The manipulation games (Y/N x...

By angelrainwrites

16.8K 367 487


Unexpected Comfort
The Escape
His touch
His help
Heart Bum
The aftermath
The plan
His Vengeance


2.5K 34 65
By angelrainwrites

Chapter 1:

You woke up to darkness, startling awake. Moaning softly, you discovered fabric over your face, gagging your mouth. You wrestled with the restraints, fear arising, and trying to make out your surroundings in the darkness. A scream caught in your throat as you realised you were in a white tiled room veiled in shadows.

You fought against the restraints binding your wrists and ankles, screaming for help despite the gag. The handcuffs seemed welded to your wrists. You shuddered in fear at your surroundings. You could smell chloroform in the air and the room was cold enough to store the dead. Clad in only a nightgown, you blushed at the immodesty of it. Double sided glass was on the wall facing you. 'Were they watching you?', you thought.

"Let me out", you screamed toward the glass. 'Perhaps you could annoy them into letting you go', you thought dimly.

The door creaked open and harsh footsteps approached, cutting through the heavy silence, and you saw the white hair of a man in his sixties. Two tall men clad in all white followed him, masked by darkness.

He bent down and removed the gag around your mouth, wearing a smile that did not meet his eyes. You shrunk back in fear, eyes wide. Everything about this man was cold.

His voice was refined and he was well-spoken, as he said, "Hello Y/N. I am Dr Brenner. I apologise for these unpleasantries, but you must understand that this is for your own safety."

"I don't understand anything," you said breathily, voice rising with hysteria and fear. "Where am I? Let me go fartface!" you screamed.

Brenner stepped closer, and every instinct in your body urged you to fight against the restraints. "Please understand that this is for your benefit. We have been monitoring you for some time and you have displayed special characteristics that we are interested in investigating."

"I don't care! Let me go! This is kidnapping," you screamed, fighting against the restraints hysterically.

"Your parents signed you over to us when you were a child, to be taken when you were eighteen. Now that you are an adult, you legally belong to us," he said calmly, taking a few steps about the room.

You met him with the most defiant look you could muster, despite having your dignity ripped to shreds. You could feel your face heat with embarrassment and anger. He was close enough to you that you kicked him with your restrained legs. He cried out, doubling over and shouted gruffly, "sedate her."

One of the men behind him stepped out from the shadows of the room, his face and tall form barely visible in the darkness. He was blonde and lithe, his sharp cheekbones cutting through the darkness. Rolling up his sleeves, he approached slowly. Under the light, you could see his horrifying beauty. He grabbed your hands, your fingers entwining with his as he pinned pinned them above your head, straddling you as you thrashed against his iron grip, trying and failing to break free. He leaned in to whisper but you shook your head violently, fighting to the last. You couldn't stand it...he smelled like...spam and feet? Ew. With one hand, he grabbed your chin roughly, but not hard enough to bruise, snapping you back to reality.

His breath tickled against your neck."Please know that I'm sorry about this," the blonde man whispered softly. Oh poo off!

The other man stepped forward and injected a needle in your arm. You could feel the blonde man's strong arms slip around your waist and behind your knees as he lifted you, his grip becoming more gentle this time. The darkness quickly claimed you.


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