͏𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 || 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡�...

By RenAintNoSaint

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I didn't know where I belonged until he came along.❤︎ Peter Hayes X OC ‼️slow updates More

Hiiiii. Please read this.


826 31 1
By RenAintNoSaint

《︎𝘈𝘳𝘪𝘢 𝘎𝘳𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘯》︎

"Sit up straight!" Adrien hisses, pulling me out of my trance. I straighten myself out. "And fix your scarf!"

"It's itchy!" I whisper as I claw at the stupid thing. I was only wearing it to hide the bruises. They were dark purple, it looks atrocious. There is no telling when they'll go away.

"Keep it up and I'll give you a reason to complain!" He spits.

"I have plenty of reasons, thank you." I mumble. He turns to speak but he's cut off by clapping as Jeanine walks on stage.

"The faction system-" My brother glares at me before turning to listen. That was a close one. "-is a living being composed of cells, all of you. And the only way it can survive and thrive is for each of you to claim your rightful place. The future belongs to those who know where they belong."

Marcus is up now. "When we leave this room, you will no longer be dependents but full-fledged members of our society. Faction before blood."

"Faction before blood." We repeat.

"Jonathan Ziegler." Marcus calls up. The boy walks up and slices his hand choosing his faction. "Erudite." The crowd applauds. They continue to call teens up to the stand.

"Remember what I told you-" Adrien warns me, placing a hand on my knee. "Stay here. With me. Your family." He whispers.

My blood boils. Enough is enough. This is my choice. Not his. I swat his hand away. "No." I spit.

His eyes darken. "Excuse me?"

"This is my decision to make, not yours." I sneered.

Adrien's eyes narrow, his face contorting with anger. "You ungrateful-" he starts, but he's cut off by the sound of my name being called.

"Aria Griffin." I stand, determination strong, and walk to the front of the room.

Adrien's glare is like a physical weight pressing down on me, but I force myself to keep moving. The bowls loom before me, each representing a different future. Each representing a chance to escape Adrien's control.
I pick up the knife, my hand steady this time. The room is silent, everyone watching, waiting to see what I will do. My eyes flick to the Candor bowl, then to the Dauntless coals. I take a deep breath, the memory of my father's bravery flooding my mind. Without hesitation, I slice my palm and hold my hand over the coals. Blood drips onto the blackened stones, hissing as it hits.

"Dauntless," I speak up, my voice strong and unwavering.

The room erupts in a mix of gasps and murmurs. I can feel Adrien's fury radiating from behind me, but I refuse to turn around. This is my moment.

I walk off the stage, joining the Dauntless recruits. They give me curious looks.

Marcus nods at me. "I can see you're determined. That you know what you want. Good luck, kid."

I nod and go to the Dauntless side. "Welcome to Dauntless!" One of the leaders pat my back.
I glance back just once, meeting Adrien's murderous gaze. His face is a mask of rage, but I lift my chin defiantly.

This is my choice. My future.

The ceremony continues, but I barely hear the names being called. My heart pounds with a mixture of fear and exhilaration. For the first time in my life, I feel a sense of control, a glimmer of hope that things can be different.

As the ceremony ends, the Dauntless leader calls us to follow. I walk with the group, my steps growing more confident with each stride. The cityscape blurs around me, my mind focused on what lies ahead. Adrien's threats and control behind me now.

I am dauntless.

"Come on! Let's go!" We run through the streets. I don't know where we're going. Anywhere is better than where I'd come from though. The Dauntless start climbing some railing up to the train tracks.

As I've mentioned before I'm not the strongest person. This may be more difficult than I'd thought. But I start climbing. When I reach the top I just about fall right off. A set of arms balance me.

"Watch it there Ghost." Peter. For once I'm happy to see him. "You've only been in Dauntless for five minutes. Don't want to get taken out already do ya?" I shake my head. Peter smirks and releases me, and I can't help but feel a small wave of gratitude despite his usual obnoxiousness.

A train approaches. I follow as everyone starts running along side it. Some start jumping onto the train."Keep up, Ghost!" Peter calls over his shoulder. I grit my teeth and push myself harder, determined not to fall behind. I sprint alongside the train, my breath coming in ragged gasps. Peter reaches out and grabs the edge of the door, pulling himself inside effortlessly. I follow his lead, my fingers barely catching the edge. Peter holds an arm out. I grab it and he yanks me in, just in time too. I collapse onto the floor with a huff.

"Geez Ghost. I can't pull all your weight around here." He huffs. Was that a joke?

"Sorry." I try to catch my breath.

His eyes widen. "Wow she speaks."

I roll my eyes, panting. "Shut up."

"No I don't think I will. Besides you owe me. I saved you twice, in one day." He remarks.

"Wow that's record breaking isn't it?" I reply sarcastically. This is probably the most I've said to him. His lips turn up as he smirks but just for a split second.

"Get ready!" A woman yells.

For what?

I look out the door and see the Leaders jumping from the train onto a roof top. "They're jumping." I mumble.

"What if you don't jump?" Al nudges Peter.

"What do you think?" Peter scoffs. "You'll be factionless. Good luck, Al." He pats his back.

This is crazy. They expect me to just jump off a moving train.

Strong, Brave, Fearless.

I back up and take a breath in. When the rooftop is lined up with my door. I run and jump, luckily I make it. I grunt as I roll across the gravel. As if my body didn't hurt enough. I slowly bring myself to my feet. I hobble my way to the group as they form around the leaders.

"All right, listen up! I'm Eric. I'm one of your leaders. If you want to enter Dauntless, this is the way in." He steps away and shows a big gapping hole. What the heck. "And if you don't have the guts to jump, then you don't belong in Dauntless."

"Is there water at the bottom or something?" A brown haired boy drops his raised hand.

Eric shrugs."I guess you'll find out. Or not."

"We just jumped. They want us to jump again?" I look over my shoulder and see Christina. She used to be Candor.

"Someone's gotta go first. Who's it gonna be?" Eric asks. The crowd stays silent. I am definitely not jumping first.

"Me." The ex Abnegation girl says walking towards the ledge. She slowly pulls her sweater off.

"Yeah, stiff, take it off!" Peter chants before wincing. "Put it back on!"

We all watch and wait for her to make a move but she just stands there. "Today, Initiate." Eric sighs. She visibly takes a deep breath before jumping off. Not a sound can be heard from her.

Is she dead or what? No wait that's dumb, why would they kill us on our first day. For the next few minutes I stand at the back. My stomach is in knots. "Next!" Eric yells. No one budges. I feel an arm lift mine up. Eric points to me. "You. You can go." I rip my arm away, I look and see Peter with a smug smirk. If looks could kill, he'd be dead.

"Oh sorry about that. You looked like you needed a push." He shrugs. Something clicks.

"Can you push me off?" I whisper. His eyes widen. "Please!" I beg quietly.

"What?!" He whispers.

"I don't have all day." Eric groans.

I glare at him before walking over to stand on the ledge. That's a big drop. How could I possibly make myself do this? "Hurry up, Ghost!" I hear Peter exclaim. I turn to face him.

"Make me." I spit.

He shrugs. "Okay." He says before walking up to me, pushing me off. It feels like my stomach is in my brain. My fall is broken by a safety net. Thank God. I crawl towards the other initiates. I'm helped down by a tall handsome man.

"Did you get pushed?" He laughs.

"Yes actually." I giggle.

He quirks a brow at me. "That kind of defeats the purpose but I guess we can let it slide this time." He shrugs. "What's your name?

"Aria. Yours?" I ask. I hear a boy shriek as he plummets onto the net.

"You'll find out soon enough." He responds. "Welcome to Dauntless." I nod and move to wait for the rest of the initiates. When they get down the guy from earlier gets our attention.

"Dauntless-born, go with Lauren, transfers stay with me." The Dauntless-born leave. "Most of the time I work in Intelligence, but during your training, I'll be your instructor. My name's Four." Interesting name.

"Four like the number?" Christina scoffs.

"Exactly like the number." He confirms.

Christina looks down holding back a laugh."What happened, one through three were taken?" Classic Candor.

Four stands over her intimidatingly. "What's your name?" He asks her.


"Well, Christina. The first lesson you learn from me if you wanna survive here, is keep your mouth shut." He spits. "Do you understand me?" She nods. "Good. Now follow me."

Four leads us down a series of hallways and stairwells, most of them were dimly lit by green and red lights. We eventually end up in a big room, although I wouldn't call it a room. I don't know what to call it actually.

"This is The Pit." That suites it actually. "The center of life here at Dauntless."

When you look into the pit there are a bunch of dauntless conversing, fighting, cutting up. It's like a big happy family. Well somewhat.

Four then leads us to another big room. "You're gonna be sleeping here for the next 10 weeks." I look around at all the dingy beds all lined up nice and neat.

"Girls or boys?" A boy asks.

"Both." Say what now.

"That works." Peter chimed.


"If you like this, you're gonna love the bathroom." Four remarked.

We walk to the bathroom area, not a single stall or shower curtain in sight. This should be interesting.

"You should feel right at home, Candor. Everything out in the open." Four says looking to Christina. He starts to head out. "Get changed."

"Shower, anyone?" Someone jokes.

I scoff and walk over to a bed, a change of clothes sits by the pillow. We all start to change. I slowly slide my old clothes off. Great. I would've rethought my choice if I would've known my privacy was going to go out the window.

"Nice butt, Ghost." There goes my dignity as well.

"S-Shut up, Peter!" I whisper as my cheeks reddened. I look up and see he's taken the bed beside mine.

"You know I'm relieved, I really thought you'd lack certain features." He teases. I hesitantly slide my shirt over my head I try my best to keep my bruises covered. I hear him suck a breath in. "Nope. Definitely not lacking."

"Glad you think so. Would you like me to show you my penis next?" I reply sarcastically making some guys laugh. I quickly slide my jacket on hoping he'll shut up now. I wrap the scarf back around my neck when I see Peter isn't paying attention. I gotta say I was taken aback when I'd seen his muscles.

Definitely not lacking.

He turns his attention back to me. "Like what you see?" He smirks.

I scoff at his cockiness, even though I definitely liked what I'd seen. I follow the other initiates out, they start tossing their old clothes into a fire pit. I wait patiently.

"Geez Ghost. You know out of the kindness of my heart I decide to compliment you and you don't even thank me." He shakes his head. "That's just wrong."

I huff and turn to face him. "You do realize we're not Candor anymore right?! Quit saying the first thing that comes to mind. Get a filter!" I hiss. I turn and throw my clothes in the fire. I start to walk away but I feel a rough tug on my neck.

"You forgot something there, Ghost." Peter proceeds to pull my scarf off. I try to grab it out of his hands but he throws it in. "Oops-" his eyes widen when he sees my neck. The bruises. I quickly turn and catch up with the rest of the initiates. This is just great.


To say I'm hungry is an understatement. I was starting to think that the Dauntless just didn't eat. I was sat at a table only two other people were there, I didn't bother socializing with them though. Right as I was sinking my teeth into my burger Peter sat in front of me. He said nothing though. He just sat there staring at me. It was making me uncomfortable. Even made me lose my appetite, which never happens. After a few more minutes of complete silence from him I decided to speak up.

"Like what you see, Hayes?" I tease. His face stays the same. "Hello? Earth to Peter!" Still nothing. "It's rude to stare. Did your parents not teach you any manners?"

"What's with the bruises?" He finally asks.

I stab my food as I rack my brain for ways to answer this. "Hickeys." I shrug.

"Yeah right. I've never even seen you socialize with another guy. Other than your brother." He grimaces. "You're not into that incest stuff right?"

"I got in a fight." I mumble, praying no one heard what he just said.

"Ghosty got in a fight? I don't believe it." He shakes his head.

"Believe what you want then." I try not to give in to his little mind games.

He quirks a brow. "And I'm guessing you lost this fight?"

I laugh. "I guess that's how you'd call it."

"That's disappointing. Who's the lucky winner then?" He inquired.

Thankfully before I can answer an alarm starts blaring, everyone starts rattling their cups. I look to Peter and shrug. He narrows his eyes.

"Initiates, stand." Max calls out. We stand. "You have chosen to join the warrior faction tasked with the defense of this city and all its inhabitants. We believe in ordinary acts of bravery and the courage that drives one person to stand up for another. Respect that. Do us proud." Everyone cheers. Soon all the initiatives a crowd surfing in the cafeteria. I guess you could say it was a decent first day.

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