Luna Celeste Reese

Oleh Lifexwriter

43.6K 757 87

Story about a girl who was taken from her father and 6 brothers at 1 years old and she was physically and Men... Lebih Banyak

Characters and Luna Tattoos
Meet The Family
Not a update
The dinner
‼️This is really importment‼️
The family dinner
Chapter six
My Socials
D'Angelo family line
The Truth Part One
The Hurt
The Pain
The Trust
The Confessions
The Past
The Secret
Important Announcement
We Meet Again
The Afterword
The peace
Get to Know Me
Important Announcement! Please read
The Date
The Engagement
The Wedding
Bonus Chapter

The Meeting

2.2K 38 7
Oleh Lifexwriter

(A/n here I want to let you know that I had writer blocked and I was struggling at one point in this chapter and it is hard to. If you are confused at some point in this chapter please message me on here, TikTok, or Instagram so I can explain it but don't be mean. It will make sense when you start to read the chapter it is hard to explain on  what I am trying to say and there is going to be a lot of pictures)
Please play song when I say to play it

POV. Third person
Luna wakes up at 4:09 in the morning and she gets up from her bed and wakes up Alessio and she takes him to the bathroom to take a bath and then she goes to her closet with Alessio so he can pick out his clothes then he picks out a red piece. Luna picked a red long sleeve shirt and blue jeans, her hair put up in a clip and wearing white Nike shoes, she got her nails done with a red tip.
(A/n I know that a worried time to get up at in the morning)
Alessio outfit

Luna outfit

She walks out of her closet with Alessio in her arms and she takes a bookbag with an outfit for her work. Then she walks down the stairs and walks into the kitchen and she sees Alessandro in the kitchen. He looks like he has been up for a while and looks didn't even go to sleep. Luna cleared her throat and he looked up at her and asked her why she was up at this time. She said that she has to be somewhere but it involved work and can you watch Alessio for me she said to him. He nodded and he took Alessio out of her arms so she could make breakfast for her and Alessio and Alessandro. After they ate she told him everything that Alessio likes and dislikes and his schedule. Then she tells him that she will be home around 12 or 1 if not then call Valentino López and his sister because they know what to do. Don't ask questions why to call them just don't please. Then she left the kitchen and walked to the front door and she made sure she had everything then she walked out of the house and she walked up to her other car a white Range Rover with black tinted windows.

She opened the door and hopped in the car and put her bag in the passenger seat and she put her seat belt on and drove out of the driveway and on her way to her company building.
When she got closer she put her mask to hide her identity from the world and she walked to her private elevators and hit top floor and then she got to the top floor her assistant tells her that she has a meeting with the D'Angelo and the Knight at 8 o'clock this morning Luna tells her ok and that she goes to her office to change her outfit and then to some work and tell her when it is 7:45.

Her outfit

Luna POV.
I walk to my office I take off my mask and answer some emails and one of them is from Ángel silencioso (silent angel) she said that her is in town and she will be at the spot tomorrow at 1 in the afternoon and she didn't tell nobody that good sometimes we go on mission together and she tells me about her family and I just listen and then I tell her about my life and we know my life is not the best. I email her back saying ok I will be there if I can because I have news about my life and it is good news and sad news.

I answer more emails about my cars and jewelry company and see if I would combine it with theirs but I always decline the offer but I open the top one and ask if I am still on for the meeting and answer with I am still on for the meeting. I look at the time and it is already 7:40 then I hear a knock on my office door and I said hold on. I get my mask on and my voice changer ok come in I told my assistant and she opened the door and tells me it it 7:45 and I walked to the door and walked to the meeting and she tells me that they are in there waiting for me and I told her ok and thank you and you may go back to her desk. I opened the door and saw my family and my friend's family aka Hope Knight family. "Welcome to my company and I am CL and why did you ask for a meeting," I said in a serious tone into my voice changer. The D'Angelo whole family was there and the whole family of the Knight. They say there are hellos and my right hand people are outside of the door. I got a call saying that I am needed in the lobby so I told them ok and I will be down in a minute. I told the clients that I am needed in the lobby and I will be back up here in a few. I walk out and walked to my office and to look at the security cameras and when I did I was about to scream and punch and I called Sofia I need her now in my office and she come fast and I told her to look at my computer screen and when she did she told me that how in the world did the person find you and where you are at and I told her that we have a mold in my team and I also told her that I am going down there and I don't care if I have to kill the person.

I leave my office and slam the door and go to the private elevator. When I got in the elevator that is when I went into a deep thought and I opened my phone and pushed the yellow button. It means that nobody is going in or out and the doors are locked but my private elevator will still work and everyone in this building will get a message they are on lockdown. When I got off of the elevator I stayed calm but deep down I was terrified because of what this person did to me in the past and that story will be later told. I hear the elevator open and I got out of my thoughts and walked out of the elevator and " Well well look who we have here and how did you get in here because you get in this place What do you want this time oh wait I know what you want that me to come with you oh wait I can't because I know something that you don't know oh well," I said to king he person "Is that how you greet me my love" the person said in a thick Russian accent. " I AM NOT YOUR LOVE AND STOP CALLING ME THAT AND WHAT IS THE REAL REASON YOU ARE HERE AND DON'T LIE TO ME" I scream as loud I can be and I don't care if they can hear it or they are watching it because all I want is for this person out and I don't have my mask on or the voice changer and they know the real person behind this masterpiece. " You are everything since the first day I laid eyes on you." "I also was to see my son, he is my heir," the person said. "NO, I WILL NEVER LET YOU SEE MY CHILD BECAUSE YOU DID SOMETHING AND THAT I HAVE NIGHTMARES ABOUT AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TELL MY FATHER NOR MY BROTHERS WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME WHEN I WAS 7 YEARS OLD UP UNTIL I GOT PREGNANT WITH YOUR SON BECAUSE HIS IS MY HEIR TO MY MAFIA AND I DON'T CARE HOW YOU FEEL BECAUSE IT IS YOUR FAULT," I scream at him and that is when I drove my gun out and pointed right at him "OH I FORGOT TO TELL YOU I ALREADY KILLED YOUR MEN SO THERE IS NOBODY TO HELP YOU OUT WITH THIS AND NOW I LIKE TO WELCOME THE REINA SILENCIOSA AKA ME," I said and I shot him in the heart into both shoulders and in between his eyes. (Silent Queen)

Xavier POV.
When she walks into the door she seems like she has the world on her shoulders but nobody in this meeting can't see her face at all but she goes by CL. Then she gets a call from someone and that she is needed in the lobby and she said she will be back in a few minutes. Then she walks out to do something but then our phone goes off and then we get a text message and talk about something that is dangerous and we are in lockdown.

We saw a TV we turn it on and we see the lobby and we see our number one enemy and then we see her walk out of the elevator without her mask but we also can hear her real voice and we all were shocked to find out that she's lost mafia princess aka the lost mafia queen to the D'Angelo mafia and she worked at the dinner that my men and I when to and I took her home in my cer and she has a son with him and she kills him and his team and his is our number one enemy then she turned around and looked up at the camera and says father and brothers sorry you had to find out who I really am this way see you guys in the meeting room when I get back up there and I know you have a lot of questions but some of the things I am not ready to tell you guys .

We all know how to read lips and I feel like there is so much more she is hiding from us. I turned off the tv and sat back down and covered my head with my hands and I went into deep thoughts. Some thoughts were good and some were bad. The bad ones got to me but no one could see that I was hurting.

Then I felt someone touch me on the shoulder. I looked up and saw Luna in front of me and I looked around and it was just us in the room. I looked around and thought 'When did the other leave the room'. Then she told me that the meeting will be rescheduled but she doesn't know when. Also we are not on lockdown anymore. She walks out of the room and goes to her office to do something and she walks out with another outfit. She is wearing black sweatpants and a black Nike shirt without the bag.

Luna outfit

She looks gorgeous and she walks out and tells the rest of them that the meeting will be rescheduled and don't know when. She told her father that she still has work and will be home by 12 or 1 and tell Alessio to stop worrying about her but you guys don't scream at anyone at all and don't ask me why.

She walked into her elevator and when the doors closed her family and my family turned around and walked down the hall to go into the public elevator and then we walked into the elevator and hit the L button and then the doors closed and it was like you could hear a pin drop of that type of silence.

2 minutes later

The doors opened and we walked out and headed to the parking garage and then we walked to our cars and then I walked to my car that is farther away from there cars I got in my car and drove away from there and headed to my home to do some work in my office. After about 25 minutes I was done doing my work and I headed upstairs to my room then into the bathroom and I took a shower and then changed into some sweatpants and walked out of my room and headed back down to my kitchen and made a snack and went back to my office to finish some work.

Luna POV.
After I talked through the camera I wasn't sure if I could go back in the meeting and finish it up. I am in the elevator waiting to get back in there. A few minutes ago I reached the top floor. I started walking to the meeting room and I walked in and "Follow me out and wait right here and I will be right back," I whisper to them and I see that Xavier is not with them. I went back to the meeting room to see him and it looked like he was in deep thought and I tapped his shoulder and he looked at me and then looked around the room. "The meeting will be rescheduled but I don't know when," I told him. I turned around and walked out of the room and then told the rest of them that the meeting will be rescheduled and don't know when it will be.

I walked to my office and got changed into a comfy outfit : a black Nike shirt with black sweatpants and white Nike shoes. I walked out and told my biological father and brother that I will be home by 12 - 1 pm and Alessio to not worry about me and don't yell at anyone and don't ask me why. And I walk back into my office and sat down and started working on some new design for my jewelry and car company and then I get a call the ID read unknown and I answer it and

( Bold=Nico and Italic =Luna)

" Здравствуйте, сестра, это Нико. Я слышал о Рико и благодарю вас."
(Hello sister, it is Nico. I heard about Rico and I thank you.)

"Эй, брат, прошло много времени с тех пор, как мы в последний раз разговаривали, и добро пожаловать, и я надеюсь увидеть тебя однажды, но не хочу встречаться, как в прошлый раз,"
(Hey brother it's been a while since we last talked and your welcome and I hope to see you one day but don't want met like last time,)

" Yes I agree with you on that but the bad part about it is that your family members are the Italian mafia but at some point we will see each other's sister."

" yea I know but everyone will think that you are Rico because you look just like him but you are different than him and nobody knows that you have your own mafia oh how is your mafia doing and tell your right hand man that I miss him and you and see you at the mafia ball, and don't forget to hide your face because they will think you are Rico love you brother.

" I will and they are doing good and I will tell him you miss him and I won't forget to wear a mask to hide my face and I miss you too and love you sister bye now I have a meeting to get to."

He hung up the phone and I went back to work and answered some emails. I start to think about what Nico said to me and I miss him.
(A/n here Nico is 25 Rico is 40 but they look like their twins the world think they are but they are not to clear it up)

Play song here

⚠️Warning next part mentions rape⚠️

Flashback: From when Luna was 15 years old.

Just a few days ago I was rape and I tried to stop him but it didn't stop him from raping me, he looks like he is around 38. Right now I am sitting with my knees to my chest and arms around me tight, and I was afraid to move my body because it still hurts.. A couple of minutes pass and I hear someone coming in. " I am not here to hurt you but I am here to get you out of here," he told me to come closer with every word he said. I trusted him. I let him pick me up and ran out of the place, he took me to a quiet place and he said he was 23 and he looks like Rico but I started to get tears rolling down my cheek as I tried to forget what happened, but I can't forget.

Flashback over

So I started to shake a little while all the flashbacks started circling around in my head, My head started pounding over and over again. My breathing is getting shaky. All I think to do is to close my eyes, I squeeze my eyes tight, but it doesn't seem to be working. I start squeezing them tighter and tighter, The flashbacks start getting worse and worse. While I was thinking, I was so young and innocent, why did it have to happen to me? But I found out that I was pregnant with my baby boy and Nico let me stay with him because I trust him and I think of him as a brother he let stay with him when I was pregnant and he help me out but I left and I went back to my mother but I took my son to my penthouse with my most trust babysitter I know and that was Nalda she in my mafia and she help me out with Alessio.

Suddenly my phone started ringing and I got out of my thoughts and looked at the Caller ID and is was my father I answer "Luna why wasn't you answer my phone call because it's past 1 O'clock and what is taking so long," he ask."I got caught up in my work and caught in deep thought and that is why it is taking so long I am on my way back now and see you soon," I told him. I got up from my desk and shut my computer, packed it up and anything important and then I put my mask on and left for my elevator and I got in and a couple minutes later I reached the main floor and I exited and said goodbye to the receptionist and left the building. I walked to my car and got in and sat there for a second and started the car and left. I started driving home and I looked in the rear mirror and saw I was being followed by an enemy because I did something that hurt their mafia and hated me for it. I grab my phone and called Sofia and father and combined the call's they both answer.

Bold=father bold italic=Sofia Italics =Luna
"Luna you just call me what is u?"

"Luna why are you calling because everything is ok with us back here"

"Alessandro and Sofia I need you to not put me on speakerphone if you do I will find out that you did and Alessandro please stay calm and don't show your emotions in front of yours family go to your office and lock the door and put something in front of the door and Sofia you do the same and don't tell everyone what is going to happen in a couple second and tell me when your there"

"Ok I am in my office alone"

"Ok I am in my office alone Luna"

"I have people following me and Sofia  do you remember that mafia is that I am their number one enemy and they hate me well their people are following me and I'm going to put you guys on speaker so I can talk to you"



"Rave put the car on autopilot you guys are going to hear gunshots and me tell you what is happening"
I roll down the window and I fire the gun into the first cars tire and their head and then did the same the second car and the third one I let one unconscious it will be a little while until my people get here"
Some of them fire their guns but one and glazed my left my shoulder

"Sofia I need you to be quick and send them to this location and I will not be there when they show up and Alessandro don't  tell nobody about this call and see you when I get home bye now"



Rave hang up the call and drive home while I Stitch up my wound.

About 20 minutes later

I reach up to the gate and they let me in but I change my shirt to me first outfit shirt and I parked the car and get out and walk up to the front door and open them I see father look happy I'm fine and he goes back to his cold face before anyone saw it and I tell him I and going to to take a shower and then go to sleep and wake me up when it is time for dinner. I went upstairs and walked in my room and it was a mess and it was like this when I left I yelled to Alessandro why is my room a mess and I said nobody is allowed in my room without my permission. He said nobody has been in your room since you left this morning and he yelled back to me. Ok I told him I took my shower and I felt like I was being watched and I think I am so I went to my closet and got dressed into some comfy pajamas in there and went to my bed to get some sleep.

2 hours later

I wake up to someone telling me that dinner is ready and I tell them I will be there in a minute or so. I got done using the bathroom and my other stuff I walk downstairs and I am trying to find the dinner room and I finally got to the door they were talking about me in Italian and then I open the door and walked in and sat down in an empty seat acted like I didn't know what they was talking about.

⚠️talks about ED the next part ⚠️

When the food arrived at the table I looked at it and wanted to throw up so I excused myself from the table and went back to my room and got to my bathroom and locked the door and ran to the toilet and threw up and went back down and sat there and didn't eat.

"Luna EAT YOUR FOOD," Alessandro told me in a thick Italian accent.
I am not hungry so I am letting Alessio eat my food  and watch your tone at me," I snapped back in thick venom to him.

"If you talk to my mama or me like that you have big problems with us and think why you are screaming like that to us because there is no use being a father and don't be a yelling father," Alessio told him to his face. After he walked back to me he asked me if we could go back to my room and I told him yes. I told everyone I am going to bed. I got to my room and I lay down with Alessio and fell asleep.

_________Author Note__________
Hey guys sorry that update sooner but I play a sport for my school and and school is going to start in a few days so it might be longer wait then before. Please vote, comments, and share
and thank you if you do and don't be a silent reader. :)

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