Redemption of the Moon God

By FeetPepper

382 68 3

This is the sequel to Tasks of the Moon Goddess. Here we follow Addison Murphy, daughter of the King and Quee... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 1

23 2 0
By FeetPepper

My name is Addison Murphy. I am a seventeen year old Princess of the Werewolves. I am not next in line for the throne, just a typical teenage wolf.

I generally like to dress nice. No jeans and no sweatpants for me. I'm a girl and I like to look like one. Today I wore a floral zip up corset cami dress with beige bedazzled masbird sandals, showing off my sparkly pink pedicure.

I was about to go out with my sister Hannah and my cousin Oscar, who was also fashion conscious. He was one of my best friends even though he was four years older. We were going out to a pool hall. I had no interest in pool but I was determined to meet my mate and intended to meet as many people as possible.

I heard a honk outside letting me know that Oscar was here. I ran down the stairs and out of the house only to find my Dad standing next to his car.

"Why are you out here honking your horn. I've got a sleeping wife in here. Next time, come to the door and knock. Your cousin deserves better," he said.

"Dad. Why are you always lecturing us? I knew Oscar was coming," I said.

"These are life's teachable moments. I can't let them slip by. Besides, why are you going to a pool hall anyway? We have pool tables here," he said.

"Dad. Oscar is looking for his mate and I would like to meet mine," I said. You have to get out and see people. Crack a few eggs."

"Suit yourself. You're still too young to know who your mate is. Who else is going with you?" He asked. "Jade? The triplets?"

"No Dad. We're just waiting for Hannah then we're leaving," I said.

Right on cue Hannah came out of the Palace. Her brown hair was messy and she only wore mascara. She had pretty gray eyes like our dad and brother, Ezra. She was wearing denim overalls with a tight striped shirt. We couldn't be any more different if we tried. It was a nice balmy night so Oscar has his top down on his convertible.

"Can I drive?" I asked, batting my eyelashes.

Oscar looked at me with one eyebrow raised. I knew that couldn't be good. You could always tell exactly how he felt by his face. It was very expressive.

"Yea if we take one of your dad's cars," he said.

"Daddy, can I please drive one of your cars?" I asked.

"Don't daddy me. You're not taking any of my cars. You didn't pass your road test," he said.

"It was a technicality. I know how to drive," I said.

"You almost struck a pedestrian. That's not a technicality," he said. "As soon as you pass your test, I will get you a car. That's not an issue. I might even let you pick it out, but I doubt it. You need the highest safety rating."

"Where's Mom?" I asked.

"You're not driving her car either," he said.

I looked at Oscar and said, "just go. Bye Dad. See you later. Love you."

Hannah gave him a hug and a kiss before getting into the back. Oscar adjusted the windows so our hair blew back gracefully.

I took control of the radio trying to find a good station. I was grooving on classic rock at the moment and managed to find a good station. Juke Box Hero was currently playing.

It was teen night at the Billiards' Room meaning it will probably be filled with kids from school. Hopefully I will meet someone new tonight.

We went into the pool hall and it smelled disgusting, like stale cigarettes and old beer. The floor was sticky and the lighting was dim. There were a few kids I knew from school. No one special.

"We'll get something to eat when we leave here," Oscar said.

"I can't believe you hang out here," I said.

Hannah was just looking around curiously. She picked our table and Oscar set it up. Oscar broke the ball and continued until he won.

"Boo. We didn't get to play," I said.

"Yeah. Maybe you should just sit back and help us," Hannah said.

"Ok, rack 'em. I'll show you how it's done," he said.

I put all the balls in the triangle in number order. Oscar looked at me and smiled. Then looked at Hannah who was twirling her gum and looking at the ceiling, not paying attention. I laughed.

Oscar came over and said, "let's make a bet. I'll teach Hannah how to play and you pick someone to teach you. Loser buys dinner."

I went over to a group of boys and asked who would like to teach me how to play. All of their hands went up. I focused on the ones I didn't know and picked the one I found to be the most attractive.

He had blond hair and blue eyes. A slim build. His bottom lip was fuller than the top. His chin was square and he had a delicate nose. He was very handsome indeed.

"What's your name," I asked.

"Timothy, but you can call me Tim," he said.

"I'm Addison, but you can call me Addy," I said, extending my hand.

He shook it and said, "I know. We go to the same school."

"I think I would have remembered you," I said.

"I'm new. I've seen you around though." He said.

I eyed him for a minute trying to commit him to memory. I definitely would have remembered this guy. He was hot.

"Listen, are you any good because I really need to beat my sister. My cousin is teaching her and the loser buys dinner," I said.

"I'm pretty good. I can definitely teach you," he said.

Oscar removed the triangle then started showing Hannah what to do. He had to really wrangle her to get her to pay attention.

Tim got behind me then whispered, "bend over."

I grinned and did as I was told. He put his hands on my hips then kicked my feet telling me to spread them. He put the pool cue in my hand and showed me how to shoot. He leaned over me and showed me again.

"Tim, are you flirting with me," I asked.

"I definitely am," he said smiling.

"Okay that's enough. I think she gets it," Oscar said.

"Only one way to find out," he said. "Break."

I broke and got two striped balls into the pockets.

"That's an excellent break. Now get the rest of the striped ones in, leaving the black eight ball for last," Tim said.

I took aim at one and missed. Hannah was up. She hit the eight ball right into the pocket. Oscar groaned while Tim cheered.

"What's going on?" Hannah asked.

"Didn't you hear that guy say to leave the black ball for last. You just lost," Oscar said.

"I won?" I asked.

Tim said yes and I started jumping up and down and hugging him.

"You owe me a date," he said.

"Alright. What's your number?" I asked.

We exchanged numbers then played a few more rounds. Finally we got hungry and decided to leave. I blew a kiss at Tim as we left. He caught it. We were already too cute.


Oscar drove us to our favorite diner. We hopped out of the car and made our way inside. We were seated in a booth and going over the menu when the most beautiful man I have ever seen walked over to us.

"Hi, my name is Nicholas and I will be taking care of you tonight. Can I start you with some drinks?" he asked.

"I'll have a coffee and a water," Oscar said.

"I'm fine with just the water,"; Hannah said.

He looked at me and I nearly melted.

"And for you?" he asked, smiling.

"I'll have a strawberry milkshake," I said, smiling back.

"You have a sweet tooth, I see," he said, winking.

I did all I could to keep my jaw from falling open. I looked at Hannah and she seemed unfazed. I don't even think she looked at him. He walked away to get our drinks.

"Oh my Goddess that man is beautiful," I said. "How do I look?" Is my hair alright?"

I tried checking in a spoon.

"Calm down," Oscar said. "You're as flawless as ever. Besides, he is way too old for you."

"I don't care. My dad was five years older than my mom. At some point it doesn't matter anymore," I said.

"Right, when he's ninety and you're eighty. No one will care," Oscar said.

"He's not that old. He's probably twenty two. Oh no he's coming back," I said, pretending to read the menu.

He set down our drinks chuckling. He grabbed my menu and flipped it right side up. I was so embarrassed. I knew I was scarlet. I fanned myself with the menu.

"I'll be twenty one in September," he said.

When I gave him a quizzical look he cupped his ear and whispered, "werewolf hearing."

Oh no. That meant he heard me talking about how beautiful he is. Could this get anymore embarrassing?

"Do you know what you'll be having?" He asked, getting out his pad.

"I'll have a cheeseburger deluxe with curly fries," Oscar said.

"Grilled cheese with regular fries for me," Hannah said.

"I'll have the breakfast platter. Can I have my eggs over medium and my hash browns extra crispy with white toast instead of pancakes?" I asked.

"Of course. You can have it any way you want it," he said.

"My name is Addison by the way," I said. "You can call me Addy."

He reached his hand out and shook my hand. Then he looked sort of disappointed before he smiled again.

"I know what that is about," Hannah said. You're searching for your mate."

He nodded. She grabbed his arm and nothing happened. They were not mates.

"Addy's only seventeen. Even if she was your mate, you wouldn't know for a few months," she said.

"I guess I have something to look forward to. I'll go put your orders in now," he said walking away.

"What is it with you and guys tonight, Addy?" Oscar asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently.

"You basically picked up two guys and you're right he isn't that much older than you, he's twenty.

I drummed on the table with my silverware waiting for my food to come. I kept my eye on Nicholas as he moved through the diner helping other people. Giving them food, drinks, just being beautiful. He finally returned with our food.

"Burger for the big guy, grilled cheese for the little lady and the breakfast platter with eggs sunny side up for Addy," he said.

"No," I said, disappointed.

"I'm kidding. They're over medium. Hopefully our chef was up to the task. Eggs are a tricky thing you know," he said, looking serious.

"No I didn't. I don't cook," I said, unashamed.

"You should learn. Cooking is a useful skill to have," he said.

"And you should be a model. What are you doing in Washington? You should be in New York or LA. If anybody checks out your face, you'll be famous," I said.

He chuckled and then blushed.

"Thanks for that, I guess. I hope I have more to offer than just good looks," he said.

"Well you're funny too. At least you try to be," I said.

"Ouch, you wound me. This kitty has claws," he said.

I hissed at him.

"Alright I'll let you guys eat. I'll go help my other tables. Let me know if you need anything," he said and knocked on the table three times then walked off.

I was so hungry I ate my meal pretty quickly and then I was debating if I wanted a piece of pie. He came back smiling.

"Can I get you guys anything else? Dessert? Lunch?" He asked.

I smiled at him. Man, I could get lost in his eyes. What color would you call that? Green?

"You're a dork," I said.

That got a laugh out of him

"Do you know what a dork is?" He asked.

"Don't say it," I said.

"You're the one who called me one," he said, smirking.

"Fine you're a dweeb," I said.

"I'll be whatever you want me to be," he said.

"How about a penguin? They mate for life," I said.

"So do gray wolves and werewolves when they find their mates," Nicholas said.

"True, but I still wish you were a penguin. They're so cute when they waddle and their little bitty babies. I love penguins," I said.

"I'll keep that in mind," he said. "Let me get you your check," he said.

He returned pretty quickly with the check.

"I'm sorry. I've been rude. This is my cousin Oscar and my sister Hannah. We come here all the time," I said.

"Good. I like your energy," he said.

"Oh no. You're not one of those new age people, are you?" I asked.

"What's that?" He asked.

"You know. Those weirdos who worship crystals or whatever and they smell of patchouli," I said.

"Oh God no," he said.

"What did you just say?" Hannah asked.

"I'm sorry. I misspoke," he said. "Working around humans too much."

"My mother told me a story about a God so I know they exist. At least he does," she said. "He's the Moon God."

"Your mother told you this?" He asked.

"Yes, my mother. She's Joyana Murphy, Queen of the Werewolves," she said.

"So you're a princess," he said.

"Yeah it's no big deal Addy's one too only she-," I kicked her under the table. She winced but kept her mouth shut.

"I would think so since you're sisters. So who's got this?" he asked, waving around the check.

"That goes to Oscar the big loser tonight," I said.

"Oscar didn't lose. I lost," she said.

"He's the one who taught you," I said.

"Yeah and you had Tim," she said.

"We won," I said.

"I'll be right back," Nicholas said, walking over to one of the other tables.

"Leave him a good tip," I said.

"Yeah since he was only flirting for the tip," Hannah said.

"Alright alright, I got it," Oscar said."You get all the guys and there's no females for me. This isn't fair. We're doing something else next weekend."

"Only if we come here after," I said.

"You got it princess," he said.

We got up to leave and I didn't see Nicholas anywhere. He wasn't at any of the tables so he must have been in the back. That's too bad I would have liked one last look at him. We made our way to the door when I heard, "hey Addison."

I looked and it was Nicholas. He had a sweet smile and he said, "I'll see you around."

"Definitely," I said, as my heart took a funny leap.

"That was the most beautiful man I have ever seen," I said.

"Do you not look at me?" Oscar asked as we got into the car.

"I love you Oscar but you do not hold a candle to that man," I said, unapologetically.

"He was rather good looking but I think he knows it. That's a turn off for me," Hannah said.

"He wasn't an arrogant jerk," I said. "He was sweet."

"Alright. Let's stop talking about your men," Oscar said.

"But we didn't even talk about Tim," I said, trying to get under his skin.

"I said enough. I've been thinking about traveling to find my mate. I know you can meet them in the most unexpected circumstances and I'm ready," he said.

"You're still young and you haven't even checked out all the women in this area," I said.

"You can always go with Ezra when he goes. Then people will roll out all their females for you," Hannah said.

Oscar dropped us off and we went inside.

A/N picture is of Addison.

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