a new life, a new adventure...

By Nos_dos

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y/n lives in a world where it is usually normal, but that soon ended when the fire nation attacked- i mean. W... More

chapter 1: start of a new life...
chapter dos: the reincarnation
chapter 3: now it begins
Chapter 5: Greetings

chapter 4:

642 18 23
By Nos_dos

Bet you thought i abandoned this story right? well you're wrong. cuz i have been putting like 100 words a day... yeah i'm lazy as hell.

my style of writing has changed a little bit, but you should get used to it pretty well.

And i forgot some of the things that happened in the previous chapters so... please do forgive me if something is wrong

Anyways let's just get into the story.

And merry christmas to you amazing sons of guns.






This takes place after a year of when sora went to college

Y/n's pov.

I was walking around town for a bit, early in the morning, just going to my usual park place.

I observe the nice and calming scenery mornings have to offer.

It was a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming...


Cube: "so. Is it just gonna be a normal day again?"

I was a little surprised due to him randomly speaking out of nowhere. But i answer his question.

Y/n: "yup. just your average day"

Cube: "alrighty, another boring day it is. Wake me up when something interesting happens."

*sigh* he always does this when it's a boring day. In which i dont fault him. because i never try to do anything interesting other than making videos for the internet to enjoy.

Oh yeah, i haven't even told you yet. So let me tell you now.

i've been creating a bunch of random videos on youtube ranging from shitposts, let's plays, streaming and sprinkle in a bit of wholesomeness here and there.

I did this after sora went to college, and by her leaving for said college, i realize i have never interacted with anyone else other than sora. So i just kinda became a lonely person.

And due to that loneliness i became quite bored. Which lead me to making youtube videos.

My first subscriber was sora because i obviously told her about it.

My channel has grown quite a bit now and it is now having 1.3 million subscribers. So you could say i'm kinda popular.

I continue walking 'till i get to the local park.

Once i get there i just walk around till i find an empty bench and sit on it.

I was sitting there for a while just chilling, enjoying the cold breeze and the silence since it was rather empty. Just a few people jogging, walking around and workers sweeping up the leaves that fell from the trees. I then closed my eyes to fully relax and take in the calmness in this park.

Then i heard barking to the side of me, it was annoying, but i ignored it, since i thought it was just a person walking their dog and it found a squirrel or something. But the barking grew louder and clearer 'till i finally look towards the sound of where it was coming from, to see a dog with a hat on it, running at me like Usain bolt.

Y/n: "ah shit."

My instincts kicked in for a second and thought i should run. But eh i could just stop time and walk away since no one is near here. Buuuuuut that would hurt. Like hell.

as i was debating if i should or shouldn't stop time. The dog was getting and closer every second.

soon it was just only a few meters away without me even noticing, once i noticed it getting closer i just decided to high tail it out of there, but to my surprise it stopped in it's tracks as soon as it reached me. It didn't try to attack me.

I look at it to see it smiling and barking at me as if it's telling me to pet him or her. I was thinking if should just run away or not, thinking it was still gonna bite me.

As i was contemplating if i should run or not, a person was running towards me while frantically looking everywhere while shouting.

???: "Bubba!! Where did you go?!"

i was surprised she was speaking english, but decided to brush it off, thinking she's a foreigner.

this caught the attention of the dog, it looked back and barked at her.

The person was a girl that was wearing a weird outfit, considering where i was and what time it is.

She heard and looked towards the noise and saw the dog, she had relief plastered on her face, glad that her dog was fine. Once she got to the dog she immediately crouched to it's level and scolded it.

???: "Bubba!! What were you thinking?!
You cant just run off like that! You could get lost!"

The dog got sad for a second but after turning around looking at me it got happy immediately and bark at it's what i'm presuming is it's owner.

???: "huh?..." she looked towards where the dog looked to see me. Just chilling on the bench. I put my hand up to say hello.

Her face got red due to her embarrassment. She got up quickly and apologized.

???:(JP) "i am so so sorry! Did my dog hurt you in anyway? Please tell me if he did, so i can make it up to you"

she surprised me again. By talking in japanese. Wow, guess she's quite talented.

Y/n:(JP) "woah there miss. Slow down a bit and no the dog didn't bite me. So no need for you apologize."

She seemed relieved that her dog didn't do anything bad.

???:(JP) "phew. I thought bubba did something horrible to you."

Y/n:(JP) "bubba?"

???:(JP) "oh that's the name of my dog. His name is bubba, say hi bubba." 

(I dont know the gender of bubba so i'm guessing it's a he.)

The dog looked at me and barked. As if to say hi.

Y/n:(JP) "wow. he's well trained."

???:(JP) "well of course. It's the best detective in the world that trained him!"

Y/n:(JP) "that would explain your get up. I thought i would get arrested or something."

???:(JP) "*giggle* well, your lucky i'm off the clock or else you would be going straight to jail, bud!"

She said while pointing at me. I chuckled at her for joining in on my shenanigans

Y/n:(JP) "heh, you're funny. What's your name?"

???:(JP) "the name's Amelia Watson!"

(just imagine her not having the stethoscope and the watch on her. for now)

Y/n:(JP) "nice to meet you Watson-san. My name is Uzaki Y/n."

Amelia:(JP) "no need for the fancy talk I'm not used to that, oh and just call me Amelia."

Y/n:(JP) "oh. Alright. Then you can just call me Y/n."

Amelia:(JP) "Anyways i wa-"

She was cut off mid sentence due to a ringing sound in her jacket's pocket. She quickly digged in her pocket pulling out a magnifying glass with a mustache on it and proceeding to put in her other jacket pocket. Before pulling out a phone. That has a cute casing on it having a drawing of the same dog she has.

I decided not to question why she had magnifying glass with mustache on it. After all she is a detective... although she's only saying it and not actually showing me any evidence she's actually a real one.

She looked at her phone to which she immediately gone wide eyed.

Y/n:(JP) "uhh. Is there a problem Amelia?"

Amelia:(JP) "no. But i'm late to our meet up spot. I'm sorry if this is rude but me and bubba gotta go. Bye!"

She quickly ran towards one of the park exits quickly followed by her dog to meet up with her friends i'm presuming.

Y/n: "she's rather interesting."

As i was looking away her jacket and skirt moved in a way and i saw a shine on her thigh. I immediately got curious and tried too see it clearer, squinting my eyes and leaning forward, but now that i look at it. I feel like i'm a bit of pervert.

I quickly wash away those thoughts and just tried to see what made the shine on her thighs. As she was getting farther it was getting harder to see. But i think i saw a syringe with blue liquid inside.

Y/n:(JP) "what the hell...?"

Was i seeing things? Probably. Hopefully...

I just sat there for a minute or two thinking "did i talked to a serial killer that likes to torture someone with the syringes and came out unscathed or i was seeing things."

I was hoping it was the latter.

I decided to just leave it be. Hope someone doesn't get kidnapped by her... wait if she says she's a detective... does she use the syringes to drug her suspects into telling her information...?

I shivered at the thought of that. I'm overthinking things most likely.

I shake off all the thoughts in my head and go home.




Amelia's pov.

She was quickly running out of y/n's sight. Once she feels like she's far enough away she stops

Amelia: "bubba do you like Y/n?"

She looks at the dog to which he responded with a happy sounding bark. the bark was strong enough to make the hat on the dog fall off.

she crouches down and pick up the hat and puts it back on the dog

Amelia: "*giggle* i like him too... hope nothing goes wrong..."

She says as she puts her hand in her pocket and pulls out a pocket watch with slightly broken glass and a mustache on the bottom half of it.

Amelia: "i'm not gonna mess this up. After all, i made a deal with 'her'..."

She said the last word with sadness and a hint of anger.

The dog aswell became sad and nudged on his owners knee.

Noticing this, she quickly tried to assure her pet.

Amelia: "hey. Dont worry. I know i wont mess this up."

She stands up, and does a pose with her bawling up her arm and putting it on her chest with her thumb pointing itself to her.

Amelia: "Because, The great detective is on this case!"

She said full of cheer. The dog also got happy and started barking happily towards his owner.

Amelia: "c'mon! Time is of the essence!"

She said, sprinting off to somewhere quickly followed by her dog.




Y/n's pov.

I open up the door to my house and greet my mom.

Y/n:(JP) "hey mom."

Mom:(JP) "hey sweetie. Did you have a good walk?"

Y/n:(JP) "yeah. I met someone new"

Mom:(JP) "oh? Tell me is it a girl?"

Sighh... here it comes..

Y/n:(JP) "yeah"

Mom:(JP) "do you like her?"

Y/n:(JP) "Mom. We've been over this a hundred times. Not every girl i meet, i like ok? Besides we just met and had a good chat."

Mom:(JP) "c'mon y'n. You gotta get a girlfriend soon."

Y/n:(JP) "mom i know you just want more grandchildren. Isn't my sis and her grandchildren enough?."

Mom:(JP) "yeah. But i want more."

Y/n:(JP) "jesus christ mom. I'm going to my room, call me if you need anything."

I proceeded to quickly walk towards the staircase leading to my room. But just before i could take a step on the stairs, my mom shouted from the hallway.

Mom:(JP) "i wont stop bugging you till you get a girlfriend!"

To which i groan in response. She heard it, much to her amusement.

I walk up the stairs and go to my room.

The room has changed a lot now. It has rgb light strips in the corner of the room, a pc near the corner, a bean bag next to it, a bed of course and a laptop sitting on top of it. those are only the important parts i wont be saying the other background details

I walk over to the pc and boot it up to start my regular morning stream.

As i get ready to stream then suddenly a notification popped up. I look at it to see it was a message from sora.

Y/n: "hm? She's usually still sleeping at this time. Because her sleep schedule is fucked up."

I go and click on the notification to see her message.

Sora:(JP) "hey y/n are you awake?"

Y/n:(JP) "yeah. But you being awake is suprising."

Sora:(JP) "hey! I slept early this time, alright!"

Y/n:(JP) "Alright chill. Anyways, you got something to tell me?"

Sora:(JP) "yeah. Are you free this weekend?"

I look at calendar to see my stream schedule. I only have one free day and it was sunday.

Y/n:(JP) "i am on sunday. Why are you asking?"

Sora:(JP) "I just wanted to hang out with you. It has been a while since we've hanged out."

Y/n:(JP) "it has been quite a while, so yeah we can hang out. where though?"

Sora:(JP) "At my new apartment"

Y/n:(JP) "oh you live in an apartment now?"

Sora:(JP) "yup, i finally got permission to live on my own"

Y/n:(JP) "that's nice but uh where is it?"

Sora:(JP) "Oh, it's at *address*"

Y/n:(JP) "alright, and what time?"

Sora:(JP) "9:00 AM"

Y/n:(JP) "k see you 'till then"

Sora:(JP) "cya (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ "

There was a cute symbol emoji at the end. To which i chuckle at.

I close the tab and continue to setup my stream

Time skip

I got up from my chair and started stretching. A few pops was heard

Y/n: "man. Sitting on a chair for 4 hours straight can make your body just feel sluggish."

I look at the clock and see it's 11:19

Y/n: "should probably help mom out with dinner"

I begin to go down to the kitchen to where i presume my mom is cooking dinner.

Cube: "*yawn* morning."

He said groggily.

Y/n: "morning to you too bud. You got a good sleep?"

Cube: "if you mean seeing the void in my 'dreams' ever since i tried sleeping then yeah."

Y/n: "man living as a cube must be tough"

Cube: "you have no idea..."

I got to the kitchen to not see my mom in sight. But there was a relatively fresh plate of dinner on the table with a note next to it.

Y/n: "odd..."

I walk towards the table and pick up the note. It says

"Y/n, i've gone to the store to buy groceries that i forgot to buy, so dont worry about me and eat the dinner i've prepared for you"

-Mom ♡

Y/n: "huh. well time to dig in, i guess."

i took a seat and proceeded to eat the meal that was made by my mom. while i was eating i decided to watch youtube videos, because why not.

i was scrolling trying find a youtube video i wanted to watch. it took me about 5 minutes trying to find a youtube video i wanted to watch.

cube: "did it really take you that long to find a youtube video?"

Y/n: "yes. Now shut up and let me watch it."

After i was done eating i waited for the youtube video to finish. Once it did, i put the plate in the sink and cleaned the dishes.

shortly after washing the dishes, a knock was coming from the front door. assuming it was my mom i open it.

Mom:(JP) "Hey sweetie, can you help me carry these bags in the kitchen?"

i see her carrying two bags. one on each hand and two more next to her.

Y/n:(JP) "Sure Mom."

Mom:(JP) "Thanks sweetie."

i move out of the way to let her pass. once she passes i go and carry the two bags into the kitchen.

i easily carry one of the bags but the other one was heavier. i slowly carry the two bags to the kitchen. once i get there i place the lighter one on the table and i didnt even try to carry the heavier one on to the table. If i try to do that, then i will most likely break my arms or the table.

Y/n:(JP) "jesus, mom what did you buy? This bag is so heavy."

she was putting cans from the bag to the cabinet on top of the sink. she looked at me with an awkward smile.

Mom:(JP) "eto... i may have bought wine."

Y/n:(JP) "What?! Why?! you know wine isn't good for you."

Mom:(JP) "i just thought i would try some, plus it's new."

Y/n:(JP) "*sigh* Alright you do what you wanna do. Just dont drink too much alright?"

Mom:(JP) "Dont worry about me. I can handle a lot of alcohol."

I bit skeptical about what she said, but i just decided to shrug it off.

Y/n:(JP)"what's the brand anyways?"

Mom:(JP) "dont know, i just saw there was a cute drawing of a girl on it"

Curious as to what my mother said i proceeded to check the bag and grab a bottle out of it. it was a medium sized bottle.

but it was definitely not light.

It was glass bottle that had a blue tint on it. I turn it around to see a the cover for it and see its brand and there was a cute anime girl on it.

Y/n: "even in my old world we didn't have any of these. At least i think we didn't have any of these."

The anime girl has blue hair, yellow eyes, pointy ears like an elf, a white hat that compliments her blue hair. She was wearing a blue and white flower hair clip.

She was wearing blue winter coat, a dress with a blue skirt and a brown belt. (Im too lazy to list the other things shes wearing)

Y/n: "cute"

Mom:(JP) "it's pretty cute isn't it?"

She said like she just read my mind
Y/n:(JP) "yeah."

Inspecting the bottle more the name of it was "Yuki-Yo-Zuki"

It has a small sentence engraved on the back of it.

"Yukihana Lamy from Hololive"

Y/n: "Hololive? What's that?"

Cube: "dunno."

Y/n: "thanks, that was a LOT of help"

Cube: "your welcome."

I scoff at him and continued inspecting the bottle.

After inspecting the bottle for a few more seconds i suddenly had a thought.

Y/n: "you know, it has been quite a while since i've tasted wine."

even though i only tasted it once. it was probably one of the most delicious things i've ever tasted.

i look at my mom making sure she's still distracted, after a few seconds i hold the bottle behind me and slowly walked back to my room without looking away at her.

I was almost out of the kitchen when...

Mom:(JP) "y/n, you're not old enough to drink that yet."

She said nonchallantly. Like she had some sixth sense on what im doing behind her back.

Y/n: "what?! How do you even know im doing that??"

Mom:(JP) "i dont"

Y/n:(JP) "...i've been played like a fiddle..."

Mom:(JP) "i merely just had a mothers instinct. So, give me that bottle now."

She didn't even try to look back at me, just held her hand out, waiting for me to give her the bottle.

I sigh as i slowly walk to her and slowly and hesitantly give her the bottle.

Y/n: "man... i really wanted to taste wine again... maybe one day..."

Cube: "you do know you can still stop time right?"

Y/n: "yeah, but i feel like i shouldn't use it on small things like that. I should only use it on emergency's"

Cube: "yeah. Like that one 'emergency' when you accidentally let your thoughts out in front of sora, so you stopped time to just scream into a nearby pillow."

cube: "and you had to endure a headache for five minutes while talking to her. And we both know how that went..."

Y/n: "ok i get it, it was stupid but still, i was basically dying from embarrassment alright."

Cube: "you said "you're so cute when you laugh" quickly followed by suddenly having a headache and for some reason a pillow next to you."

Y/n: "Stop reminding me of it! "

Cube: "heh."




Y/n: "what do you mean "heh"?!"

Cube: "..."

Y/n: "oi! talk to me dammit!"

after a few second of silence, i sigh knowing damn well that if i continue to try i just get the silent treatment more.

Mom:(JP) "y/n?"

Hearing my name being called i quickly noticed that i was staring off in space.

I quickly shake my head and look at my mom. Who was looking at me with concern.

I was still holding the bottle in my hands and have yet to give it to her. I sigh and give it to her.

Her noticing i was sad, quickly tried to cheer me up.

Mom:(JP) "hey cheer up, i mean you only have 1 year to wait 'till you can drink. But who cares about drinking it's not like its the end of the world."

What she said did kinda cheer me up. But i still have to wait a year...

Y/n:(JP) "Alright..."

Although i was bummed out, i wasn't about to let it ruin my mood.

i turn around and walk back to my room.

i jump on my bed and lay on it face down. planning to sleep the rest of the day off. Until someone decided to speak.

Cube: "hey, do you ever think of a reason why you got picked to be reincarnated to be in world that supposedly has demi-humans, and everyone has superpowers? "

i turn around and face the ceiling.

i never really thought about it much. Since i was so excited to be reincarnated in a world with fantasy-ish aspects, that i just forgot to question it.

Y/n: "hmmm... i dont really know... all i know is that im, just here for the hell of it"

Cube: "*sigh* should have expected that kind of answer from you."

as the short conversation ended, i decided to sleep the rest of the day off.




??? pov.

a person was sitting in a regal throne in what seemingly looks like a white endless void of sorts, there was literally nothing there except the throne and the person sitting on it.

The person had short blue hair and has circles with what looks like blades sticking out of them, floating on top of her head.

the person was looking down and had a shadow on their face. 

they reposition themselves by putting one leg over the other and one arm on their chin resting their head on it. while the other arm is resting on the armrest on the throne.

a few seconds go by, before they look up and having the shadow on their face go away.

the person had a feminine face with blue sparkling eyes. they had a neutral look, on their face.

The silence in this white void was broken by the person sitting on the throne.

???: "You only have one chance, Watson."




Y/n's pov.

It is now sunday. And you know what that means... its time for y/n and sora to go on a dat- ahem. I mean its time for them to hang out.


i wake up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring its noise early in the morning.

I stir in my sleep, after that i slowly wake up still feeling tired.

I slowly reach to the desk where my phone was and turned off the alarm.

After that i went back to sleep because i had nothing to do. It is my day off from streaming so i deserve a break...

Y/n: "wait a second... i can't help but feel like i'm forgetting something..."

i look at the ceiling, trying to recall the thing i forgot.

Y/n: "eh, if i forgot about it then its probably nothing i should worry about."

I slowly drift back to sleep, Until...




Sora pov.

Sora: "y/n isn't here yet... and its already 9:10 AM"

We see sora sitting on a couch watching TV in a small little living room. She was just living in a small apartment so she didn't have a lot of room, but it's more than enough for her.

The place was decorated quite cutely. If that's how you put it. She had a mound of plushies in the corner of the living room, all which varying in colors and sizes.

One of those plushies was a big brown-gold-ish bear. It had two small dots on its face portraying as eyes and one more small dot, portraying as its nose.

It also had a red bowtie on its neck.

Though there was multiple of those same look but different sizes. One of those teddy bears were being held by sora right now. It was the perfect size for hugging or snuggling.

Sora: "did he forget?"

As she was getting quite sad that y/n hadn't showed up yet. She began thinking that he forgot about their hang-out session.

Just as she was losing hope, a frantic knock was heard on the door.

Surprised at the door knock she almost yelped. But fortunately she didn't.

She gets up from the chair, puts the teddy bear down and walks to the door.

She opens it to see a sweaty and tired y/n.

He looked like he was very much in a hurry before, like forgetting you had homework and now you have to do it in the middle of class while the next period is that very subject you're doing your homework in.

At first she was excited and wanted to hug him immediately. But she saw the state he was in and was quickly replaced with concern.

Sora:(JP) "Y/n?! What happened to you?!"

Y/n:(JP) "*huff* *puff* i... am so... sorry. I forgot we were meant to hang out so i decided to sleep some more, but then i remembered about our conversation of when you wanted to hang out. So i immediately got out of bed and quickly did my morning routine and ran as fast as i could to get here..."

He said while taking breaks to regain his breath.

He was never really one to work out so he was naturally sore from running that fast.

Sora(JP) "quick, get inside so you can rest."

She took his hand and lead him to the couch.

Y/n blushed since she just took his hand without warning but he was tired so he couldn't think about that for too long.

Once they got to the couch she offered to let him lay on the couch to which he accepted.

He ploped onto the couch sinking into its comfyness.

He turned around to laying on the couch face-up.

He looked around the room seeing everything, but he was looking at the pile of plushies in the corner.

Curiosity overcame him and he decided to ask a question.

Y/n:(JP) "since when did you start making a plushie collection?"

Instantly knowing what he was referring to she answered back.

Sora:(JP) "i just decided to collect them one day."

Y/n:(JP) "huh."

Y/n: "holy shit that's a lot of plushies! Some of them are big too... most are average. And others are small. But still where did she get the money to buy all of this? Its at least like between 20-30 plushies there."

A particular one he was interested in was a big brown-gold-ish colored bear. Easily being the biggest out of all of the plushies there.

Sora finally took a seat on the couch, where it was next to his head.

Y/n:(JP) "so uh what are we doing?"

He says as he looks up to look at sora.

Sora:(JP) "hmm. I was thinking that we should play some multiplayer or co-op games"

Y/n:(JP) "alright. What kind?"

Sora:(JP) "horror."

As soon as he heard her say those words he was... scared... to say the least.

Now let me explain why.


Ever since they were friends they would always go to each other's houses and play games, be it online games or just board games. Just anything.

One day they were hanging out again, this time it was in sora's house. Y/n was 14 and sora was 15 at the time.

They were both in sora's room sitting on the bed chatting but then the topic of what game they should play came in.

Y/n:(JP) "so what game are we playing?"

Sora:(JP) "hmm~ i was thinking that we should play a co-op horror game this time."

Y/n:(JP) "alright if you're with it, then im alright with it too. Just dont cry when you get too scared."

Sora:(JP) "let's see about that. Alright."

Y/n:(JP) "what game though?"

Sora:(JP) "dead by daylight?"

Y/n:(JP) "never played it before, but sure."

And then they decided to play dead by daylight. Sora hopped on her chair next to her pc and booted the pc up. While y/n played on the laptop he has. (Yes it was cube)

Once they both got the game running. They y/n joined sora's party/lobby? Whatever. And then played the game.

For the first few games they were pretty good. Y/n escaped a few times. Sora escaped almost everytime.

Y/n became the killer this time. And boy was he excited.

He couldn't wait to slaughter everyone. In game of course.

But due to him barely playing this game. He was dogshit.

he didn't know good builds, he didn't know spots, and  he got his ankles broken multiple times. So almost everyone escaped including sora and excluding to that one person that got caught by y/n, that he decided to camp him because he was getting desperate.

But then sora became the killer.

At first y/n thought it was gonna be normal just him doing the gens and escaping right? Well...




A loud girl-ish scream suddenly erupted from sora's room.

Sora's parents were concerned for a second but then brushed it off since it was rather a normal occurrence.

Looking into sora's room one would expect the screaming to be coming from a girl right? Well if you thought so then. You're wrong.

The girl-ish scream didn't come from sora but it came from y/n.

right now he was screaming and trying to run away from the killer, aka sora.

She was currently chasing y/n, just before she was chasing him she decided to jumpscare him and then this happened.

Sora was heard giggling while y/n was trying to calm down while running away from her.

Y/n:(JP) "do not ever do that again!"

Sora:(JP) "*giggle* no promises~."

She said in a sing-song voice, while trying to hold back laughter. Much to y/n's dismay.

And a faint laughter from the back of his head was heard.

Y/n: "that son of a..."

He ran right into a dead end to which he responded with.

Y/n:(JP) "well fuck..."

He looked back to see sora standing there... MENACINGLY

To which just added more fear into him.

He started backing up while thinking of a plan to somehow escape without being hit once, since his character was in an injured state, meaning he could not take any more hits before his character goes down.

Y/n just thought he could juke her.

Sora:(JP) "so, where to now y/n~"

Oh i forgot to mention she likes to roleplay when it comes to her being the killer in dbd.

Y/n was quite scared right now he couldn't tell if sora was just playing roleplay or being legit.

But he steeled his nerves and slowly walked to her.

Sora:(JP) "oh? You're coming to me? Instead of pleading for me to give you a chance and let you run, you're coming right to me?"

Y/n:(JP) "i can't run away without going pass you."

Sora:(JP) "hoho. Then try to do so."

they slowly walked to eachother, both sides having a menacing aura. then suddenly y/n sprinted to the left side of sora to try and run past her.

but sora predicted that and swung at him...

but she missed.

Sora:(JP) "eh?"

She looked to see that y/n had sidestepped her, ran to right side of her and proceeded to run away from her.

Sora:(JP) "i-impossible!"

Y/n:(JP) "hmph. You just weren't looking too much into it. Of course i wouldn't just run straight pass you, so that's why i devised a plan to get pass. though simple, It still worked."

*back to the present*

Y/n had finished making his plan and is now doing it.

Sora:(JP) "hoho. Then try to do so."

They both slowly walked to each other. Then y/n suddenly moved to the left.

Then he moved to the right. And successfully got passed her.

Y/n:(JP) "Haha! My plan worked! I am a maste-"

Before he got too far away, she slashed him.

Sora:(JP) "hehe, i didn't even swung at you yet before you sidestepped."

Y/n slouched in defeat, knowing that he wasnt a master planer.

Sora then picked up y/n and walked to a nearby hook then hooked him on it.

Then tentacles(?) Sprung out of the hook and was trying to kill him. But he can resist it for a little bit by mashing [space].

Just after he was hooked, the gens have been finished by his teammates and the doors could now be opened.

Sora:(JP) "well you're in the corner of the map and your team is most likely on the other side of the map. So you just better stop struggling."

Y/n:(JP) "never. My team will come and save me just you wait."

Just as he said that the door opened and every single one of his team left him to die.

Y/n:(JP) "those little pieces of shi-"

Before he got to say that the tentacles(?) Stabbed him through the heart and effectively killed him. Then the game was over.

*flashback end*

(I haven't even played the game yet. So i most definitely got somethings wrong. im just going with the stuff i remember.)

Y/n:(JP) "yeah no."

Sora:(JP) "aww. why not??"

Y/n:(JP) "you should know why..."

Sora:(JP) "i should? i don't recall anything..."

Y/N:(JP) "Dont you act all innocent"

Y/n:(JP) "*sigh* let's just play something else, like mario kart."

then sora suddenly had ptsd

Sora was playing mario kart for one of her streams, she was playing with her fans.

And lets just say it wasnt fun... for sora that is...

Sora:(JP) "NO!"

She said while doing an X symbol with her arms.

Y/n:(JP) "okayyyy... then what should we play?"

They thought long and hard on what to play... but in the end it doesn't even matter.

Because they just decided to just talk about what they've been doing for the past year.

Y/n told his story first.

It was basically the things we all know about already.

Him becoming a streamer getting a lot of subscribers, views and whatnot and Other stuff. Yeah.

After he was done. It was sora's turn to tell her story.

Sora was a bit hesitant at first for some reason. Like she was thinking if she should tell him something.

But then she ultimately agrees on something and nodding her head.

Y/n was looking at her a bit perplexed since this moment was weird for him but he shrugged it off since it was sora.

Sora:(JP) "... Y/n, can you keep a secret?"

Y/n:(JP) "of course."

Cube: "we both know that's a lie."

Y/n: "since when did you wake up?!"

Cube: "a little while ago."

Although he spilled some "beans" in the past due to his idiocracy and him not paying attention to what he's saying, he should never be trusted with a secret, but when it comes to sora he would never ever spill the "sauce." probably.

Mentally Sighing he just ignored him and focused on sora.

Sora:(JP) "alright..."

Sora:(JP) "what i'm about to tell you, is something the you SHOULD NOT tell anyone about. Alright?"

Y/n immediately getting the message, he quickly nodded.

If sora was this serious, then its gotta be something pretty important.

Seeing the confirmation from Y/n, she proceeded to tell him about the secret.

She took a deep breath.

Sora:(JP) "Y/n, i'm a vtuber."

Silence filled the room...




Y/n:(JP) "oh, i already know about that."

Sora:(JP) "eh?"

Y/n:(JP) "yeah. found out about it like a week ago."

Sora:(JP) "how do you know???"

Y/n:(JP) " 1. voice, 2. character name, like its literally the same exact name, 3. your character model looks very similar to you."

Sora was surprised to say the least since she did not expect Y/n to know her being a vtuber.

Sora:(JP) "well why didn't you ask me about it?"

Y/n:(JP) "dunno, just kinda let you do your own thing without questioning it."

Sora:(JP) "then, how did you find my channel?"

Y/n:(JP) "well... it wasn't your channel at first it was someone else's that led me to your channel... but lets just say i was REALLY bored."

literally... he was so bored that he just kept scrolling on youtube without looking at the screen much, just kept it on his peripheral vision

'till he sees a video with vibrant colors that caught his attention

it was a video from a channel called "suisei channel"

since he was bored he said

Y/n: "eh, sure why not."

and that's how he fell into the rabbit hole. though he is not that deep in it like others...

Sora:(JP) "alright. So im guessing you already know how a vtuber works right?"

Y/n:(JP) "not really, all i know is that they're basically streamers"

Sora:(JP) "well, i will tell you all about being a vtuber then."


you were tying your shoe laces, after you got done you got up and was about to say goodbye to sora, until she said one last thing.

Sora:(JP) "hey, wanna hang out again sometime in the future?"

Y/n:(JP) "yeah."

after he said that, they said their goodbye's to eachother then Y/n left her house.

you were walking back to your house while having questions linger around your head.

apparently sora is an idol vtuber that works for a company called "hololive"

"hololive" is supposedly an idol company filled with, you guessed it idols. though they are not like the normal idols you see on tv. they're like streamers as well. but all of their idols use a vtuber model as their characters. 

now that i think about it. I cant help but feel like i've heard of the word 'hololive' before.

he put a hand to his chin while looking down, deep in thought.

he was spacing out while walking, which you should never do unless you want an anime cliche to happen.

he continued on walking for a short while until he felt odd.

Y/n: "woah, i suddenly felt a chill run down my spine."

But i just shrugged it off, like usual.

I continued on walking back to my house. quietly and peacefully.

until i see something that made me stop dead in my tracks. It was a giant glass building that i have never seen before.

Y/n: "in all of my years living in this town, i have never in my life seen that building. And its big too!"

The glass building had the words "Hololive" on it. As i was staring at the building, confused as i could have sworn that building didn't exist there before.

Y/n: "and looks like it's in a secluded part of town too. But who would build a giant building in that part of town... actually why build it here instead of somewhere in the city?"

as i was still standing there looking at the building, i decided to ask a random person walking by.

Y/n:(JP) "Hey uh Mr."

he stopped walking, removed his airpods and gave his attention to me.

Have you seen that big building before?"

I then pointed at the building.

He looks towards where i was pointing at.

???:(JP) "hm? what building?"

Y/n:(JP) "that building."

I then pointed at it again.

He looks again but...

???:(JP) "uh. I don't see a building there. just some houses, is that what you meant?"

Y/n:(JP) "No, the building, do you actually don't see it?"

He squinted real hard, but.

???:(JP) "I still don't see it. I have no idea what building you're referring to."

I was majorly confused, not that this is the first time i've seen this building but this guy doesn't see it.

???:(JP) "anyways i have to go. i need to get milk from the local convenient store."

He quickly put on his airpods in his ears and walked away.

as he was going away i was still staring at the building with one thing going through my mind.

Y/n: "... am i going crazy?"

Cube: "Probably."

i shrieked a little, but managed to keep it mostly in.

Y/n: "What the hell dude?! Stop doing that!"

Cube: "No."

Cube: "Anyways, you probably aren't going crazy. since i see it too."

Cube: "Unless we both are going crazy."

Dismissing the last sentence he said, i began to think of reasons of why i can see it, but others can't.

But i came to a dead end, as i cannot think of a single reason. Unless...

Y/n: "could it be magic...?"

Cube: "nah, you just going crazy."

Y/n: "oh shut up. just be real with me right now."

Cube: "alright, alright. I'll be serious."

being doubtful that he was actually gonna take this seriously. But i took his word for it.

Y/n: "Thank you. Now, can you explain to me why we can see it, but other people can't?"

Cube: "now i can't really explain why, but i have a theory."

Y/n: "A game theo-"

Cube: "not that... really coming from the guy that told me to be 'real with him'..."

Cube: "now as i was saying, my theory is that we are finally seeing something like magic, more specifically illusion magic. and it is powerfull too as it takes a lot of mana and magic concentration to even hide half the size of that building."

Cube: "you remember when calli said we were supposed to be in a world similar to yours but with magic and demi-humans, right?"

Y/n: "vaguely, yes."

Cube: "well we might be finally seeing that. well the magic portion at least, i dont know about the demi-humans though."

Y/n: "you might be right..."

Cube: "But remember its just a theory."

Cube: "So don't take my word for it."

I stare at the building more, just thinking "what kind of black magic fuckery is this?"
After standing there staring at the building for what felt like a minute, i eventually walk away, going towards my house.

Cube: "hold on, so you're just gonna walk away?"

Y/n: "i'm gonna be real with you... it ain't my problem, so...... i dont care if it someone threatining to destroy the world, i still wont do anything unless it is truly my problem."

Cube: "but, hypothetically if someone were threathening to destroy the world, wouldn't that be your problem as well?"

Y/n: "No. That would be the world's problem, not mine."

Cube: "fair, i guess..."

As i was getting farther and farther away, i became more and more curious.




A/n: So uh this was originally gonna be 10k words but uh i wanted to release this on christmas. So yeah. But dont worry this time i will (hopefully) release chapters more frequently.

So uh bye.

Oh and have these

I have some more but they're a bit too nsfw sooo. Make do with these.

And Merry Christmas!

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