O'conner twins

By redroseib

75.7K 1.5K 89

Brian O'conner has a twin sister. But they ended on bad terms when he decided to be a cop. He can't help but... More

Looking for family
Coming together
Night talk
It's been a while
Well that was unexpected
hey all
Stop that!
Kill me now
Shit hit the fan
if you want


9K 164 16
By redroseib

Mia and Dom were the first ones up in the house like usual. As they both made their way to the kitchen they checked on Isa who was on the couch. She was fast sleep curled up so she was only taking up half of the cushion and was in an impossibly small ball.

"She sleeps like Brian." Mia stated thinking of him asleep in their bed upstairs. Dom laughed in agreement.

"She actually looks peaceful in her sleep." Dom observed and Mia nodded but were both silence by Isa suddenly talking.

"No....Go away....shitty piece of..ughh" it took them some time to figure out that she was sleep talking which was easy to figure out when she turned over facing them a scowl on her face before it was smoothed over with sleep once again.

"You know she's hiding something." Mia said as she went to start the coffee.

"You caught that too huh?" Dom asked pulling out a frying pan.

"Yea. But it's also obvious that she's not gonna talk about it any time soon." Mia said as she pulled out eggs, sausage and potatoes.

"We just gotta be family for her." Dom stated already taking to the sleeping girl on his couch ,"it's like Brian joining us all over again. Doesn't seem like either of them know what having a family is until they came here. And like Brian she found her way here."

Mia laughed as she was cooking. Her brother didn't know it yet but she could tell he already cared for Isa O'conner. It seemed as if the O'conners were just meant to be in the Torretto family as one. She was gonna enjoy seeing how things progressed between her family members.

Tej and Rom were the next to wake up and just like Mia and Dom they checked on Isa to see how she was doing but found her still asleep. So they all migrated into the kitchen to let her still sleep. They talked about how they all noticed she wasn't telling them something but they also agreed not to push on trying to get her to tell them what it was. Figureing if she was like Brian she'd tell them when she was ready.

They watched as Brian finally made his way down stairs and groggily made it to the coffee. They were use to him not being very sociable in the mornings before his first cup of coffee. As if sensing her twin in the room Isa woke up just as Brian had poured himself a cup of coffee and was putting in his three packs of sugar and small amount of cream. The four of them watched as the female O'conner got up just like her brother had and made a be line for the cofffe. Brian had pulled out another cup and she took it poured the coffee in and added three packs of sugar and a little bit of cream. They tried to stifle their laughs and the fact that it was all exactly what had just been done by Brian.

Their laughter went unnoticed by the still half asleep O'conners who were now both straddling their cup of coffee letting the steam roll into their faces waking them up. Breakfast was set up and without word everyone watched the twins as they grabbed plates and forks and went for the food while juggling their coffee cup in their hands. As they had watched Brian do every morning they now watched as Isa and him seemed to sequins their movements with each other as they put a overload amount of food on their respective plates and sat down at the table across from one another and ate.

Amused the rest of them got their food and joined them at the table. Where the four of them were ignored until they both managed to finish their first cup of coffee and they sighed rolling their necks and cracking them.



they said nodding to each other and then looked around at the other four. Brian smiled at Mia and kissed her cheek as she was sitting next to him. Isa looked at the exchange and smiled then looked at the other three guys. and said "Morning."

"MOrning." They all replied and they still looked amused making Isa look at them with the same questioning look that Brian always had.

"Why are you all so amused this morning?" Isa asked and Brian looked up to see that his family did indeed look amused.

"You have no idea how much you two are a like do you?" Tej asked and the two looked at each other and shrugged.

"So of course there are similarities..." Isa trailed off still confused. 

"We are twins...there are bound to be moments." Brian stated just as confused and Rom burst out laughing. 

"God! It's like when we were kids. Whatever Brian was doing Isa wasn't that far behind and whatever Isa was doing Brian was right there with her. "

"Excuse me! I am not that depended on my twin! Thank you very much!!" Brian and Isa both said at the same time with their arms crossed around their chests and then glared at each other. "Stop that!" "You stop that!" Dammit!!" the said throwing their hands up in the air looking annoyed at one another and acting like children they turned away from each other.

By now even Mia was laughing. Hell Dom couldn't even keep himself from laughing at the two. Having two O'conners was defiantly proving to be entertaining for the whole family.

Annoyed they both got up stretching their long limbs and put their plates in the sink. Brian washing them off and Isa drying them and finding the place to put them away. It seemed that even with the years apart the two were able to easily fall back into an easy routine with (at least what the family could tell) the rolls of older brother and younger sister. It was a routine that Mia and Dom could recognize easily as they had one themselves.

"So, you ready to get your room ready?" Rom asked and Isa looked at him then to Brian as if asking a silent question.

"What you thought I was joking?" Brian asked her and sighing she rolled her eyes and looked at Dom asking if this was really happening.

"Your family. Family stays." He said simply and with that they spent the day clearing out the spare bedroom that had been being used as a storage room. They moved all the boxes and stuff to the closet and some even into the attic.

"I'll go get my stuff from the car." Isa said and seeing this as an opportunity to get to know her sister-in-law a little went out to help her. 

"So you gonna be okai here?" Mia asked her as she pulled her keys out of her pocket. 

"Yea...guess you married my brother huh?" Isa asked as they made it to the Impala that was still parked in front of the house and she popped the trunk.

Mia smiled, "yea, he's a great guy." 

Isa giggled, "He always was. Mia ..right? " Mia nodded , "I like you. I'm glad my brother married you." Mia beamed, they were gonna be best friends she could tell. 

"SO this your stuff?" Mia asked looking inside the trunk and ISa laughed , "yea just be carful. Some things I want nothing to happen to." 

Mia looked and saw that there were duffle bags of stuff. She couldn't tell what was in the bags but she did notice the precision that Isa took in one certain bag. She tried to pick up one of the bags but found it heavier then it looked. 

"What do you have in there bricks?" Mia asked 

"Nope; books." she said smiling and Mia laughed! 

"Yo Dom! Come help with her bags." Mia called and Dom came out and saw Mia trying to hold the duffle bag and looked at her. 

"What could possible be in there to make it to heavy for you?" he asked 

"BOOKS!" the girls said together handing the bag to him and then walking into the house talking about girl things. Dom watched them walk away. .....books....he lifted the bag with one hand and found that it was indeed heavy enough to hold books and sighed. Might as well make the rest of the guys help him bring in the bags from the trunk. and that's exactly what he did. "Brian, Tej ,Rom!." he shouted and they emerged from the house. "Get the bags." he said and with that they all grabbed a bag in each hand and moved them to Isa room. 

Isa room was across the hall from Dom. She didn't mind actually Dom was pretty much eye candy to her and totally her type. She liked strong men; ones who could throw her over their backs and make her leave a fight when she didn't want to. Her type of men were ones who could hold their own. They absolutely had to be stronger then her..hell they had to be stronger then her brother. Dom was defiantly stronger then Brian..and he was taller then her...which wasn't that big of a deal she was only 5'5. But she liked guys who were taller then her atleast 6' and Dom was. So far he had made her check list....hmm but she doubt he'd be into her once she told them the truth. She was damaged goods...no one wanted damage goods.

sighing she looked at her room.

She had a nice sized room and there was things she could do to it. The first thing she did was go to the largest duffle bag and pulled out the plastic sheets and scattered them in the corner of the room and set up her artwork. She always loved painting and she gingerly unwrapped all her paintings and leaned them up against the room and and put the blank canvases on the flat on the floor and set up her paints and brushes.

Next she took her collection of artwork from a local Tucson artist she had met named MELO. And hung those on her walls. One was a ghost in the desert, two joker masks, a candle with mother mary in the middle praying surrounded by a rose(that was her favorite one). Then she pulled out her photograph of Old Tucson and hung that up. Her last thing on the wall was a painting her friend did of a portrait of herself that she had given her as a christmas present. 

On the shelves she organized her book collection and and a colored pencil drawing of a baby dragon that another artist had drawn for her. On the nightstand she put a framed photo of her and Brian when they were younger. Rom had taken the photo himself. She laughed at the memory. She was hanging her clothes in the closet when Rom came in. 

"HEy." his voice rand and Isa looked at him and smiled "Hey." she replied. 

"You okay?" He asked in a not so normal serious moment. 

"I will be. Don't worry Rom; it's just been a long time since I've been aroundsuch welcoming people." she smiled at him. He was like her second brother to her. 

"Yea I was surprised when Brian said he'd found a family." Rom agreed and Isa laughed 

"Leave to my brother to pull us both from the depths of our own hell and drag us into this family he's found." they were both laughing but they didn't know that Dom had been just leaving his room and had heard them. He smiled and continued his way to the living room. 

They had no idea how much the buster had wormed his way into their lives and even his sisters heart.

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