Chapter 6: Unawkward Silence

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The rest of the week flew by. I had talked to Robin causally a couple of times, but that was about it. When Friday came up Steve asked me if I wanted to hang out before the party, and I couldn't have been happier. As he was driving me home from school that day he went over the tactics I was going to use at the party.

"Remember, don't worry too much about what you're going to say. You don't want to stumble over your words and make a fool of yourself," he said while drumming along to the Duran Duran song playing on his radio.

"Okay, but what if I do make a fool of myself?" I said. My time to prepare for the party was dwindling and I couldn't help but feel nervous as I looked out his window to see the leaves falling from the trees and creating dizzying patterns as I sped past.

"That's what I'm there for, Swan Lake," he said smiling as I looked back over at him.

"My savior," I said rolling my eyes and scoffing at his remark.

"It's good to know you're appreciated," he said grinning back at me as he slowed the car into park in front of my house.

We both unbuckled our seatbelts with a click and stepped out of Steve's car. As we walked up to my house he locked his car again and I heard a metallic beep. I shuffled around in my bag for my keys and once I got them I unlocked the door and let Steve inside.

"Whoa, so this is Y/n's humble abode," he said looking around at my house. Chip spun in circles at his feet and Steve reached down to scratch his head. "Hey little buddy!"

"Yeah, I know it's not much," I said, plopping down on the stained grey couch. Steve follows suit and awkwardly eases himself down, and Chip comes to sit in his lap. "Woah Harrington, are you nervous?" I said as he sat down. I threw my legs onto the coffee table and grabbed the remote.

"Hey!" He said waving his hands in exclamation. "I don't wanna hurt it Swan Lake! It's a nice couch!" He said laughing and petting Chip, who yipped in response.

"Steve. My mom got it off of the curb during spring clean-up." I said looking at him. "It's a piece of shit."

"No! It's not shit! It's... uh... lovely!" He said trying to cover up that he did in fact think the couch was shit. He slowly put his feet on the coffee table and started to relax.

"No it's not Steve!" I said laughing. "Okay, I want to know something-"  I started to say.

"Do you have any food?" Steve asked as he looked around the living room and squinted his eyes at the art on the wall. It was a purple circle with a red line going through it. Your mom had bought it at the Goodwill a couple summers back. At first, I hadn't liked it, but it was starting to grow on me.

"And what is that painting?" Steve asked cocking his head.

"Yeah I think we've got some chips," I said, getting up from the couch, crossing through the dining room, and heading into the kitchen. When chucks hit the tile I stopped. Shit. My mom would kill me if she found out I had shoes on in the house. I promptly took off my shoes and set them on the wooden shoe rack by Chip's bowl.

"Steve! Take your shoes off!" I said as I opened the cupboard and rooted around for the bag of Lays I had purchased from Melvald's General. I found them in the back of the cupboard after a couple of seconds. I then turned around and grabbed two sodas out of the black fridge and started back towards the living room.

When I walked out Steve was wrestling with his shoes, trying to get them off. Chip had made his way over to his bed in front of the window.

"Why do they make a good pair of Nikes fit so tight?!" He said as he finally got them off. "You never answered my question about the painting Swan Lake. I wanna know."

"Oh, I'm not really sure what it's of. My mom got it at Goodwill or something," I said glancing at it and shaking my head as I sat down next to him and handed him a soda.

"Your mom," Steve said reaching his hand into the bag of chips on my lap. "What's she like?"

"Well, I don't really see her all that much. She's a trauma nurse at the hospital, so she works nights," I told him as he chewed his chips.

"Oh that's kinda cool," he said with his mouth full.

"I mean I guess," I said as I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed a handful of chips.

To be honest I really missed your mom. After my dad died a few years back, she started working nights because they paid more. I would never tell your mom that I missed her, but I wish I could. It was hard going through High School with no support system, especially when it seemed like everyone else had one. As I was thinking I realized me and Steve were sitting in silence, just eating our chips.

It was odd, but not awkward. It was, nice actually? I'd never really met someone like Steve, so it surprised me how easily the two of us got along. For so long it had just been me and Jen.

"So Steve, I was going to ask you earlier, but are there any girls you have your eye on?" I asked. My question broke the silence and obviously made Steve wonder. A couple of seconds passed when he answered.

He frowned into his soda and spoke, "No, actually. Not at the moment. There is this one girl who I think is cute though, but she wouldn't go for me."

I scoffed and chuckled. "There is a girl who wouldn't go for King Steve?" I asked surprised.

"You know I actually hate that nickname," he said glaring at me. "And besides, she's too good for me anyways."

"Who is it, Steve?" I asked. I considered turning this mystery girl into a joke, but considering his serious tone I decided against it.

"Nancy Wheeler?" He said looking at me.

"Nancy? Steve shut up! That's so cute!" I said, shoving him and giggling.

"Shut up Y/n! I don't even know if she'll go for me anyways."

"Of course she will Steve. Nobody can resist your charm."

He grinned at me and we both talked for a while. Eventually he left, I want to say around 6:00, but I lost track of time.

Shit! The time! I had to get ready before Robin came over. I ran upstairs and picked out a sweatshirt, flannel, and a pair of Dr. Martens. This would have to do.

I heard a knock downstairs followed by Chip's high-pitched barking and I knew she was here.

If You Say So (Robin Buckley x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu