
By Frogrella

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"You're the only sober person in my life. It feels like you were made for me?" he says, though it came out as... More

Character List! (Meet the boys!)
Frog's Mixtape
Now on Spotify


516 21 8
By Frogrella

The sun peeked in and out of my closed eyelids, forcing me to wake up. Groaning from a slight headache, I sat up and realized I was on a bed. And it wasn't mine.

I adjusted my nose as the smell of old cigarette smoke lingered in the air.

Shifting, I felt someone stir behind me. I turn and find Shana lying right next to me.

"Shana," I whisper, nudging her. She stirs again, groaning.

"What," She growls, eyes still shut.

"Did we get kidnapped?" She peeks one eye open, amused at the horror in my voice.

"You're so fucking weird," She laughs sleepily, turning over.

With Shana's dismissal, I looked around the mystery room. Dark curtains surrounded the bedroom's one window, but it didn't stop the sun from creeping through. Random metal and rock band posters are taped on the wall. But still, the room felt pretty plain as there were only a few.

The floor was another story. Uncovering with the blanket, I swayed my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. A mixture of dirty tank tops, worn jeans and shorts, and drumsticks splatter throughout the floor. The items were like lava as I tiptoed around them, making my way to the crowded wooden dresser.

Empty and halfway used beer bottles lined danced together on the dresser. I find a leather wallet behind one of the bottles. Quickly, I snatched and opened it. Sean's ID sticks out like a piece of gum, and I immediately assumed the worst.

Oh fuck, did we have a threesome with the drummer? 

I vowed never to drink again as I went downstairs and into the living room.

Layne is awake, looking like an adorable five-year-old as he sits in front of the TV.  As I walk deeper into the living room, I notice Mike sleeping on the floor next to him and Sean sleeping on the couch.

Layne doesn't notice me until I bump my pinky toe into the wall.

"Morning," he licks his lips before a smile, unaware of my pain.

"Hi," I smiled, walking over to him. As I crisscrossed applesauce on the floor beside him, I noticed him watching cartoons. "I love this show!"

"Really?" he asks, glancing at me before turning back to the TV. I nod, deepening my smile. 

"Yeah, I remember getting up extra early on a Saturday just to watch this."

"Sounds like a good childhood to me."

I push my lips together, thinking. Hmmm, I guess. I massage my pinky toe before asking Layne the million-dollar question on my mind since I woke up."Can I ask you something?"


"Who brought me to bed?"

"I did."


"Don't worry, I didn't hit your head on the wall or anything," he jokes.

"And Sean slept on the couch?" Layne nods. I mentally Thank God. Listen, Sean is hot, but that doesn't mean I want to hook up with him.

I turn my neck to look at Sean behind me. His long body awkwardly hangs off the couch. I had the sudden urge to shake him awake and thank him for letting Shana and I sleep in his bed last night.

And then there's Mike. Oh, I just know his back is going to hurt. Little handsome long curly hair baby, I laughed to myself.

My eyes then took the time to look at the space around us. Jeez, the mess. Everything seems misplaced. Lightbulbs are isolated from the lamps. Beer bottles and plastic cups were tossed and stood in every corner. The smell of garbage didn't hit me til now. It was like someone dumped their entire trash in here.

I look at Layne with a what the fuck expression on my face. He's still too focused on the TV.

"Do you wanna help me clean?" I ask him, shifting uncomfortably.

"Excuse me?"

"I can't stand the mess," I tell him impatiently. Layne groans. It was hard not to laugh at his whining. "At least help me with the kitchen," I suggest, praying it wouldn't be worse.

"Alright, after this episode," he says, looking into my eyes before bringing his attention back to the cartoon.

I nodded and stood up, making my way to the kitchen, which was another story.

The floor felt sticky. I cringe as it touches my bare feet. The pizza boxes from last night were ripped in half, and half-eaten pizza was swimming in the sink full of dishes. What the hell?

Alright, where do these boys keep their trash bags? I asked myself.

Thinking fast, I look in the cabinet under the sink for a trash bag and begin tossing cups and bottles found on the kitchen counter and table in it.

About a little over 10 minutes later, Layne finally came in. Him being barefooted as well, I realized how tall he was and how short I was.

"Is there a mop anywhere? This floor is disgusting," I ask, looking at him. Layne laughs, shaking his head. "What?"

"It's too early for all of this," he says, scratching the back of his head.

"I'm sorry." Damn, maybe I might be doing too much.

"It's fine. I never saw a mop around no,"He laughs. Smiling, I shrug and hand him a trash bag.

Layne and I cleaned for a while, making small talk as we went.

"Thank you for helping me clean," I tell him as we are almost done with the kitchen.

"Well, you kind of forced me, so," I softly jab him in the arm before walking over to the sink and start separating the dishes.
"Oh, I forgot to ask, how did you like the show last night?"

"It was amazing! Seriously. Especially when you did that eye roll, I-" Layne rolls his eyes to the back of his head, interrupting me.

It distracts me, and a glass plate slips out of my hands. The violence of its shatters freezes my body, but Layne goes right into the action. He runs towards me and looks down at the broken pieces and my bare feet.

"Get on the counter," Layne tells me gently. I carefully back up and hop on the counter behind me. I watch him bend down and pick up pieces of the broken plate.

"I'm sorry," I apologize, repeatedly replaying his sexy eye roll in my head.

"Don't worry about it." His gentle voice holds me in place for a minute.

"Lemme sweep," I offer, about to jump off the counter. Layne reaches for my legs and holds me in place, stopping me.

"I don't want you to get glass in your feet."

"Let me clean my mess, boy!" I playfully yell at him, causing him to chuckle.

"Let me find you some slippers or something first," Layne suggests, his medium blue orbs drawing me in. This weird nauseous feeling invites itself into my body, similar to the overwhelming feeling you get around your crush. I have never met someone as sweet as him before. He can't be real.

"Okay," I swallowed, looking at him. I watch him leave the kitchen before exhaling a long breath.

Quickly, Layne comes back with some giant black flip-flops in his hands. He squats down in front of me.

"Who are these?" I ask as he slides them onto my feet.

"They're mine."

Yeah, I'm keeping these.

"Thank you."

"Mmh-hmm," he nods, holding my waist gently as I jump off the counter. His hands are still placed around my waist as I stand before him. I look up at him, my brown eyes staring straight at his blues'. Layne's lips are parted slightly open. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss them. He does a glance down at my lips. I clear my throat, and his eyes are back on mine.

"Where's the broom?" I ask the space between us. He nods, leaving my side without saying anything. I stare forward, awkwardly waiting for his return. He comes back with a broom and dustpan. "Thank you."

"So polite," he smiles sweetly. After Layne picks up the rest of the big pieces of glass, I sweep the rest and dump them into the trash bag.
"I'll take this outside."

"Such a gentleman, " I said, mocking him.

"Always," he winks before grabbing the two trash bags and heading towards the front door.

As Layne leaves, Sean enters the kitchen, rubbing one eye.

"What the fuck broke?" Sean grumbles after a yawn.

"Oh, did it wake you?" I ask, laughing at his grumpiness.

"Yeah, it was loud as hell."

"Sorry," I laughed. "Ohh, Thanks for letting me and Shana sleep in your bed last night, by the way."

"I regret it now." He sighed, stretching his back. Sean then looks around the kitchen, shocked.
"You cleaned?"

"Yeah, Layne helped too."

"So uh, we're looking for a roommate," Sean says, his arms crossed as he looks at me. Though he said it seriously, a smile was painted on his lips.

"Not gonna happen," Layne swapes in before I can respond. I laugh at them playfully, bickering at each other for a moment.

As they continued to joke around, I slipped outside the kitchen. I stood between the entrance as I gazed into the living room. Shana is now awake, massaging Mike's sore back.

Hearing something creek, I look up and see Jerry come down the stairs with a random girl glued to his side. She just stares at him, not making eye contact with anyone.

I don't know why but I felt so out of place staring at them. The girl stares at Jerry as if he's the best thing that ever happened to her. Mike stares at Shana as if she's the best thing that ever happened to him. Maybe it's because I wanted to die without knowing how love ever felt like.

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