Downplay| Jordan Clarkson & Q...

بواسطة hopesashes

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downplay- to make something seem less important than it is It's a mechanism really, a defense , no one ever r... المزيد

•o n e•
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•t w e n t y s i x•
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•t w e n t y e i g h t •
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•t h i r t y•
• t h i r t y o n e •
•t h i r t y t w o•
•t h i r t y t h r e e•
•t h i r t y f o u r•
•t h i r t y f i v e •
•t h i r t y s i x•
•t h i r t y s e v e n•
•t h i r t y e i g h t•
•t h i r t y n i n e•
• f o r t y •
•f o r t y o n e •
•f o r t y t w o •
•f o r t y t h r e e•
•f o r t y f o u r•

• f o r t y f i v e •

187 9 96
بواسطة hopesashes

"You know there's still time to run away right?"

Isla poked her sister's side quickly, joking as she fixed a curl framing Yara's face, careful to not fuss too much with the intricate updo that held her long jet-black hair elegantly. Yara simply brushed her away while Elizabeth gave her younger daughter a stern look.

"That's the last thing I'd want." Yara assured, her fingers going to the sapphire earrings that Al had given her the previous night. They were once Kim Porter's. He'd purchased them for her after she'd told him she was pregnant with Quincy.

It was good luck Al told her, Quincy was the best thing that came out of that relationship, and she was marrying him now. He gave her his blessing and his hope that Yara would be gentle with his son, and she promised she would. She didn't take any of it lightly, how eagerly Al had taken her in nor how kind Quincy's siblings were to her. They didn't simply make her feel like she belonged, they assured her that she was family.

Amari peeked in from the door, his eyes zeroing in on his wife who he gave an appreciative look before he looked at Yara.

"How's it going in here?" He queried, watching as Aya fixing the ribbons in Destin and Callie's hair while Zolee, Ebony and Kaia were setting up Yara's dress for her to jump into.

In the back of the space Denise and Elizabeth were fussing over Jahi who was refusing to go quietly into his little tuxedo pants.

"Aside from trouble getting pants on my son, everything is fine Mari. Isla and Ivy still need to get in their dresses, but we should all be set soon."

The twins took Yara's subliminal rush into account and grabbed their dresses before heading behind a partition where they shimmied into the fabulous gold gowns.

"Okay good, because the men are all set, and the guests are filling in quickly. So, I wanted to make sure we were good in here. Aunt Nisey and Ms. Elizabeth, when you're done with Jahi could you all meet me in the foyer. Uncle Greg and Al will be ready to escort you in first to start the procession in twenty minutes."

"You got it Best Man." Denise winked at her nephew before she glanced suspiciously at Elizabeth who buttoned Jahi's pants in triumph, not realizing the question in her counterpart's eyes. There was a faint smile on the woman's face that Denise had seen too many times in full force since they'd gotten to California. Still, she'd save her questions for later.

With two taps and a quick kiss to Payton, Amari dismissed himself and Yara looked from Payton to Zolee, relieved that the latter seemed to not even register the exchange. Zolee and Amari had moved on long ago, but Yara wondered if it was possible to lose every iota of passion for a person that had once been your everything? She would never ask Zolee, but she wondered.

"Mama!" Jahi's voice took her out of her thoughts as she held out her arms to him and hugged him close.

"Hey bug!" Yara kissed his nose as she got up and turned to Zolee and Kaia who were now ready to help her into her dress "Can mommy put you down without you causing havoc?" Yara gave Jahi a pointed look, but the baby just giggled as she lowered him.

Always one to come to her brother's aid, Callie took Jahi's hand immediately and handed the baby her teddy bear adequately capturing his attention. It warmed Yara's heart. It was amazing how Callie looked out for him so naturally.

"Time to get in this dress wifey." Ebony cheered as she took Yara's hand and helped guide her into the dress that fit her curves to the T, leaving no room for error.

Kaia zipped up the back of the dress and then fastened the four white buttons at the top. In the meantime Zolee adjusted Yara's veil and Ebony took the hair comb Quincy had gifted and fastened it in place. Everything about the ensemble was so beautiful. As soon as Isla and Ivy finished securing Yara's heels and Payton adjusted her train everyone stepped back and gasped at how beautiful Yara looked.

"Oh, plum you are a vision." Denise wiped at her eyes while Elizabeth sighed contentedly and held her heart.

"Absolutely stunning Yara." She affirmed and the woman of the hour didn't disagree when she looked in the mirror. She couldn't believe she was looking at herself.

"Your mommy's a princess Jahi." Destin held Elijah close, pointing at Yara and the baby clapped catching onto the happiness in the room.

"Okay ladies, we gotta go!" Amari's voice on the other side of the door brought them back to reality. When he peeked his head in once more, he gaped as he looked at his baby sister.

"Ya, you look beautiful." He affirmed "So beautiful, and I wouldn't rush if your fiancé wasn't dead set on this being perfect and not waiting any longer."

"Thank you Mari, I understand. You heard him ladies, your job is done here." Yara chuckled happily just imagining how much pressure Quincy was probably putting on her brother with his anxiousness.

Each of her bridesmaids blew her a kiss as they walked out following Elizabeth and Denise who had Jahi in her arms. Aya had Callie and Destin's hands so she couldn't exactly send a kiss, but she gave Yara her most confident look as she left Yara and her maid of honor Kaia in the room. Yara took a minute to admire the way the red gown was accentuating Kaia's figure. The Red, White and Gold theme was Quincy's idea but now seeing it in person she wished she could take all the credit.

"So, today is the day Yaya." Kaia beamed and Yara shared her expression, not even trying to downplay the joy building in her chest.

"I know, and I can't believe how perfect everything has been honestly."

"You deserve it." Kaia affirmed "You both do. I'll be right outside the door, I'm just going to make sure the procession is going fine okay?"

"Okay Kai. I just need a minute, gotta come to the realization that I won't be an Underwood anymore in an hour. I don't know why that feels so weird, I've never really felt like I was before."

Kaia squeezed Yara's hand gently, something soft in her eyes but as she opened her mouth to reply, Aya's soft voice surfaced.

"You've always been an Underwood and you always will be Yara."

Aya squeezed her sister's shoulders so Yara could feel how proud she was.

"Thank you, Aya Papaya. I didn't realize how much I always wanted to hear that."

"I'm sorry for not saying it earlier" Aya apologized sincerely before she took Kaia's hand "C'mon Kaia, let's give her a minute."

When solitude was finally hers, she exhaled and sent up a silent prayer that everything would continue to feel so dream-like. Over the past months drama had managed to seep into her life through every crack and crevice. This was the one day that she honestly didn't think she could handle it. Today was the summation of everything good in her life.

She let out a deep breath and turned to go just as a knock resounded at her door. The person didn't wait for her to answer before they entered and as she met their eyes, she found herself disarmed. Sean Combs appraised Yara as if she were a liability, one he didn't have the full risk assessment on. He closed the door behind him before he sat in the window seat directly in front of her and crossed his legs calmly.

"I suppose I should say congratulations" He began as he looked over her once again, his eyes blank "I didn't think you'd sign the prenup, but I obviously misread a few things about you. You signed it, and you're pregnant so you surely secured the bag. Congratulations."

"It's not like that, never been. You are misreading me and it's frankly insulting." Yara replied smoothly, curious as to where this was going. As always, there was a measure of uneasiness that came over her in this man's presence. Still, he seemed amused by her discomfort.

"Quincy is a grown man who makes his own decisions. I just hope that you're not a decision he regrets" Diddy exhaled boredly completely disregarding her rebuttal before he fiddled with his cufflinks "I must admit I tried to talk him out of this twice, but he's stuck on you. It's not for me to understand but as his dad I care about what happens to my son so, Yara I have nothing against you, and I won't as long as you take care of him and treat him well."

Despite the implied insult, Yara gathered that Sean was being sincere in his approach. He was being protective, and she couldn't blame him for that even if she didn't necessarily appreciate his way of doing it.

"You have nothing to worry about." She assured him "There is no one else I'd rather be with, and I don't care about the fortune or the fame. I have my own. I've always just wanted Quincy."

Her honesty took him off guard and he softened visibly. Her words echoed previous ones that Quincy had told him.

"Well then, I guess I have no choice but to be proud that his mom and I raised him to be a better man than I ever was. At least he has the sense to marry his soulmate. I didn't and he reminded me of that. Kim liked you, called you a spitfire, she'd want you to have this today, something blue."

He stood up and reached into his jacket before he pulled out a dark blue box and took a sapphire necklace out. Yara marveled at it, apprehensively moving forward to allow him to clasp it around her neck. Once the jewelry was secure, Diddy placed a firm hand on her shoulder.

"Don't hurt him Yara, you left him before, he can't handle that again."

"He won't have to; I'm not going anywhere." She assured and Diddy appraised her once more before he stalked out of the room.

She meant every word she'd told him. It was a jarring experience, and she wasn't sure exactly what Puffy thought of her but she didn't care. Today was about her and Quincy, that's all that mattered.

The door creaked open once more and Al peeked in, his eyes held concern as he looked over Yara.

"Everything alright baby girl?" He queried and Yara smiled warmly at him.

"Everything is fine, he was just looking out for Q."

Al nodded, his face losing some of its tension.

"Well, he's never been my favorite person, but he has always had Q's wellbeing at heart. That we've always agreed on and after what he did, saving Kim's house so Q could have this one last good memory here, I can't deny that, but I hope he sees that you are what Q needs. Kim knew that before everyone else did, even Q himself."

Yara's heart softened immediately as she gave an appreciative look to Al before she looped her hand through his arm as he led her toward the foyer to everyone else.

"Where's Dad?" She asked Aya who shrugged.

"He went to talk to Q really quick, he'll be back soon. You know how he is."


The day seemed to have come in the blink of an eye or at least that's how Quincy felt. After pining after Yara for years he was still coming to grips with the fact that in a few minutes she would be walking toward him as he stood at the end of the aisle. Staring in the mirror, he gave Al a grateful nod as the elder fixed his collar before clapping his shoulder. This morning, they'd had a pretty good talk about fatherhood and marriage with Al encouraging him to continue to give Yara and their family his best. Quincy appreciated it, after the strain that had once sat heavily between them for years, he was thankful that his biological father now felt more like his title than before.

Still, the day would not have been the same either without the presence of his extravagant pops, Diddy, running around and calling the shots as usual. Quincy knew that Sean Combs had may reservations when it came to his nuptials but still, he supported him and made sure that Quincy and Yara wanted for nothing. Once the prenup was signed, the man seemed to be resigned to the fact that Quincy had to make his own decisions.

Amari cleared his throat to get Quincy's attention as he looked around the room at all the men who were ready to go. Chris Brown and Luke James were in the corner talking about some studio time while Christian and Justin were joking around with the ring bearer Dallas who was practically like a nephew to Quincy. Quincy's brother Albert Jr. and Devin were in an easy conversation with Al in the doorway. All the men looked suave in their all-black suits. Everything seemed to be going well.

"So, everyone's set and, in the foyer, we're ready to go." Amari assured and Quincy nodded, taking one more look at himself before he exhaled.

"How's Shug feeling?" Quincy's eyes were probing Amari for complete honesty and as the best man searched the groom's face, he gave a reassuring smile.

"She's all good Quincy, once all her girls were dressed and ready and she put on her veil she was straight. I saw Diddy walking towards her dressing room after I got everyone out so let's just hope she stays that way."

Quincy scratched his head as he tried to think about what Puff could've possibly had to say to Yara, either way he knew there was nothing the older man could say that would make her think twice about marrying him. Besides, Sean Combs was a lot of things, but he'd never done anything that would hurt Quincy and dissuading Yara from being his would shatter him. There was no way that there was anything funny going on, hopefully.

As everyone piled out Gregory Underwood came in and requested a minute with Quincy. The young man of course agreed, and they took a seat near the door in two grand armchairs.

"I just wanted to talk to you son." Gregory explained before he bit his lip, searching for the right words "You'd think after doing this twice I'd be a pro, but Yara's different." The older man smiled weakly, and Quincy returned the gesture.

"She's your baby so I understand." Q helped him out and Gregory was grateful that the young man seemed to understand.

"Exactly, plum was Denise and I's only child as far as we were concerned, ours. Aya and Amari have always been Michael and Amaia's even though we raised them as our own but Yara she only had us and she loved us fiercely, still does. So, giving her away feels different. I don't think I'd ever be ready for this but I'm glad that the man I'm giving her away to is you. I just want you to know that despite her tough shell, she's fragile. I'm sure you learned that by now."

"I did and she's in good hands, I can promise you that."

Gregory easily waved Quincy off.

"I don't need your promises Quincy, I just need you to show it. Treat her well and continue to treat Elijah like your own. She's been through a lot, and you shouldn't add to that trauma. Her father Michael, he was my brother, my best friend but he broke that girl's heart before she even knew herself. He wanted to be there, but he'd always been afraid to cause a stir, face the consequences of his decisions. Every time Michael messed up, someone was there to clean up after him, keep his image spotless. Most of the time that was me. The one mess that he'd told me to not clean-up was Yara and her mother, he was handling it his way and that way wasn't working for her, Elizabeth, or me. When he died, I did what I always wanted to do. I got Denise to reach out to Elizabeth and we brought Yara home, she was always an Underwood not just because she was Michael's daughter but because she was ours. Now, I'm trusting you with the most important person in my life aside from my wife, don't make me regret that."

Sensing that his words would be insufficient, Quincy nodded his understanding before he shook Gregory's hand. He wouldn't regret it.

Before he knew it, he was at the end of the aisle and his heart was in his throat. The planner had done a hell of a job in creating the atmosphere and the hundreds of people in the crowd were giving looks of approval to their white rosed ceremony. Cream peonies and roses lined the white aisle that Yara would soon walk down, and white pillars accented with orchids and greenery accented the veranda guiding the path toward him. The palm trees and ample sunshine behind them only cemented the fact that having the wedding at his mother's estate was a great decision. Everything seemed so natural under the open and clear May sky.

To his right, Kenny G set up his saxophone and backed by the orchestra he began his rendition of Forever In Love. Quincy looked over at Denise and Elizabeth who gave him a thumbs up just as Ebony and Luke James walked out, smiles adorned their faces. They gave off chocolate coated splendor. The gold made Ebony's skin seem even richer and she winked playfully at Quincy before they took their respective places. Zolee and Chris Brown then walked in followed by Ivy and Devin Brown, Isla and Al B. Sure Jr., then Payton and Christian walked in.

Quincy's breathing was getting deeper as his anticipation rose and Christian gave him a bright smile just as Aya and Justin proceeded down the aisle, a picture perfect pairing. Quincy didn't miss the warning look Devin shot at his brother from the audience where he sat with baby Devin in his lap and their other daughter Dior asleep under his arm. It was hilarious to see Justin immediately give Aya a bit more space in response as they continued their march.

Soon, Kaia and Amari came out, the maid of honor and best man. Kaia had managed to capture a few looks from the single men in the crowd in her figure-hugging red dress. Even Luke let out a low whistle that Quincy heard prompting him to look back at the man who gave an impish grin.

Once Amari was next to Quincy, he gave him a supportive pat and Quincy gave him a nod of assurance that he was holding it together.

Chance, Jesse & D' Lila Combs proceeded in a smiling trio as Junior Bridesmaids, and Dallas followed closely behind as the Ring Bearer. The little boy dapped Quincy once he got to the front causing awws to erupt from the audience. Quincy's sisters however sat in a front pew next to Diddy.

Injecting more cuteness into the event, Destin Booker and Callie Clarkson then proceeded down the aisle scattering red rose petals. Destin gave a wide smile to her father who snapped a quick picture looking proud as a peacock and Callie gave Jordan and Ashlee a grin from their place in the audience. Jayden clapped from Jordan's lap.

The music changed and Kenny G's Saxophone faded out as Mariah Carey and Babyface now stood up at the left side and began to give a rendition of Endless Love. When Quincy looked at the end of the aisle and saw her silhouette his breath caught. As soon as Gregory stepped out and she took his arm, everyone stood and marveled at the woman that would be his wife. She looked indescribable. A veil covered her face, but it was still easy to see that she was the most beautiful woman ever. The mermaid gown hugged every curve on her body just right and he looked up into her eyes and caught her smile.

The moment was so sweet and surreal that Quincy hadn't even realized that he had tears rolling down his cheeks until Amari handed him a handkerchief. As he wiped his eyes, he looked back and found that his best man was also wiping at a few tears.

Quincy knew Yara and Amari were close but now in this moment he understood how close, and it added to the love that was permeating the atmosphere. Denise and Elizabeth were also tearing up and the closer Gregory got with Yara the less he seemed to be keeping it together.

Yara squeezed Gregory's arm in reassurance because she'd never seen him this emotional and if he continued, he'd make her burst into tears. As Mariah and Face's voices melded, Yara stared straight ahead at the man she would be marrying. As soon as they made it to the altar, the Officiant, Bishop Noel Jones smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Good Morning everyone, as we gather in this beautiful garden on this auspicious and romantic occasion, who gives this woman to be married today?"

Gregory gave Yara a smile and one more squeeze before he cleared his throat.

"Her mothers and I do."

With that said, Quincy extended a hand which Yara took while Greg took her other and they helped her up onto the white altar. Instinctively, Quincy delicately removed the veil from the front of her face and positioned it backwards allowing the magnitude of her beauty to be conveyed.

The moment they locked eyes he forgot how to breathe for a second.

"Quincy, Yara and I would like to welcome everyone on this gorgeous day. It's because of all of you—because of this strong community—that Quincy and Yara's relationship has strengthened and bloomed and led them to this very moment.

Quincy and Yara, what you've both accomplished here today is no small feat. Your journey began way before you sent out the invitations, chose this beautiful venue or even decided to spend the rest of your lives together.

Your journey began the moment you first met. You took the time to learn what makes the other person smile, what makes them laugh, what makes them cry and how to best support them when life is complicated. You've overcame obstacles together. You've comforted each other in times of grief. You welcomed each other's families, communities, and lifelong friends, and joined them together with warmth and enthusiasm. You built a new village with your love, and have worked every day to support this village as it changes and grows.

Marriages bring hard days, just as they bring beautiful ones. This day is a reminder of what your love has already accomplished, and the amazing possibilities of what it can continue to accomplish and overcome in the many, many years ahead of you."

Quincy felt every word in his soul and Yara's serene smile echoed that she shared his sentiments. This is what he'd always wanted and what she thought she could never get, and it was attainable, they were doing it. Who would've thought that this day would come?

The wedding seemed to go at warp speed after Aya came with a reading that not only cemented she and Yara's newfound understanding but her happiness for her sister and support for her union. The vows and declaration of intent soon came, and Bishop Jones asked them to hold each other's hands and listen to him as he directed.

"Now Quincy and Yara have opted to write their own vows, and these will be said before they declare their intentions to one another. Quincy, you may now state your vows."

Quincy cleared his throat before he looked directly into Yara's eyes and saw his future.

" Yara, I'd be a fool to think I could articulate everything I want to say, everything that you are into a few words on a script because to me you are infinite. The way you make me feel is indescribable but today I will try to find the words to tell you that in the entire universe there is no heart that matches the rhythm of mine like yours. There is no one else that'd I'd want to spend my life with. For so long, I have searched for meaning. I've looked in numerous books, and I've searched the words of wise leaders, in the stars of the night sky. I've spent years looking, but I never found real meaning until the day I met you. In your eyes, I see the stars of the universe. In your words, I hear the wisdom of your beautiful heart. In our future together, I recognize more meaning than scholars find in all the books in all the libraries of the world.

You are the reason I was put on this planet, and today, I pledge myself to you, and our family. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, for inviting me into your world and for giving me the pleasure of helping to raise the smartest and most active little boy. Thank you for giving me your pieces and trusting me to put them back together and thank you for keeping me from falling apart during one of the darkest periods of my life. You are my light, and I cannot wait to build a life with you. I want us to have kids with all your ingenuity and my charm, to travel cities and oceans discovering more about ourselves and grow old with you knowing that no one else could make me feel the way that you do.

Today, I vow to love you forever and acknowledge that even that seems like it's still not enough time. I will love you when you are wild with struggle, when the world seems like a place of desperation and fear. I will love you when you are laughing and joyous, when the blessings unfold before us like flowers in a field. I will love you as the days string together and we fall into patterns that characterize our home, as we grow old and watch our bodies change. I will love you when death parts us for a time, and you will still know my love on the last day of the world because what we have, what you make me feel is God given and rare and it will live on in the legacy we leave. I vow to love you with everything I am and will ever be."

Yara felt each of his words hit her heart and as he wiped away the tears that were now falling, she was grateful that she finally felt what everyone else had on their wedding days. The sense of completion and perfection that surrounded this moment tugged at her heart strings. In the audience a chorus of swoons could be heard as Noel Jones spoke up.

"Yara, you may now state your vows."

Yara cleared her throat and tried to gather herself, looking to her brother for support before she looked back at Quincy.

"Quincy, I wish that I had the ability to completely explain the depth and scope of all the love I have for you. It's not the juvenile love of butterflies and stomach knots. Instead, it's more the blurring of self and the divine entanglement with another soul. Love is a word that has haunted me my entire life, I never thought I'd have it like this. Now that I do, I realize that Love is much too soft and used far too often to ever describe the fierce, endless, and blazing passion that I have in my heart for you.

You are a million dreams and a million prayers of a little girl come true. A little girl that never dreamed that she could ever find someone like you, never feel this way, never be wanted. You are kind. You are silly. You are intelligent. You are unapologetically you and you are resilient. You are the calm to any storm, and you are strength and hope personified. Your laugh is contagious, and your compassion knows no bounds. I admire who you are, who you've always been and cannot wait to see who you become. You are my person; you acknowledge my strengths and accept my faults.

You make me want to be better every day. So, I happily take you as you are now, tomorrow and for eternity to come, to be my husband. Even when the day comes that we're old and gray, I promise to always see you with the same eyes and the same heart that I see you with at this exact moment.

I vow to honor you and respect you, support you and encourage you. I promise to dream with you, celebrate with you, and walk beside you through whatever life brings. I promise to be to you what you have always been to me.

I vow to laugh with you and comfort you during times of joy and times of sorrow. I promise to always meet you halfway, to listen to every track you make and every business idea you concoct, to fight for you, and love you unconditionally and wholeheartedly for the rest of my life. You are my best friend, my lover, the best bonus dad, and I'm the luckiest person on Earth to call you mine."

Quincy squeezed Yara's hands as he tried to keep it together. All her words washed over him, and it took every iota of self-control he had to not grab her and kiss her until they became one, hardly cognizant of where the lines of her body started and his stopped.

Luckily, Noel Jones resumed, asking the couple to listen to him and respond.

"Do you Quincy Taylor Brown take Yara Elizabeth Underwood to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do" Quincy's answer was instantaneous and confident. He had no qualms about marrying the woman that stood right in front of him.

"Do you Yara Elizabeth Underwood take Quincy Taylor Brown to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do"

Yara had no misgivings.

Clapping his hands together, Noel looked at Amari and Kaia who had the rings ready.

"Quincy and Yara have chosen rings to exchange with each other as a symbol of their unending love. As you place this ring on Quincy's finger, please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever."

"With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever."

Yara easily slipped the gold band on to Quincy's finger, a perfect fit. As Quincy took her hand now, she exhaled.

"Quincy, as you place this ring on Yara's finger, please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever."

Quincy repeated the promise effortlessly, sliding the gorgeous Marquise-shaped diamond ring onto Yara's finger.

"That's how you do it Q!" Ebony stated approving the piece that Quincy had bought and sparking laughter throughout the entire bridal party.

"Really Ebony?" Zolee chuckled.

"What? Girl do you see that rock, it's giving Meet The Browns, millionaire edition." Ebony defended sparking some cheers from the crowd, the soon to be newlyweds chuckled too. From his seat, Kevin Durant gave a scolding look to his wife for her outburst but even he couldn't hide his amusement.

After that moment passed, Noel Jones offered a prayer for the couple before he made the pronouncement.

"Those whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder. In so much as Quincy and Yara have consented together in holy wedlock and have witnessed the same before God and this company, having given and pledged their faith, each to the other, and having declared same by the giving and receiving of rings, I pronounce that you are husband and wife. I ask you now to seal the promises you have made with each other this day with a kiss."

With no hesitation, Quincy smiled brightly at Yara his dimples popping out as he wrapped an arm around her waist and drew her close. He tenderly brushed a curl from her face before he gently kissed her lips, holding back the urge to devour her in front of the crowd of 500 people.

From the audience Jahi broke free and ambled toward Yara, he tapped her leg twice breaking her and Q's kiss as they both looked down at him lovingly before Yara picked him up in her arms and they all smiled at the audience who were cheering loudly.

Angel of Mine by Monica began to play as they began the recession. Yara was no longer Yara Underwood, the love child, the mistake. Now, she was Yara Brown, a wife, mother, sister and daughter who knew that she had all the love and support she needed.

The validity of that statement was evidenced in all the smiling faces that congratulated her when they retreated into Kim's former home. It was strengthened by the number of congratulatory gifts, hugs and kisses they received at their reception at The London West Hollywood. Once Yara stepped out in her reception dress next to Quincy in his all white tux she finally relaxed. There were no surprises or drama, her day had gone perfectly.

They basked in hilarious and heartfelt speeches from Amari and Kaia as well as their parents. Ivy and Isla also raised a toast to their older sister which made Yara shed a few tears. The energy in the room was pulsing with love so much so that Yara didn't even realize the other connections forming in the room. She didn't see Jordan Poole flirting with Ivy near the dessert table or Elizabeth and Al putting their best moves on the dance floor as Nite n Day blasted through the space. She didn't even see Kaia and her co-star Greg Davis getting way too close as Fatman Scoops remix of Love Like This played, she was too busy throwing it back on her husband.

When the music slowed and they cleared a space for The Browns to have their first dance, Yara snuggled closer to Quincy while Amel Larrieux sang Make Me Whole.

His hands gently caressed her sides before he began to sing the lyrics to her, so soft that only she could hear. She tried her best to not fall into a puddle right then and there.

"I've been waitin' for so long,

To sing to you this song.

Cause your eyes are the windows to heaven,

Your smile could heal a million souls.

Your love completes my existence.

You're the other half that makes me whole.

You're the only other half that makes me whole.'

This was it, this was her happy ending and she couldn't downplay the feelings she had and would always have for her husband. Quincy never saw her as broken , not even when she'd cut him time and time again with the shards of denial she refused to let him piece together. He'd never gave up on her and together they made eachother whole, broke generational curses and nurtured a family. There was no heart for hers like his, she was sure of it.

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20.2K 135 9
i stopped writing this out of respect for jaden.
350K 23.4K 26
❝ Everybody ain't your friend. ❞ ©𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎.
2.2K 35 14
read this, you will love it.
72.1K 3.8K 31
You keep me open I'm so devoted to you.