Jungkook's Betrayal????

By jkpancholi1

408K 16.5K 2.6K

Junkook suddenly announced his relationship with V on stage ..All the members especially Jimin was in shock... More

part 1- on the rainy day
part 2 - rain goes on
part 3-we don't talk anymore
part 4 - But I still want youuu...
part 5 - looking for future with past in a heart
part 6 - To the moon
part 7- jealousy
part 8- hellucination or existence??
part 9- clear
part -10 turning point
part - 11 buddies
part 12- Taehyung
part 13- truth
part 14- Jungkook
part 15- Jimin
part 16- Faded
part 17- The beginning
part 18 - when jimin met rest of members
part - 19 Year 2012
part 20-year 2013- debut year of BTS
part 21 - Unbearable hurt💔💔
part 22- Too much hate to handle
Part 23-surprise!!
part 24 - Enough is enough
part 25- Getting strong
part 26- I hate love
part 27- self acceptance
part 28- And the game begins 😉
part 29- consequences
part 30- please forgive me
part 31-wounds you gave are deeper ..
part 32- you are my only desire
part 33- confessions.
part 34- evolution of Jikook -1
part 35- evolution of Jikook-2
part 36- evolution of Jikook-3
part 37 - Beginning of the ending
part 38- your voice still gives goosebumps
part 39- Story from Jungkook's side
part 40- destiny had different plan
part 41- LIE
Part 42- what actually happened on that night
part 43- He deserves to know.
fly high
part 46- I need just ... YOU.
part 47- you pull me like a magnet..
part 48- Truth will lead to dawn or dusk??
part 49 - Distance I didn't want .
part 50- when destiny plays..
part 51 - U-turn or dead end??
part 52- stronger than you think.
part 53- My love gave you the power to hurt me
part 54- Wish I could turn back time..
part 55- He loves me? loves me not?
part 56- I was there for you.. Always
Part 57- Prayers do miracles..
part 58- Friends??
part 59- Running, running just to keep my hands on you..
part 60- YOU are my strongest craving..
part 61- You are me, I am you.
part 62- Love?? hah! it doesn't matter.
part 63- Yes, we do!
part 64- Epilogue -1
part 65- Epilogue -2
Author's note..

part 45 - when they met.

4.4K 211 46
By jkpancholi1

Jungkook couldn't hold it back when Suga talked about Jimin , NOT SO INNOCENTLY. He punched hard on Suga's face. But that punch never landed.. As Suga caught Jungkook's hand in between and smirked hard.

" I can see how much you want Jimin to move on kook-ah. Just by listening about him your possesive self jumps up. Leave your stupidity now." Suga said in a calm voice.

Jungkook caught his head between his arms and sat on the floor.

" Hyung , I just don't want him to be hurt" Jungkook replied without looking up.

" Can't you see kook? Really? You ALREADY have hurt him. A LOT. By keeping your stubborn behaviour you will hurt him continuously and If you are thinking about the death shit , tell me how Jimin will feel if he knows about this at that time . And even if he moves on , will he be able to countinue that relationship out of all the guilt of not being with you in your tough time? I am really amazed how an intelligent person like you, can do this blunder? Guess tumor really affected your brain!" Suga spat in too much anger but instantly regreted it deeply.

Jungkook was too shocked to speak.

"I am really sorry kook, really really sorry, I didn't mean it. I really didn't mean it. You know that right? Aaaah! I guess my brain is dead already. How could I speak that? " Suga had tears in his eyes.

Jungkook got up and hugged Suga gently .

" It's ok hyung! I know you didn't mean that " smiled Jungkook.

He took a deep breath and looked towards Suga.

" I understand now hyung . I was wrong. I will tell Jimin everything. I hope he forgives me. " Jungkook said and smiled weekly.

" I will not blame him if he doesn't kook. Things are really messed up. But you have to do it, right? Tell me when you want to do it."

" After the concert hyung! I want this concert to be the special one with him. You know how much he loves to perform. Stage is his life and I don't want to ruin these moments making him worrying about me . And anyways concert is in this weekend so not many days are left."

" Fine. I am rooting for you kook-ah. Don't stress too much , everything will be fine .let's go outside now and tell everyone about your decision"

Suga was near the door ,leaving, when Jungkook spoke.

" Hyung?"

" Yes?" Suga turned back.

" When you said all those things about Jimin and said you still love Jimin, you were lying right?? Just to make me jealous, hmm?" Jungkook was looking at Suga , eyes were filled with many emotions.

Suga instantly replied in a firm voice, " No, I was not. None of those sentences was lie . I feel every word , I mean every word. I really love Jimin, always have."

"But he had loved you.. always"

And suga left the room , leaving dumbfounded Jungkook behind.

Everyone was waiting for duo to come outside. Jungkook came out soon after Suga .

Everyone looked expectedly at both of them. Jungkook informed everyone that he will tell everything to Jimin .

" I will talk to him and tell him everything after the concert."

" Concert? What concert?"

Bang PD hyuk was observing everything in such a silent mode that they almost forgot that he was sitting with them too... But when Jungkook mentioned about concert he spoke ..

"Concert? What concert? There will be no concert"

Members were shocked.

"Why sir?" Jungkook panicked.

" How can we Jungkook? Member's health is priority of bighit. After knowing you are suffering from such a disease how can I give permission to concert and I don't think without you concert will have same success. So take rest , I will cancel the concert ASAP." Hyuk said with determination.

" Nooo PD hyung. Please don't cancel it. I really want to perform in this concert. I don't know will I be able to perform next time. It could be my last concert.."

" Jungkook plea-.." his mother said with pain.

" Yes mom, I am stating the facts. I even don't know for how many days I will be able to walk on my feet . So hyuk hyung please grant it as my last request. Let me perform please. I even have permission of my doctor." Jungkook said eagerly.

" Is that so? Can I talk to him? " Asked bang PD.

" Offcourse. Give me a minute."

And Jungkook took his phone to call the doctor.

" Hello , Sungwoon hyung, I am sorry for calling this late ."

" It's absolutely fine . I hope your health is well . It is, right??"

" Yes, it's well . Actually I wanted to talk about that only. I have informed my band members and bang PD hyung about my disease and I want your confirmation about my health condition to continue my performance in concert this week. Can you please talk to PD Hyung and assure him for the same?"

" Oh! Is that so? Your every member knows about this now? " Asked Doctor.

" Yes, I've told to ALL of them "

" Good . It's always better to have your friends by your side in tough times. Ok , now let me talk to PD Hyung."

And Jungkook gave his phone to bang PD. Doctor assured him that Jungkook is ok right now as he had only one session of radiation till date and not showing any side effects. And he is stable right now but also informed him to not let Jungkook dance too much as anytime vission can be blurred and there is possibility of him to be faint. So singing and very light dancing is allowed.

PD was not very convinced but by looking at how Jungkook was requesting him like his life depends on it, he allowed with a condition that Jungkook will not dance on intence or energy dragging choreography and doctor must be present there at the concert.

Jungkook agreed and doctor also agreed to be there.

It was almost 4 in the morning when they all apart.

Suga prised Taehyung with all his heart for going against Jungkook's wish and telling them everything. Also proving himself as a true friend by supporting Jungkook while treatment and more importantly I correcting him when he was going on a wrong direction.

Everyone agreed that Tae is definitely a friend, we need in our life. They all hugged Tae and praised him. Both Jimin's and Jungkook's parents admired Tae whole heartedly.. Tae felt overwhelmed and couldn't control his tears.

Jimin's parents and brother went back to Busan but before that Jimin's brother hugged Jungkook and spoke,

"hyung I know your intentions were pure but My jiminie hyung is stronger than you think .May be he likes to be pampered by you and allowed you to dominate because he loves you so didn't show you how iron willed he is. trust me he could have handled the situation better. Anyways better late than never..We all are with you . Let's tell him soon ,ok? see you hyung take care."

And informed that they will be back on the day of concert.. Jungkook nodded and just smiled .

All the exhausted members went to their home. Hobi as usual went to Jimin's apartment.

What a day it was! Morning was full of Jimin's controversy and on evening when they thought it's done as they solve the problem , Jungkook's unexpected misery shook them all. Too much for a day.

Although they were happy that Jungkook never betrayed Jimin the way they thought, they were waiting for Jungkook to reveal the truth asap.

Hobi had spare key so he went inside without waking Jimin up. When he went to check Jimin in his bedroom he instantly felt the feeling to protect him just by looking at much innocent face. Jimin was sleeping peacefully and his face was looking like literally a defination of innocence .

Hobi went and in other bedroom and fell to sleep instantly..

Jungkook on the other hand was not able to sleep. He felt light-hearted after telling everything to his hyungs however he was feeling extremely nervous about meeting Jimin the very next day.

He replayed in his mind how dominating Jimin sounded when he asked Jungkook and Tae to join the practice tomorrow.

May be Jimin's brother was right. Jimin just LET him dominate all these years. May be he indeed is stronger than Jungkook thought. No , not may be. He truly IS iron willed.

Jungkook was still feeling goosebumps after hearing the voice of Jimin after such a long time. He actually felt nervous about meeting him on the other side he just couldn't wait to see him in a close proximity, to talk to him face to face and may be to... touch him??? Ok , ok it would be only a handshake or if allow hopes to rise it could be a hug??

Jungkook couldn't stop smiling in a thought that he finally gets to meet his love. " Why am I feeling like a teenager who has his first date ?" He laughed at his eager self and drifted in to sleep slowly.

Morning seemed more beautiful that day. Sun was shining bright and cool breeze was making the atmosphere lovely.

Jimin wake up and got ready quickly . He was looking so good.he always does, doesn't he? Hobi was really really tired but he can't afford to miss the practice as concert was only 3 days away now . So he also got ready.

When he saw Jimin he couldn't stop himself to admire his favourite little man.

" Oh Jimin-ah ! How do you manage to look so good everytime? You make me fall for you again and again!"

Jimin laughed shyly, " hyung I wish I was elder than you, you never miss a chance to tease me! "

Hobi laughed too and pinched his naturally pink, round cheeks.

" Hyung? "

" Yes, jiminie?"

" I talked to Jungkook yesterday"

" What??" Hobi was shocked. He didn't knew about the conversation that happened on phone so he thought it otherwise.

" Jungkook told you everything?" Hobi still couldn't believe it happened already.

" No he called Suga hyung twice and he was in washroom so I picked the phone thinking it could be urgent but he cut the call after hearing my voice.. wait a minute...what did you say?? he told me everything?? What is it? About what? " Jimin was confused.

At that time hobi knew he totally misunderstood .

" Nothing Jimin-ah, I think he told you that I was at his place." Hobi tried to cover up.

" Oh hyung I know that. Suga hyung already told me"

"Oh yes I forgot he was with you . You are not angry, right?"

" Noo hyung, why would I? It's not that you guys were planning my murder or was having a secretive meeting against me" Jimin laughed hard.

Well not actually against you, but our meeting's centre point was you jiminie , thought hobi.

" Ok tell me now what were you saying"

" Yes so, he cut the call so I felt offended you know? So I called back and.."

Jimin told hobi about the whole conversation. ( Please refer part 38)

Hobi felt proud of Jimin . How maturely he handled the situation.

" You did well kid, I am proud of you .. now let's go . I think Jk and Tae will surely come. " Hobi patted on Jimin's shoulder and they left for practice studio.

They were the first one to reach but soon other members started to come . They all greeted eachother. Everyone was surprised to know that Jk and Tae was also coming to practice with them because Jimin suggest same and Jungkook AGREED!! They were happy that slowly but steadily everything was coming back on track .

They waited for Taekook duo to come .

And finally they came .....

Tae went straight to Jimin avoiding others on his way and hugged him tightly like he never want to be apart from his soulmate. Jimin replied with same affection with a fond smile and even tighter hug.

Tae cupped Jimin's little face and said, " I missed you Jimin-ah! Love you so much my buddy"

Jimin smiled and said, " I missed you too Tae and I love you more"

Tae laughed and thought, Even Jimin still doesn't know the truth, even if it seems like I , being his best friend, have snatched his lover , his boyfriend, still he is showing his love for me , not thinking about I am a betrayer. How can a person be so selfless.

While both soulmate were showing their love to each other one person was standing in a corner, watching Jimin with heart eyes.

Jimin eventually noticed him and went towards him slowly..

" Ummm ....Hi Jungkook"....

Hello dear readers, here i am wishing for lots of happiness for you all.. stay blessed my serotonin..

Enjoy the chapter and please share your views.

Lots and lots of love.

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