Another Lost Soul

By miss_marcasia

332K 8.1K 1.5K

The marauders era just finished watching the life of Harry Potter. Everyone took a month to regroup before th... More

Important information
Marauder's Era Cast
Golden Era Cast
MCU Cast
New Arrivals
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Introduction 2
Authors Note


3.5K 182 35
By miss_marcasia

"Director Fury, the Council has made a decision." A council woman said. Fury was talking to the council members on his monitors.

"I recognize the council has made a decision. But given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I have elected to ignore it." Fury sassed.

This made most of the room laugh.

"Hard not to love him sometimes." Rose said with a small smile.

"Director, you're closer than any of our subs. You scramble that jet-"

"That is the island of Manhattan, Councilman." Fury interrupted the man. "Until I'm certain my team can't hold it, I will not order a nuclear strike against a civilian population."

"Nuclear Strike!" Petunia shrilled.

Many in the room cringed, but didn't say anything.

"If we don't hold them here, we lose everything." the councilman said with concern.

"If I send that bird out, we already have." Fury said before ending the conference call.

[Scene Change]

Natasha was still perched on the alien when a blast was shot in her direction. She looked back to assess the situation. "Oh, you." she said in disdain.

Rose snorted and Natasha smirked at her.

Loki was following behind her, making it his mission to take her out.

Natasha kept swerving and trying to remove herself from his line of fire. "Hawkeye!" Natasha called through the comms.

Clint looked in her direction with clear concern on his face. "Nat, what are you doing?" He asked in confusion.

"A little help!" She called back to him. As she realized dodging him was becoming more than she could handle.

Clint clicked a button on his bow. The scope lit up before he nocked his arrow. He waited for the right opportunity before a smirk appeared on his face. "I got him." he said calmly. Clint released the arrow as soon as Loki got close.

The arrow would have gone straight for Loki's neck if he hadn't caught it.

"So much confidence for nothing." Merlene winced.

Loki smirked arrogantly at Clint only for the arrow to explode.

"Nevermind." Marlene blinked heavily.

"He was counting on him to catch it." Harry stated with an amused smile.

"He's amazing." Rose said dreamily.

Audrey grimaced. "You being married isn't enough? You have to act like a love sick teenager too?"

"Shut up."

Loki fell from the sky and crash landed back onto the Stark Tower.

Natasha flipped from the chariot and onto a roof. She rolled and slid to stop.

Loki stood up just in time for the Hulk to leap onto the balcony. The Hulk wasted no time in tackling Loki through the buildings window.

"Thats what happened to my other window. I knew I only broke one." Tony said.

"Sorry." Bruce said with a shrug.

He didn't look very apologetic.

Loki hit his back onto the wall of Tony's lounge. It only took him seconds to recover before he looked up in anger.

The Hulk growled and banged his fists on the ground, prepared for another fight. He started advancing toward Loki.

Loki stood up swiftly and shouted, "Enough!"

The Hulk stopped dead in his tracks.

"Thats weird." Bruce sat up with a confused look on his face. "The only person who can really make him stop is Rose."

"You are, all of you, beneath me! I am a god, you dull creature. And I will not be bullied by-" Loki made a noise of surprise as he was pulled down by his legs.

The Hulk had grabbed him and began slamming him back and forth into the floor as hard as he could. He paused before deciding he hadn't beaten him enough and continued some more.

Eventually the Hulk stopped, leaving Loki on the ground, lying in his own crater. Loki made a noise of pure anguish.

The Hulk walked off once he was satisfied with the damage. He looked back in disgust. "Puny god." he said with a deep rumble.

"There it is." Bruce said with a sigh.

The rest of the room died laughing.

Sirius and James were literally on the floor. Remus, Rose, Peter and Audrey wasn't any better as they laughed themselves to tears.

"I hate that we just found out about this. You threw him like a rag doll." Rose said after she calmed down some.

"It is quite satisfying. I too have thrown Loki around my fair share of times. One day I'll tell you guys about this move called 'Get Help'." Thor boomed with a smile.

Loki laid there like a broken doll. He let out a small high pitch noise that said he was in extreme pain.

Natasha made her way towards the portal machine that held the tesseract.

"The scepter."

Natasha looked over to where the small voice came from. "Doctor." She said to the man who was sprawled out near the edge of the building.

He breathed heavily as he looked back and forth between her and the edge of the building. "Loki's scepter. The energy."Natasha got closer to him as she realized he was back to himself. "The tesseract can't fight, but you can't protect against yourself." He said in distress.

"It's not your fault. You didn't know what you were doing." She said comfortingly.

"You're never that nice to me." Rose pouted slightly.

Natasha rolled her eyes and gave Rose a quick kiss on the cheek. Rose let a bright smile light up across her face.

"Aww, you love me." Rose said playfully.

He stared at her intensely for a moment. "Actually, I think I did. I built in a safety to cut their power source." He informed her.

She caught on quickly. "Loki's scepter."

"It may be able to close the portal." Selvig looked over the edge again. You could see the scepter lying in the spot where Loki crash landed. "And I'm looking right at it."

Thor was fighting Chitauri on top of a chariot.

"Just couldn't resist stealing my thunder." Natasha shook her head playfully at Thor.

Rose snorted at the pun.

Thor frowned confusion. "I create thunder. Why would I need to steal yours?"

"It's an expression, hun." Rose said softly. "It means to take credit for or to steal attention away from something someone else did."

Thor made a sound of understanding. A blush lit across his face when most of the females in the room giggled.

The chariot swerved towards a building only for a Leviathan to come crashing through. Thor and the chariot got knocked down and the building collapsed.

People in the room flinched.

Tony came swooping through alongside the creature. He held his arm out as he used a red laser beam to try and cut through the armor. His attempts were failing.

"Sir, we will lose power before we penetrate that shell." Jarvis informed Tony.

Tony heed his warning and put the laser away. He sped past the Leviathan but he didn't go far. "Jarvis, you ever hear the tale of Jonah?"

"Please don't." Rose begged on-screen Tony.

"I wouldn't consider him a role model." Jarvis sounded oddly nervous for an AI.

Tony made a roundabout until he was facing the Leviathan. Micro missiles were lowered from his leg compartments. Tony sped towards the creature faster.

The Leviathan saw Tony and let out a mighty roar. Tony took the opportunity to fly through its mouth. Tony yelped in disgust.

Sounds of disgust were shared around the room.

"Imagine actually having to do it." Tony muttered.

You could see the creature being torn from the inside as the missiles were detonated. Tony came bursting out of the tail as the entire thing exploded. He crashed and banged into the ground until he slid to a stop.

Tony shook his head as though to gain his witt. When he felt somewhat stable he managed to stand to his feet. He wasn't up for very long before a blast to the chest made him fly backwards. A group of chitauri started to slowly surround him.

"Uh oh."

"That doesn't look too good."

A chitauri landed on the same building as clint. He whipped around and quickly shot an arrow at the alien. Another dropped onto the building. Clint reached back for an arrow only to find that he was out.

"I'm shocked that he's just now running out of arrows." Regulus said with respect.

"Yeah, I'm still impressed by that till this day." Rose agreed.

"I think we all are." Nat said.

Clint took his bow and swung it at the chitauri.The chitauri's staff was knocked out of its hand. Before it could come at Clint again, he swung the bow at its face. Clint then proceeded to kick it off the building.

The sudden noise of approaching chariots made Clint look up in concern. A whole horde of them were heading his way.

"That looks dangerous." Peter said.

Clint immediately grabbed the arrow from the chest of the dead chitauri. He stuck it back into the quiver and faced the edge of the roof.

"What's with you and him and jumping off of things from dangerous heights?" Euphemia groaned. "You're gonna give me a heart attack."

"Makes two of us." Lily rolled her eyes.

Rose smiled sheepishly at them.

He clicked a few buttons on his bow that switched the arrow head. Right when the chariots got close they began shooting at the building Clint was on. Explosions went off behind Clint as he raced his way to the edge of the building.

Clint leapt all the way off the building. He grabbed his arrow from the quiver and shot it at the building. The arrow spread into a mini grappling hook and lodged itself into the building. The arrow loosened up into a cord that remained attached to his bow. This allowed Clint to swing his way through the building window. Clint rolled onto his back and cries out in pain.

The Hulk slammed down two chitauri and kicked one back. When another tried to attack he just grabbed by the head and tossed it. Blasts rained down on the hulk as a horde of chitauri teamed up against him. The hulk roared in anger at the turn of events.

"They're teaming up against you guys. Going after you in groups. They're trying to make it difficult for you to fight back." Ron said in realization.

"Yeah, I believe so." Rose smiled at him. She understood why Harry called him a true strategist. She thought she was the only one who realized what the chitauri were doing.

Kitty was running away from a group that was following her. It was getting increasingly difficult for her to keep up speed. A chitauri shot a blast so close that she dropped from the ground. Her magic instinctively brought up a translucent shield that surrounded her in a dome.

She shivered as a cold hand, belonging to Lily, was placed on her shoulder. "You can't keep this up." The sweet voice said over the consistent blasts that were hitting the shield.

"I don't have a choice." Kitty huffed.

[Scene Change]

A jet pilot was sitting in his seat, prepared for take off when the council woman came through his comms.

"Director Fury is no longer in command. Override order 7-Alpha-1-1."

"Of course they went behind his back." Natasha rolled her eyes.

Draco grumbled something about Dumbledore.

"7-Alpha-1-1, confirmed. We're a go for takeoff." The pilot informed her.

Maria clicked the monitor when an alert popped up. "Sir, we have a bird in motion?"

Fury hurried out of the room in alarm.

"Anyone on the deck? We have a rogue bird." Maria announced through communications as she frantically clicked things on the monitor. "We need to shut it down! Repeat, takeoff is not authorized."

Fury ran through the doors that led him outside. He was carrying a missile launcher. He raised it up to aim at the passing jet. The moment he got a clear shot, he let the missile fly.

"Too easy." Tony mumbled to himself. Something was gonna go wrong.

The missile hit its target...

But that was just a distraction.

The real jet came flying off the helicarrier. Fury pulled his hand gun and tried to take it out that way, but he realized it was too late.

"Knew it." Tony shook his head.

"Of course you did. We were the ones who had to handle it." Steve said to him smartly.

"We?" Tony raised his eyebrows high.

Fury found himself back inside. He clicked his comms on. "Stark, do you hear me? You have a missile headed straight for the city."

[Scene Change]

Tony picked himself the ground. "How long?" he asked frantically. A chitauri took their staff and bashed his helmet with it. Tony crashed back down with a yelp.

"Three minutes, max."

Tony kept getting hit so he tried to aim his thrusters but he was only able to take out a few.

"The payload will wipe out Midtown."

"Jarvis, put everything we got into the thrusters." Tony barked out to his AI. He managed to pull himself up into a kneel and take out a few more Chitauri.

"I just did." The AI informed him.

Tony took off without another word. A Chitauri grabbed his leg and tried to pull him back down, but eventually fell off.

[Scene Change]

The jet released the missile.

"Package is sent." The pilot said as he began to fly away from the area.

"Really? That isn't a blender and he doesn't work for Amazon." Peter sassed.

"Easy, malen'kiy pauk." Rose placated the amped up teenager. ( Russian: Little Spider)

"Detonation in 2 minutes, 30 seconds, mark." The man finished.

[Scene Change]

Thor and Steve both held their hands out, waiting for their weapons to appear.

The moment Steve caught his shield and Thor caught his hammer, they went back to taking out Aliens. Until Steve managed to get hit by a blast from a chitauri staff. He hit the ground hard.

Natasha flinched slightly and Rose hissed as if she could feel it.

The Chitauri started advancing, thinking they had the upper hand. They began shooting at Thor, but he blocked every shot with his hammer.

Thor quickly ended the fight by using his hammer to shove a car their way. This effectively wiped them out. Thor then turned around and tossed Mjolnir at another Chitauri.

He turned around to see Steve slowly making his way to his feet. He reached down and gave him a helping hand. Steve took it and allowed Thor to yank him to his feet.

"Ready for another bout?" Thor asked gruffly.

Both men looked a wreck. one more than the other.

"What? you getting sleepy?" Steve joked through his pain.

Thor granted him a small smile before reaching his hand out to call for his weapon. It landed faithfully in his hand.

Selvig opened up a portable monitor with complicated wires attached to the portal machine. He looked up and pointed at the Tesseract that was at the heart of the machine.

"Right at the crown!" He told Natasha who stood to the side with the scepter in her hands.

She took the scepter and pressed it into the force field that was protecting the Tesseract. The scepter began breaking through the barrier.

"I can close it. Does anybody copy? I can shut the portal down." Natasha announced through the comms.

"Do it!" Steve yelled through the comms.

"No, wait!" Tony interjected.

"Stark, these things are still coming." Steve protested.

"Yeah, and I can't take much more." Kitty called back to them.

"I got a nuke coming in. It's gonna blow in less than a minute." Tony informed them.

"Of course there is. Cause blowing things up solves everything." Kitty said in annoyance.

Tony raced after the missile. "And I know just where to put it." Tony flew underneath the missile and grabbed it.

"Oh no." Hermione's eyes widened. "Is that a good idea?"

"Somehow, I doubt it." Severus answered her.

"Stark, you know that's a one-way trip." Steve said solemnly."

"Wait, what is? What are you about to do, Metal Man." Kitty asked, but she pretty much knew the answer.

"I'll be fine, Ariel." he attempted to placate her. "Save the rest for the return, J."

Sir, should I try Miss Potts?" Jarvis asked softly.

"Might as well." Tony said emotionally.

"This is playing with my anxiety." Alice leaned into Frank's chest.

[Scene Change]

A plane was flying high in the sky. Its occupants consisted of Pepper Potts and three of her employees. They all watched a small screen, within the private plane, as it showed news reports of New York.

Pepper was on the edge of her seat with worry. She knew that her boyfriend was at the heart of the battle. The strawberry blonde was so caught up on the television that she didn't notice her phone ringing with Tony's call.

"That's why she didn't answer." Tony said in realization.

"Yeah, she was too busy worried that you were doing something stupid. Something like flying a missile into a freaking portal." Rose grumbled.

"Yeah, yeah." Tony rolled his eyes.

[Scene Change]

Shield Agents were surrounding Maria Hill's monitor, and other screens, as they watched the new reports as well.

Fury watched intensely, hoping that Tony would intercept the missile in time.

[Scene Change]

Tony flew the missile all the way to the Stark Tower before riding up and along the tower. He then used it to kick off of it until he and the missile were heading straight for the portal.

Not even a minute later, Tony made it through the portal.

[Scene Change]

All of the SHIELD agents burst into cheers.

Some of the agents were hugging each other. Others were high-fiving.

There were people like Maria and Fury who just smiled and sighed in relief.

[Scene Change]

Tony was still flying even as he made it to outer space. Tony was struggling to keep consciousness while Jarvis completely shut down.

"You don't look so good." Hermione said in concern.

"I don't hear that very often from women." Tony joked.

"Rose literally called you a washed up bachelor the other day." Audrey snorted.

"She also called me 'Sugar daddy material'. I no longer listen to her." Tony laughed

"Wait what?" James sat up quickly and glared at Tony.

"Pepper thought it was funny." Rose shrugged.

"She didn't take you seriously. Me and Clint, on the other hand, know better." Tony scolded, but it lacked the heat of him actually being upset.

"Yeah, when I told Clint he just took my phone and told me to go to bed." Rose started snickering.

Clint knew she was joking. That's just the kind of relationship they have. Besides, she views Tony as too much like family to actually mean anything by her comments.

"Can we go back to the sugar daddy comment?"

"Let it go, James."

Tony's suit eventually lost all power. His hold on the explosive was loosened and he then began to fall away. Pieces of his suit broke away in the process. Tony watched on as the missile continued on.

The explosive flew until it hit a giant spaceship-like facility, known as the chitauri control center. The moment it hit its mark was when it exploded.

Steve and Thor were ready for a fight when the chitauri stopped and just dropped to the ground, lifeless.

The remaining Leviathans fell from the sky, crashing into buildings.

Tony slowly closed his eyes and allowed his consciousness to slip.

The entire group stared at the hole, waiting for Tony to come back through.

"Please, come back through. You were my favorite." Sirius said as he watched the screen intently.

Severus spoke before Steve could tell him not to stroke Tony's ego.

"Have you forgotten that he's over there, Black." Severus drawled.

"Leave him alone." Regulus huffed.

"Come on, Stark." Natasha muttered.

Kitty leaned against a car as she watched the sky. "Come on, tin man."

Thor looked over at Steve once they saw the explosion.

"You better not." Lily said as she watched with wide eyes.

"Close it." Steve said solemnly.

"What?" Majority of the room hollered.

"He did what he thought was necessary. Thats what leaders do." Natasha said firmly.

While she did want to defend Steve, a part of her was referring to herself and some of the choices she made.

Rose knew where her mind was, and grabbed her hand. She gave her sister a sad smile.

Harry noticed, but chose to remain silent.

"Are you crazy?" Kitty hissed. She stood up straight and began sprinting towards where they were.

Natasha watched for a second more, before slamming the scepter into the shield surrounding the tesseract. The scepter broke through without difficulty.

A burst of energy traveled up to the portal, before it began closing in on itself. Thankfully, Tony made it back through the hole before it completely sealed itself.

The room burst into cheers.

Kitty slowed to a stop a few feet away from Thor and Steve. "Dramatic Entrance. Should've known." she chuckled softly. A smile of relief spread across her face.

"Son of a gun." Steve let a small laugh slip.

It took a moment for them to realize something.

"He's not slowing down." Thor stated. He began gearing up his hammer.

Before Thor could even swoop in, Hulk saved the day.

"Oh, thank goodness." Hermione sighed in relief.

The hulk slid down the side of a building with Tony in his arms. He used his body as a shield as they crashed to the ground. The big guy barely took a moment before tossing Tony off of him.

Kitty made it to them first, as she was closest. She knelt by Tony's side. Despite her exhaustion, she used all her muscle to flip him over onto his back. She quickly yanked his face plate off.

She didn't notice her male teammates joining her. All she could focus on was the lack of response from the older man. She leaned her head to his face to see if she could feel his breathing.

Everyone understood the problem when they saw the redhead sitting back on her heels with a pained look on her face.

The hulk couldn't seem to accept that because he suddenly let out a mighty roar.

Kitty jumped a mile high. "What the hell!"

She wasn't the only one he managed to startle. Tony let out a sound of terror as his eyes shot open.

The room cheered again making the avengers laugh.

The green giant roared again in pride and beat on his chest.

"What the hell?" Tony said in exasperation. "What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me."

Kitty rolled her eyes and flicked him in the forehead, before standing up and walking over to the hulk. "Good job, big boy." Kitty cooed as she pat him on the arm.

The hulk puffed his chest with pride.

"I have a feeling that that's gonna be a cute duo. Platonic, but cute." Dorcas said.

Marlene and Alice hummed in agreement.

"We won." Steve told him.

Tony closed his eyes and released a relieved sigh. "Alright, Yay! Hurray. Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day."

"Fine by me." Kitty said as she leaned tiredly against the green giant. She yelped as she found herself suddenly off the ground. The hulk placed her on his shoulder. She grabbed onto him tightly in slight fear. "I swear, if you drop me..."

Bruce tilted his head in curiosity. He always wondered why the other guy responded to Rose in a way he doesn't with others.

Clint always joked about the other guy having a crush on his wife.

Rose says that she thinks the big guy understands that she doesn't fear him, but understands him.

"Have you ever tried shawarma?" Tony asked them all.

Steve smiled at Tony being...Tony.

"You like me. You don't have to admit it, but that just proves you do." Tony said to Steve smugly.

"Save it for the honeymoon." Rose shushed them.

"There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it." Tony told them.

"We're not finished yet." Thor told him.

They all looked tiredly at the tower.

"And then shawarma after." Tony insisted.

"Yes, you big baby." Kitty said fondly.

Loki struggled to pull himself into a sitting position.

"You did a number on him." Ron winced.

Loki paused as he sensed something. He slowly looked up and over to the newcomers.

Every single one of the Avengers were in front of him. They were all in threatening positions.

Clint didn't hesitate to point his bow in Loki's face.

"If it's all the same to you...I'll have that drink now." Loki said defeatedly.

"Sure. Bleach, Gasoline, or arsenic?" Kitty asked sarcastically.

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