The Destroyer on Remnant (Des...

By sirkibblesthe3rd

35.2K 608 299

Remnant... A planet long abandoned by the brother gods... But what happens when the brother gods, decide to s... More

The Awakening
The Mission
Exploring Remnant
The Hunt for Vale pt. 1 Vacuo
The Hunt for Vale pt.2 Menagerie
Menagerie part 2
Before the Storm
Where I've been
First Day
A Trip Gone Wrong
Not a chapter More of the same

A Late Night Talk

1.1K 24 13
By sirkibblesthe3rd

           Moonlight fills the dorm room as Team RWBY sleeps.   When The girls returned from the cafeteria they had seen Ruby on the bed still out cold and Destroyah on the floor sleeping.  The girls decided to head to sleep, not wanting to do anything to wake the monster up.  Before she went to bed Yang checked to make sure Ruby was actually unconscious and not dead, she breathed a sigh of relief knowing Destroyah hadn't killed her while they were gone.  Shortly after Yang's snoring filled the room.

Destroyah's horn begins to faintly glow as a certain Red Cloaked huntress stirs awake.  A small amount of silver light fills the room as Ruby opens her eyes.  She awkwardly sits up careful not to fall of the bed she was haphazardly thrown on.  She looks around the room to see everyone asleep.

Ruby: *sigh* "Well... There goes my sleep schedule..."

She looks down to see she's still in her uniform, Ruby hops down from her bed to change into her pajamas.  As she gets her clothes together she notices something.

Ruby: "Where's that light coming from...?"

Everywhere she looks is coated in a silver light.  She keeps moving her head around until finally-

Ruby: *Gasp*  I HAVE FLASHLIGHTS IN MY EYES!  THAT'S SO COOL!  Pfft, who even needs night vision!"

"Do you have to be so loud...?"  A low voice growls out.

Ruby: "EEEEEP!"

She whips around to look at the monster, his horn giving off a low glow as he sits up.  Spreading his large wings.

Ruby: "AAAH! Don't look Don't look!  I'm not fully changed yet!"

Y/N: *Annoyed* "First of all, keep your voice down..."

Ruby: *Whispering* "Sorry!"

Y/N: "Second of all, I don't care.  Clothing is still a foreign concept to me..."

Ruby: "W-Well it's still embarrassing to me!"

Y/N: "Ruby?"

Ruby: "Yeah?"

Y/N: "I haven't been facing you since this conversation started..."

She looks at him as he Still hasn't moved to face her.

Ruby: "Oh yeah... I'm... just gonna..."

Y/N hear the sound of shifting behind him before hearing a Thud on a bed next to him.  He turns his head to look and sees Ruby looking at him now in her pajamas.  They stare at each other for an oddly long time, neither saying anything to each other.  This continues for several minutes until one of them speaks.

Y/N: "What...?  Why are you still staring at me...?"

Ruby: "I-I just..."

Y/N: "What?"

Ruby: "I... You said I have powers, Magical powers.  But since you've said that you haven't explained anything.  Is this my power?" *She moves her head around shining light on various objects in the room.* "Because if so....  THIS IS SO COOL!"

Y/N rubs his eyes and sighs at her childish behavior.  He does take note of her curiosity about her powers though.

Y/N: "No, this is not the extent of your magical powers.  Far from it.  I will need to look into the history or more than likely thanks to Ozma, the Myths and Fairy tails in relation to your powers to get a full grasp of what you're capable of, but this is not it."

Ruby: "W-Well then how do you know, if you don't know what my powers are how can we be sure this isn't it?

Y/N raises his clawed finger and points to his horn which is currently glowing a soft orange.  

Y/N: "My horn."

Ruby: "I... Don't understand."

Y/N: "When I got to Vale or rather the forest outside of it, My horn began to glow.  My horn only glows when I'm using it or when magic is near by.  I used it to Track down Oz, but it led me to you.  For your magic to overpower my horns tracking of Ozpin, It needed to be powerful.  Not... This..."

He says gesturing to the soft silver light in the room.

Ruby: "So... How do we find out what more I can do?"

Y/N: "Research."

Ruby: "Aw...." Her shoulders slump.

Y/N: "Poking and Prodding."

Ruby: "Eh?"*Tilting her head*

Y/N: "Immense physical Harm."

Ruby: "HUH!?!

Y/N: "Psychological Trauma."

Ruby: "W-WHAT!?!?"

Y/N: "I said keep your damn voice down!"

Ruby: "EEP!  Sorry!"

They both hear shuffling as well as movement on the other side of the room.

Blake: *Groggy* What's with all the noise...?"

Y/N: "Nothing, go back to sleep."

Blake: "It doesn't sound like nothing, I-"

Y/N: "Go back to sleep. NOW."

Blake says nothing and quickly rolls over facing away from the two.  They all sit an an awkward silence for a few minutes, Ruby constantly shuffling unsure of what to do.

Ruby: *Whispering * "Swear jar."

Y/N: "What?"

Ruby: "NOTHING!"

She realizes a bit too late just how loud she was and covers her mouth.  Y/N stands up and walks up to Ruby's bed, now almost eye to eye with her.  He leans in close to Ruby's face and stares at her, she stares back at him unsure of what to do.

Ruby: "U-Uh... Um..."

Y/N: "Keep.  Your Voice.  Down."

Ruby: *Slowly Nods*

He places his clawed hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: "I don't want to hear anymore yelling tonight."

Ruby: "O-Ok..."

He leans even closer to her, she can feel the heat coming off of him.

Y/N: "Do we have an understanding?  No. More. Yelling."

Ruby: "Y-Yeah!  Okay!

"What are you doing with my sister?"

Y/N: "Scolding her."

Yang: "Really?  That's no what it looks like to me."

Ruby: *leaning to look past Y/N* "What's it look like?"

Y/N: "I too am curious."

She looks at the two completely dumbfounded by their reactions.

Yang: "Okay You, *points to Y/N* You're an alien, I get that.  But You *Points to Ruby* Should know exactly what this looks like."

Ruby: "Hmmm nope, what's it look like?"

Yang: "Wha-....  Haven't you ever had a boyfriend?"

Ruby: "Why is that important?  Also, anytime I tried you'd threaten them too much."

Y/N: "I do not understand."

Yang: "I.... Guess that's my bad.  Anyway it looks like you're-"

Blake: "Go back to sleep Yang..."

Yang: "Yeah yeah I just gotta-"

Blake: "Now, Yang..."

Yang: I said after I-"

Blake: "Go to bed now or I'll come up there."



She leans over the edge of the bed.

Yang: "Promise?"

Blake: "Wha-"

Yang: "Anyway it looks like you two were-"

Blake silently climbs up to Yang's bunk and grabs her from behind making her lay down.

Yang: "H-Hey!"

Blake: "Shut."

Yang: "Okay..."

Y/N and Ruby stare at the two for a bit until Ruby slowly reaches up and grabs his horn causing him to look at her again.  He bats her hand away and stares at her.

Ruby: "So... Are there any other ways to find out what I can do with out scarring me for life both physically and mentally?"

Y/N: "Aside from doing research and catering to what it may say, not really.  Perhaps some sparring but that's rather unlikely."

Ruby: "Darn..."

She lays down and stares up at the ceiling, after a few moments destroyah lays back down in the middle of the room.

Ruby: "Are you really going to help me learn my powers?"

Y/N: "Only if you prove to be worth while... I feel I'm already wasting my time on this planet and I don't plan on wasting anymore time on what could be for nothing...."

Ruby: "Oh..."

Without another word Y/N drifted off to sleep once more.  After a while Ruby too fell asleep, thinking of everything that was said tonight.

She was worth while...







Not dead!

Ocelot: "Not yet anyway."


Short chapter I know, I'm Sorry!

Okay So, Explanation time.  I lost steam for a while and got real busy in life.  I've also had a lot of thoughts recently so strap in this is gonna get lengthy.

First of All, writing style.

When character are talking, 

Ocelot: "Do you want it to be like this?"

"Or like this?" Ruby asked

I've been going through my head deciding which on to use so it's up to you guys now.

Second of all

What POV do you want this to be.

Should I constantly refer to Y/N as his own character or Use 'You'.  Or should I just keep doing what I've been doing and using both depending on POV?


Until I pick up steam for this story again,(No I'm not abandoning it.)Which I will get going again. 
I want you guys to vote on the next story I start writing while waiting to figure out what to do for this one.  They'll all be Reader stories so there.

1. Male DIO reader X RWBY

2. Real World Reader X RWBY

3. (Godzilla)Kiryu reader x RWBY

4. Protector reader x RWBY (You'll basically be with One character at all times)

5. Experiment Reader X RWBY

I have more but unless you want to hear them these are the choices.

No idea when the next chapter is coming out.

Also I released this late at night... Get it...?

I'm Sirkibbles have a great one.

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