ON HOLD | Little Romanoff | A...

By goonerscribblesox

58.7K 1.6K 337

Natasha Romanoff, agent of shield and trained assassin, has always longed to be a mother, but that opportunit... More

{Cast & Characters}
1. Rescue Mission
2. Arrival At The Farm
3. Runaway
4. Adjusting To Life
5. Back To Work
6. Commence, Mission Stark!
7. Run-In With Mr Stark
8. Never Trust Fury To Babysit
9. Bitter Apple Juice
10. A Spy With A Kid, Huh?
11. Can I call you Mama?
12. Surprise Visit!
13. End Of Mission Iron-Man
14. Vacation Is Over Now, маленький
15. We're Under Attack
16. Reunited
17. Clingy
18. Foam Bullets
19. Bribery
20. Mean Man In Green!
21. You Gotta Be Brave, Kid
23. Battle Of New York
24. Victory!
25. Conversations
not an update

22. A Real-Life Superhero!

1.2K 51 2
By goonerscribblesox

"Millie?" Natasha called out alarmed as she rushed into the communications deck to search around for her daughter. "Millie," she called aloud and breathed a sigh of relief once she had eyes on her daughter who was sitting down beside Amelia with newly acquired stitches on her head.

Natasha and Maria shared a glance between one another, not a word was spoken but both of them knew exactly what had to be discussed.

"Mama!" Amelia exclaimed as she jumped into Natasha's arms as soon as she could, feeling the relief that she was able to be in her mama's arms again.

"Боже мой, I was so worried about you, детка," Natasha mumbled as she clung to her daughter tightly, the relief flooded through her that her daughter was okay. "Are you okay?" she questioned as she immediately began to check her over for any further injuries that she might have.

"I'm okay, mama. I helped Grandpa and Aunt Maria help fight the bad guys," Amelia explained to the woman who looked slightly bewildered.

"Fight them, how?" Natasha narrowed her eyebrow confused before she glanced in Maria's direction for answers.

"Your kid knows how to handle a gun pretty well, Romanoff," Maria explained from where she was sitting.

Natasha's eyes widened in disbelief, "Excuse me? You did what!" she looked at her daughter completely taken back.

"I just wanted to help," Amelia mumbled aloud as she saw the look that Natasha was giving her and she knew that she was no doubt in trouble now.

"Nat, she really did do a good job," Maria interjected as she looked at the older redhead. "I even thought that you had given her secret lessons actually," she chuckled.

Natasha looked at Maria and inhaled a deep breath, there would be no point in being mad about this now when there other things to discuss. "We'll talk about this later, okay?" she told her daughter who looked slightly relieved. "You did a good job then, huh детка?" she asked.

"I was scared, mama but Grandpa told me that I had to be brave," Amelia told the older redhead who although upset, couldn't help but feel proud that she was able to defend herself.

"That you did, дорогой and from what I heard you were pretty brave," Natasha smiled and kissed the top of her daughter's head. "Hey, Millie, listen... I need to talk to you about something else that's happened," she told her softly.

Amelia peered up to look at Natasha innocently, "Is this about my use of cuss words lately because that was all Hunters' fault," she said as she threw the agent under the bus completely.

"No, it's not, although, we should probably talk about that at some point as well," Natasha couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the serious expression that her daughter wore. "Actually, this is something else, дорогой," she added.

"What is it, mama?" Amelia asked curiously.

"Come and sit, Millie. We need to talk," Natasha moved to crouch down on the small steps and motioned Amelia to join her. Turning to look at Maria who nodded slightly, she swallowed hard before she continued to speak. "маленький паук, I am afraid that Coulson has been hurt," she explained to her daughter.

"The doctors can fix him though, right?" Amelia asked her mama innocently.

Natasha shook her head as she blinked away the tears that welled up in her eyes, "It's not as simple as that, Millie... Coulson was hurt but he's not going to get better in this case," she explained in the best terms that she could for a 9-year-old to understand. "Coulson died, маленький," she spoke quietly.

"What? Coulson has died," Amelia questioned as her bottom lip wobbled, the realization had hit at what she had been told.

The child didn't say anything further as she curled her body into Natasha's and openly cried. The older redhead was quick to comfort her daughter as she wrapped her arm securely around her daughter while she sobbed.

"It's okay. You are okay," Natasha spoke gently as she rocked her child in her arms back and forth.

It wasn't long until the sobs had quietened down and Amelia had completely exhausted herself to the point that she had fallen asleep.

"Looks like she has fallen asleep," Maria noted as she peered down at the girl who was in a deep slumber.

Natasha glanced down at her daughter who was completely out for the count in her arms. "Yeah, it looks that way. I think that I will go and lie her down in bed before I speak to Barton," she told the brunette woman. "I don't think that it would be such a good idea to have here there with me while we talk," she continued to further explain.

"That's a good idea, Natasha. Do you want some help?" Maria questioned as she looked at the redhead who was struggling to stand up while holding onto Amelia.

"Can you take her for a minute, please?" Natasha asked.

"Of course," Maria accepted and reached forward to pick up the child with ease while Natasha stood up, taking her daughter back in her arms. "Good luck talking to Barton. If you need me then you know where to find me," she waved off to the redhead who was already carrying her daughter out of the communication decks.

Making sure that her daughter was okay and still asleep, Natasha made her way to the infirmary where Clint was strapped to a hospital bed, still knocked out unconscious.

"He should be waking up soon," A fellow agent told her as she noticed Natasha's appearance in the doorway.

"Okay," Natasha spoke quietly and moved to take a seat opposite the hospital bed, she watched and waited for him to come around.

It doesn't take all too long before Clint is coming around, his breathing hard and shaking his head in aggression as he fought against the restraints wrapped around his wrists.

"Clint, you're gonna be alright," Natasha approached her best friend

"You know that?" Clint couldn't help but chuckle. "Is that what you know? I got no window. I have to flush him out," he told her as he still continued to fight against the restraints.

Natasha moved to pour him a cup of water, "You got to level out. It's gonna take time," she explained.

"You don't understand. Have you ever had someone take your brain and play?" Clint spoke aloud. "Pull you out and stuff something else in? Do you know what it's like to be unmade?" he continued to question.

Natasha paused briefly, his words stung. That was exactly what happened and he knew it.

"You know that I do," The redhead responded as she looked at him.

"Why am I back? How did you get him out?" Clint asked confused.

"Cognitive recalibration," Natasha moved back to sit down beside Clint and smirked. "I hit you really hard in the head. Actually, it was Millie's idea," she said, feeling proud of herself.

"Thanks," Clint mumbled.

Natasha smiled and began removing the restraints from around his wrists.

"Don't," Natasha put her hands up to stop him. "Don't do that to yourself, Clint. This is Loki. This is monsters and magic and nothing we were trained for," she told him.

"Loki. He get away?" Clint questioned.

"Yeah. I don't suppose you know where?" Natasha asked her best friend.

"Didn't need to know. Didn't ask," Clint denied as Natasha walked over to the door while he gets up from the bed. "He's gonna make his play soon though. Today," he adds as he drank his water.

Natasha turned around to look at him, "We gotta stop him," she stated.

"Yeah? Who's we?" Clint questioned.

"I don't know. Whoever is left," Natasha mumbled to him.

"Well, if I put an arrow through Loki's eye socket I'd sleep better, I suppose," Clint stated amusedly.

"Now you sound like you," Natasha couldn't help but smirk.

"But you don't. You're a spy, not a soldier. Now you want to wade into a war. Why? What did Loki do to you?" Clint questioned concerned.

"He didn't, I just--" Natasha was cut off.

"Natasha," Clint interjected.

"I've been compromised. I got red in my ledger I'd like to wipe out," Natasha admitted to him.

Clint didn't say anything further until the realization hit him, "O--Oh my God, Millie! I--I was supposed to be watching her..." he continued to trail on.

Natasha placed her hand on his shoulder, "Hey, don't worry. Millie is completely fine and safe," she reassured him.

"I didn't hurt her, did I?" Clint asked concerned that his niece was in the crossfire through this.

"No. Fury made sure that she was taken somewhere safe as soon as everything happened," Natasha explained.

Clint nodded his head slightly, "Where is she now?" he wondered.

"Well, when I left her she was fast asleep. I am sure that she will be excited to see her favourite uncle though when she wakes up," Natasha couldn't help but smile.

The bond that those 2 shared was pretty special. Like 2 peas in a pod and even if she wouldn't admit it, the redhead was ever so slightly jealous about it.

"Nat, I am so sorry. I know that I was supposed to be watching her and then all of that happened," Clint continued to apologise after the guilt he felt, he was supposed to be watching Amelia and she was nearly in danger because of it.

"None of us expected it to happen so we couldn't prevent this," Natasha shook her head in disagreement. "Millie wasn't in danger and it is all fine," she reassured him.

"I know but I can't help but feel terrible if anything did happen to her..." Clint said.

"Nothing did happen so don't beat yourself up," Natasha told him as she placed her hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "And I know as soon as she does wake up then she will be eager to see you," she added.

"You don't think that she will be scared of me now?" Clint asked anxiously.

"Never, you're her uncle Bird Brain," Natasha lightly shoved him and smiled. "I don't think she could ever be scared of you," she told him.

"Time to go," Steve Rogers appeared in the doorway of the infirmary.

"Go where?" Natasha wondered.

"I'll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?" Steve questioned.

"I can," Clint said as he walked out of the restroom while he dried his hands.

Steve glanced in Clint's direction hesitantly and then looked at Natasha who nodded, "Got a suit?" he asked.

"Yeah," Clint agreed.

"Then suit up," Steve told him in silent agreement.

"Hold on, before I go anywhere I need to go and check in on my daughter otherwise she will be worried," Natasha said as she headed in the direction of the door. "I'll meet you at the jet," she told him.

"Of course Agent Romanoff," Steve agreed.

Natasha was quick to pace down to the floor where Amelia was surprisingly still asleep. The whole ordeal must have completely tired her out.

"Millie? Wake up, маленький," Natasha knelt down beside her daughter and shook her gently as she waited for her to wake up.

"Hi mama," Amelia mumbled as she stirred and opened her eyes to face the older redhead.

Natasha smiled and leant forward to move the baby hairs out of her daughter's eyes, "Hi there, маленький паук. Did you have a good nap?" she questioned.

Amelia let out a small yawn and nodded, "It was okay," she realized that Natasha was still wearing her usual catsuit, which either meant one of two things, she hadn't had the chance to change yet or she was heading back out on a mission. "Are you going somewhere?" she asked.

"I am afraid so, маленький... I have to go and take care of some stuff with uncle Clint and the rest of them all," Natasha explained to the child who was pouting slightly until the mention of the older man.

"Uncle Clint is here? Can I go and see him, please?" Amelia pleaded excitedly.

Natasha couldn't help but chuckle but shake her head in disagreement. "You can later on when we're back," she promised her.

"Okay," Amelia exhaled a sigh. "Are you going to go and fight the bad guys again, mama?" she wondered excitedly.

Natasha smiled slightly and nodded in agreement, "That is exactly what I am going to do, Millie," she told her daughter who giggled.

"Will you be safe?" The 9-year-old asked.

"Of course, I will be, маленький паук," Natasha agreed as she realized that she didn't have much time before she needed to meet them on the jet. "I need to go soon. Steve and Uncle Clint are waiting for me," she told her. "If you need anything then you know where to find everyone, right? Don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone," she leaned forward to kiss the top of her head.

"Bye, mama!" Amelia waved as she watched Natasha runoff out of the room.

"Bye my маленький паук," Natasha spoke as she leaned forward and kissed the top of her head.

"My mama is a real-life superhero," The 9-year-old thought to herself as she grinned excitedly.

Natasha walked towards the jet as she powered up her widow bites, her bracelet illuminates a different colour as it lights up before she goes to join Clint as they walk towards the jet side-by-side behind Steve.

"Hey, you guys aren't authorised to be in here," The Shield Engineer tried to stop them.

"Son, just don't!" Steve put his hand out in front to stop him from saying anything further.

Amelia walked out of her bedroom and was bored, deciding to go and find Bobbi and Hunter in the living quarters.

"Hey there, kiddo," Bobbi greeted the child who was still pretty much half asleep.

"Well if it isn't the little ankle-biter," Hunter teased the small redhead girl.

"Hi guys," Amelia mumbled as she tiredly rubbed her eyes while she moved to sit on the arm of the couch.

"Whoa, that cut looks like it hurts pip-squeak," Hunter caught a glance at Amelia's injury on the top of her head. "What happened?" he asked.

Amelia didn't say much as she shrugged her shoulders, "I have had worse when I lived in Brooklyn," she mumbled as she had a sudden flashback of memory when she was younger and she was backhanded across the face for one single mistake that she had made. She was only 6 years old at the time.

Bobbi noted the sudden change of expression on her face, "Are you okay? We heard what happened with Coulson. We're sorry about that sweetheart. I knew that Coulson was good to you," she said sorrowfully.

"Yeah, we're sorry, kid. We knew that you were somewhat close with him," Hunter said softly.

Amelia nodded and smiled sadly, "We used to joke about who was better. He always said Captain America and I always said, Iron Man. He was always adamant it was Captain America, he even had those trade cards that he wouldn't let go off," she mumbled as she remembered the countless arguments she would have with him about who was a better superhero.

"Yeah, it's too bad that Captain America never got the chance to sign them for him," Hunter said as he sighed.

"Yeah," Bobbi said in agreement and slowly nodded.

"Can we play video games? My mama's gone off to save the world apparently and I need a distraction," Amelia told them both.

"Well, I don't see why not but just to let you know," Hunter agreed as he reached over and grabbed the video remote controllers. "I'm not going to go easy on you kid," he added.

"That's okay. I can still win you over any day!" Amelia exclaimed.

Hunter chuckled and shook her head, "Oh, well now that is fighting talk. You're on pip-squeak," he declared with a smug look on his face.

Another update,

It's a slightly shorter chapter than usual but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting too long. 

Let me know what you think!

Also, anyone who has Snapchat, feel free to add me for sneak peeks of upcoming chapters & ideas for possible books! My username is in my bio 😊

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