Mermen on Accident (DNF Merma...

By Nnailrak

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DNF Merman AU: George and Dream are average students in high school, but after a visit to a mysterious cave... More

The Beach
Land vs Ocean
Swimming Pool
Interrupted Arguments
Merman Karl
Underwater Cave
Curses and Prophecy
Merman Fate
Something Smells
Sapnap's 'Advice'
I said 'Kiss' not 'Make out'
Worst Fear
The Mermaid Queen
Strengthened Hearts
Aquarium Day
Am I a Fish or Just Gay?
The Seeker
Real Romance?
A/N Announcement
Prophecy Planning
Deciding Destiny
A/N: Merry Christmas
Announcement: New Story
Human on Accident

Fate, Destiny, Love

658 41 12
By Nnailrak

George drags me along the beach, my arms wrapped around his chest and shoulders, tail dragging behind. After a brisk bike ride to the beach I had collapsed into the sand after changing into my merman form. George seemed annoyed, but he hoisted my arms over his shoulders and was now dragging me through the sand, trying to reach the water before someone spotted me.

We were still about 10 feet from the waters edge. George huffs as he takes another step.

"Why are you so heavy as a mermaid?"

I tighten my grip. "Sorry."

George grunts and shifts his arms.

"No, but really," I breathe. "I am sorry."

George steps heavily.

"I know you're probably mad at me. Well... you are, and I wanted to say sorry because I know a lot of this has been my fault." I gaze at George's dark hair. "I just don't want you to hate me, cause we're friends. Best friends. And I don't want us to lose our friendship over my mess ups."

George swallows thickly and takes another step forward. His ankle twists awkwardly and he stumbles. The both of us collapse onto the ground.

My face hits the sand and I quickly pull myself onto my elbows.

"George! Are you okay?"

He twists to lay on his back and quickly pulls his leg to his chest. He grabs his ankle and winces.

"I'm okay." He grits his teeth together.

I turn to look behind us and notice someone walking along the beach.

"George. Can you get up? We've got to move."

George looks at where I'm looking and quickly pulls himself up. He puts his weight on his good leg and drags me by my arms, his back to the oncoming waves. I flip my tail. We get closer to the waters edge. I can feel the tingling I always get before my legs return.

"Wait, I think my legs-"

George trips and we both splash into the water. The waves crash into my face and George scrambles to his feet. He quickly turns and runs towards the open ocean before diving in and disappearing in the waves. I feel my feet returning and I shuffle to my knees. The tingling sensation doesn't go away like it would when I get my feet back. I watch my fingers gain their webbing and feel my tail return. I push myself towards the ocean and crawl under the waves.

George watches me from afar. I swim towards him with my fully returned tail and sigh.

"Is your ankle okay?"

George nods and wraps his arms across his chest, gripping his biceps.

We float next to each other quietly and stare at the shore. The noonday sunbeams glare through the water. Bubbles rise to the surface quickly. A bright fish swims across my vision.

George sighs, interrupting the silence. "I forgive you."

I twist to look at him. "What?"

"About what you were saying earlier; I forgive you."

I slowly smile.

He continues, "I know I haven't been the best friend either. I have been really upset. My life has been turned upside down and I wanted to be angry. I wanted it to go away, but I know it will take some time. And as long as I have you here, I think we can get through this."

I look into his heterochromia eyes and smile. "We can do this."

I reach forward and pull George into a hug. He seems shocked at first, but slowly he wraps his arms around me.

I don't want to let go. George doesn't move to either. He squeezes me and lays his cheek on my shoulder. I soak in the atmosphere.

Some one chuckles in the distance.

"Ahh... true love."

We pull away and frantically look around.

The voice crackles, "You two are fools. Destiny, prophecy, fate. It's all working against you."

"Who are you?" I call out, voice trembling.

"You're no longer human. You will be stuck in the sea someday. Don't try to fight your fate." The voice seems to be all around, echoing across the ocean floor, through my brain.

George flinches when it speaks again. "Who are you to be the chosen ones? The blue and green? Bah! Foolish fate, decrepit destiny. You will always live in fear of who you will become."

"What are you talking about?" I turn in search for the voice.

"You will understand."

I see movement behind a rock. I slowly swim towards it.

"You think you can break the prophecy? Use your love to ruin what has been written? It's a fools errand."

The thing behind the rock looks shriveled and dark.

I call out, "I can see you."

It shifts, but continues to speak.

"Come closer young one. See what fate can do."

George pulls on my arm. I pull us forward until the creature is in view. It looks like a merman, but instead of a sparkling tail and beautiful scales, it has a dark tail, and blackened scales. Like a burnt merman.

George gasps. His grip on my arm tightens.

I keep my ground. "Who are you?"

He smiles, but it looks more like a grimace. "Who am I?" His voice no longer echoes around my head, but comes from once source, his purpled lips. "I am the one who foresaw your future. I created the prophecy. I am The Seer who decided your fate."

I glance at George and back to The Seer. "And what is our fate?"

He cackles grossly. "You know your fate. You are meant to become the most powerful mermen ever known."

"Yeah, but if I remember correctly you also said, 'only the strength of their hearts will keep them from destroying it all.'"

He snorts. "Ridiculous. That's unimportant. Focus on the part of being powerful. More powerful than the mistress herself. No one will be able to stop you."

He smiles wickedly. I shift uncomfortably. "We don't want to destroy anything. How do we stop this?"

The Seer becomes angry, but stops as his eyes begin to glow. George gasps and grabs my shoulder, moving flush against my back. I watch in horror as The Seer's face becomes distorted and he starts spouting words in a crackling, booming voice.

The ocean darkens as he speaks; "Find the answers you seek on land. The woman above knows all. Beware your time limit. Three days from now you will remain in the form you wear. Beware!" The seer shakes and groans. "Beware! Three days! BEWARE-"

He chokes, and coughs, before turning into black bubbles and floating to the surface, only to pop. The sun returns, the fish swim from behind rocks, and the surface shimmers.

I stare at the water where The Seer once was. My body shakes from fear. I can hear George breathing loudly. I take a shaky breath in and slowly turn to look at George. The terror in his eyes turns to confusion as he turns and looks at me.

I whisper, "Are you okay?"

His grip on me loosens and his head falls onto my shoulder with a sigh.

"What is going on?" He murmurs.

"Dream?" Someone says. I turn and see Karl looking in our direction with confusion across his face. "What are you doing here?"

What a doosie! Another prophecy to decipher? What will they do now?

Thanks for reading! Have a lovely day! <3

1236 words

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