Kinesmen 2:Religion Awaken(+1...

By drkmattervik

217 23 0

4 years had passed since the Kinesmen 1 events and the world is now much better. Paratina became free and wit... More

Chapter 1:Part 2
Chapter 1:Part 3
Chapter 2:Part 1
Chapter 2:Part 2
Chapter 2:Part 3
Chapter 2:Part 4
Chapter 2:Part 5
Chapter 3:Part 1
Chapter 3:Part 2
Chapter 3:Part 3
Chapter 3:Part 4
Chapter 3:Part 5
Chapter 3:Part 6
Chapter 3:Part 7
Chapter 3:Part 8

Chapter 1:Part 1

42 2 0
By drkmattervik

Since the previous events of Kinesmen, 4 years had passed. The world has never been as peaceful as before. The borders of Paratina were opened and the kinesmen returned to the world, advancing and helping people a lot. Crimes had been reduced by increased security, in addition to the great power Eric gained after taking the flag. Poverty and hunger were much less and corruption was also almost nil.
Eric officially became the president of Paratina. With his divine flames, he helped the entire Earth, aiding the evolution of humanity. To fix the theft of the bombs from Russia, he called in some hallukinetics, Arthur and vomvakinetics to allow them to go unseen, get there and recreate the bombs.
Maro returned to political office, becoming vice-president of Paratina and assists Eric in his work.
Julie began to form part of the military police of her country, being the first lieutenant. During these years, she ended up falling in love with Arthur and they even got married.
Bia followed her dream of becoming a botanist, studying new types of vegetation and even creating new ones for the greatest flora on the planet.
Arthur, witnessing the immense power that God can bestow, began to become more religious. He became a very well-known pastor, mainly by dressing more like a priest, as he resembled his old attire.
Vyktoria became a research scientist at NASA, helping to advance humanity. She also married Eric, which was to be expected.
The night fell and Eric teleported to the front of his house, opening the door.

Eric: Vyk, I'm here!
Vyk: Good night, Eric. How was your day?
Eric: Yeah, nothing like a nice productive day.

He lies on the couch, looking up and with his arms behind his head.

Eric: I'm so glad it's okay, I wish my dad was here to see this.
Vyk: I'm sure he must know how it is here, since... Right?
Eric: Yeah, but I still wanted to be with him... Despite that, it was all thanks to him. So, we should already be happy with what we have.

Vyktoria lies on top of Alukaard, starting to kiss him. They stay there for a few seconds, until she stops and smiles.

Vyk: Hey Eric, there's something I wanted to ask you...
Eric: What?
Vyk: What do you think if us-

The current president's cell phone rings, which makes him get up and go to answer it.

Eric: Hello?
Eric: What?! I'm already on my way!
Vyk: What is it? What happened?
Eric: Someone is ruining my home, I need to stop him...

Newest teleports to the location, seeing all the structures destroyed and with black and green flames. I amidst the rubble, there climbed a smiling figure.

?: Well, I feel a huge energy coming from you-

Eric didn't want to waste time, so he soon flies towards the man, throwing a punch in the direction of his chest. However, that being managed to hold his fist and went back a little, expressing surprise.

Eric: ...What?
?: My goodness... You're really strong. Our fight will be fantastic!

He headbutts the hagio-pyrokinetic on the forehead, knocking him away and still leaves a bruise there. Eric wouldn't have felt physical pain since he took the flag, he soon stopped midair. He raises his arms and then raises white flames across all the destruction and death, restoring the buildings and people's lives.

?: This damn divine power...

The apparent kinesman carries the hands of those abnormal flames, but was soon kicked by Eric and thrown into the sky, with Alukaard projecting a force field throughout Paratina with his divine energy. The president propels himself with his flames and then slams his hands in front of the opponent, releasing a powerful shock wave. The individual holds up well with his arms in an X shape in front of his face, then some circles appear on his arms and points his hands at Eric, generating a force field with various strange writings and pentagrams.

?: I think before we kill each other, I need to introduce myself first. My name is Josephias Morningstar, but you can call me Yosef. And from what I can read here... You are Eric Alukaard Newest, current president of Paratina and bearer of divine power.
Eric: H-How?
Yosef: Demonic magic, idiot. Did you really think that cinetic was the only existing source of power? Hehe, you are very wrong.
Eric: I think I remember Jesus saying something about you... Son of the Devil with God.
Yosef: What a gossip, spreading my origins to others! Anyway, now that we've met, enough talk.

The Baalihan undoes the force field and then goes on top of the kinesman, throwing a punch against his belly that is held by his hands. Joseph uses his other hand to punch him in the face, which makes him drop one hand to hold his fist. The pseudo-kinesman performs a clean kick to his enemy's rib, transferring the damage into his body and this makes Eric feel a lot of pain and stop holding him. Josephias grabs him by the hair and then hurls him down at high speed, the pain in Alukaard's chest passes and he lands on top of the force field.
Newest begins to manipulate the nuclear forces in order to charge his body and hands with cosmic radiation, which would have a multicolored appearance.

Yosef: Pff, I thought you was a controller of the holy flames.
Eric: Pyrokinesis is much more than just flames.

The one who is part of the human subspecies then creates a large tornado of energy against his opponent, also launching beams from his hands at him. Morningstar covers her body amid the hellish flames, flying towards Eric and taking the attacks. However, this causes him to start having distortions in his body, with him falling to the ground and distorting completely.

Yosef: Ouch, ouch... That hurted a little-
Eric: Gravity.

He closes his hand and then he builds up the gravitational pressure on Joseph's body to start crushing him in the force field. Despite this, the demi-demon's body turns into emerald emeralds, enveloping Eric's body and starting to steal his oxygen.
The fight goes on for many hours, the two pyrokinetics were still on top of the force field and were severely injured, unable to regenerate from their energy depletion.

Yosef: This... is really... the best fight of my life! I'd never battled with anyone for so long! I could make you immortal so we can fight for eternity!
Eric: ...(Now...)

Then, from electrical portals, Vyktoria, Arthur, Julie, Maro, and several kinesmen emerged. These kinesmen throw several inhibiting rings all over Josephias' body, with them covering his entire body as a layer by Julie's ferrokinesis. Arthur created several tentacles and a layer of shadows on his body to make him more still. Vyk places his hand on Joseph's body and begins to absorb his energy. Through all of this, he eventually becomes unconscious.

Eric: Vyktoria... Kill him...

The Valkyria then begins to try to cancel the electric fields of his atoms to disintegrate it. However, several grotesque limbs emerge from the ground through a glowing pentagram. Such things take the bodies of everyone there, with the exception of Yosef himself. Josephias is covered in shadows with orange glows, manifesting a humanoid head with large horns and a demonic symbol on his forehead. The entity picks up Morningstar and enters the symbol on the ground, disappearing with the limbs.
In this way, they all move again.

Maro: What the fuck was that?-

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