Mystery Metal Swordsmen From...

HeartlessUnfunnyKid tarafından

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Warning: The beginning parts of the story mention some blood and slightly brutal fights, so if you don't like... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: Blinding Lights
Chapter 2: Freezing Hole
Chapter 3: Loyal Wolf
Chapter 4: Not Again!
Chapter 5: Hope To Enemy
Chapter 6: Unexpected Events
Chapter EX: Flesh Eater [non-cannon]
Chapter 7: Immortal Sword
Chapter 9: Meeting Once Again
Chapter 10: Revealing The Truth
Chapter 11: Going Somewhere
Chapter 12: On The Case
Chapter 13: Clues In Crime
Chapter 14: Today Turn South
Bad News...

Chapter 8: Unlikely Team Up

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HeartlessUnfunnyKid tarafından

Talking: "born in flames"
Thinking: "I have been blessed"
Action: *grab*/*BOOM*
Wishper: "death"

"Reimu? What are you doing here?" Kaguya asked, staring at the red and white miko.

"I'm just here to take him." Reimu answered, pointing her stick at Raiden.

Everyone looked at Raiden and back to Reimu, all of them looked confused and wanted answers.

"Oh I'm not staying in this damn place!" Raiden shouted, making everyone beside Reimu confused.

"But you have to, if you don't then..." Reimu looked at the cloudy skies with a frown.

"Meet the same fate? Sorry but fighting to get back home is better than staying in this place, knowing my family will never see me again." Raiden said in anger.

Reimu looked back at Raiden and tightened her grip on her stick. She was about to open her mouth and say something, but then someone interrupted her.

"Alright, I don't know what's going on, but can you tell me why you're here to take this guy, other than this 'meeting the same fate' thing." Mokou spoke up, making Reimu slightly annoyed.

"That is none of your business, now just go back to your homes and forget about this." Reimu responded.

"Now, you. Come with me." Reimu said, motioning him to come with him.

"I already told you this before, I will fight to get back home!" Raiden shouted.

Reimu stared at him in disappointment.

"This is your last warning, come with me or I have to use force." Reimu stated.

"I said no!" Raiden yelled, gripping the handle of the sword.

"I'm sorry that I have to do this, but you leave me no choice."

Reimu suddenly dashed at Raiden at fast speeds, stretched her arm and opened her hand to grab Raiden's arm. But Raiden quickly side-stepped her and watched her land on her feet, sliding through the ground. Reimu then jumped at Raiden and tried to grab him again, but failed.

Everyone was watching Raiden and Reimu playing this game of cat and mouse. They were confused about what to do. Suddenly Reimu kicked Raiden, which he quickly blocked with his right arm. The red and white Mimo then immediately flipped to make Raiden hit his head, which Raiden didn't expect and got hit.

He then quickly stood up and began to be in a defensive stance, facing Reimu. Reimu landed on her feet and stared at Raiden with determination in her eyes, and she then summoned a few orbs of light. She shot the orbs at Raiden at high speed, which he dodged and the other people behind him also dodged.

"Stop making this difficult for the both of us." Reimu said.

"Making this difficult, huh? Well looks like I will make this even more difficult!" Raiden then dashed at her, and tried to pull the crimson red sword out.

But then Reimu shot an orb at Raiden's chest, he couldn't cut it in time so he hit and rolled to the ground. He didn't feel anything from that orb at all, he stood up and stood on his knees and stared at his chest.

"That... That thing didn't even give me a slight of pain at all, this was less painful than that witch shooting at me." Raiden said in his head.

Raiden then realized that Reimu was charging at him at high speeds, and barely had any reaction time to respond. Reimu was about to hit his head with the stick she was holding, but then...

A fireball shot the stick just at the right time, making the stick only graze his hair. Reimu jumped back and looked at who did and Raiden did as well, Reimu and Raiden looked to Raiden's right, and saw Mokou with fire covered all over her hand.

"Get out of the way of this, Mokou. This has nothing to do with you." Reimu said in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah, I know... But I don't really care." Mokou replied with a little grin.

Reimu looked at her with an annoyed expression and straightened her back, staring down on Raiden and Mokou.

"The only thing that I care is answers, Reimu!" Mokou shouted.

Reimu stayed silent and only looked at the both.

"Well, if you're not going to answer then I guess I have to beat one out of you!" Mokou then ran at Reimu and jumped, shooting fireballs at her.

Reimu quickly dodged all the attacks and shot a few orbs of light at her, but Mokou dodged all of them and shot another fireball at her. Reimu grazed the fireball that was inches away from her face. Mokou landed on the ground and then charged at her, summoning fire around her hands. Mokou shot a few balls at her while charging at her, and when she was close to Reimu.

She punched her with her fire covered hand, but Reimu barely blocked it with the stick. As the two girls fight each other, Raiden stood up and turned his arm into a cannon and opened his cannon. He grabbed the empty battery from the cannon and replaced it with a new one, putting the empty one onto his waist and closing the cannon.

Reimu slided back because of the force of Mokou's punch, and she lowered her stick and summoned a few orbs of light around her, and shot them at Mokou. She grazed a few of them but she got hit in the stomach, and got sent flying back to a few bamboo trees. Reimu turned to look at Raiden, who was charging at her.

Raiden then jumped over her and shot at her with his blaster, she immediately grazed them and rolled back. He landed on the ground and shot even more at her while walking back every time he shot at her, but Reimu easily dodged his attack and dashed toward him. Raiden turned his right hand back to normal and grabbed the handle of the sword, and grabbed the trigger of the sheath. Reimu was getting closer and closer until Raiden pulled the trigger, launching the sword out and grabbing it.

Reimu realized what was happening so she stopped and summoned a blue wall in front of her, but it was cut in half by the red sparking sword. Raiden can clearly see Reimu's face, it was a shocked expression. Her eyes widened and looked at the sword that cut through her wall.

She jumped back and looked like she was in a state of shock, heavy breathing and her eyes dot around at fast speeds. She looked at Raiden, but her eyes didn't seem like they were staring at him, but something other than that. After a few seconds her expression turned to anger, and tighten her grip on her stick so hard that her hand turned white.

Thousands and thousands of orbs summoned behind her, all spinning around. Mokou slowly walked next to Raiden, looking at Reimu with a hint of concern.

"Looks like plans... Has changed." Reimu looked down on Raiden.

"What do you mean by changing your plans, Reimu?! What the hell are you planning now!? Give me at least an answer!" Mokou shouted.

"That doesn't concern you, as I said before. Go back to your damn home."Reimu said.

"Why doesn't it concern me!? You have been acting weird, of course I'm concerned!" Mokou yelled.

As the two were yelling at each other, Raiden noticed someone walking next to him. The person in question was Kaguya.

"Hate to admit this, but I hold the same desire as that burned chicken. I want answers as well, Reimu." Kaguya suddenly spoke up, making Mokou turn to look at her.

"H-huh? Oh, never thought we would actually agree on something." Mokou chuckled, and made Kaguya, who was looking at her, slime slightly.

"I'm surprised as well, but that's beside the point." Kaguya replied, and stared back at Reimu.

"Now, Reimu. Tell u-" Kaguya was about to ask Reimu but got shot by one of the orbs, which Kaguya barely dodged.

Kaguya looked back to see the orb hit one of the bamboo trees, exploding the tree. She then turned back to look at Reimu.

"*sigh* At least I tried."

Mokou, who was to Raiden's right, summoned fire around her hands. Kaguya, who was to Raiden's left, summoned a few orbs of light behind her while Raiden pointed his cannon at Reimu.

Reimu flew up and truly stared down at them. Music started to blast out of the crimson sword Raiden was holding, making the girls look at the sword for a few seconds and look back at Reimu. Reimu looked slightly more pissed now.

Reimu suddenly shot some of the orbs behind her at the three at high speed. The two girls dodged and grazed the orbs and shot at her with orbs or fireballs, while Raiden struggled on dodging the orbs and had barely any time on shooting at her. Reimu easily dodged all the trio's attacks and shot even more orbs at them.

The orbs seemed to be targeting Raiden more than the two girls. Suddenly, purple needles were shot at Raiden by Reimu. He tried to dodge and slice all the incoming attacks, but there were so many of them that it's almost impossible. He then got hit by one of them, a sharp pain was felt around his chest but... It didn't damage his chest at all.

One after another and another, he got hit by all of the orbs. Raiden can feel every single painful pain in his entire body, but yet his body wasn't destroyed in mere seconds. He screamed in pain, louder and louder. As all this was happening, Reimu just stared.

Then suddenly Reimu got hit by a fireball straight in the face, and then an orb of light hit her in the stomach. She got knocked to the ground, which in turn stopped her orbs and purple needles from causing more pain any further.

Raiden fell on his knees and looked at Reimu, who was slowly standing up from the ground.

"Hey! You alright?" Mokou turned to look at Raiden and asked him.

"Yeah... I'm fine." Raiden answered, and slowly stood up.

Raiden put the sword he was holding back in the sheath and turned his right hand into a cannon, and pointed it at Reimu.

"Now you've done it!" Raiden shouted.

Raiden then shot multiple blue orbs at Reimu, she quickly dodged most of them and grazed a few orbs from Kaguya and Mokou's fireballs. After a few seconds of the three shooting at Reimu, the red and white miko flew up and shot multiple orbs, strange paper with red writing on them and purple needles at all of them. Two yin-yang balls appeared around Reimu and spun around her.

The two girls dodged and grazed most of them, but their movement started to get sluggish as they slowly became exhausted. Suddenly Kaguya and Mokou got hit by one of Reimu's attacks and sent flying. Kaguya almost crashed into her home if it wasn't for Eirin catching her, and Mokou crashed into some bamboo trees.

Raiden grazed all of them and slowly got closer and closer while shooting at her, and as he came closer and closer to the miko he jumped over all her attacks and turned his hand back.

Raiden drew closer and closer to her, which made Reimu summoned a blue wall in front of her, as Raiden was a foot away from her.

Raiden then put his left arm on the sheath's trigger and pulled it, launching the sword out. Reimu quickly realized what was happening and tried to dash back but it's too late. Raiden grabbed the sword in mid air and cut the wall in half.

He pulled his right arm back, ready to punch her. Suddenly his right arm's elbow started to spark blue flames. His right arm then punched Reimu straight in the face at lightning speed, sending her flying into some bamboo trees.

Raiden fell and rolled to the ground, and stood up. He sheathed the crimson sword and he turned his right hand into a blaster, and grabbed the empty battery and put it onto his waist.

Raiden breathed heavily and looked at where Reimu crashed, there was dust everywhere so he couldn't see it. He stared at the dust until it cleared, and revealed Reimu slowly stood up.

"T-this... Isn't... Over!" Reimu shouted.

"What are you even gonna do? Pulling something out of your damn ass? You're exhausted and at your limit." Raiden replied.

Reimu breathed heavily like Raiden, and barely could stand up and the only thing supporting her was her knee. She then used her left arm to pull something behind her, and what she pulled out was a card.

"Oh, you actually pulled something out of your ass." Raiden said.

Reimu then started to float up, her facing down. She raised the card up to her head, and looked at Raiden.

"Spirit Sign: Fantasy Seal" Reimu shouted.

The card she was holding now started to glow until it all became white. Suddenly six giant yin-yang orbs appeared around her that were colored red, blue, green, yellow, orange and purple, and slowly spun around Reimu but the orbs got faster and faster every time. Reimu looked down at Raiden.

Raiden stared at this in shock, but quickly snapped out of it and quickly tried to think of a plan. He then turned his right hand into a cannon and put his last battery in it, and pointed the cannon at Reimu. A blue orb appeared in front of the tip of the cannon, and slowly started to grow and grow.

Reimu then pointed her stick at him, which suddenly made the yin-yang orbs around her stop spinning. After a few seconds Raiden had fully charged up his attack, and was ready to fight it.

They both stared at each other with determination in their eyes, every second felt like a day had passed but suddenly...

They both shot their attacks at the same time. Raiden shot a blue laser beam at Reimu but was stopped by the colorful yin-yang orbs, one orb ball stopped his beam and another joined in. One after another, more and more joined in and pushed the beam back. Raiden was dug deep and deep into the ground as the orb pushed him down, his bar quickly draining and was at half percent.

Leaves and small objects started to fly around the strong powerful lights, and quickly got destroyed when they got close enough. The wind spun around the two, growing stronger and stronger.

"Give up now! You can't win." Reimu shouted.

The now rainbow yin-yang orbs drew closer and closer to Raiden, he is struggling and what doesn't help this is that his bar is almost empty. Then suddenly a fireball hit Reimu in the arm, making her groan in pain slightly and turn to look at who did it.

The person in question is... You guessed it, Mokou. Mokou shot more fireballs at her, which Reimu easily blocked by summoning a wall. As Reimu thought she was alright, she barely dodged an arrow. Reimu then quickly dodged more arrows and dodged a few orbs coming her way, and she then turned to look who did it.

It was Kaguya and Eirin. Eirin was holding a bow, pointed at her. They both threw out attacks at her, which she dodged and grazed. She then summoned another wall to protect herself.

The rainbow yin-yang orb is inching closer and closer, his bar is quickly coming to an end. But then her walls quickly started to crack by all the attacks, the crack grew more and more. Then suddenly...



The wall shattered into little pieces, which meant the attacks started to hit Reimu. The arrows, orbs and fireballs hit Reimu and made the yin-yang orb weaker. The blue beam started to push back against the yin-yang orb, and the beam was getting closer and closer to the red and white miko.

Reimu tried to push back but all the attacks that were hurting her, made it impossible. She stared at the rainbow yin-yang orb and tried to push back even harder, but to no luck. The beam with the rainbow yin-yang orb on the end slowly approached her, and was inches away from her. She closed her eyes, prepared for the pain that awaited her...


That didn't came.

The blue laser beam disappeared as his bar was now to zero, and the rainbow yin-yang orb floated above him. Reimu opened her eyes and realized what was going on, and wasted no time. She pushed the orb at Raiden, he tried to dodge it but it was so fast that it was too late.

The yin-yang orb crashed onto Raiden, fully covering his entire body. He screamed in pain like his arm was cut off in half, but ten times the pain. Kaguya, Eirin and Mokou stopped their attacks to see Raiden screaming in absolute pain. The orb then disappeared and Raiden fell to the ground, somehow not turned to ash.

Reimu had a smile on her face and quickly landed on the ground. The three girls realized what she was doing and started shooting at her, but Reimu dodged and grazed all of their attacks and now was next to his body.

Raiden looked up at Reimu, his eyes were heavy and tried closed but Raiden tried his best to keep them open, but it was too much and his vision faded to black. The last thing he felt was him being grabbed.
Raiden woke up to see...

Bamboo trees...

He looked to his left and saw the Human Village a few miles away, and realized that he was sitting on the ground. He looked around, trying to understand why and how he was here. Raiden decided to leave those questions for later and stood up, and walked toward the village.

After a few seconds he stopped by... You guessed it, Yukari.

A gap appeared in front of him and stepped out was Yukari, but there's something different. She had a serious expression on her face instead of her usual smug smile, but that quickly changed after a few seconds and had her smug smile back.

"Ah, greetings Raiden. I bet you have some questions on your mind, right?" Yukari greeted as the gap behind her closed and disappeared.

"Of course I do, I thought I got kidnapped for the second time." Raiden replied.

"More like firs-"

"Shut up."

Yukari chuckled slightly, but quickly calmed down.

"Anyway, let's answer the most important question, how you got here." Yukari said.

"The reason for you being in here instead of Reimu's basement was because I saved you." Yukari explained, making Raiden's eyebrow raise up.

"You saved me?"

"Yes, and I had a little talk with her after I freed you from her grasp." Yukari answered.

"I see, so can I do one of your challenges now?" Raiden bluntly asked.

"*chuckle* You really want to go home that badly, huh?" Yukari chuckled.

"Sadly, you can't do them as of now." Yukari answered, making Raiden confused.

"Huh? Why?" Raiden questioned.

"Well, I have a feeling that Reimu is going to do that same thing again. So I have to have a few talks with her, which means that you can't do them." Yukari answered.

"How long will you talk to her?"

"Only a couple of days, Raiden."

"Now, I think it's time for my leave. Farwell, Raiden." Yukari waved at Raiden and opened a gap in front of her, stepping through it.

The gap disappeared, and Raiden walked on the dirt road that led to the village.

"Also, I almost forgot about this." Yukari then suddenly popped out of a gap next to Raiden, and pulled out a plate with rice and food and held chopsticks.

"This is a gift from Kaguya, hope you enjoy it." Yukari gave the food and the chopsticks to Raiden.

"Also, also. There's a few of your friends in that village, you don't want to keep them waiting do you?" Yukari then pointed at the village in front of him.

She then waved at him and disappeared into her gap. Raiden stared at the food and decided to eat it, he sat on the floor and ate it.


AN: Hello friends and... Welp, looks like I have to use full caps and the bold font now... *sigh* HOLY BLOODY L, I FUCKING GOT 1K+ READS LETS GOOOOOOOOO


But for real though, jokes aside I'm super fucking happy and grateful for all of you. Thank you so much for getting this far to my story, thank you for voting and commenting. Thank you fam, and I even made something just for this special day.

Thank you, man :)


Also, chapter 9 is taking slightly longer than I want it to, and I feel kinda burnt out. So if I don't post it next Friday then I'm sorry fam.

Okumaya devam et

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