The Earth We Once Knew - John...

By charlieburns44

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Day 1
Day 1 : Part 2
Day 1 : Part 3
The Burn
Wrongfully Accused
Down Bad For You
Breaking Point
The Virus
Pay Back
Sky Crew
Hello Father
Stir Crazy
Goodbye, Spacewalker
Peace with You
To You
Promised Land
Eight Six Days
Our Happy Ending


41 0 0
By charlieburns44

After Murphy and I had our cute little moment, we then begin to exist the ship. As we walk out together, I look over and see Bellmay helping Octavia until Clarke came over, I then see Bellamy lift his shirt showing that he has a gun... wtf is going on. As we look around, we hear Bellamy yell "Murphy, you're coming with me." We then both make our way to Bellmay and when we get to him Bellamy then says, "I called for Murphy, not you" *aggressive tone* "Come on, we are gonna go find Jasper"

Murphy - She's coming with us, If we are going after Jasper we will need extra hands.

I then glance over to Murphy confused but I rolled with it.

Bellmay - Fine, Clarke, Wells you take lead and we will follow after you.

Clarke then nods and we start to make our way into the forest with Wells and Clarke in front, then Bellamy and then Murphy and I in the back. As we are walking Murphy then begins to whisper something to me.

Murphy - keep looking straight and act like everything is fine. Do you trust me?

Phoneix - *whispers back* yea? why? what's going on?

Murphy - I have to make Bellamy believe that I'm on his side, so whatever I say or do... dont take it to heart please, I'm doing this to protect us.

I then nods in agreement to his comment and as we kept walking Bellmay then stops and waits for us to catch up and as we catch up to him Bellmay then says things that make me slightly worried for mine and Clarke safety.

Bellmay - The Ark thinks the prince is died, once they think the princess is died too, they'll never come down. I'm getting that wristband, even if that means I have to cut off Clarke hand. 

As Bellmay said that Murphy then sneakily pulls my jacket sleeve over my wristband, making it not visible to Bellamy. As I look down at Bellmay's hand I then see him holding the gun out casually.

An Hour Later:

Bellmay - Hey, wait up... what's up with the rush? (Bellmay then speeds up to get closer to Clarke) - You don't survive a spear through the heart. 

Phoneix - *whispers to Murphy* Jasper got a spear to the heart? Why didn't you tell me?

Murphy - *whispers back* sorry I thought you already knew

I then shake my head no.

Wells - Put the gun away Bellmay.

Murphy then shoves Wells and says "Well, why dont you do something about it, huh?"

Clarke - Jasper screamed when they moved him. If the spear struck his heart, he'd have died instantly. It doesn't mean we have time to waste.

Phoneix - I agree with Clarke, Jasper could still be alive... we have to keep moving and stop wasting time. 

Bellmay then grabs Clarke wrist and says, "As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go."

Clarke - The only way The Ark is gonna think I'm dead is if I'm dead. Got it?

Bellmay and Clarke both are giving each other the death stare, things are starting to get tense. I'm beginning to get scared and want to reach out to Murphy but I dont want Bellamy to suspect anything.

Bellmay - Brave Princess. 

We then all hear someone behind us, walking up as they said " Hey, why don't you find your nickname?"

I turn around to see its Finn!! 

Finn - You call this a rescue party? Got to spilt up and cover more ground. Clarke, come with me.

Everyone turned and stared at him for a few moments shook.. after that we then watch Clarke and Finn walk head after a long pause, we all then follow after them in a single file line (kind of) Wells, Bellamy then Murphy and I walking sided by side in that order. As we kept walking, we all started to spread apart... the single file thing didn't last long. Finn and Clarke are on the left very far ahead. Murphy and I on the trail with Wells and Bellamy following behind but then we all slowly started to come back together in a group when we got to a rocky trail. 

Murphy - Hey, how do we know this is the right way?

Bellmay - We dont. Finn thinks hes a tracker.

Wells - It's called "cutting signs." Fourth year earth skills. Hes good. 

Finn - You want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?

Finn then notices something on the leaves and looks down on the rocks. Its blood.

[Distant Moan]

Murphy - What was that?

Murphy then pulls me behind him and whips out his blade

Clarke - Now would be a good time to take out that gun.

As Clarke said that we all begin to make our way to the sound, as we move, I grip onto the back of Murphy jacket. As we get closer to the noise

[Low Moaning]

We all then look up to see Jasper hung up onto a tree. 

Phoneix - Jasper.... 

I then begin to run to Jasper

Murphy - Phoenix stop. 

As I kept running to him, they all begin to follow me behind. As I get closer to Jasper, I begin to fall into a hole filled with spear sticking up but thankful Bellmay caught me. As I look up to Bellmay I then realize Bellmay is holding the arm that my wristband is on. Its showing. Bellmay then looks down at my wrist and sees it.

Murphy - come on, pull her up already!

Bellmay then looks over at Murphy and then back at me. 

Bellmay - You thought you could of hid this from me? Huh. 

I dont respond to Bellmay and my grip tighten to him.

Bellmay- Agree to take off the wristband or I drop you right now. Either way I win. 

Clarke - Bellmay stop it, we dont have time for this. 

Bellmay then begins to loosen his grip. As he begins to do that, I notice Murphy and Finn look over at each other and nod in agreement. All of sudden Murphy grabs my wrist and Finn rips Bellmay grip off of me and as they did that Murphy then pulls me up.

Murphy - You okay?

Phoneix - Yea, I'm okay

As I said that we all look over at Bellmay who is in shook with what happened. 

Finn - Bellmay! What the fuck was that.

Bellamy doesn't respond 

Phoneix - Come on guys, he isn't worth it, we got to save Jasper.

Everyone then agrees and move on but deep down I know Murphy isn't going to forget about this situation.

Clarke - Yea, we got to get him down.

Finn - I'll climb up there and cut the vines. 

Wells - Yea, yeah, I'm with you

Finn - No stay with Clarke and watch him (referring to Bellmay)

Finn - Mini me come with me 

Clarke - There's a poultice on his wound.

Phoneix - Medicine? Why would they save his life just to string him up as live bait?

Bellmay - Maybe what they're trying to catch likes its dinner to be breathing.

Finn - Maybe what they're trying to catch is us. 

Finn and I begin to climb up the tree.

Finn - Hurry up Phoneix. 

Murphy - Be careful.

[Distant Growling]

Murphy - What the hell was that?

Bellamy - Grounders?

As I look down I see a wildcat charging towards Clarke. Then boom gunshots are fire. Wells is trying to shoot at the wildcat and everything went quiet for a few seconds. The wildcat then jumps at Bellmay and Wells shoots it straight on.

[Gun clicks repeatly] Wells ran out of bullets and drops the gun.

Bellmay - Now she sees you.

Finn and I quickly cut the vines and slowly begin to bring Jasper down. As everyone on the ground helps bring him to the ground. Murphy and Bellmay each grab one side of him and lift him off the ground as we all begin to make our way back to camp.

Night Time:

Another bonfire was light and Finn, Clarke and I standing by the ship and we people taking off their wristbands for food. 

Phoneix - There taking off their wristband for food? I'm not doing that, we are doing that.

Finn - You won't have to.

Finn then walks over to the bonfire where the food is and grabs a some food. 

Murphy - Whoa, Whoa. Wait, Wait, Wait. What, you think you play by different rules?

Finn - I thought there were no rules. 

Finn then walks back to us and hands us some food and Finn puts his arm around my shoulder, and as he does that Murphy then notices and giving me a sorrow look. 

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