A Shot In The Heart : Chaos

By yurisiceskates

128 9 8

In a galaxy where the Jedi are lost, you are the sole last one to exist. But you cannot fight the first order... More



4 0 0
By yurisiceskates

The ship shakes you awake through a rough landing and you groan as you get up. "Poe?" you shout and slide off Armitage's jacket. He walks towards you and stops right before the cockpit.
"Oh great, you're awake! Let's get out" he says and leads you outside. Confused you brush your hands through your hair, only to find it shorter than you remember. "Oh right, it was cut off" you mumble and sigh, stepping outside to see a land full of grassy hills and some stone, nearly all of the sky covered by thick, grey clouds. Soon enough, you find a huge sea with even bigger, wild and foaming waves. A destroyed death star was laying across it.
"W-what is that?" D-O asked, the little droid you've only met yesterday. "It's the Death Star" Rey answers, looking into the distance. "A bad place. From an old war." "It's gonna take us years to find what we are looking for" Poe says and you turn your head. "Only this blade tells" Rey whispers and takes it out of her bag. You go over to her and stretch it out. "It's something used for or by the Sith is it not? And the wayfinder is a pure Sith tool. Then I might be able to access it's information through the force" you propose and Rey nods with a smile. Grabbing the dagger you sit down at the cliff and close your eyes. You feel the blade and it's history rush through you and the Death Star's wreck is right there. As you make your way through the wreck, you are able to find what you're looking for, and raise your hand to point at it. "Right there it is" you say and give Rey the blade back. "The wayfinder." "Heads up" Poe suddenly says and all of you turn around, a group of people approaching you.
"Rough landing" the girl leading them says. "I've seen worse" Poe replies.
"I've seen better. Are you Resistance?"
"Well that depends" you say, eyeing her up and down. She doesn't seem suspicious.
"We picked up a transmission from someone named Babu Frik."
"Babu Frik? Oh, he's one of my oldest friends" C3PO says delighted, and you look over at Rey confused.
"I'll tell you later" she says and you nod.
"He said you'd come" the woman continues. "He said you were the last hope."
"We have to get to that wreck" Rey declares. "There's something inside there we need."
"I can take you there by water."
"Have you seen the water?" Finn says.
"Not now. Too dangerous. We can go first light tomorrow."
"We can't wait that long, we do not have the time!" Rey responds and Poe turns around. "Or the choice" he adds. "Let's get that ship fixed. Do you have any spare parts?" He decides to walk over to them and you come with. "Some. I'm Jannah" she introduces herself. You introduce yourself and Poe in response, taking a look at the horse-like animal she's riding.

"That hurts a lot" you grit your teeth, wrapping the new bandage around your thigh. The wound is healing, but it slows your walking. "Poe, can you come over for a second? I need to change your bandage, too" you call him over and he kneels down in front of your to button up his shirt, exposing his arm. "Look away, that's an ugly wound" you say, inspecting it for any infection, then cleaning and wrapping it again. "Okay, you can continue fixing the ship now." "Thank you" he replies and presses a quick kiss on your forehead, then goes off to his doings.
Armitage comes walking in looking at you frightened. "It's Rey- she took a skimmer and left!" he says. "What?" you respond and jump up, immediately regretting that decision. "Okay- okay, that hurt. BB-8!?" you shout and he comes rushing in from the back. "Tell the others that we have to go for the shore, hurry!" BB-8 rushes off and you go outside, still arriving at the same time as the others who were late. "She took a skimmer?" Jannah says, not believing what she's seeing at all. A huge wave comes up and you try your best to use the force, pushing it down just enough for her to pass safely- but after that you can't see her anymore.
Poe takes your arm and pulls you back, walking away. "What the hell was she thinking?" he snaps and you pull out your arm, wincing at his tight grip. "Oh gosh, sorry about that-"
"Poe, we gotta go after her" Finn says and you cross your arms.
"We'll get the Falcon fixed and get out of there as fast as we can."
"No, we're gonna lose her!"
"Look, she left us! What do you wanna do? Swim?"
"She's not herself" Finn continues and you put your hand on his shoulder.
"Let's not start a fight over this. All of us calm down and look for solutions clear-headed, not like this" you order them. Finn pushes you off, ignoring every word you said.
"Poe, you have no idea what she is fighting!"
"Oh, and you do?"
"Yeah, I do. And so does Leia."
Poe grits his teeth, murmuring back at him: "We'll I'm not Leia."
Finn pushes him back, sending Poe down a few steps of the hill.
"That is for damn sure" Finn nods and goes off, only turning back again once. "Hux? You?" he shouts, and you look between Poe and Finn, who's joining the group of other's now. "Finn, I can't" you whisper, shaking your head. He nods, looking at Armitage now, who had completely removed himself from the fight before. "You coming or not, General Hux?" Finn says, almost a mocking tone in his speech. "My name is Armitage" he replies and turns his back, walking to the Falcon with you.
Poe clutches his arm, the wound opened again from Finn's shove. You lean onto his good side, where he half hugs you for comfort.

As you sit down, you suddenly get a strange feeling in your chest, like a pull. When you look up, Kylo Ren is in front of you. "Ren" you gasp inspecting his face for any emotion. "I am coming to you to get the wayfinder." "You wouldn't dare" you reply, looking around the area to see if anyone is watching. "Oh, I do. I am already there" the connection cuts off and you shake, trying to keep calm.
Quickly you run off to the a locked area, making sure the door cannot be opened by someone else. You sit down and start to meditate, searching for Rey through the Force.
It takes a while, and she is already in battle as you infiltrate her mind.
"Rey, let me guide you" you speak and she nods yes, running away from Kylo Ren. So, you guide the fight through the Force, helping her overthrow him as best as you possibly can.
"A weakness, Rey! You need something. Over there! An opening!" you guide, watching through her. Successfully, she is able to move behind Kylo. "Not a deathly blow, but something that hurts. His side!" you order and Rey follows what you say, stabbing into the flesh on Kylo Ren's side. He falls to the ground and Rey takes his lightsaber, but he doesn't fight back anymore. Suddenly, something disrupts your connection and you loose it. Already weak and breathing heavily, your heart starts to slow dangerously and sinks even further. A realization you don't want to admit hits you as Leia's heart stops beating. The last thing you do is push open the door after unlocking it, then you pass out.

Poe is calling your name, and you wake up just a few hours later. "Wait, stop it- I'm fine, let me go" you push him off, focused on something else entirely. "We need to get to Rey, now" you say and sit yourself in the cockpit, steering the Falcon onto the place you seek. But you know Rey won't be there, you wanted something else. Something you could feel she had left for you. As you arrive, she had already taken off with one of Kylo Ren's ships, where the coordinates to Exegol were preserved now that she had put it in once. Instead, you take the wayfinder that is left on the stone and put it in your pocket, then come back to the Falcon. "It was her that left, we need to go back home instead now. Really quickly" you say and sit back down. Armitage walks around and stops quickly, noticing your worried expression. "You've been a little weird after passing out. Something wrong?" he asks. "I need to somehow explain a difficult situation" you sigh, rubbing your forehead. "Isn't everything difficult right now? Try putting it in one sentence in your head. Then, you can expand the explanation" he replies and pats your shoulder assuringly, but before he can continue his advice, Poe is calling him. You wring with your hands, but decide to finally say it.
"Everybody, I need you to come together and listen to me. Poe, Finn- take over the Falcon's steering please. Chewie, sit down with Armitage, BB-8 and D-O" everyone listens to you, and you have to swallow down your own tears as you deliver the news. Thankfully, Chewie wasn't steering anymore, because he broke out into big cries. "Chewie, Chewie come over here" you say and give him a tight big hug, letting him cry into your shoulder. BB-8 also rolls to your side, pressing his little head into it. D-O seems unsure how to react, rolling around repeating "s-sad time" over and over again. Poe and Finn had remained quiet like Armitage, staring into the galaxy they were maneuvering in instead.

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