Please Stay Forever With Me

By kellicrkings

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Kellin Quinn is a single dad to his Daughter Audrey. He performs at a restaurant a lot, to pursue his dream t... More

Chapter 1- All I Can Taste Is This Moment
Chapter 2- Just Want You To Know Who I Am
Chapter 3- She Means The World To Me
Chapter 4- Taste of You and Me
Chapter 5- How to Love More Patiently
Chapter 6- I Wanna Hold Your Hand So Tight
Chapter 7-Hold My Heart
Chapter 8- I Can Be Your Everything
Chapter 9- The Taste of You and Me Will Never Leave My Lips Again
Chapter 10- Were Gonna Chase The Moon Like Fire
Chapter 11- Close Your Eyes Picture You and I
Chapter 13- I Don't Ever Wanna Lose My Best Friend
Chapter 14- Don't Stop Me Baby Til' Youv'e Had Enough
Chapter 15- We Both Spin Around In Circles
Chapter 16- Floral and Fading
Chapter 17- Bless Your Beautiful Heart
Chapter 18- Can't Fall Asleep
Chapter 19- Your Forever Is All That I Need
Chapter 20- Can I Even, Complicate Your Breathing?
Chapter 21- Kissing In Cars
Chapter 22- Swing it Back and Forth Just Like...
Chapter 23- Free Now
Chapter 24- Today I Saw the Whole World
Chapter 25- All of My Heart

Chapter 12- Did I Make A Mistake?

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By kellicrkings

Chapter  12- Did I Make A Mistake

Kellin's POV:

Vic drove me to the restaurant, and I held his hand as he drove like normal. I could tell he was worried, I just overthink when it comes down to my father. He's hurt me so much, he left me before and came back nearly making me lose it.  I never want him in Audrey's life, he ruined mine completely. I finally got happy with Vic, I'm ready for new I just want to forget him completely. It made me upset how he has that picture if he's judging me for being gay when he has just judged me from the start. I'm nothing more to him than a screw-up and I don't even consider myself his son. I knew he was still texting me, but I had to allow myself not to talk to him. I hated being scared of him, I didn't want him to know I was gay because he would shame me again. I should be used to it, but I can't ever get used to it because I felt like I had to please him. He is the reason why I'm trying to turn myself around, besides Audrey and Vic. I want to be a good dad for Audrey, and a good partner to Vic. I didn't even know if we were boyfriends, I probably should ask him that soon. I bounced my leg from anxious habit and my paranoia that my dad was somehow watching me. I closed my eyes and shut them tight, hoping to calm myself down.

"Kellin what is it?" Vic asked me worriedly.

"Vic I'm okay," I mumbled even though I was clearly not.

He rubbed my back and stroked my hair as he drove to the restaurant. He tried to calm me, and it helped but I was just terrified of it all. I had a tear streaming down my cheek, and I didn't want him to see me cry. I blushed and wiped it quickly hoping he didn't see.

"Baby you're scaring me," Vic told me.

"Mhm don't mean to... I'm just really anxious Viccy," I mumbled.

"It's okay sweetheart I'm here," He cooed gently kissing my cheek. I nodded and opened his eyes to see him smiling at me, I smiled back and kissed him.

"You promise you will be there all day and come by where I am and stuff," I mumbled.

"Yeah sweetheart whatever you need," Vic smiled as he reassured me.

"Daddy I hungry," Audrey whined.

"Baby I know, we can get food," I smiled at her.

I gave her some puffs to distract her, and that seemed to work for a while.  When we got inside, Vic set me up in a booth and gave Audrey some crayons to color with while I worked on my laptop. He gave her some juice, made me some coffee, and gently placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay Audrey, what do you want?" Vic smiled at her as he wiped some juice off her face.

"Mhm eggs Viccy!" She giggled grabbing his hand.

"Okay princess, What about you Kel?" He asked me.

"I'm okay, my stomach is a little upset and stuff," I mumbled to him. I was hungry, I just got so anxious I couldn't eat. I had this sick feeling in my stomach that my dad was going to just show up today. He was probably gonna hurt me, I was probably gonna have to hide it from Vic.

"Okay love, well I'll make you something soon," Vic smiled.

I nodded, and he walked to the kitchen to cook for our princess.  I blushed and began to work, holding Audrey on my lap as she colored. I saw my phone light up again, and I grabbed it seeing my dad's text again.

You and I need to talk... I suggest you do it or I'll take her and him away from you

I teared up, completely scared, and held Audrey close. I knew I had to, I didn't want anything bad happening to Vic or Audrey because they were my world. I wiped my eyes, and I replied simply "okay."

I smiled at Vic when he came back with Audrey's breakfast and he was sweet enough to sit down with her and help her eat while she colored.

"Thank you for being so nice," I smiled at him rubbing my eyes.

"Of course Kellin," he said kissing Audrey's forehead.

I nodded, and since the restaurant was now open and people were filling in Vic was checking in on everything while playing with Audrey. He carried her around when he checked in on tables, and even in the back when he had to talk to the staff. Audrey liked that, I was happy she was happy. I figured it would be a good time for me to get some air, so I walked outside and that was when I saw him. My father looked at me, and he walked over to me instantly. I was shorter than him, and I could smell like he was drunk. I bit my lip nervously, and he greeted me with a slap on my face. It hurt a lot, I just took it though, and hoped Vic wouldn't notice.

"My son a fag? Just a failure Kellin that's all you are that's why I left and your mother too. You're useless, completely useless to everyone and everyone. Audrey would be better with Vic instead of you. You are nothing," He snarled at me. I had tears well in my eyes, and I was crying a little bit.

"Now you're crying, that just makes things worse you're a sensitive Fag Kellin," He yelled at me slapping my back.

I groaned, and I realized I was on the ground. I was crying, but I didn't want anyone to see this. Vic would leave me for sure, Audrey is better with him. I cried, and he hit my nose making it bleed instantly. I whined, as he kicked me in my crotch and stepped on my ankle with his steel-toed boots. I cried and screamed hoping someone would help me now. He left me on the ground, and walked away, and left me for good hopefully this time. I hope he leaves me alone, I don't want him near me. I cried, and I didn't know what to do because I was bleeding and if I walked into Vic's restaurant like this it would be bad. I decided to call Jack because that seemed like the smartest thing to do at the moment.  He didn't answer the first time, and I was freaking out because he was like my only friend.

"Kellin what the hell it is nine am, you know not to call me this early," Jack groaned.

I was crying on the phone, and that was when his mood changed instantly. "Wait, what happened? Hey, hey, calm down Kels," he said shuffling around to get dressed.

"M m m my dad... outside Vic's restaurant," I groaned crying.

"I'm coming it's okay, you need Vic Kellin.... I'll call him," He said to me soothingly.

"But he doesn't wanna see this," I whined.

"Kellin I'm calling him because I'm gonna be a second because I need to get my car to start," He said.

"Okay..." I cried nervously.

Jack didn't even call Vic before he came out, he saw me covered in my nosebleed blood. I had a bruise on my face probably, I definitely bruised a rib and my ankle was sprained or fractured. I looked at him crying, and he had tears in his eyes as he ran over to me.

"Honey what happened.... Who did this to you I'll fix everything? You need to go to the hospital Kellin, I'll get you in my car," He told me stroking my hair.

"Viccy don't leave," I cried reaching for him.

"I'm not in here. It's all gonna be okay, I'll take care of it," Vic said to me kissing my cheek

"Mhm don't leave I'm scared," I mumbled.

"I know honey. You tell me when stuff like this happens, I'm your uhm," He blushes kissing my cheek.

"My what?" I asked him also blushing.

"Boyfriend," He mumbled shyly.

"Mhm, I am," I smiled sitting on his lap as we waited for Jack.

"That's right sweetheart. Is Jack gonna watch Audrey? I can tell Jaime to watch her or my brother," Vic asked me stroking my hair.

"You trust Jaime?" I ask him.

He nodded, and I smiled kissing him. "He can watch her as long as you trust him with your life."

"I do it's gonna be fine love."

"Mhm, you're so nice to me," I mumbled cuddling into his chest groaning a little bit as he held the cloth to my nose.

"You're my boy Kels, of course, I will be. What's hurting? What can I do?" Vic asked me becoming all protective suddenly.

"Can you mhm unzip jeans," I muttered blushing.

He nodded and unzipped them loosening them up. He gasped, looking at how I had a cut under my tummy from the tightness. I whined, and Vic grabbed another cloth to stop the bleeding.

"It's gonna be okay Kels I see Jack he's gonna drive us to the hospital. I'll stay in the back with you I promise," Vic said holding me close to him.

I nodded and leaned on him. "My dad does this he was mad at me for being gay and he told me a lot of stuff," I mumbled to him.

"Oh... baby I'm so sorry," He told me stroking my hair.

"Can I tell you later?" I ask him.

"Of course Kels whatever you need I'm here," Vic said to me.

I nodded, and he picked me up and carried me into jacks car. He held me in his lap, and my brain was foggy and I was getting sleepy. I heard mumbles from Jack and Vic and tried to pay attention to Vic. I felt like I could barely move my ankle, it was all swollen and I was kind of scared about the cost of all this. I tugged Vic's arm, and I tugged it harder to get his attention.

"What sweetheart?" He asked me.

"Vic I can't afford this right now," I mutter.

"Kellin we have it don't worry focus on you right now," Jack said from the front.

I tried to protest, but I nodded and cuddled into Vic. I eventually got to the hospital, and they stitched up my stomach and were talking about surgery for my nose. I looked at Vic, and he was stroking my hair while talking to the doctors. I looked at him nervously, and he reassured me it was okay. He helped me get prepped, and even walked to the line with me.

"Vic," I mumbled grabbing his hand.

"I know it's okay I'll be here when you wake up Kels," He smiled kissing my lips. I saw he was crying, I felt bad for hurting him I always hurt everyone.

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