boy next door

By httpazngami

10.8K 130 156

leomie just moved into her first house by her self. she was minding her own business and then she was noticed... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
leomies instagram!
chapter 5
chapter 6
leomies instagram:)
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9

chapter 1

1.6K 21 13
By httpazngami

ryan pov

it was a normal day with the northstarboys. it was sunday so we had the day off. i was by the entrance of the house next to the stairs filming tic toks when i saw a moving trunk go next door. i went to the window to see if someone was finally moving in. a car soon came up to the house and someone wearing sweatpants , a gray sweatshirt, a hat, and sunglasses walked out with a golden retriever. well not just any was a girl. " ay boys looks like we got a new neighbor!" i yelled. "oo who is it?" oliver asked while coming out of the kitchen. " is it a guy or a girl?" sebastion said while walking down the stairs with darren. " i hope it's a girl i want a girl friend." darren said. " well it is a girl and she has a dog too." i told them. by now all the boys where down stairs looking through the window. she was holding the dogs leash letting it use the bathroom and she took of her hat and  started to fan her self. we got a little bit of a better look at her. but then she took off her sunglasses and put then on her head. the boys and i where in aw by the way she looked. she was beautiful. she had long black hair, big eyes, and plump pink lips. " damn she cute." regie said. she must have saw us in the window because she waved at us and giggled. we all immediately moved away from the window. " i think it's just her living there, maybe we should go over and help her unpack and introduce ourselves." oliver said. "this boy just trying to get a better look at the girl." darren said. " yeah but we should probably go help her." justin said. " ok it's decided we're going over there." said oliver and we walked out the door.

leomie pov

' i guess my neighbors are a whole bunch of guys, that's gonna be very loud.' i thought to my self while bringing my dog taters back into the house. " what do you think of the house taters?" i asked him. he just have her a confused look. " it's weird isn't it. mom kicked us out, i thought we here happy." i told him then patted his head. " well now we have this big house all to ourselves!" i said. i walked to the kitchen to fill up taters water bowl and then i heard a knock at the door. ' wonder who that is?' i asked my self. i fixed my hair and went to the door with taters behind me. i opened the door to see a group of guys. " hi may i help you?" i asked them and taters calmly sat next to me. " hello um we're your neighbors and we just came over and wanted to see if you needed any help." the one in the front said. " um sure i could use the extra help. come inside." i said. they all walked inside and then i stopped them. " wait take off your shoes first please." i told them. they all went back and took off there shoes and i walked them to the living room.
" i don't have lots of furniture yet so some of y'all can squeeze onto the couch and i guess the others can sit on the floor." i told them. i went to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of waters to put on the coffee table. when i was walking back all the boys where playing with taters. taters seemed to really like one of the boys. he had long blond hair with black roots and he almost looked like toothless. ( i'm sorry i had to ) i set the waters on the table and sat back down on the floor. taters saw me and he laid next to me. " uh here are some waters for y'all if you get thirsty." i told them. " oh thanks your dog is really cute what's their name?" a boy with short black hair said. " oh his name is taters." i told them with a smile. " aw that's a really cute name. what's your name." the boy with long blond hair said. " oh i didn't introduce my self um im leomie and im 20 years old." i told them.
" well we should probably introduce ourselves now. im oliver moy." "im justin" said the boy with slightly longer black hair. " im sebastion moy." said the boy with longer black hair. 'how am i supposed to remember there names when they all have black hair!?' i thought. " im regie." said the one with a buzz cut. " im kane." said the one that also had black hair. " im darren." said the one with short blond hair. " oh and im ryan." said the boy with long blond hair. i sat there trying to remember names and faces to see who is who. " ok so theres justin, darren, kane, regie, oliver and sebastion moy which a assume are brothers..oh and ryan!" i said while pointing at them. " and then your leomie and that's taters." ryan said. " yep and if y'all don't mind can you help me move a couple of boxes?" i asked them. " yeah of course we came here to help anyways." said oliver. " ok let's get to work!" i said the clapped my hands.

i assigned each boy a room and i put 2 boys to a room if it was big. justin had my gaming room, oliver had my study/office room, regie and kane had the living room, darren and sebastion had the dining room, and ryan and i where working in the kitchen. i would just unpack my bedroom later when they leave because that's where most of my personal stuff is and i just met these boys. they where moving and unpacking boxes and assembling a few things. justin said he would set up my pc so that's why i gave him my gaming room. i was helping ryan in the kitchen organizing the plates and silverware when he asked me a question. " so where did you get your name it's really pretty." he asked me. " thank you my grandma actually named me. she just thought it sounded pretty." i told him. we casually talked about random things. we where taking about social media and we got on the topic of twitch. " yeah im actually twitch streamer to." he told me. " that's so cool i am too!" i told him with a surprised face. " could i get your user?" he asked me. " yeah sure it's what's yours?" i asked him. " mines notazngami." he told me. we exchanged socials and numbers and kept talking when our conversation was cut short when we where interrupted. " hey leomie where does thin go." darren said holding up a picture frame. " uh just over there." i told him and pointed at the spot i wanted it. i went back to putting up my kitchen things and taking with ryan. " hey leomie?" someone said behind me. i suddenly jumped out of shock and dropped one of my plates. " oh shit!" ryan said. " it's fine um could you pick this up?" i asked ryan. he nodded his head and went to go grab the broom. i turned around to see justin standing behind me. " hey justin what's up?" i asked him. " i finished setting up your pc wanna come look?" he asked me. " yeah sure." i said and fallowed him upstairs. i walked into my room to see that he set up my desk, chair, led lights, and 2 monitors. " wow justin you didn't need to do all of this thank you so much!" i said and side hugged him. " yeah it's no problem i kinda got carried away." he said.

~smoll time skip~

we finished unpacking for now and we where all just relaxing on the couch talking. " so leomie what do you think about your new house?" oliver asked. " i really like it y'all helped me a lot but i'll probably add some finishing touches to the rooms up stairs." i said. "well we where wondering if you would like to have dinner with us, our treat." sebastion said. " oh wow um you don't have too you guys have already helped me enough." i told them. " well if you come eat with us you don't need to get your kitchen dirty." ryan said. hmm he was right i wouldn't have to make food or clean up my mess. " good point..ok i'll eat dinner with y'all." i told them. " great we will pick you up at 8:30." oliver said. i nodded my head and i walked them to the door. i thanked each of them and said my good byes. ryan was the last one out the door. " bye leomie i'll text you later." he said to me. " yeah i'll text you. ok bye ryan have a good rest of your day." i told him and waved goodbye. i closed the door and kneeled down to taters next to me. " well taters it looks like we just made a lot of new friends." i told him.  i went up stairs and continued unpacking and decorating the rooms.

~another time skip~

i finished decorating the rooms and i was in my room then i saw the time. ( room inspo in the next part ) the time was 7:50pm. " ok shit!" i said to my self. i only have 40 minutes to get ready. i threw my phone onto my bed and i ran to my closet and found an outfit. " this will do." i said. i hurried to the bathroom and took a quick shower. when i got out i did a quick skin care routine and blow dried my hair. i bushed out my hair and lightly curled it then did a simple makeup look. i checked the time to see i had 5 minutes left. i quickly put on a necklace, earrings, and rings. 

the door bell rang and a ran down the stairs with taters right on my tail.  "coming!" i yelled while i grabbed my purse, wallet, and keys from the kitchen table and went to go answer the door. " hello." i said while opening the door. i saw ryan there waiting for me. " you ready to go?" he asked me. " yep let's go." i told him. he had changed his outfit from earlier. he was wearing a white shirt with a blue cardigan and black pants. " i like your outfit." he told me. " thank i like yours too." i told him with a smile. a small smirk appeared on his lips after i complimented him. that slight smile gave me butterflies and made my heart race. we went into one of the cars and he opened the door for me. the was 2 spots saved for us in the middle section of i believe oliver's car because he was driving. " hey leomie." justin said from the passenger seat. " hey justin." i said. i got in the car and sat in the middle seat because i was the smallest. sebastion was on my right and ryan was on my left. " so did you finish unpacking?" oliver asked me. " yes i did it took me a while because i kept getting sidetracked." i told him. " well we might need to come over agian to see what it looks like." he told me. " maybe." i said with a chuckle. then a question popped in my head. " um quick question why do all of y'all live together?" i asked them. " well we are actually a content group. we post tictoks and youtube videos and we are called the northstarboys." sebastion said. " oh that cool." i said. " hey leomie are you ok with eating sushi for dinner?" oliver asked me. " we're eating sushi yes." ryan said. i laughed " uh sushi sounds good." i told him. we made it to the sushi restaurant and met up with the other boys they had another person with them and they came up to me. " hi leomie im manager ty the manager of the northstarboys and it's nice to meet you. the boys have told me a couple things about you." he said. " oh um nice to meet you too." i said.

ryan pov

we went inside the sushi restaurant and since it was busy and we were a big group we had to sit and wait. i sat with leomie and we where just talking about random things. " wanna take some pictures?" she asked me. " yeah sure." i said. se got up and went to a mirror that was on the wall and i fallowed her. we took a couple pictures and they turned out really nice. " send those to me." i told her. " ok i will." she said with a smile looking at me. we went to go sit down at our table and she sat next to me. " ok i just sent you the photos." she said. " thanks." i said. we ordered our drinks and we waited for the waiter to come back so i looked at the photos.
the photos:

( i feel like everyone uses this photo lol )

the waiter came back with are drinks and then we ordered a ridicules amount of sushi. we had to wait again so we where all talking and the oliver asked leomie a question. " so leomie do you any social medias?" he asked her. " i do actually and if you want them ask ryan." she said basically shooting him down. " oh ok." he said kinda sadly. " so leomie since you have a gaming room are you a streamer?" justin asked her. " i am a streamer." she said. " oh that's cool." he said. all our sushi finally arrived so we all started eating. we all got 2 or 3 rolls for ourselves and then a couple for us to share. and of course manager ty was paying. when leomies sushi came her face lit up with happiness. she quickly grabbed her chopsticks and tried on of her rolls. " mmm this tastes so good." she said. seeing her food made me hungry so when i got my food i went straight to eating. i saw leomie looking at me sushi so i have he a piece of mine. after i out it in her plate she gave me a piece of her. we did a little sushi swap. i tried hers and it tasted so good, better then mine. " wow that tastes really good." i said. " i know right it tastes like heaven." she said and then popped the sushi roll i have her into her mouth. i don't think she liked it very much because she didn't say anything about it. i continued eating my sushi and casually stole some sushi from justin and oli. leomie ate her other sushi roll and saved the good one for last. i finished eat ting and i was eyeing one leomies pieces of sushi. me and the susi where basically handing a staring contest. leomie saw that i was looking at it so she grabbed with her chopsticks and put her hand under it and brought it up to my mouth. "ah." she said for me to open my mouth and i did. a small blush crept up on my face when she feed it to me. i mumbled a small 'thank you' and she just smiled at me. the where butterflies flying around my stomach at this point. we all finished eating so we paid and left to the cars. we dropped leomie off at her house and said our goodbyes and we went back to our house.

A/N: hello everyone i hope you liked my new book so far and sorry for the long chapter i kinda got carried away lol. ok bye bye for now!

pic to ryan ofc:

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