that! Haruhi!!!"

"What do you want me to do about it?" Haruhi continued walking.

"Give me a hand wipe? Or sanitizer! You have hand sanitizer, right? If I wipe it off within ten seconds it doesn't count! Haruhi! Wait for me! I don't have my shoe!"

"And whose fault is that?"

"It's already been 10 seconds! 20 seconds then! Haruhi, help me!"

Behind the two girls, Ranka was just starting to retrieve his soul again.

They eventually all made it to the market. Ranka was hiding behind some shelving with Tamaki, and explained why he felt the need to spy on the girls. It was all for good, fatherly reasons.

The two lost their mother at a really young age. They took it upon themselves to handle all the household chores, including the shopping. They insisted that they were fine on their own, but what father wants to hear that? He watched them from afar, so proud of his daughters, but also saddened because they were forced to grow up before he was ready to let them. He often followed them when the were younger, just so he could be there if they ever did need him.

Tamaki was somehow able to relate to Ranka's feelings for his daughters. But Ranka knew Tamaki held romantic feelings for one of them. It wasn't hard to figure out which one, either. In a fit of anger, he ended up throwing Tamaki right in front of the her. He watched with sad eyes as Haruhi smiled.

Haruhi was happier lately. She was having more fun, and enjoying school more. And he knew it was thanks to the Host Club. He knew that one day, he wouldn't be able to follow her anymore. But that day wasn't today.

But Hanabi, she was always happy, and easily excitable. He worried about her when she started making money for the family, but how could he tell her to stop when she was so happy to do it? Right, she was always happy. But as he watched her with the two boys, he noticed a change in her, too.

She had a light blush painted on her cheeks, and her smiles seemed much warmer. Her head was almost constantly tilted upwards because her eyes focused on him.

He realized that his daughters were definitely growing up, but they were growing differently. And he wasn't ready for that talk yet.

Back at the Fujioka residence, Ranka piled chrysanthemums high onto Tamaki's plate. Tamaki, who didn't like them, could only cry as he was forced to accept them.

Ranka watched Hanabi and Mori before a lightbulb went off in his head. "Mori-kun, are you the one in Hanabi's picture? The one in the rain?"

Takashi nodded his head.

"Oh I knew it!!! It's beautiful! It'd make the perfect wedding picture!"

Hanabi shushed him. "Cut it out, papa. You're gonna make him uncomfortable!"

Mori was indeed uncomfortable, but not at the idea of using it as a wedding photo.

"Ranka-san, if you like that picture, would you be interested in taking this?" Kyoya pulled a photo book out of thin air. On its cover was the picture Ranka was just raving about, but she had no idea what else was in there. The cover said, "Ouran High School Host Club - Mori's Stormy Night".

"What's that?" Hanabi asked. She'd like to know why she was on the cover.

"A photo book. One of our best selling ones." Kyoya handed it to her and she immediately began flipping through it.

"There was more?!" All from that same night, there were more pictures of the two impromptu dance partners in the rain. "Takashi! Look!" They were pictures he's already seen, but he had no idea Kyoya was selling them in a photo book. She unconsciously started leaning into the mans side as she showed him the pictures. Her eyes paused on one certain picture.

He was holding her up by the waist, with elbows bent to bring her closer. For once, he was looking up at her. The sky was bright, and it illuminated his face beautifully. She traced his jawline with her fingertip.

"Hanabi!" She jumped, forgetting that she was with company. "Let Papa see that!"

She got up to walk around the table, wanting to flip through it with him. Mori didn't let it show on his face that he was disappointed to lose her.

All too soon, the meal was coming to an end. The men thanked them for the meal, and Haruhi was all too ready for them to leave. Hanabi and Haruhi washed the dishes while they finished their tea.

"That was fun," Hanabi told her.

" wasn't bad. But let's not encourage it, okay?"

"Sure," she giggled.

"Hanabi, we wanna go to your apartment," Hikaru and Kaoru said in unison as the sisters rejoined the group.

"That's fine, I was gonna offer to show all of you anyways." She answered. "Oh, but, if anyone doesn't like bugs, you probably shouldn't."

"You have bugs?" Kaoru asked.

"You should probably take care of that."  Hikaru added.

Hanabi laughed, "not like that. Come, I'll show you. Haruhi, you have to come too." She immediately started protesting, but Hanabi had her reasons. "I need you to make sure they don't do anything stupid. I can't handle them by myself!"

And with that, they all arrived at her door.

"First rule of my den, is to ask before touching. It could be dangerous. And please don't break anything." She unlocked the door and pushed it open. "Welcome to my domain!"

The Host Club stepped into the apartment, having no idea what was in store for them. They knew she had a frog, but they couldn't even find it at this point. The room was darkened but each tank and cage had their own lights illuminating the room.

"What the heck is all this?!" Tamaki shivered.

"You don't have to force yourself, it's not for everyone," Hanabi said. That being said, the club made their way into the room.

"Oh! Tama-chan! It's a Tarantula!"

"I don't wanna see that!"

"Is this the frog from earlier?" Two voices spoke.

"I expected something like this, but not to this extent. You surprised me, Hanabi."

She laughed, "I'll take it as a compliment. I'm flattered," she told the four-eyed Vice President.

"May I take some pictures?"

She stared in surprise, "I'm a little surprised you'd ask first, to be honest. Pictures are fine, just try not to use the flash."

Kyoya nodded, understanding.

"There's another room!"

Mori inspected each set up with the curiosity of any animal lover. He never had much of an interest in insects, or reptiles, but he's starting to think that maybe she could change that.

"Haruhi! There's a rat on your shoulder!" Tamaki screamed. "Daddy will save you!"

Haruhi simply side stepped, sending Tamaki sprawling on the floor. "Tamaki-senpai, I'd appreciate it if you'd behave while you're in here. We wouldn't want you to accidentally release any of the poisonous ones."

Tamaki shook in fear. With shaking legs, he marched up to Hanabi and took her by the shoulders. "Hanabi! Just what kind of life have you lived that would force you to seek comfort from creatures that could kill you in your sleep?! Whatever the reason! It's all over now! Daddy will protect you from now on, you don't have to do this to yourself any longer!"

"Tamaki! Release me!"

"Kyoya! Ready the police force! We're saving our girls at once!"

Tired of being shaken and stirred, Hanabi brought her foot up and slammed it into Tamaki's pampered toes. He immediately let go and started hopping around in her tiny apartment. She decided that Mori's large body worked perfectly as a barrier against the stupid prince.

"Can someone calm him down?! He's gonna break something!" She panicked.

Somehow or another, they got him to lie down on the couch in another room. He held on tightly to one of her plushies and quickly went to sleep.

She let out a sigh of relief, but she felt bad for her stuffed toy.

"You don't have a bed in here?" Kaoru asked.

"No, I share a room with Haruhi."

"That makes it a little better then," Hikaru added. She tilted her head in confusion.

"You know, since you bring strange men on motorcycles here." They finished.

"...well...there's still the couch."


"Hahahaha!!! I'm kidding! Jeez, your faces were priceless!" She continued laughing. "I have more tact than that. Kids sit on there, ya know?"

"Hana-chan!" She followed Honey's voice to the other room, still shaking with laughter.

The boys were still frozen. Haruhi just sighed.

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