Strawberry || Eddie Munson

De brieee02

28.7K 714 165

"You smell like death" "And you smell like strawberries" Or Stacey Atwood, cousin to Hawkins High's Queen Bee... Mais

Trigger Warnings and Disclaimers


1.2K 37 16
De brieee02

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Chapter Four: Snap, Crackle, And Pop

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Stacey straightened her hair out of boredom waiting for the clocking to tick by. Her head was pounding so before she left for the school so she took some Tylenol. When the painkillers began to ease her headache she looked at herself in the mirror. Flared jeans, a pink t-shirt with a Metallica logo printed across the chest, and black high-top converse.

The ride to the school was short considering she lived merely two blocks away. She turned off her car, causing her music to die down as well, before stepping out. It took her a solid ten minutes to find a parking spot due to the game in the next building over. Stacey headed for the front entrance to the school and regretted it when she saw her cousin. Thankfully, she was able to sneak past the cheerleader and find the hallway where the D&D meetings were held. Stacey nearly jumped out of her skin when she ran right into Mike, Dustin, and a little girl.

"Uh, hi?" Stacey said with a small wave. The little girl turned toward Mike.

"Who's the brown-eyed barbie?" she asked with sass laced in her voice.

"I'm Stacey," she said sticking out her hand.

"Erica," said the girl. "Erica Sinclair."

"Lucas's sister I take it?"

"Unfortunately. How do you know Lucas?" she asked as the four of them turned the corner.

"He sits at my lunch table-"

"So you're popular," Erica pointed out. "Then why are you with a bunch of nerds?"

"One," Stacey said holding up one finger, "I'm not popular, my cousin is, and two," she said holding up another finger, "I'm here to annoy to shit outta Munson."

Erica nodded approving of the blonde's actions. Once they entered the classroom where D&D was held Eddie's face dropped.

"What the hell is Blondie doing here?" he asked faking his anger. He couldn't care less that she was here but if anything she'd be a distraction. "And who's the four-year-old?"

"I'm eleven you long-haired freak," Erica stated. Stacey burst into laughter and placed her hand on the younger girl's shoulder.

"I'm keeping you around, girl."

Eddie brushed it off as he looked at Erica and stood up. "So, what's your name, child?"

"Erica Sinclair."

The long-haired boy laughed, "So this is Sinclair's infamous sister."

Erica rolled her eyes and looked back at Stacey, Mike, and Dustin. "He's sharp."

Stacey grinned, "I'm loving this girl."

Eddie looked at Gareth and Jeff and they stopped chuckling to themselves. One glanced at Stacey and his cheeks tinged pink. His gaze returned to Erica as he crouched down. "What's your class and level? Level one dwarf?"

Stacey's hand flew in the air. "That's me! Princess Dwarf!"

Mike and Dustin nudged her to get her to shut up and but Stacey only frowned. Eddie held up his finger to her, his middle finger, officially silencing the blonde.

Erica cocked her eyebrow up, "My name," she said sassily, "is Lady Applejack and I'm a chaotic good half-elf rogue, level fourteen. And I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison-soaked kukri. And I will smile as I watch them die a slow, agonizing death. So, we gonna do this or we gonna keep chitchatting like this is your mommy's book club?"

"Holy shit," Stacey muttered and leaned toward Mike, "Is that good?"

"Yes," he answered flatly.

"Can I be that?" Stacey asked with sarcasm. "Actually," Stacey said with more authority in her voice, grabbing Eddie's attention, "can I be an elf princess?"

Erica turned around to look at her with a wild expression. Stacey only shrugged not knowing how the game worked. "What? It sounds like a fun title."

"Blondie," Eddie asked as he stood back up to his full height after being intimidated by Erica.

"Yeah?" Stacey asked with a hint of challenge in her voice.

"Shut up, sit there, and look pretty, m'kay?"

Stacey smirked. "You think I'm pretty?"

"Fuck off, Atwood."

A laugh from Stacey turned his cheeks pinker than earlier as they began to set up the game. Eddie stuck his hand out to Erica, "Welcome to Hellfire," his other hand stuck out to Stacey as he flipped her off.

"You wish, Munson," she said cheekily to mess with him. Eddie coughed and ignored her comment as he, the boys, and Erica got to work.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"So, you're telling me that I can't just be a princess?"

"Shut up, Stacey!" the group, minus Eddie, hollered. Eddie cleared his throat and continued the story.

"The hooded cultists chant, 'Hail Lord Vecna,'" he said from behind a binder filled with D&D papers. Stacey raised her eyebrows as she looked around at everyone else. "'Hail Lord Vecna-'"

"Hell fucking no," Stacey said in the same ominous voice as Eddie. He shot her a glare before continuing.

"They turn to you, remove their hoods. You recognize most of them from Makbar. But there is one you do not recognize, his skin shriveled, desiccated," A shiver ran through Stacey's spine as her head pounded, "And something else, he's not only missing his left arm but his left eye!" The group all shouted no as Stacey held onto her head and quickly reached for her purse to grab more Tylenol. Eddie glanced at her popping the pain killer into her mouth but continued making it look like he was missing his left eye, smiling as his friends all played along.

"Vecna's dead!"

"He was killed by Kas," Mike added. His hair moved over his face.

"So it was thought my friends, so it was thought," Eddie said standing up and fist-pumping, "but Vecna lives," he said placing a small metal-looking figure onto the game board.

Stacey looked at it. It looked like a spider lizard. Her brown eyes remained on the mini figurine. Another chill ran down her spine and the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. The players around her were complaining about how they swore Vecna was dead.

"You are scared, you're tired-"

"Here here!" Stacey said about the tired part.

"Shut up, Blondie," Eddie said. Stacey stuck her tongue out at him.

He cleared his throat. "You're scared, you're tired. You are injured. Do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or do you stand your ground and fight? Come on?" he pressed. Dustin held up his hand as if to say wait.

"I say we fight," Dustin said leaning forward, "to the death."

"To the death," Mike repeated. Stacey stayed quiet feeling that it was getting serious now.

"To the death," Erica agreed.

They all chanted, "To the death!" minus Stacey.

Eddie's grin could've been seen from miles away. His brown eyes caught Stacey's and he couldn't help it, he smiled at her. Stacey returned it with a small smile feeling something stir in her stomach- butterflies.

Erica rolled the dice, and Stacey still couldn't believe they actually made twenty-sided dice, and the table cheered. One by one, players were taken out, and Stacey sat back and watched everything unfold. It seemed symbolic in a way, plus she could tell that it made Eddie really happy. As much as she tried to focus on the dice, she kept watching Eddie. His eyes had crow's feet when he smiled. He would stick out his tongue when he was thinking, and he would scrunch his eyebrows together whenever someone rolled a bad roll. It was quite cute to Stacey but she would rather die than admit that aloud.

"Time out," Jeff said. "Time out!"

The group, minus Stacey and Eddie, huddled together to discuss a plan. Stacey leaned forward and looked at the boy with wild hair. "So, Munson, you really like this game, don't you?"

Eddie nodded, "I do," he cleared his throat. "Why did you come?"

"It was a toss-up of cheer at a basketball game that I don't care about or sit here and annoy the shit out of you," Stacey admitted with a small shoulder shrug. A few pieces of her hair fell over her shoulder while the rest stayed in between her back and the chair.

"You're not that annoying," Eddie exaggerated the word as he confessed shooting her a small smile. "But you're still a major pain in my ass."

"Good," Stacey said breathing out, "I try."

Eddie swallowed hard before speaking, "Uh, Chrissy has to come over to my house to get something and she wanted you to take her-"

"Why would she need something from your house, Munson? I-Is she buying drugs?" she hissed. Eddie nodded and Stacey nearly blew up.

"Oh my God," she exclaimed. "I'm gonna kill her! Scratch that, I'm gonna kill you!"

Eddie sighed, "Look, Blondie, I'll just give her a little bit, okay? Nothing that is too much for her, okay? I'd never hurt her, or anyone for that matter."

"I'll still throat punch you, Munson."

Eddie gulped holding onto his throat. Stacey glared at him and averted her eyesight when the rest of the group returned from their emergency meeting. "There is no shaming in running, gentlemen, and Lady Applejack. No shame in it," Eddie said while standing up. "Don't try to be heroes. Not today, 'kay?"

Dustin held up his finger and the group re-huddled to talk once more. Stacey stood up and crossed her arms. "Why would you tell them that?"

"Because it would be stupid of them to fight," Eddie said placing his hands on his sides.

"Oh cause that's totally an example you want to set?" Stacey sassed. "Yes, run at the sign of any problems. Run when there's danger. Run when things get tough," she shook her head and looked at the group that un-huddled to watch her rant, "No, no, no, you guys will fight because running is for pussies. Fight! Fight! Fight!" she ended with a chant.

Eddie was at her side and his lips to her ear as he whispered, "I told you once before, Blondie, you are what you eat, and it doesn't mean I run all the time."

Stacey rolled her eyes. Eddie Munson was notorious for running. It's what he did best. If he put his mind to running he'd be in the Olympics by now.

Eddie clapped his hands together and looked at them, "So what will you do?"

Erica smirked and looked at Stacey. "We want to fight."

Dustin grinned, "Screw it, let's kill the son of a bitch. Give me the d-twenty." Dustin rolled an eleven which meant he was killed. It was up to Erica now. She rolled the dice slowly, even Stacey was biting her nails. The dice rolled down the board and before she knew it, it landed on twenty. Erica grinned.

"Critical hit!"

"What!" Eddie cheered. He bowed toward Erica with a smile as she stood proudly. Stacey nearly burst into laugher when she noticed that Erica was wearing an American flag around her shoulders. I guess you can't spell America without Erica.

The group of teens and the preteen cheered down the hallway. Eddie walked beside Stacey as they all exited the building. Cheers from countless other people were heard. Apparently, they had won the championship title.

"So," Eddie said facing Stacey, "are you gonna take your cousin to my place?"

The blonde nodded, "Yeah, I guess I will. I'd rather be there with her than her doing it on her own."

Eddie cleared his throat. "The only condition is that you have to stay in the car."

Stacey snorted. "Not happening, Munson. I'll be going in with her to make sure everything will be sunshine and rainbows."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"So what are you getting from him?" Stacey asked as she followed Eddie's car to the trailer park. She looked over at Chrissy who seemed to be a nervous wreck.

"I don't know yet. Just something strong enough the block out my headaches."

"Ever thought of seeing, oh I don't know, a doctor?" Stacey asked sarcastically. Chrissy shook her head.

"These aren't normal headaches, Stace. I've been seeing things too," Chrissy lifted her feet off of the floor and brought her knees to her chest. Stacey didn't know what to make of that as she turned when Eddie did. "I saw a clock in the woods today. And I know it sounds crazy but it felt so real."

Stacey only nodded not knowing what to say. Eddie made a left into the trailer park and parked his car in front of a white trailer. Stacey parked beside him and stepped out. Eddie's wild hair was noticeable even in the dark.

"This is my," he paused, "castle," he clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth, "welcome."

He unlocked the door and allowed the girls to step in first. Stacey began wandering around.

"Sorry for the mess. The maid took the week off," he said jokingly while picking up items off of the counter and table. Stacey ignored it as she continued to look around. While Eddie was frantically cleaning and Chrissy was standing in the living room looking terrified, Stacey managed to find Eddie's bedroom. A laugh rose to the back of her throat as she saw the handcuffs on his walls. Eddie's eyes doubled in size when he saw Stacey standing in his room.

"Nice handcuffs, Munson. Didn't peg you to be a kinky bastard." Eddie grabbed her shoulders and steered her out of his room, but it was too late. Stacey had already seen the posters of bands, a few naked girls on magazines, the guitar (which was badass), and the infamous handcuffs. She snorted, "How many times have you used those?"

"Why," Eddie decided to jab back, "you wanna use 'em?"

Stacey's face grew red. "No!" she nearly shouted. Eddie grinned to himself that he could get under her skin so easily. "Why the hell would you even ask that?" Eddie shrugged.

"Oh, hey, before I forget," he handed her the tube of strawberry lipgloss. "You left this in my car."

"Thanks," Stacey said grabbing the gloss. "I was wondering where this went."

"Now, can you stay with your cousin while I get her the special K?" 

"You are not giving her special K, Munson-"

"You done it?" Eddie asked with raised eyebrows reaching for his cigarette case and pulling one out. He lifted the lighter to the end and took a small drag.

"Of course I have," Stacey muttered snatching the cigarette from his mouth and putting it between her lips. She took a hit and held it between her pointer and middle finger. "These things will kill you know."

"Why do you think I smoke 'em?" Eddie joked "Now can you go back to your cousin so I can look in peace."

"No special K," she said sternly. Eddie nearly scoffed in her face.

"No special K."

Stacey headed for the living room. Chrissy was standing a little too still for her liking. She heard Eddie rummaging around for the drugs as she looked at her cousin.

"Chris?" she asked softly. "Hey Munson!" she hollered.

"What?" Eddie shouted back.

"Get in here!"

Eddie sped walked to the living room and saw that Chrissy Cunningham was standing very still. Her eyes had rolled into the back of her head.

"Is she okay?" he asked her cousin as he shook Chrissy's shoulder.

"I don't know," Stacey said before an idea popped into her head. "My phone's in the car. I'll call the cops."

"Yeah, yeah," Eddie said nodding. "You call the cops and I'll wake her up."

The pair had split up. Stacey sprinted for the car and tried to find her phone. Her head was pounding as she searched under the seats, in the console, and even in the trunk. "It's got to be here somewhere," she grunted as she bent down to look under the seats again.

Inside the trailer, Eddie continuously shook Chrissy's shoulders. "Chrissy!" he shouted, "Chrissy wake up! I don't like this Chrissy, wake up!"

Chrissy's body slowly lifted into the air. Her eyes still remained white, her body slightly shaking. "Chrissy, seriously wake the fuck up! This isn't funny!"

The lights began flickering and Eddie screamed when Stacey busted through the door. "Oh my God!" she screamed as her cousin was on the ceiling. "What the fuck!"

Eddie grabbed ahold of Stacey and kept her behind his back as he backed up. One by one Chrissy's bones began cracking. Stacey screamed as her cousin's body became distorted. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "Eddie, what the hell is happening?" she screamed.

"I don't know!"

The pair had screamed so loudly their throat became sore. Chrissy's eyes were pulled into the back of her head before her body came crashing down to the floor. Stacey began hyperventilating.

"She's dead!" she hollered at Eddie. "My baby cousin is dead!"

Eddie didn't say anything as he lifted Stacey up into the air and threw her over his shoulder. "Eddie put me down!" she cried as he tossed her in his car. "What are you doing? We need to call the fucking cops!"

"I'm running, Stacey. What does it look like?" he spat as he drove off in a hurry. "I'm getting us the hell out of there before the cops arrest us for probably being legally insane."

"But Chrissy just fucking died and some ghost devil shit thing killed her!"

"I know that!" Eddie screamed.

"We need to tell the cops!"

"We can't!"

"We have to tell them! For Chrissy!"

"Right now we need to fucking hide."

Stacey let out a low sob as she looked at the road. The images of Chrissy's distorted body were burned in her brain. She glanced at Eddie, his face showed nothing but fear.

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