Chapter 9: The Big Race

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Robin pulled into the quarry blasting Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears. We were all singing at the top of our lungs and laughing at one of Steve's voice cracks. When she put the car in park I glanced out the window and only saw one other car.

"Hey Steve, who all was coming with you?" I asked peering out the window.

"Shit. Well, you see.." he started.

"What?" I asked turning around to face him and raising my eyebrows.

"I kinda forgot to invite them. I was going to but then you kinda kidnapped me and I sorta forgot." He said.

"Eh, it's okay. Us three can still hang out, right Robin?" I said as I nudged her with my elbow.

"Oh yeah, totally. I think I have some beers in my trunk or something ." She said opening her car door.

We all got out of the car and went around the back as Robin opened the trunk. There wasn't much in there except for a jacket, a couple of beers, and some movies that she said she had to return later that week. I grabbed a beer from Robin and started to head to the top of the hill and to the quarry.

Robin and Steve followed me, walking in a comfortable silence. The stars shone overhead and the moon created a glow against the gravel. Every once in a while an owl would hoot or the brush would rustle, but other than that it was almost silent. When we reached the top of the quarry we all sat down on the edge of the cliff and dangled our feet over the edge. I was seated in the middle of the two. We sat there for a few minutes, sipping our beers.

Who would have thought that I would be drinking beers with Steve and Robin? It felt like I was living a fantasy. The cool wind blew against my back slightly, making me shiver. I tapped Robin on the shoulder and casted her a shy smile. Maybe alcohol is liquid courage?

"Do you guys ever think about why we go to school?" Steve asked. "And don't say it prepares you for the real world. That's shit. Does anybody actually know what they want to do for the rest of their life in High School?"

"I don't even know anymore," I chuckled. "This whole high school thing is honestly so hard for me to figure out at this point. I'm just hoping I can pass my classes in all honesty."

"What do you even want to be after high school Steve?" Robin asked looking over at him.

"I don't know either, to be honest. I was thinking about working with my dad, but I don't know if I want to be like him. I think being a complete ass runs in the family, but I wanna break the cycle." Steve said whilst resting his head in his hands. He kicked his legs over the edge lazily, causing a small breeze to blow on your ankles.

"I understand. I was thinking about being a Nurse or something, but seeing how much stress it puts on my mom really freaks me out. I kinda feel like I wanna help people though. Maybe in a different way," I said.

"I don't really know either to be honest," said Robin. "Hawkins is a really small place, so I know for sure I don't want to stay here my whole life. I just feel so observed; it's like you can't do anything without anyone knowing."

We all muttered in agreement. Hawkins was the last place anyone wanted to be. I've lived here my whole life, but I've been ready to leave since the 5th grade. I had my hand out behind me and holding me up at this point. The alcohol was starting to affect me. I didn't drink often, so when I did I found that I had a really low tolerance. Don't get me wrong; the world wasn't spinning, but I was having a hard time staying focused.

"It's not too bad," said Steve.

"Yeah, but that's for you Steve. Some of us don't get to be 'King Steve' and hang out with the popular kids all the time. High school isn't a cakewalk for everyone. Some of us just get ignored," Robin said quietly.

"Hey. They won't be ignoring you tomorrow, that's for sure. Hanging out with Steve is pretty much like instant popularity. Trust me, I would know," I said as I shoulder bumped Steve. "I'm pretty sure the whole party has noticed that Steve and two girls left the party together," I added.

"Shit," Steve laughed. "I don't even want to begin to think about what everyone is suspecting is happening here. It's going to be like having the paparazzi up your ass tomorrow, by the way."

"Ew, Steve. I'm pretending you did not just imply that, because even a lowly girl like me has standards. I just wanted to make sure your ass got here safe. Sorry about leaving the party so early Robin," I say looking over at her.

She smiled wide, "It's no big deal. Plus things could be a whole lot worse. Steve could be a serial killer for all you know."

"Good thing he isn't," I said. "Wait... Steve?"

"I better not fucking be," Steve said. "Otherwise my ass is grass! I mean I could have easily murdered you guys already. If I'm a serial killer I definitely need to up my game..."

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that, Steven," I said.

"It's STEVE!" He screeched.

We laughed into the night and heard our voices echo back at us off the quarry walls. It was almost like microphone feedback. It felt like we were on a late-night talk show, and the whole world was tuned in. As I was laughing I felt a smooth hand grab mine. I looked over and Robin smiled at me. It didn't give me butterflies like they always talk about in movies- It didn't make me nervous in the slightest. It felt warm and safe. It felt like home. We stayed like this for a few minutes while talking about, well, everything.

"Hey, assholes. Let's have a contest!" Steve said, standing up.

"What kind of contest?" Robin said dropping my hand as she stood up. She waited a couple of beats. She looked at Steve, "Dingus?"

Steve was looking over at me with wide eyes. He had just realized that Robin and I were holding hands. He was trying to mouth something at me, but I couldn't see what he was trying to say in the dark. He gave up after a few attempts.

"Oh uh. I was going to suggest a yelling contest, but I'm feeling sort of tired," he said, winking at me. How subtle, Steve. "How about we race down the hill and then you drive me home?" He asked Robin.

"Sure, but be warned- I'm a speed demon," she said wiggling her eyebrows.

I got up from the edge and walked over to line up with the two for the race down. I felt giddy, and light on my feet. I was going to win this thing, I could feel it.

"3...2....1....Go!" Steve yelled and we all sprinted down the hill.

The hill was steep, so it was hard to run down. It was also gravel, so I gave up my hopes of winning. I decided that a broken ankle was not on my bucket list. As I tried not to fall, I saw Steve and Robin racing ahead and laughing. When I reached the bottom of the hill the two were panting. I made my way over to Robin, but on the way, I tripped. I landed almost directly on top of her. This was awkward and honestly embarrassing.  As my body was pressed against hers we both started laughing and I pushed myself up and offered her a hand.

"Well, you're just throwing yourself at me. Aren't you?" She said grinning.

I blushed in response and heard Steve still panting right behind me. "I'm pretty sure I won that!" He said.

"If you say so, Dingus," Robin said as she unlocked her car.

Then we all hopped in and began the drive to Steves's house.

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