Chapter 3: Steve, Butt Out

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There she was. Was she waiting for me? I hope so. Maybe it was my newfound confidence after my ride from Steve, but I figured there was no time like the present. She beat me to it. Somehow, she managed to outrun the future. Crazy, isn't she?

"Hey. I'm Robin," she said smiling. She was scratching the back of her hand, was she nervous?

Wait a damn second. Did she just introduce herself? We've gone to the same school for years, and she didn't know my name? What. The. Fuck. I shouldn't be mad, but I am. Only a teeny bit.

"Y/n," I said covering up your embarrassment and slight irritation.

"I saw you this morning," she said. "With Steve." She added the last part quickly- as if she didn't really want to talk about it.

"Oh yeah, I get rides from him in the morning. He's a good friend," I said making sure to mention he was only a friend, the last thing I needed was Robin thinking I was dating Steve.

"Cool. You know if you ever, like, need a ride for after school you can ask me," she said nonchalantly.

"Really?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Yeah, it's getting close to winter. You shouldn't have to freeze just to get home."

"Wow, uh, thank you. I really appreciate it."

"Don't think about it, it really is no big deal. By the way, I like your jacket," She said smiling.

"You know I was wonde-" I started but the bell cut me off. Robin headed back to her desk and casted me a glance. I just looked down at your notes. Real smooth Y/n.

Ms. Click started her lecture as usual. Today we were learning about Great American Poets. Lovely. I pulled out my purple notebook and started to write the Walt Whitman poems, but this time it was two sets of notes.

A few minutes later Steve walked in and gave Ms. Click a nod as the entire class stared at him. At this point, I was pretty sure he came into class late on purpose. When I looked up at Steve he smiled at me as he slid into his desk.

As class droned on I started to space out and doodle on my notes, but I made sure Steve's were decent. By the end of the class, I had realized that I was not, in fact, just doodling. I had drawn Robin in the middle of my English notes. Shit. Really? I closed my notebook quite loudly, flustered, and a couple people turned to look at me, but I just ignored them as my face flushed red.

Finally the bell rings and I got up from my seat. As I was doing this, I hardly noticed Steve walk over to me.

"Hey, you got those notes?" He asked looking at the notebook in my hands.

"Uhh. Yeah, I'll get them to you tomorrow" I said. Stupid I thought, I wrote the both sets of notes in the same notebook. There is no way Steve can see them right now.

"Bullshit. I know they're in there," he said in non-threatening way, but still sternly.

"Listen Steve, I know you think they are, but I promise you'll get them tomorrow," I said desperately.

"No! I've got to study, so I need them today," he said, snatching the notebook from my grasp.

"Steve! What the hell man?!?" I exclaimed as he flipped through the notebook.

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