Love, Faith, and Nando's

By AshleyStyles27

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Ashley Brown is just a normal teenage girl going to London to see her idols One Direction in concert. What ha... More

Love, Faith, and Nando's
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

539 33 21
By AshleyStyles27

 (A/N)   ***Hey guys this chapter is longer and more exciting! :) please comment and vote, thanks. :)***

I was awakened by Lilly and Caitlin basically sitting on me.

"Look I can see it, I can see it!" Caitlin shouted

"See what Caity?" I asked sleepily.

"The giant feris wheel thingy!" she replied pointing out the window. I sat up and smiled looking out my window at London.

"The London eye!" I said.

"Its so pretty." Lilly said " I've always wanted to go to London!"

"Yea me too" I replied.

"So where to first?" Lilly asked as we stepped off the plane.

"Hotel then food" Caity said. We laughed and hailed a cab.

"Your room card ladies" the hotel manager said smiling.

"Thank you" I said taking the cards and heading toward the elevator.

We took our stuff up to our large room and threw it on the bed.

"Oh my gosh! We have a balcony!" Lilly cried.

"And there's a pool downstairs" I said.

"Yea lets go swimming!" Lilly said.

"Ugh! I'm hungry" Caity whined.

"You get more like Niall everyday" Lilly said and we all laughed.

"So where should we go to eat?" I asked.

"NANDOS!!" Caity yelled.

'Well how about Nandos' I said smiling at Lilly.

Harry's POV

" I'm hungry!!" Niall whined, rolling on the floor.

"Well how about pizza?" Zayn asked.

"We just had pizza" Liam pointed out.

"Fine, how about Nando's?" I asked looking at my mates.

"Yea!!" Niall shouted jumping up "everybody be ready in 5" he said and ran out of the room.

I laughed and shook my head he's crazy, but I love him.

Louis came in eating a carrot and looked at me. "Did I hear Nando's?!" he asked cheerfully.

"Yes you did" I said getting off the couch.

"Yea!!" he screamed as he followed the other boys out the door. I just laughed and grabbed my keys off the counter.

"Not getting any younger here!" I heard Louis yell from the van.

I laughed, "Ok,ok I'm coming" I said walking toward the door. Zayn was at the mirror fixing his hair.

"Come on before Niall and Louis have a panic attack" I said smiling.

"Hey you never know when you'll meet some cute girls. I have to look my best" he said smiling at me "not everyone is as charming as you Hazza."

"It's a gift" I said laughing and followed him out the door checking my hair as I went. I hopped into the van and smiled this was going to be fun.

Ashley's POV

I grabbed my favorite pair of old jeans out of my suitcase just to have them pulled out of my hands.

"Hey what are you doing?!" I asked turning to Lilly.

"It's our first night on the town! We must look fabulous!! You never know when we could run into some boys!" she cried laughing.

"Ok, fancy it is" I said smiling.

"Like fancy makeup and all?" Caitlin asked.

"Yep, the whole shebang!" Lilly said back, smiling widely and then began to give out jobs.

"Ok Ash you pick out the outfits, Caity you do the hair, and I'll do the makeup!" she beamed at us.

"Well let's get started then!" I said smiling and walking over to the suitcases.

Hmmm, a light blue tank top with a light green sash, a short sleeved white sweater and white skinny jeans for Caity along with her sparkly white flats.

For Lilly a sparkly purple ruffled tank and black skinny jeans with silver flats.

And for me, a flowing pink and purple top with the shoulders cut out with white skinny jeans and my sparkly white flats.

I laid each outfit out in the bed and stepped back smiling.

"Ok people, on with the outfits! It's hair and makeup time!!" Lilly cried.

We all laughed and changed in to our outfits.

Lilly straightened her short reddish brown hair. Caity curled her hair and pulled the top back with a sparkly clip. As for me I curled my long hair and clipped a piece back with a sparkly purple flower.

After we finished our makeup we were finally ready.

"I'm going to die if I do not eat RIGHT NOW!" Caity cried.

"What?! That only took us like and hour!" I said laughing.

We hopped in to our rental car and took off to the nearest Nandos.

Harry's POV

I love food. It's a beautiful thing. I especially love Nandos. This Nando's, because it had a buffet. We got ourselves a table and a waitress took our drink orders.

"Help yourselves to the buffet gentlemen" she said smiling, and walked off.

I was talking to Louis about Kevin when BAM!!

I hit something, nope make that someone. I heard a loud crash and looked down to see 3 stunned girls sitting on the floor with food and broken plates surrounding them.

The one I supposedly ran in to looked up at me and turned slightly pale and then blushed. Her friends looked equally shocked and were blushing as well.

I felt myself blush as I held out my hand to the pretty girl.

"Are you ok?!" I asked pulling her up.

She brushed herself off and looked back up at me.

"Um yea, I'm so sorry I-I didn't see you there" she said and turned to help up her friends. They both looked like they were going to faint.

She said some thing to them and they both smiled at us. The pretty girl turned back around and looked at me.

"No really it was my fault" I said blushing slightly.

"Yea just blame him,it's much easier" Louis said from behind me.

She giggled and smiled at him. She had a cute laugh, wait what? No, Harry focus.

I held out my hand again.

" I'm Har- " I started to say but was interrupted.

"Harry" she said smiling shyly, as she shook my hand.

"Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, and Niall Horan" she said smiling.

"Oh so your a fan?" Louis asked amusement painted on his face.

She smiled and nodded. I realised I was still shaking her hand and she quickly let go.

I blushed and stepped back.

"So you know us, but we don't know you" Liam stated smiling at the girls.

"Oh yea well this is Lilly" she said pointing the the girl with the red hair "and Caitlin" she said gesturing to the girl with the dirty blond hair " and I'm Ashley" she said finally gesturing to herself. She smiled at us waiting for a response. Niall spoke up first.

"Well since we knocked your dinner all over the floor you should at least let us buy you another one" he said smiling.

The girls looked shocked.

"Oh you don't have to do that!" Ashley said.

"Oh but we want to!" I said watching her big blue eyes.

"Well, ok" she said smiling.

Yes! I cried mentally, and smiled. We took them back to our table and Niall quickly sat down next to Caitlin, Liam sat next to Lilly and I sat next to Ashley. I was smiling at her until Zayn sat down on the other side of her and started talking to her.

We all laughed talked and ate our food.

"Um excuse me but we're closing now so you all need to leave" the waitress said politely.

"Of corse" Niall replied smiling.

Ashley got out her wallet and I put my hand on it.

"You don't have to pay" I started.

"Yea it's on me" Zayn finished and I shot him a glare.

She looked from him to me and slowly put her wallet away.

"O-ok thank you both so much" she said smiling at us.

"Well, we better be going" Lilly said. Ashley nodded.

"Thank you all again" Caitlin said as Niall handed her his number. I was watching Liam give his number to Lilly when Zayn walked by me practically glowing. I looked back at Ashley just in time to see her put a piece of paper in her pocket. Probably Zayn's number.

"Well bye" she said and waved.

"Bye" we called.

As they turned around Ashley whispers something to her friends and they all turned around to look at me and burst out laughing. I blushed and was pulled away by Louis.

Ashley's POV

Mmm chicken, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, my kinda dinner. Lilly, Caity, and I filled up our plates and turned to go back to our table. We were talking when I hit something hard. I crashed to the floor taking the other girls with me. Our plates crashed down and broke in to a million pieces. I was grumbling about people not watching where they were going when I looked up in to a pair of bright green eyes and gasped. It was Harry Styles.

"Are you ok?" he asked. I snapped out of my trance and realised he was holding out his hand. I gratefully took it and pulled myself up. I brushed myself off and was surprised to find there was no food on me.

"Um yea, I'm so sorry I-I didn't see you there" I managed to say still in shock.

I turned around and helped Lilly and Caity up.

"Oh my gosh" Lilly whispered.

"Calm" I said smiling, and they smiled back.

I turned back around to face the boys, smiling slightly.

"No really it was my fault" he said smiling at me.

"Yea, just blame him, its much easier" Louis said. I giggled and Harry gave him an amused look.

"I'm Har-" he started to say as he shook my hand.

"Harry" I said smiling shyly as I shook his hand.

"Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, and Niall Horan" I said quickly, smiling.

"Oh so your a fan?" Louis asked smiling.

I nodded and smiled back. I realised that I was still shaking Harry's hand and quickly let go. Ugh mental face palm.

So you know us, but we don't know you" Liam stated smiling at us.

"Oh yea well this is Lilly" I said pointing to her "and this is Caitlin" I said gesturing to her " and I'm Ashley" I said finally gesturing to myself. I smiled at the boys waiting for a response. Niall spoke up first.

"Well since we knocked your dinner all over the floor you should at least let us buy you another one" he said smiling.

I looked at him with my eyes wide. I turned to look at Caity and Lil and they slowly nodded.

"Oh you don't have to do that!" I said.

"Oh but we want to!" Harry said.

"Well, ok" I said and smiled. I mean what else can you do when One Direction asks you to join them for dinner.

I smiled as I noticed Lilly sitting by Liam and Caity sitting by Niall. Harry sat down by me and I smiled at him. He smiled back. I was thinking about how much greener his eyes were in real life then in photos when Zayn started talking to me.

We had such a good time eating and talking I didn't realise what time it was until the waitress told us they were closing. I looked at my phone to find that it was 11:05.

I pulled out my wallet to pay for dinner when a hand covered it. I looked up to see Harry standing beside me.

"You don't have to pay" he said. I started to protest when Zayn pulled out his wallet and smiled at me, handing the waitress a credit card.

"Yea, it's on me" he said. I looked from Harry to Zayn and back before slowly putting away my wallet.

"O-ok thank you both do much" I said smiling at them.

Well, we better be going" Lilly said and I nodded.

"Thank you all again" Caitlin said as Niall handed her his number. I smiled as I watched Liam give his number to Lilly when Zayn walked up to me and shyly handed me a piece of paper. Inside was his number. I looked up at him and smiled a content smile, which he returned.

"Well bye" I said and waved.

"Bye" the boys called back.

As we turned around I started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Lilly asked smiling.

"When you said we might run into some guys, I didn't know you meant literally" I said as I laughed.

We all turned around to look at the boys and busted up laughing again.

"I can't wait to get back to the hotel" Caity cried.

"Oh I know I'm so tired" I said smiling.

"Well, I know what we'll all be dreaming about tonight" Lilly said and we all laughed.

(A/N)   ***Hey guys hope you enjoyed the long chapter! :) Sorry it took so long to update I've been super busy! Vote, comment, fan. :) thanks!  

-Ashley xx

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