My Journey Through Type One D...

By Mad1son202

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This is about how I am surviving with type one diabetes and the experiences I have gone through to get where... More

1. How I Found Out I Had T1D
2. How My Pancreas Died
3. How My Third Grade Teacher Was Amazing
4. How People React To Beeping LOL
5. How T1D Effected My Social Life
6. How A Field Trip Changed People's View Of Me
7. How I Handled Middle School
8. How I Handle Questions and Jokes
9. How/What/Why of The Products I Use
11. How Christmas of 2019 Changed How I View my Family
12. How One Office Lady was Disliked by many Students
13. How Junior and Senior Year Ended my High School Career
14. How Summer Vacation of 2022 Went
Why I haven't written for almost a year
15. How omnipod 5 and integrated dexcom G6 is going
16. How I Learned to not Like Doctor Appointments

10. How Freshman and Sophomore Year Went Down

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By Mad1son202

 Freshman Year

I started my first year of high school and I had my Dexcom G5 for a while but then in October I got my Dexcom G6!! You guys should see the photos of me, I was so excited I could not wait to get home and try it out. With the G6 I did not have to do finger pokes anymore and I was so excited for it! Now, when I was at school, I no longer had to keep my stuff in the office and got permission to carry everything in my bag around school all day. I did meet some resistance even before my first day of school with my being a T1D.

I was visiting the school and I went to the office and wanted to know if I could store emergency juice and stuff in the office and this lady was SUPER rude! She was like well I do not really know if you can do that. Later she said that if I needed to treat myself that I would need to do it in the hallways because I should not disturb the rest of the class.

Luckily when it came time to letting my teachers know that I have T1D my parents emailed all my teachers that I am a type one diabetic and that I would need to be able to treat myself in the classroom and if they had any question to reach out to them. Some teachers were really awesome like my biology teacher who said that her husband was a T1D and offered to even inject my glucagon is need be. My Freshman and Sophomore math teacher was good with checking up on me is my devices beeped during class. My physics teacher even told us of his stash of Mountain Dew if I needed it. I was lucky to get some good teachers my freshman year.

A pretty big thing I did this year was join the girls bowling team. I joined with one of my middle school friends and then the rest of the team consisted of one sophomore and like four or five seniors. What was cool though was that the coach I had was also a T1D, so he understood what I was going through. He always asked if I needed M&Ms or something when my numbers were low, I did take him up on that offer once. This was going to be the first time I bowled competitively with other people and bowl with a team. Bowling ended up one of the best choices of my life because I met new people and created new friendship through this.

Sophomore Year

Three major things happened Sophomore year and those would be that I was able to drive to school all by self, I got a job over the summer as an evening server at a retirement community, and my mental health took a huge hit.

I was so excited to be able to drive I took driver's ed at a community college and that made it so that I did not have to take the test at the DMV. I got to practice driving with an instructor and partner who was also learning to drive. At the end you took a couple of paper tests and then your instructor had to observe you take the driving portion of the driving test. Anyway, after that I got my license and my grandpa helped me find and pay for a decent used car. I ended up getting a Scion XD which I love with my whole heart, this car is perfect for me because it is small, but I am also small, and I fit so well in my car. Luckily, I got to take to driver's ed during summer break, so I did not have to stress about anything else.

That same summer I also got a job, I had to wait till I passed my driving tests but after that I applied to many places until this place was the only one to get back to me. I got the job and ended up working there for three years. After about a month of this place I started to realize that I did not like the job or the people I worked with very much. I stuck with it though because I understood it and did not really want to go anywhere else.

The main reason that my mental health took a hit was because I gained so many responsibilities at one time. I went from having my birthday to getting my driver's license and then getting a job a month later and on top of that all my classes were boring and I had bowling as well. I just had a lot on my plate, and I did not even realize until now that I was burning out quick. 

Author's Note

Chapter Started: 6/6/2022 @12:14am

Chapter Ended: 6/28/2022 @12:14am

Edited: 7/14/2022 @12:29am because someone used an old question from a previous chapter on accident, lol.

Hey guys I am back, sorry for not posting in a while just been tired more lately cause I have been going to the gym with my friends early in the morning. Hope you guys are liking what I am writing, let me know what you think. Just so you guys know I have one more story about that rude office lady, get ready it is a doozy.

If you would like, go to the comments and share abouta positive/negative impact a teacher had on you in any of your years of schooling.

Iknow everyone goes through their own challenges with T1D so please no hating on me or anyone else, thanks!  

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