Jungkook's Betrayal????

By jkpancholi1

442K 17.3K 2.7K

Junkook suddenly announced his relationship with V on stage ..All the members especially Jimin was in shock... More

part 1- on the rainy day
part 2 - rain goes on
part 3-we don't talk anymore
part 4 - But I still want youuu...
part 5 - looking for future with past in a heart
part 6 - To the moon
part 7- jealousy
part 8- hellucination or existence??
part 9- clear
part -10 turning point
part - 11 buddies
part 12- Taehyung
part 13- truth
part 14- Jungkook
part 15- Jimin
part 16- Faded
part 17- The beginning
part 18 - when jimin met rest of members
part - 19 Year 2012
part 20-year 2013- debut year of BTS
part 21 - Unbearable hurt๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”
part 22- Too much hate to handle
Part 23-surprise!!
part 24 - Enough is enough
part 25- Getting strong
part 26- I hate love
part 27- self acceptance
part 28- And the game begins ๐Ÿ˜‰
part 29- consequences
part 30- please forgive me
part 31-wounds you gave are deeper ..
part 32- you are my only desire
part 33- confessions.
part 34- evolution of Jikook -1
part 35- evolution of Jikook-2
part 36- evolution of Jikook-3
part 37 - Beginning of the ending
part 38- your voice still gives goosebumps
part 39- Story from Jungkook's side
part 40- destiny had different plan
part 41- LIE
Part 42- what actually happened on that night
fly high
part 45 - when they met.
part 46- I need just ... YOU.
part 47- you pull me like a magnet..
part 48- Truth will lead to dawn or dusk??
part 49 - Distance I didn't want .
part 50- when destiny plays..
part 51 - U-turn or dead end??
part 52- stronger than you think.
part 53- My love gave you the power to hurt me
part 54- Wish I could turn back time..
part 55- He loves me? loves me not?
part 56- I was there for you.. Always
Part 57- Prayers do miracles..
part 58- Friends??
part 59- Running, running just to keep my hands on you..
part 60- YOU are my strongest craving..
part 61- You are me, I am you.
part 62- Love?? hah! it doesn't matter.
part 63- Yes, we do!
part 64- Epilogue -1
part 65- Epilogue -2
Author's note..
New story!!

part 43- He deserves to know.

4.8K 217 22
By jkpancholi1

" I killed a part of myself today hyung, now I can feel I am dying " said Jungkook crying hardly. Sound of lightning somehow suppressed the voice of his sob.

Taehyung's furious face softened little bit but he was still angry , very angry.

" Kook ,if I have not opposed you earlier that doesn't mean I support what ever blunder you did on stage, ok? Do you have any idea in what situation you have put ourselves?? And I don't mean ourselves by you and me , I mean you, me, Jimin and our members too! It was absolutely childish act. God knows what will happen now?"

Jungkook stared at him blankly.
"It will fade away soon hyung. People will take it normally in few days. Excitement doesn't last longer . Soon everyone will got used to it and forget it."

" And what about Jimin?? Have you even seen him? He was visibly broken kook. And even without being informed I AM the also the part of his misery right now and never ever I have felt this much ashamed or helpless. You were on the wrong track from the very beginning and I am now regreting my decision of supporting you in whatever you do kook . Do you even realise What have you done kook? Jimin will surely hate us to death . I lost him, I just lost the person who was always there for me ." Tae said in a cracked voice .

" I want him to hate me hyung, I am sorry to you though. Surely I will make sure you come out of this clean. I don't know how right now but I'll do it hyung But that's what I want , I want Jimin to hate me and move on with some one else and live happily "

" Oh kook ,kook, I am not worried about my image , can't you understand?? I am worried about Jimin.. forget it , I am just done. I don't know till how many days I can cope up with your lie.And I am afraid You have messed up things really bad kook" and by saying that Taehyung rushed away from there leaving Jungkook behind. Rain was falling hardly as like sky was also crying with him.

Morning came quickly and Tae wake up by constantly buzzing phone. Rain has not been stopped yet. Tae always loved the rain. Sound of the raindrops always made him feel like beautiful melody was playing. Each raindrop looked like an expensive pearl. But not today . Today he felt worst in rain. It reminded him of Jimin , as if it were not raindrops but tears falling from Jimin's eyes. First time in his life he is not happy about rain . May be the emotions at the time leads to the liking of a person. Same situation can be extremely pleasant or unbearably heartbreaking as per any person's circumstances. Tae felt dipressed and didn't like the rain.

What he saw made him more disturbed . Each newspaper had headlines of his and Jungkook's relationship. Though he had always loved Jungkook but some articles were describing their relationship in such a way that made him felt like he wanted to puke . What made Taehyung almost mad was responses from certain shipers. Jimin was being trolled like anything. Hate and only hate... So many of hate articles, humiliating and cheap jokes, insulting memes were uploaded on social media targeting Jimin..

Taehyung literally shivered thinking how difficult it could be to handle this much hate . He blessed the people who were defending Jimin on the same platforms. Anger took his mind and Tae rushed to Jungkook's bedroom to show him what he had done and how Jimin is going to suffer, but it was empty . He soon found Jungkook on the sofa where he left him yesterday night. Seeing him lying Tae got worried.

" Kook?"

No reply came.

" Kook?" Taehyung spoke little louder.

Still Jungkook replied nothing.

Now Taehyung got panicked. He shook Jungkook with force but the younger was giving no response.. Tae lost his mind from intense amount of worry . He started crying and called Doctor as fast as he can . Luckily doctor was on his way to the clinic and he was on the road which was near to Jungkook's house.

Doctor reached there very soon where Tae was waiting for him impatiently at the door. He checked pulse ,blood pressure and breathing. Seeing signs of releif on his face Taehyung's face softened a bit .

" Aah! You scared me Tae ! He is fine. I think he fainted due to stress and lack of energy. Is he taking his food and medicines on time? Looking at him I don't think so"

Taehyung gulped. It's not that Tae was not worried or not taking care of Jungkook. He gave him his full attention but past two days had really been tough and rough. They had intense arguments last night and Tae was so angry that unintentionally he forgot that Whatever the situation might be, Jungkook was still a patient and leaving him unattended could cause a serious problem.

He regretted everything, every harsh word he told Jungkook even though they were absolutely true but may be he could say it in another way, may be he should have acted more matured, more calm. Atleast he should have come back to check Jungkook's condition, whether he had eaten or not ,took medicines or not, stopped crying or not .. he should have checked it. .. Tae felt so much guilty.

Jungkook soon came in sences after doctor injected him and was given some medicines soon. Tae instantly hugged him and said " kook , don't scare hyung like this again ok?" A tear left his eye.

Jungkook smiled at him weakly and said ," I am so sorry hyung, I have become just a trouble to you, please forgive me. You have nothing to do with it and still dealing with so many issues because of me"

" Never say that again kook,never. How many times I have to tell you that ? Do you forget you address me as your family, hmm?" Tae replied firmly.

He went towards the door when doctor was leaving to the house.

" Tae please don't take his medication and food routine lightly . Healthy and regular diet and medicines are must for him. I still advice to inform his family. And make sure he doesn't stress too much ok? Stress can be a trouble maker" Doctor said . Tae nodded .

While doctor was leaving two people coming towards the door and froze at his place..

They were Jungkook's parents.....

"Hello Taehyung" Jungkook' s father greeted him with not so warm smile, while Jungkook's mother clearly ignored him.

Tae greeted both of them and bowed. Jungkook's parents couldn't got an idea of Jungkook's not well being instantly as when they went in Jungkook had already got up and was in washroom.

When Jungkook came out he was visibly shocked when he saw his parents, sitting in the living room and Tae was standing there , nervous.

"Why are you not picking up our call son? And what stunt have you done yesterday ? " Jungkook's father asked him , not sparing the time for Jungkook to even greet them .

" When did you change your preferences Jungkook-ah? Last when I knew you loved Jimin intensely. And that last was just a month before. You didn't bother to inform us and announced it on national television? My Jiminie doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. No offence Taehyung-ah, I don't want to hurt or insult you but I really love Jiminie So words just came out on their own. Hope I've not make you feel bad." Jungkook's mother spoke in one breath.

Clearly Jungkook's parents were furious.

" Appa, eomma, I wanted to tell you but it happened suddenly and .."

" Stop it kook , just stop please. Stop hiding the truth." Tae shouted.

Everyone flinched by sudden change in Taehyung's voice.

"Uncle- aunty , I am going to tell you everything now. I am tired of hiding the facts now and moreover you guys deserves to know the truth . "

Jungkook tried to stop him .

" Don't you dare stop me kook." Tae said in a firm voice.

It took almost half an hour to tell Jungkook's parents everything. By the end they both were in Tsunami of tears. The truth had hit them directly in heart and they were shattered. Jungkook had never seen his father crying so much . His mother was not ready to broke the hug even for a second. They came there to scold Junkook but situation has left them broken totally. Nothing is more painful than seeing your loved one in pain. That rainy day passed in tears, sobs, cries and unbearable grief...

They decided to be with Jungkook and were ready to shift . Taehyung went to his home as Jungkook's parents were with him to take care of him. Days were passing fast.

Jungkook secretly kept looking at Jimin's pictures and that didn't went unnoticed by his mother. Inspite of being totally disagree with the thought of not telling Jimin all this, worry about Jungkook's health obviously took priority than worry about his love life. And Jimin was sadly side lined in their mind unintentionally.

Tae also caught Jungkook staring at Jimin's pictures or listening to his songs when they were in dorm. It felt like a masochistic ritual for Jungkook to spend his time looking at Jimin's photos .

Tae and Jungkook went for dance practice separately as requested by Jungkook and management agreed happily to avoid any conflict. Tae was not happy because other members made no efforts to contact them . Jungkook noticed that too.

Even RM talked to him only for work. All of them was noticably unhappy with both of them.

Practicing alone felt so wierd and so bad as they all were together since years. It made feel them nothing less than heart break.

As Jungkook assumed fans seemed to became calm down and hate was reducing slowly. Days were regular ..

Until.. until Lily came in the picture..

Jungkook's parents went to Busan for some urgent work on that day and Tae came to stay for a night to look after Jungkook. Though he didn't need to be under observation or something but his parents dismissed the idea of him being alone.

In the morning Tae wake up first and went to check Jungkook in his bedroom. He was sleeping peacefully. Tae felt pain looking at his inocent face. A young boy who spent his whole childhood and teenage working damn hard. Youngest in group, youngest to achieve so many things, will he be the youngest one to die amongst them too?? Just that thought made a sting in his heart.

Quickly Tae went to the leaving room and sat there. To divert his mind he took his phone and soon it blowed his mind. Steamy hot pictures of Jimin kissing an unknown girl and the video clips made him speechless. His mind stoped processing for few minutes.

Has Jimin really moved on?? Or it's just a fling? Knowing Jimin very well he couldn't believe he can move on from Jungkook too soon or should he say ever.. Jimin was a kind of person who love someone for a lifetime, but what about the pictures and clips?? Are they morphed?? But they seemed so real. Thoughts rushed in Tae' s mind .

He soon called his manager and asked him about recent updates. Unfortunately he was also unaware of anything new other than what was on media. When Tae came back to leaving room he found Jungkook who was looking at the newspaper like he was ready to kill someone. Tae noticed it.

Something came to his mind and he sat besides Jungkook put his hand on his shoulder and asked softly,
" You still can't see him with anyone ,right?"

Jungkook stared him and as soon as Tae showed him the clip he stood up and started to walk away .. Tae caught his hand and asked, " Isn't it the exactly what you wanted kook? "

A tear fell from Jungkook's eyes and he rushed away..

Taehyung was done . He was so done. He was tired of the lies and grief Jungkook made for himself. That lie felt like someone is choking him hardly . "Enough is enough."He told to himself and called Suga.

Tae literally pressurized him to gather all members and even blackmailed him saying he would do a press conference if they declined to meet him . And decided to leave the band if the situation remains the same . He couldn't live like that. He just couldn't.
Jungkook became a downer now and he couldn't let him be .

Present time.

"Hmm.. so that's what happened ." Said RM.

Everyone was looking sad..

Hobi once again went to hug Jungkook. Nobody dared to speak and suddenly spoke the one in firm voice.

It was Jimin's father

" You made a huge mistake jungkook-ah. You shouldn't have hide it all from Jimin . YOU TOTALLY UNDERESTIMATED MY SON."

Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes.

Everyone nodded .
Even Jungkook's parents.

" It's our mistake too. please forgive us. It happened without our knowledge but we shouldn't let it continue." Said Jungkook's father.

" That's ok Mr. Jeon . Now let's all focus on Jungkook's treatment." Said Mr .park.

" Treatment is going on uncle. The point why I raise the issue is Jimin deserves to know this and he is the one who should be with Jungkook at this time. I need support of all of you untangle the things please. Both of Jimin and Jungkook are suffering. Let's end this . " Tae pleaded.

Jungkook shook his head in disagreement. That's when Suga lost it.

He held Jungkook's hand and took him to the room .

" Please excuse us. We need to talk" he said.

" You are still denying kook-ah? Are you out of your mind? " Said Suga whisper yelling.

" Hyung, I want him to be happy, to move on and he did actually. I saw the clip and I am happy. He finally found someone." Said Jungkook lowly, avoiding eyecontac.

" Oh you are talking about that girl? That was a big misunderstanding actually. Jimin is not dating her . Tae will tell you the rest" Suga assured.

" Really?" Jungkook couldn't hide the joy in his voice and Suga noticed it quickly.

"So now when will you tell him?" Suga asked.

" No hyung, still I think I should give him chance to move on and not force him to stuck with a patient like me"

Suga's brain cells exploded with anger due to stubborn Maknae's idiotic behaviour.

" You know what kook-ah, I think you are right." Suga said calmly.

" Hmm? " Jungkook wondered.

" Yes, you are right. Jimin deserves better. Someone else. Now that you are letting him go I want to confess something"

" What is that hyung?" Jungkook's voice started to change.

" It's that I was never over with him. I still love him. I've always find him irresistible. His face, his body, his lips , his ass, the way he dances, his voice, everything still gives me goosebumps. Sometimes I really regretted letting him go for you , but he loved you, what could I've done? But now when it's done between you two , I think I have a chance this time and I am not in a mood to let it go for anyone."

Jungkook's face has changed totally now . A dangerously furious one. His hands were forming a fist now.

Suga continued, " you know I was at Jimin's home before coming here . He was so exhausted that he slept on a beanbag and I had a chance to look at him for really satisfying time. Let me tell you he has become even saxier with the body he had built. Like a hot sizzling meal. But his face is still same innocent. I wonder what his lips would taste against mine ? I can't wait for it . When he moan my name from that illegally sinful lips how would I gonna control myself and - "

"HYUUUNNG" Jungkook shouted and punched Suga right on his face.

Hello my dear readers, hope you are all happy and healthy.

Thank you so much guys who share their thoughts and responce through comments and votes. You people are my happy pills😘

Lots of love and good wishes to all readers.

In next chapter jikook will meet.. I can't wait 😁..

Stay blessed friends.. see you soon.

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