Forbidden: Two Worlds [Jennie...


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The people with the least, tend to give the most. A lesson Jennie learns as she grows interested in Y/n, a po... More

S1C1: Perspective
S1C2: The Expensive Basket
S1C3: Ice Cream and movie Parties
S1C4: The Second Basket
S1C5: Unnacceptance
S1C6: Mr. Park and Grampa's Attic
S1C7: Nini
S2C1: Breakfast
S2C2: Stress and Exhaustion
S2C3: Pit of the Stomach
S2C4: The USB
S2C5: The Brownie Cake
S2C6: Guilt
S2C7: Let's Celebrate!
S2C8: Three Rules
S2C9: Empty
S2C10: Pinkie Promise
S3C1: The Corner
S3C2: Coffee
S3C4: Nostalgia
S3C5: A Numbing Restart
S3C6: Officially Introduced
S3C7: The Studio
S3C8: Demo Complete
S3C9: Home Cooked Meal
S3C10: The First Night
S3C11: The Problem
S3C12: Interview
S3C13: No More Games
S3C14: Girlfriend's Intuition
S3C15: A Gecko Without A Tail
S3C16: Atlas No More
S3C17: Debut
S3C18: Weightless Trophies
S3C19: Torches Passed
S3C20: Forbidden
Author's Note: Thank You

S3C3: The Missing Piece

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Season 3 Chapter 3

-The Missing Piece-


    I followed Yeonghwan out of the elevator. He hummed and bobbed his head as he bounced down the hallway. I shook my head with a smile on my face. This was just who Yeonghwan was. We passed a few doors before stopping in front of a heavy-looking one.

    "This is it. This is Mr. Park's office." He gestured as though he was showing off a prize in a game show.


    "I would wish you luck, but you don't need it."

    With that, Yeonghwan knocked on the door, pivoted, and began almost skipping away. I took a deep breath and waited for the door to open. Quick wait.

    "You must be Y/n," Mr. Park welcomed me into his modest office. "Please, take a seat!"

    There wasn't much that wasn't functional. A few hanging paintings that were more or so contemporary abstract paintings and a modern art sort of statue tucked away on a bookshelf in the corner. The desk I sat in front of was dressed the same. Simple and functional.

    "So, Yeonghwan tells me that you're the one and only producer. The very one that produced the Blackpink album that blew up."

    "Yeah, that's me."

    "Amazing! I'm assuming he told you what we're hiring for, right?"

    "Yeah, you guys have a girl group that you want a permanent producer for, right?"

    "Exactly. I have actually been using your work as the reference that I'm looking for. I love your style. It's aggressive but elegant. You're so methodical." Mr. Park stopped to gather himself and collected the right words. "You have something. I don't know what it is, but you have it. I heard that you came up from doing it for just fun, so maybe that's something. Because so many people do this to get paid. You made those because you wanted to make something. You made it for you and someone else just happened to like it."

    It's like he was able to see right through me. Like he could read me like an open book. He was right. I was always told the chances I would be able to actually make a living making music was so small there wasn't much of a point to me trying, so, I didn't. I made music for myself. When I was having a hard time, when I was upset, or just any time I wasn't okay I turned to music.

    "Now, I don't want to push you or make you feel you have to do this." The mood shifted from his previous excitement to a more serious one. "I know that you are dealing with a lot, Yeonghwan told me about the situation with your sister. I know you had it hard growing up. I know you weren't really even looking to make money in the industry, nor do you trust it much either."

    "Sounds like you really did your homework."

    "Of course I did. I like to get to know the people I hire. Especially with how small our company here is." He was soft and sincere. "I try to assign each group with their own producer, and I like to have them consider that producer a part of the group."

    "I do like that way of thinking. It's different from how most current companies do things. The more you get to know the group, the more likely you can make something they will be satisfied with. The more satisfied, the better than can work on it."


    "So, if you know for sure that you want me, why would you have me come? Couldn't we have talked on a voice chat or through email?"

    "Well, I wanted you to actually meet the girls. That way you have met us in person so you can make your choice with more than just me. Cause you may like me, but may not click with the girls and vice versa."

    "Okay, yeah. That makes sense."

    Mr. Park reached for the phone and pressed a button. The voice of the lady from the front desk came over the speaker.

    "Send up the 3YE girls, please."

    "Yes, sir."

    "They should be on their way. Were there any questions for me in general?"

    "No, I think most of the things I would ask will end up being answered later on when we talk about a contract."

    A light knock came from the other side of the door and Mr. Park called for the source to enter. Three girls walked in and lined up along the wall.

    "Girls, this is the candidate for your producer position." Mr. Park motioned to me with his hand.

    The three girls bowed to a full ninety degrees, then returned to their original, upright position. As soon as they stood back up, they began introducing themselves.

    "Hi, I'm Yuji. My position is leader, main vocalist, lead dancer, and rapper."

    "I'm Yurim. My position is vocalist and visual."

    "My name is Haeun. I'm the main rapper, main dancer, and vocalist."

    They each bowed once again, this time individually, as they introduced themselves. They all seemed very sweet and bright-eyed. It was easy to tell they were excited for their debut. Granted, when you debut in a smaller company, the thing that tends to come first is the music. They get to be idols and not some brand billboard.

    "So, you all say you want the style that I brought for Blackpink, but don't you want something more, I don't know, you?"

    "That's exactly it." Mr. Park grabbed my attention with his enthusiasm.


    "These girls are something special. They were part of a previous group we had, and all but them left. The irony was that they aren't like the ones that left. They have more of an edge and this aggressive, demanding aura." The man's face told me there was more, then he continued. "I didn't want someone like you because of your style, I wanted you because you brought out that potential in Blackpink that wasn't being shown or allowed to be shown. I want that for them, no one else would do. You're like the missing puzzle piece."

    "But, I didn't do anything special. They used work I had already made, all I did was make some adjustments."

    "Exactly. Imagine what you could do with a group from scratch."

    "We've heard what you did with them. Honestly, we think you nail our style well by default, so if we take the time to work together, we can really make something amazing together. At least that's what we think." The girl who introduced herself as Yuji spoke up.

    "I will even give you a studio space stocked with whatever you need to work. I will even give you an external hard drive so that you can also have them meet with you at your home in your own studio if you don't feel like coming in. Wherever you are all comfortable working."

    "You don't have to answer now," Haeun interjected. "take some time to think about it."

    "We'll wait patiently for your answer," Yurim added. "We haven't announced our debut or plans yet, so we will work at a pace you're comfortable. Until then, we can train longer."

    "And if I decline?"

    "We will have to continue looking." Yuji's answer was fast and to the point. "It won't be ideal, but we don't want to pressure you."

    "The ball is in your court, Y/n. I only wanted to have you come and meet me and the girls and hear us out. You can take as much time as you need to decide."

    We said our goodbyes and I managed to sneak out without Yeonghwan seeing me. I wanted to get home, but my stomach was demanding that I eat something. As luck would have it, the restaurant that I had always loved going to when I worked at the factory was in the area. I think it was time to reground myself and indulge in some nostalgia.

To be continued...

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