Power rangers beast morphers...

By kuksoolwon29

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Second book of power rangers beast Morphers. More

Chapter 1: Believe it or not
Chapter 2: Save our shores
Chapter 3: Game on
Chapter 4: Artist anonymous
Chapter 5: Cruisin for a bruisin
Chapter 6: The blame game
Chapter 7: Beast king rampage
Chapter 8: Boxed in
Chapter 9: Secret struggle
Chapter 10: The evox snare
Chapter 11: Intruder alert
Chapter 12: The greater good
Chapter 13: Finders keepers.
Chapter 14: Making bad
Chapter 15: Grid connection
Chapter 16: Lily and Nate special chapter
Chapter 17: Golden Opportunity
Chapter 18: Goin Ape
Chapter 19: Devon and zoey Special chapter
Chapter 21: Fossil frenzy
Chapter 22: Crunch time
Chapter 23: Source code
Chapter 24: Evox unleashed

Chapter 20: The silva switch

39 4 0
By kuksoolwon29

I was with Nate and steel. We decided to get ice cream. Hm I think it's a strawberry kind of day don't you Nate said. I have no idea what that means but I'm sure you are right steel said. I agree I said. Hm my favorite it's okay to treat yourself once in a while Nate said. Can I treat myself too I know I can't eat but just holding an ice cream makes me feel a little bit more human you know steel said. Go on I said. Nate just smiled and put a penny in. Oh man this is so exciting my very own ice cream cone he said as he held it. I laughed. Hm ice cream tastes so I have no idea what it tastes like I don't even have a mouth steel said. Nate and I looked at each other. Tell him I whispered. I probably shouldn't say anything but I have something to show you come on Nate said. What is it Nate steel asked. Nate and I just smiled as we walked away. Nate lily steel said. We got to where chaku was turned human again. So fascinating the way the ice cream just drips down my hand steel said. Voila I said. Ben and Betty and lily have been helping me make your wish come true Nate said. My wish steel said. Lily and I are working on a way to make you totally human Nate said. Really steel said. Yep Nate said. Whoo-hoo I can't believe it steel said as he looked around. There's still a little bit of adjusting to do ben said. So when can we try it steel asked. We aren't sure I said. As usual the trick is combining DNA and morph x but the amount of morph x required way too much for these neural aligners to handle Nate said. Okay but when can we do it steel asked. Steels arm then starts electrifying. Huh oh steel said. Nate what's going on I asked. Oh no the ice cream is shutting out your wiring Nate said. Oh no my hands gone wild steel said. It then pressed the button that makes Nate and steel go still. Nate I said. Shut it off Nate said. Okay hang on I did as I ran over to the computer. DNA sequence locked your DNA is about to transfer I said. That's when the others ran in. Guys Nate said. There was this green light. I covered my eyes. Nate steel I said. What just happened zoey asked. They are okay that was close ben said. I ran over to Nate. I'm so glad you are okay Nate I said as I hugged him. Thanks for the hug lily but wait what am I doing over there steel said as Nate. Huh it's inconceivable I'm you Nate said. And I'm you steel said. You are steel I said. Uh huh we swapped bodies steel said. Oh no no no no no this can't be happening Nate said as he stumbled to his computer. The dna transfer caused a feedback loop our minds got switched Nate said. So this is what being human feels like amazing steel said. Yes yes steel but we are unstable we have to switch back belfry molecular decay sets in I'm sorry Nate said. Now but I haven't done anything yet can't I just stay like this a little longer please steel asked. Um well by my calculations one day should probably be okay but Nate said x one day is great oh I promise I'll take good care of your body steel said. I guess I can survive a day as a robot nate said. Half robot oh this is gonna be amazing yikes robots are kind of pointy steel said. And kinda heavy I feel
Like a lead balloon nate said as he walked but stumbled then crashed into a cart. Oh I said. We then all ran over to help nate up. Oh man I'm okay nate said. Devons communicator then beeped. What's up commander Devon asked. Blaze and a robotron are attacking a tower in sector Oscar 8-3 get there now she said. We can do it let's go nate said. Roger that we are on our way Devon said. Come in bro steel said as we ran out. Right behind ya nate said. I then waited for nate. God I hate this nate said. Maybe you know how steel feels I said. Just go he said. We arrived in the car and Devon saw them. There they are he said. Step away from the barrels steel said. Let's obliterate them he said. They then started to come towards us. We then ran in and started to attack them. Nate tries to attack blaze but because he isn't used to Steels body he falls to the ground. Oh steel said. Steel then attacks blaze. Blaze then knocks into Nate who he kicks to the ground. Nate I said. Zoey Ravi and Devon then blast the robotron and blaze. Beast x blast they all said. What now he said. Change of plan blaze said. We will be back he said as they disappeared. Nate steel said. We all then help him up. Are you okay bro steel asked. Yeah sorry I'm just getting used to this body nothing a bit of training can't fix right nate said. Let's get back to base and report in Devon said. Oh then can we go surfing I'm not gonna sink so I can finally get in the water steel said. Oh great I love the beach zoey said. Same I said. That would be phenomenal Nate said. Sorry bro but your robot body needs a maintenance check up steel said. Oh yeah good point nate said. Hey I'll stay with you I said. Thanks Nate said. Come on let's go Ravi said. Okay I guess maintenance could be fun nate said. We got in the car. Hey I keep my word I'll stay with you I said.
After we had Nate checked out we met the others at the riptide gym. Hey thanks for coming with me Nate said. Of course I
Said. We saw the others as we walked in. So we paddled all the way out the back and then I caught the biggest wave and said cowabunga steel said. We all laughed. It was amazing steel said. Oh wow steel that's pretty great nate said. How was maintenance zoey asked. Uh it was kinda boring surfing sounded way better nate said. Come on it wasn't that bad I said. The waiter then Came over. Okay you smoothies are up he said as a bunch of smoothies came out. Uh steel why did you order every single smoothie on the menu nate asked. Why not im human I wanna try every flavor I even get a broccoli smoothie steel said. Ugh broccoli I wouldn't drink that I said. But broccoli is the one im most excited about steel
Said. Okay Nate said. He then took a sip. Delicious he said. I then got a message on my phone it was from blaze. Hey I gotta go I said. What's up Nate asked. Blaze just texted me he said it was important I gotta go I said. I then walked out and met blaze.
Blaze I said as I hugged him. Hey he said. What's wrong I asked. I've made a mistake blaze Said. What are you talking about I said. You know my girlfriend I had I asked. Yeah I said. Well we had sex and now she's getting an abortion because I told her too while I was drunk he said. Oh wow blaze that's not good I said. Yeah I know he said. Hey listen to me you need to talk to amber before she does it and tell her you were drunk and that you didn't mean it I said. Thanks lily I love you he said. I love you too I said. He then walked out. I sighed. I then sat there for a while before going back to meet the others. Hey I said. Hey Nate said. So what did blaze want Devon asked. Just some advice I said. You missed the most amazing thing Ravi said. Did I now I said. Yeah steel made this amazing sing up about being human it was pretty great Devon said. It also reminded us how lucky we are to be alive nate said. Devon's communicator beeped. Rangers drop what you're doing as get to sector delta 3-3 the commander said. We all looked at each other before going. Wait lily you aren't supposed to be going Ravi said. No that fight doesn't count because she wasn't morphed Nate said. Let's go I said. We arrived where blaze and the robotron was. Hey blaze Ravi said. Looks like you haven't learned your lesson Devon said. Actually robots learn faster than humans blaze said. Yeah he said. This isn't enough morph x you keep them busy I'll go get more blaze said. Yes boss look out rangers I've learned a lot since our last battle and I'm ready to take you out he said. We will see about that Devon said. We then morphed. Let's make this quick Devon said. Transport saber we all said. Go team Devon said as we began attacking. Nate and steel got chucked into trash cans. This is fun he said as zoey and Ravi attacked him. We will show you a good time Devon said. We all helped Devon attack him. I then went to see Nate and steel. You guys okay I asked. Yeah Nate said. We then all ran towards zoey Devon and Ravi. Coming through steel said. Us three then started attacking. Nice steel Nate said. We then all pushed him to the ground. Now I'm mad he said as he shot somebting at us but we all ducked. It then flew past us and it came straight back and exploded. With me guys Devon said as we stood up. Beast x visor linked activate beast x mode we all said. Time to end this I said. You said it lil Devon said. Beast x cheetah charge he said. Oh no he said. Not so fast blaze said as he stood in front of him. Devon look out I said. Blaze then slashed Devon down. He fell to the ground. Devon zoey said. I'm okay but blaze devon said. Blaze was laughing. Oh rangers your weak attacks are pointless now make the smart choice and just walk away blaze said. Never gonna happen I said. Typical rangers some things never change oh well
I'm going to enjoy this blaze said. Then what are you waiting for blaze steel said. I'm just deciding who I should test my powers on I think I choose you lily blaze said. Bring it I said. Lily Nate said.I'll be fine I said. Blaze then came towards me and started to attack the others. I then started fighting him by myself. But he knocked me out of the way. I'm sorry did that hurt blaze asked. Nice now I can destroy one he said as he came towards us but blaze stopped him. Now I've got the morph x your devices are no longer required blaze said. He then attack his own robotron. How could you he said as he was destroyed. He just destroyed his own robotron Devon said. Are you crazy steel said. Only enough to destroy anything that gets in my way blaze said. Not today Nate said as he attacked him. But he got knocked down. Ha pathetic try again he said. Look out I said as I stopped him. Lily Nate said. Come on let's attack him together Devon said. I'm waiting blaze said. Devon went to attack him but blaze moved so quickly. He attacked the rest of us. We all fell to the ground. Ha well what did I say rangers I beat you and now this morph x is all mine evox is gonna be very happy blaze said. He then disappeared with the morph x. Ugh no zoey said. He just stole all that morph x I said. How did he get so powerful Nate asked. Who knows but we dealt with roxys upgrade and we will deal with his Ravi said. Devon's wrist comm beeped. Sorry commander blaze got away and he took the Devon said. That's not important right now there's a gigadrone heading right for your sector I'm deploying the zords now she said. Roger that commander Devon said. Uh guys what's this steel asked. Oh no the molecular decay is starting it's happening to me too Nate said. What do we do Nate I asked. I need to return to base and prep to swap out bodies back sorry steel we don't have long Nate said. Okay we will handle the gigadrone quickly steel said. Lil get back to base and start prepping for me Nate said. Okay I will I said as I ran back to base.

I was still prepping while waiting for the others to return. They did soon enough. Hey Nate are you sure we can't stay switched just a little longer maybe an hour steel asked. Im sorry we can't wait I know you have had a lot of fun but it's dangerous for us to spend any more time in each other's bodies Nate said. Ah well okay but just so you know it really has been the best day of my life steel said. You know what it was pretty great just because you were so happy steel Nate said. Sorry we are late Devon said as the other three walked in. We are just about to begin let's get in position Nate said. I then stood at the computer. Nate and steel stood under the neural aligners. Go ahead lily Nate said. Ready brother he asked. Thank you Nate steel said as I activated the neural aligners. There was a bright green light again. Oh boy am I glad to see these hands again Nate said. Well I guess we are back to normal steel said as I ran round and hugged Nate. And I'm half robot again steel said. You mean half human steel what happened to us was an accident but I'm not done trying Nate said. But you said adding that much energy was hard steel said. Hard but not impossible I'll find a way to amp up the system and make you human forever Nate said. Sure okay steel said. We are all here for you steel half human or half robot you are 100% one of us I said. Aw you guys are 100% fantastic steel said as we all hugged.

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