Her innocent love

By pinal003

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Today,after 3 years I am back in this country where I never thought to return. 3 years of that horrible incid... More

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By pinal003


After returning from hotel I directly went to my room, but got completely shocked when I see Vansh in the room. Firstly my present set of mind got completely blocked and I just can't able to understand that what next action should I take, but after composing myself I begin to explain him that whatever he has seen today is has a different side also. But today he proved that he really doesn't care for me, he feels nothing even if I am out with someone. He addressed Kabir is my boyfriend like it's not a big deal, like it is a normal thing between a couple.

Then also I tried to explain him that he's not my boyfriend but he cut me off in the middle and orders me to go out. Not able to tolerate it anymore the water Starts to flow from my eyes like a river, but not wanting him to see my vulnerable side I hurriedly wipe my tears and make my way out of the room. While thinking about today's incident I am going in the kitchen when in the middle angrey stops me.

"Yes angrey do you need anything? And if you are finding Vansh then he is in the room." I said with a humble welcoming smile to him. He is a very nice person and I think that when she is very lucky to have him as his friend and brother.

"No bhabhi actually Today it's you with whom I want to discuss something.  it's something personal if you think that I am crossing my limits and please forgive me but it's important for me to know this." He said somewhat nervously thinking that might be I get often, but I lesson his worry With a gentle smile and nod indicating him to proceed further.

" bhabhi actually it is related to your past or better to say your's and Boss past. I want to know that do Ragini bhabhi have any real brother or sister? I know that maybe you will feel it's weird that why am I asking this question but believe me I have no hidden agenda behind it, It's really important for me to know. Please say me without any question if you trust me." He said , Firstly I felt it really weird that why he wants to know. But as I said he is really a nice person and I literally consider him as my brother so I think to answer this question without any further interrogation.

" I don't know angrey why you are asking this question? But I literally consider you as my brother and I believe you. So Ragini has no real brother or sister, In fact she was the only child of her father and her mother died when Ragini is small. I don't know much about Ragini But this information was given to me by Vansh only." I said to him and noticed that for some minute he was completely shocked like he's not expecting this answer from me. I wave my hand in front of him and then he came out of his shock land, And after muttering A quick thank you he bid me bye.

I somewhere felt it weird but excusing that thought I went to Rohan's room to wake him up as it's already lunchtime. After waking him up we both went to dining area and call everyone in the family after arranging dining table. Today all the favourite dishes of Rohan is prepared and that to by mom, She strictly Said me that as I am not feeling okay I will take rest and today whole lunch will be prepared by her. I can't be more thankful to God for giving me this much lovely and caring family.


after bhabhi went I seat on the sofa in the lobby, I knew that bhabhi may be feeling weird by now that why am I asking such questions Which is related to her past. But the most weirdest thing of today is that who is telling lie? I expect completely different answer from bhabhi but whatever she tells me from that I am very much confused to believe whom?

Actually I again went to the home which Ragini bhabhi claims to be her but actually it is home which is given on rent to anybody who needs it. I went there in Hope that maybe watchman of that house knew something or any of the staff Who is working in that house from past three years maybe know something about that. When I reach there and ask watchman that whether he knew something about Ragini bhabhi or where her father is now?

At first he said me nothing and in-turn question me that who am I to ask something? But as in today's world money is every thing, after giving her some money he finally open is mouth. He Inform me that He doesn't know anything but at that time one old lady used to work here as a maid and she is somewhat close to Ragini mam maybe she's like a mother figure to her. So definitely that made knew something which I am looking for. I take address and phone number of that maid and without wasting a second I drove towards her house which is about 20 minutes away from here.

I finally reach at the destined area , But as it is a huge colony it is very difficult to reach at a particular house. Then also with the help of some people I finally made it and found house of that maid. After getting permission from the lady  I went in but to my surprise she is none other then Mrs Gupta. She Is the same lady who used to live in the slums where I used to live in childhood,she take great care of me and also she is like a mother Figure to me. It seems that On seeing me she also recognise me as she take me in a bone crushing hug and after a minute or two she parts away. She scold me for not coming to meet her during this time duration and after sometime finally she somewhat get relaxed and ask me to seat.

I take my seat and ask her the question for which I came here. I asked her whether she remember Ragini, at first she's not sure but after sometime she remembered and question mean that why I am asking about her. I simply said that it is important to me and please tell me every thing that She know. After taking a long breath she starts to tell me about Ragini Bhabhi.

" I was appointed as a maid to work in that house for sometime only, they doesn't want any problem afterwards so they inform me earlier only that I will be working in that house for some months only. When I joined my work the bond between me and Ragini starts to develop, she is a very different girl maybe you can say that she is very alone in her life. She is no one with whom she can share anything, her dad is busy in his business so that girl always share with me her whole day experience and like this our bond starts to grow. I still remember that she loves some Guy but her father is against this marriage due to some reason so she married to that guy without her father permission and in anger her father orders her to leave the house. And after she leave the house within some months her father also left this country and said me that now my work is over in this house and I can be free from this job." This is the exact word which Mrs Gupta has told me. I don't think that I can get something from this information so I asked her that whether Ragini bhabhi has some brother or sister and maybe some other relatives, through which I can get some information. she reply

" I don't know much about their relatives because Only Ragini and her father lives in that home and I never seen someone to visit them during my working hours. And about brother or sister........., yes I remember, she doesn't have any brother and sister who is alive. but I remember that one Day when I ask her about that big painting which is kept in the middle of the hall with floral garland around it, She inform me that it is her sister who died around 3 to 4 years ago. By opening the topic of her sister I feel that She became sad so I doesn't ask anything further about her sister." As soon as she said this I got completely shocked. Boss has clearly said me that Ragini Bhabhi is a single child of her father and she has no brother or sister Then why Mrs Gupta is telling something different. However keeping my curiosity aside I bid by to Mrs Gupta and promise her to came here soon.

This is the reason why I am not expecting the answer which bhabhi gave me. Now I am 100% sure that Ragini bhabhi is hiding something very big from everyone of us. Because Why will she hide from everyone that she has a sister?There is some mystery which is not solved yet , And that mystery is only destroying the present of my boss and Ridhima bhabhi. I will try my best to solve it and by seeing the present situation between boss and bhabhi I think that I need to do it faster.


It's evening and all the ladies of rai Singhania Family is sitting in the hall of Raisinghani mention enjoying the evening snacks. As usual Ishani is writing about her new fashion style and Sia is busy in her mobile phone. Dadi, Mrs Uma, Chachi and Ridhima are sitting on sofa chattering about something. Vansh and Rohan descend down the stairs and greet everyone once the reach down. Rohan ran And sit on the lap of Ridhima while Vansh take a seat beside Rudra Chachu. He wonders where is Aryan but again thinking that maybe doing some college work he gets indulge in his work.

Vansh is  sipping his evening tea when his eyes fell on Rohan and Ridhima, he see the beautiful bond between a mother and a child. He wonders that how bond between Rohan and Ridhima is this much deep even when she is not his real mother. He examine each and every action of Rohan the way he speak, the way his hand moves when he is explaining something to Ridhima. Even Vansh doesn't know that he is smiling like an idiot by seeing them both, but instantly smile fade away when Ridhima look in his direction and their eyes meet for a while. Looking away from her he starts to scroll down his phone avoiding eye contact with her, not in angriness but you all know that being caught while gazing someone silently.Rohan gets down from Ridhima's lap To show her something but in that process he by mistake switch on the TV and directly the news channel starts.

" Breaking news, Son of the famous Rai Singhania Family get married today that too in the temple and without any family members. He himself called the media and declared his marriage in front of the whole world, this is the live recording of that place where is marriage happens." As soon as the news reporter declared this each and every member of the family got shock and looked towards the television including the servants of the house is seeing the news with Full concentration.

One video clip is played on the TV where  younger child of rai Singhania family,Aryan rai Singhania is filling the hairline of a some unknown girl with vermilion and also tying the nuptial chain around her neck. After that The video where they both are taking seven Phera around the fire is also showed. Mrs Chanchal nearly spilled whole tea on The floor and nearly got a heart attack. Reaction of Mr Rudra is also seen while whole Family is also thinking that whether this news is true or some fake news planned by their rivalaries.

They all came out of the thought when Mr Ajay Rai Singhania also came from the office and asked all of them about the same. He confirmed that this video is not fake or planned by any rivalry, but it is true as he himself has confirmed it from media house. Vansh also call Aryan but he doesn't pic the call, so Vansh inform angrey to find out aryan And give him the whole information. All of them again see towards the main door when they hear voice of Aryan but he is not standing alone. One girl in her mid 20 wearing a wedding Lehenga is also with him and that girl is......

        (Picture credit goes to google)


Hello guys

That's it for today will update next part soon. Do comment your views about this chapter and stay tuned for the next amazing story line. Till then take care and bye.

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