Her innocent love

By pinal003

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Today,after 3 years I am back in this country where I never thought to return. 3 years of that horrible incid... More

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By pinal003


I can't believe that Even I can snap my control around her, I mean this never happens even when liza try to lure me or with any other girl around me. When she entered in the bathroom just in bathrobe, I angrily marched towards her and hold her. I clearly said to her to not come in the room until I sleep then also why in the hell she came and even if she came then what is need to came in bathroom. I didn't close the bathroom door as its not my habit to colse it, because after Ragini left no one can enter in my room without my permission. After recovering she looks at me and got shock, in anger I hold her from the arms and dragged her till end of the bathroom. In this process my hand touched shower knob and it get on drenching me and Ridhima.

Her chiffon white bathrobe became transparent and her whole body is clearly visible to me now. Her long slender neck is distracting me and inviting me to claim her right there. Due to cold water her nipples became stone hard and I can clearly fell it on my chest. I don't want to admit it but it feels so good to have her this close to me, dam-it I am clearly losing my control. I ask her that why she is here and also ask if she want some help in double meaning tone but she turns her face away and that I don't like. I leave her arms and held her by waist, I bring her incredibly close to me that I must say by now she must fell my erection from the towel. I lift her upward and bring her till my face level, her nipples rubbed with mine and I felt like electricity passing through my blood. In this process her bathrobe displaced revealing her cleavage till her naval . This is not at all helping me in controlling myself.

She shivered when my lips accidentally touches her earlobe while asking her some questions , ohh I see so sweetheart I have some effects on you. She replied something but I am long gone to hear something, after she completes I shortly replied her and rubbed my whole body against her. Her wet locks was blocking my view so I slide it and continues to rub my entire body against her. It seems like she is enjoying it as she close her eyes maybe in pleasure. Water is dripping on her lips like honey and was disappearing in between her bosom valley. With closed eyes and in such compromising position with me she is looking like a goddess, she is breathing heavily and I slide my one hand on her neck to bring her face closer to me, now her face is so much close to mine.

I roam my hand on her back and my this action lead her to open her eyes, she looks at me while I slide my hand down felling every inch of her skin till her thighs and grab her by her thighs. I am about to kiss her when she says it is wrong and I hate her, for some time I doesn't understand anything but after that reality hits me and I leave her with a jerk. What even in the hell I am about to do, how can I even think of something like this. In anger I jerk her hands off of my shoulder and after blaming her I said her to leave. During this time it is my fault, but I don't know whether its now my habit or something else but I just can't accept my defeat around her. If something happened today than I will never able to forgive myself, thanks to her that she stopped me on time or else I don't know how to meet my eyes with myself for betraying Ragini.

After that incident I noticed that she stay away from me as much as possible , good for her. On Sunday Rohan demand to go to mall with me and Ridhima, so how to denied him? We three went to mall in the evening, when Rohan is around we both behave normally. But when he is away I keep myself busy in the my phone. After eating ice cream Rohan demand to have dinner outside at his favourite Chinese restaurant, so we drove to that place but on the way also he has his new demand. He wants to drink Ridhima's milk, how can it even possible and why today he is demanding this . After many efforts he understood and keep aside his demand. Ridhima leave sigh while my condition is also the same.In short Sunday ends on completing his demand.

Today very important client is coming from America and if I crack this deal then our company will make its place in top 10 companies all over the world. This is very important deal of my whole life and I will never miss this opportunity at any chance, I woke up early today as I have presentation to complete. I notice that Ridhima is still sleeping in the balcony, after getting fresh I went to study room and start my presentation. It completes around 8.30 so after having my breakfast, taking blessings of dadi and bidding by to Rohan I went for rai Singhania enterprise to crack the biggest deal of my life.

Soon I arrived and liza informed me that clients are already arrived and was waiting in common conference room at third floor . I make my way towards there with liza following me and after arriving in the room I greet ceo of Urban company. He indicate to start the meeting and I start to explain them everything first then show them my presentation. The seem quite satisfied with the idea as they all are having an content smile on their face. After completing the presentation they ask some doubts that they have and after clear confirmation of some rules they finalised our deal. Finally, I did it and I am so happy today that I directly informed dad about this. Actually dad doesn't know about it as I thought to give him surprise once I cracked it and as expected he is very happy to know it. He says me to meet him at our old farmhouse and celebrate that news, I also agreed as work can be delayed for one day if the news is this big. Finally now we came under list of top 10 billionaires in the world which is dad's dream.

I informed liza to cancel all meetings for today and she can also be free if she wants, about angrey he is already on holiday today don't know he has some important work. I got in my car and leave rai Singhania enterprise, I think that Aryan must be free only right now so why not to take him also with me? I call him and says the same but he said that he is with Dhara in the hospital they have gone for her regular check up. I said its ok and end the call, I am really proud of that pathetic ass. He has never done any right thing in his life but by accepting dhara with his child he has done great thing. And also I order angrey to find out information about that bastard who calls media at temple for Aryan wedding. Whoever that person is, he/she will regret that moment when they inform media house.


Today we have to go to Mrs Gupta's house for making sketch of Ragini bhabhi's sister, I am still in shock that why Ragini bhabhi will keep us in dark. I mean if she has some sister or brother she can inform us what is big deal in that? Another shock came when angrey tell us that she gave wrong information about her house, the place that she told is not her own house like she said. It was given on rent who needs it, now I think that Ragini bhabhi surely has kept some secret from us which is needed to be discovered. It is decided that only I and angrey will go to Mrs Gupta's house with sketch artist and will come back after getting the sketch, but Dhara demands to come with us. I cannot mess with her in pregnancy already she is always ready to eat me without any reason so I say yes to her.

I said her to tell everyone in the house that we are going for her regular check up and will come soon. After saying this to everyone we leave and will directly meet angrey and sketch artist at selected destination, bhai call me and ask me to join him to farmhouse but I denied him saying the same reason of hospital. Finally we arrived at Mrs Gupta's house, angrey was waiting for us with someone whom I guess is a sketch artist. We greet eachother and climb up to Mrs Gupta's house, we rang her doorbell and wait for someone to open the door. She opens the door, firstly seeing me and dhara she got confused but when angrey nods his head she relax and welcomed us inside. By that I guess that they both may share some special bond, I help dhara to seat while Mrs Gupta offer us some water. After drinking water we all take our seat, Mrs Gupta and sketch artist seat in front of us and sketch artist starts to make picture according to information that she was giving. I notice that dhara is examining the home while angrey is looking at no one in particular.

My Ridhima bhabhi is best, I don't know but I never fell comfortable around Ragini bhabhi. Not that she was bad but bond that I and Ridhima bhabhi share is something different. Ragini bhabhi always stay away from everyone and it fells like that her every action has some motive, but for bhai we accept her without any question . I can see my mother in Ridhima bhabhi. That mother who loves me unconditionally but also scold me when it is needed. She is the purest soul I have ever seen but my bhai is such a fool who is treating a gem like her in such a bad way. If there is even 0.1 percent chance to save their relation than without any hesitation I will do it. I think that sketch is almost ready as Mrs Gupta is showing her thumb to artist like ok.

"Angrey I swear if today Ragini bhabhi was alive that I will ask on her face that why she hide such thing from us. What is wrong in saying if you have sister, but alas she is no more to answer our questions now" I said to which angrey nods sadly and kept his hand on my shoulder. Dhara also kept her hand on my other shoulder after seeing my worry but I signed her that it is nothing to worry about and give her a small smile. But Mrs Gupta's next words is shocker for all of us.

"Who said you that Ragini is dead? She is alive infact we talk to each other just before you all came. I am about to inform her that whether she know angrey as he was asking about her sister but suddenly remember that angrey told me no to tell this to anyone so I doesn't say anything to her. And by her tone it seems that she is completely ok, then why are you saying that she is dead." As soon as she said these our mouth hung open in the air. How in the hell it is even possible that Ragini bhabhi is alive? She is saying that she even talk with her an hour before.

"You..you mean to say that Ragini Sehgal is alive?" Angrey was the first to came out from the shock and ask the question which arise in our mind. Ragini Sehgal? Who is sehg... ohh now I remember that Sehgal is bhabhi's paternal surname. And may be Mrs Gupta know her by that name so angrey use that surname. But now the main question is that Ragini is actually alive?

"Yes angrey Ragini Sehgal is alive ,she is all ok so don't spread this false news. And This is sketch of her dead sister see?" Mrs Gupta said and handed over sketch to angrey. After sometime I take sketch from his hand and land slips from my leg that how can be this girl is bhabhi's sister?

"Angrey I knew this girl? But right now we need to go to that doctor who has done delivery of Ragini bhabhi. Now only he can tell us truth that why in the hell he lies to everyone about bhabhi's death? Now where does bhabhi live? And many more questions of us" I said in extreme anger as by seeing the sketch somewhat thing starts to get clear in my mind that what the matter actually is? And if my assumption is right than I think Vansh bhai is going to regret a lot for hurting the pure soul like Ridhima bhabhi and that to for someone who doesn't deserve it.

"You know her aryan? Who is this girl say me . And what relation she shares with you?" Angrey ask me but it is not a time to share all this, first we have to catch that doctor as now only he can tell us the truth behind whole matter.

"This is not the right time angrey, I will tell you everything in the car but right now it is important that we find that doctor. And Mrs Gupta please its my humble request don't tell anything about us and what happened here to Ragini. Please doesn't tell her otherwise truth will be always hidden and one innocent will have to pay its price her whole life." I said in pleading tone to Mrs Gupta and she agreed to us as she doesn't want any innocent to suffer. And by keeping her mouth shut if it is possible than she will do it.

Angrey give money to sketch artist and we bid by to Mrs Gupta and again requesting her not to tell anything to Ragini in emotion. She assured us and angrey take out my car, he kept his car here in the municipal parking only as we all are now heading to that doctor's clinic. Angrey ask me who is that girl and I said.........



Holla guys,

So this is the chapter and also promo of upcoming chapter. I want to know if you guys are comfortable with mature stuff? Or I should not write mature content and finishes that part shortly? Do tell me in comments if you are comfortable with mature content and should I write mature stuff or not, but please do not report it. If you all will say then I will delete all the mature stuff now only.

And finally guys what you think who is Ragini's sister? do you think that Ragini is actually alive? Do tell me in comments and also don't forget to answer my question about the mature stuff.

Till then take care and

до побачення

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