If You Say So (Robin Buckley...

By lilboxcutta123

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You're another girl in Hawkins. Nothing special or extraordinary, but that all changes when you meet Robin. T... More

Chapter 1: Robin Fucking Buckley
Chapter 2: First Words
Chapter 3: Steve, Butt Out
Chapter 4: All's Fair In Love and Hawkins
Chapter 5: Are You Checking Me Out?
Chapter 6: Unawkward Silence
Chapter 7: Come On, Let's Dance
Chapter 8: Robin, Johnathan, and- a cheese grater?
Chapter 9: The Big Race
Chapter 11: Big, Fat, Juicy Liar
Chapter 12: Change of Plans

Chapter 10: The Newest Normal

1.2K 31 14
By lilboxcutta123

Hey guys! I just want to say sorry for the very, very, very long break I've taken. I'm hoping to start releasing more chapters more frequently since I'm wayyyy less busy now! As always, if you have any suggestions, comments, or see any spelling errors, please let me know! XOXO


The next few days were a total blur, but in a good way. My brain was full of warm fuzzy thoughts, mainly about Robin. Believe it or not, I still wasn't 100% sure if she liked me. I mean we held hands, but isn't that something that friends do sometimes? I remember that when Jen and I were little we would hold hands as we walked to the park, but I never felt the way about her that I feel about Robin. Girls are so confusing; maybe that's why guys act so stupid sometimes? They don't quite understand how to decode us girls- but I'm no male expert, so I'm not sure. 

These were my shower thoughts. It was Monday, and like always, I had school. Now, I'm not saying Hawkins High is the best thing in the world, but I really don't mind high school. I find beauty in it; a sort of routine almost. I know that when I wake up Monday-Friday that I have to leave my house at 8. It's comforting, to be able to predict your whole day with 100% accuracy- at least, that's what I keep telling myself. 

I got out of the shower, humming Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins, and dried off. I had already decided that today I was going to see if Steve, Jen, and Robin wanted to go see a movie. Maybe I could talk Steve into bringing Nancy, though I doubt he would ask her. I looked into the mirror and brushed my teeth with bubblegum, not mint, toothpaste. Because, why not? Life is short, so if I want pink toothpaste, I'm getting pink toothpaste. I wrapped my towel around myself and walked to my room. I then did some quick makeup; mascara, eyeliner, blush, and a little bit of lipstick. I never did anything too crazy, but I do like to have a little bit on. It makes me feel good about myself. I didn't want to wear anything super nice today since it was cold and starting to snow. I opted for a brown sweater, jeans, a leather jacket, and my docs. Cool, but still comfy. 

I walked downstairs and grabbed my backpack, my notebook, and a pop-tart just as I heard Steve honk outside. I think I have this "morning routine" thing down to a science. I walked across the living room and opened my door. I was met with Steve blasting Like A Virgin by Madonna. Jesus Christ.

"Gooood Morning Y/L/N! How are you on this fine, snowy morning?" He said, shouting over the music. I shivered a bit. Was it always this cold during November? I walked to his car as I could feel my face turn maroon. How was he not embarrassed?

"I would be so much better if you would turn this fucking music off!" I yelled.

He turned the music down, but not off. "Uh-uh. No way. I love Madonna. That woman has star power, and she isn't afraid to use it," he said through the window. I sighed as I tried to open the car door, but it wouldn't budge.

"Steve! Let me in you absolute ass!" I exclaimed while throwing my hands up in frustration.

"No. If you're going to ride with me, you have to respect my rules. And rule #1 is I pick the music, and if you don't like it you deal with it." 

I stood there for a few moments, but eventually I had to cave because my fingers were going numb. I guess I'll have to let Madonna win today. "Fine. Okay. Whatever. Keep playing Madonna! I don't care! Just let me in! It's cold as fuck out here!" I said as I heard the metallic click of the door being unlocked. Thank god, because I could start to feel my legs go numb too.

I open the car door and am immediately met with warmth, and of course, Madonna was still playing. 

"So, Swan Lake, what's the plan today?" He asked, throwing the car in drive. It was the first day back at school since the party and the hand-holding, and I had kinda forgotten that I was going to have to talk to her today. What do I even say? 'Hey Baby, that hand-holding was tubular?' Yeah, I don't think so. I wonder if it will be awkward or not- I mean I'm pretty sure we've moved past the really awkward phase, but not entirely so. I think we might be in that weird limbo of "just friends" and "more than friends".

"I'm not sure really. I know I have to talk to her, I mean we held hands for Pete's sake, but I'm not sure about what. I was thinking of maybe asking her to a movie, but I think going just the two of us may be a little weird just yet. What do you think?" I asked.

He paused for a second and considered my options. "Well, you could do that if you wanted to be a heavy hitter. In my experience though, girls tend to like it best when you don't care too much. I think we may want to back off on asking her out again just yet. Maybe wait for her to ask you this next time, but if you still want to see her we can figure out where she goes after school on some days." He said as he stopped at a stop sign.

"Isn't that, like, stalking?" I asked as the car lurched forward.

"Nah nah nah, not if you two are cool and if she obviously sees you there. If you were just there spying on her without her knowing- now that would be weird. Besides, we're not going to follow her home or anything. We are just going to see if she does any shopping or something."

"Oh, okay. It's like a 'what a coincidence' moment. Not a 'strange man in a trenchcoat' thing. Does this mean you're taking me home today then?"

"Oh absolutely Y/L/N. I'm a committed wingman. And trenchcoat? Seriously? Is this the 20s?"

We drove the rest of the way to school in comfortable silence as Madonna played over the radio. I like being around Steve a lot more than I am willing to admit, and it's starting to be my newest normal. I just wish Jen was less busy and that Steve wasn't into Nancy, because I would totally set them up.

When we pulled up to school we were met with a swarm of kids around Steve's car. This wasn't super odd, but the amount of them was a little more than normal. Like 25 people more than normal.

"Steve..? Is something going on?" I asked as he drove through the massive swarm to his parking spot. People were staring in the windows, and pointing at... me?

"Uhh... not that I know of?" He said, looking puzzled as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Maybe they just missed me? You know 'King Steve' and all."

"Wow, Steve! Way to not be cocky," I mumbled, shrinking down into my seat. You know how you can tell when someone is watching? Imagine that, but amplified by like 100%. Then it hit me. I left the party with Robin and Steve. We had joked about a few people thinking something happened, but this? This was insane. "Steve... remember when you said that us leaving the party with you would feel like having paparazzi up our asses?" 

"Shit. Yeah. I just didn't think it would be this bad. Is there anything you want me to do? I feel terrible. If you want me to, I will publicly announce that I didn't have sex with you? I did that for a girl a couple of years ago, and people just left it alone after that."

"Uh..." I said. I was repressing the urge to laugh. This whole situation, though crazy, was hilarious to me. I mean, people were flocking to his car because I might've had sex with him. High school is literally just one giant rumor mill. The thought of Steve in that way repulsed me, but this shit was just too funny. "Nah actually. Let me have my 15 minutes of fame. I actually might be able to do you a favor."

"A favor? What for?"

"I know you like Nancy, so I'll just say that I left the party to have sex with you, but you turned me down because you like someone else," I say as I raise my eyebrows at him and grin. "It's perfect. I'm out of the woods and you're out of the woods. It's a win-win."

"You are a fucking genius," Steve said, grabbing his jacket from the backseat. "I could kiss you right now." 

"Please don't," I laugh. I give him one last nod before stepping out of his car and being practically smothered by the crowd of people. They were pushing and grabbing and- ew! Did that guy just? I don't even want to know. Then the questions started.

"Did you actually have sex with him?!" One girl yelled from behind me.

"Was it good?" Yelled another.

Jesus. This was like paparazzi. Steve was right, this is exhausting. I kept walking until I got to a small table that was on the grass near the door. This would have to do. Hopefully, no one will push me off. People kept yelling as I got on the table, but when I cleared my throat it died down. Was this a fucking movie?

"I have a public service announcement!" I said, yelling as loud as I could. "As you all know, I left the party Friday with Steve Harrington," I saw a few girls look up to me with wide eyes. This was extremely uncomfortable. I looked around and eventually saw Steve leaning against his car giving me thumbs up. "I did this because, like all of you, I had hopes. But these hopes did not come true, because Steve is a gentleman," I said. I was trying so hard not to laugh as he rolled his eyes. "He had his eyes set on someone else, so, to my complete and utter disappointment, nothing happened." 

The crowd sighed collectively and started to disspate. Apparently, when there is no gossip to collect you get to class on time. Crazy how that works. After pretty much everyone had gone I walked over to Steve. He started clapping for me, and then pulled me in for a hug.

"And the Oscar goes too..." He said, drumming his thighs. "Swan Lake!" He laughed as I bowed and pretended to catch roses. "Seriously though, you didn't have to do that."

"And just let everyone think I let you have sex with me? Absolutely not!" I said laughing. "I have a reputation to upkeep, and you sir, are below my standards," I said as I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away.

"Oh Y/L/N! How you wound me!" He yelled as he ran to catch up to me. We both started laughing as he slung an arm around my shoulder and walked to class. I think I could stay here forever. Aside from Jen, had almost forgotten what it felt like to have good friends.

What I didn't know was that Robin watched the whole thing. And, boy, did I fuck up.

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