The Club

By Spirit_5758

392 32 2

New school. New town. What could go wrong? Well, apparently a lot could go wrong when you're the new girl st... More

Twenty- Nine
Thirty- One
Thirty- Two
Thirty- Three
Thirty- Four
Thirty- Five
Thirty- Six
Thirty- Seven
Thirty- Eight
Thirty- Nine
Forty- One
Forty- Two
Forty- Three

Forty- Four

0 0 0
By Spirit_5758

-Lonnie's POV-

Joz didn't answer him and just kept staring at Naberius and me with wide eyes for like what felt like hours. The eerie silence was getting too much, and even the devil was getting annoyed by it. Joz looks away from us finally as he shakes his head with a heavy sigh, and I couldn't tell what he's thinking. I trust Joz, and I believe he wouldn't throw me to Satan just like that. I know his brother is an asshole, but I know he will not throw him under either. The devil finally just flung us back before grabbing Joz with an annoyed and pissed off expression.
"You think I'm just playing games, Jozannon? You even choose or I'll choose for you!" He growls at him.
"How is that fair?" I ask, wincing as I sit up.
"What are you doing?" Naberius hissed.
I ignored him as I watch as the devil turn towards me with an icy glare, and it made me nervous and scared, but I ignored it. I let out a gasp when he appeared in front of me with his big hands around my throat. I grabbed onto his wrists, trying to breathe, but I can already feel the bruise forming. I heard my friends, Vonik and even some voices that I hadn't heard in a while, yell out. The devil looks behind him, and I glimpsed who appeared. It was David, Craig, and Mr. Tomas! I'm then dropped to the ground as I cough and gasped for breath. My throat hurt and stung from his hands around me. I look up to see the devil looking in their direction.
"Well, well, isn't this interesting?" He says with a wide smirk.
"Just go back where you came from and nobody will get hurt!" David yells making Mr. Tomas face palm himself.
"Go back? Now why would I do that when I just got here? The party didn't start yet." The devil says waving his hand making David fly towards him.
David quickly grabs out his bible and cross as he holds them up towards the devil, and he started saying some strange verse in Latin. The devil just chuckles as he just grabbed the bible and cross from David's hands. My eyes widen as he just burned them within his grasp. David's eyes widen as well as he steps back in shock as he watches the ashes of his bible and cross falls onto the ground.
"That's impossible! You shouldn't be able to even touch them, let along be near them." David says stepping back again.
"You need to do better research. That shit doesn't work on me, only the lowly demons I created." The devil says, raising his hand and snapping his neck with his magic.
I screamed as David's twisted neck turned my stomach, and then he fell on his knees before falling completely on the ground, dead. I stood up, but Joz stops me as I stare at David's dead body in shock. This is all of my fault. He came here because of me. I'm putting these people in danger and they will keep dying because of me, and I can't let that happen. I turn towards Joz and I would've been so happy to have him back finally, but in this situation I might lose him again.
The devil then bursts out laughing as he spreads his arms out and brought everyone close to him, but none of us can move. I glance around at all the people I came to care about, and I knew I had to do something. There's no way that we can get rid of the devil without everyone dying. There's literally only one choice to go with, and we have to go with it or everyone is going to die. Then the devil will roam free, and that's not a good thing.
"I think it's time for the party to start officially. Don't you guys agree?" The devil asks, looking at everyone with a wide smirk.
"You mean kill us all?" Vonik asks glaring at the devil.
"Why? Did you honestly think I'll keep my deal to you Vonik?" He asks pulling my father closer to him.
"I didn't know what to think. You're the king who can do whatever the fuck he wants, and you choose to fuck us over every single time." Vonik hisses.
"Is that what you really think Vonik?" He asks with a growl.
"I think so too. You fucked me over with my deal as well." Joz spoke up, glaring down at the devil as well.
"What are you doing, Jozannon?" Naberius hisses.
"Are you two hurt? I didn't completely keep my end of the deal? Oh boohoo! Your demons! Act like one!" The devil yells, flinging everyone back again.
"I'll act like one. I'll show you." Vonik growls as he charges at him.
I yelled at him to stop, but he just kept running towards him. He wasn't the only one who charged at the devil. Joz did too. Naberius reluctantly followed, since he didn't want his brother to die. Fire balls were being thrown at the devil as well, and I saw that even Hector and Mr. Tomas even joined the fight. Iridiana and Craig joined too. Iridiana was shooting her light arrows while trying not to hit any of the demons who were on our side. Craig was summoning throwing knives that were made of entirely of light, before he was throwing them towards the devil.
The battle truly begun.
I wish I knew how to help.
I'm still not completely good at controlling these powers, and I'm afraid that I might lose control again. I let out a sigh, as this time I might just have to take a risk. I turn towards the battle, and saw that they were having trouble hitting the devil. I quietly try to sneak behind the devil. When I'm completely behind him, I try to summon up my magic, and I tried to summon as much as I could muster. I felt the warmth and power sizzling throughout my body, and my fingers tingle with the amount of power that's about to be poured out.
I shoot my hands out towards the devil and a huge fire wall and wind flew towards him, and it actually hit him. The devil screamed, but he quickly stopped as he turned around and as the fire dispersed. I saw his eyes looked darker, if that's even possible. I don't hesitate as I throw another fire wall at him, but he disappears before reappearing in front of me. I stood my ground as he roughly grabs onto my chin, forcing me to look at him. I glance behind him and saw that everyone else could not move. They got frozen in place once again.
"You would be wise to not try that again, or it will force me to go back on my deal with Jozannon and Vonik completely." He warns me with a deadly growl.
"Then how about making a new deal with me?" I ask, staring into his obsidian eyes.
"A deal with a mortal?" He asks with disgust.
"I'm half demon as well." I tell him, hoping he will agree with making a deal with me.
"Very true. Alright, I'll bite. What deal do you want to make with me?" He asks, crossing his arms.
"Promise me you will return to hell, and you won't harm no one that's here." I tell him, feeling my chest tighten.
"That's a big thing to ask of the devil. What do I get, because honestly I like it up here." He tells me with a smirk.
"I know you weren't a fan of my father and mother having me. So, in return, you can have me. Throw me in the pit of fire or torture me. I don't care, but leave my friends alone." I tell him seriously.
"Don't you think about giving yourself to him, Lonnie!" Vonik yells suddenly.
"He won't keep his word! Don't do it!" Joz yells out as well.
"You don't need to give yourself up for us, Lonnie!" Hector yells along with them.
I swallowed, upset, as my friends and dad yelled at me to not make this deal, but what else was there to do? The devil got risen, and he already killed people. We can barely hit him, and getting him back into hell would be impossible. This is our only way. I'm afraid, but I wouldn't do this if there wasn't no other choice.
"So, you want to hand yourself over to save your friends and daddy?" The devil asks, ignoring everyone's pleas.
"You and me both know there isn't another way to stop you, but I know you love making deals." I tell him, swallowing nervously.
The devil chuckles before grabbing my shoulders while giving me a sideways smirk. "This will be interesting."

I look around as we suddenly teleported, and by the overbearing hotness and the never ending screams. My best guess is that we are in hell. I swallowed as I turn towards the devil, who was sitting in a chair behind a desk. My skin prickles from the overbearing heat, and I thought I would get heatstroke with how hot it is down here. I'm instantly thirsty and sweat beads down my face and body as it feels like I'm in the middle of the desert with the sun beating down on me. My hair is sticking to me as I feel like I'm going to melt down here. My skin instantly become dry, and my eyes stung from the dryness that it is hell.
"This is truly interesting."
I glanced over at him and opened my mouth to reply, but my mouth was so dry that no words came out. The devil just chuckles at my predicament before he stands up from his chair and walks towards me. My vision gets hazy as the overbearing heat is getting to me, and I feel like I'm going to pass out. The devil stops in front of me as he grabs onto my chin, forcing me to look at him again. I felt terrified as I stare into his obsidian eyes, but the overbearing heat was getting to me. I didn't even express on how scared I was right now.
"I guess being half demon has its perks, does it?" He says with a smirk as I gave him a confused look, which he continued with, "Mortals can't survive down here, they would've died instantly. You, being half demon, are helping you survive down here a little longer."
In reality, that makes sense with the overbearing heat and how it's affecting me. So what's going to happen to me now? Is he just going to watch me die slowly or just throw me in the pit of fire? I honestly don't want to die, but I made this deal so my friends and dad can live. I can at least die peacefully, or as peacefully as I can, knowing they can live and move on with their lives. I glance away from him as I felt like the inside of my body was slowly getting burned alive. I didn't notice at first, but I just noticed the pricking and burning feeling inside of me. It's what I felt before when Joz was in the pit of fire and is still connected us with each other.
Besides, the overbearing heat and the fact I'm slowly dying from being down here. The devil's office almost looked normal. There's a giant window behind Satan, but I can see flames behind it. My stomach turned when I saw ashes and broken horns in the corners of the office, and I knew demons had died in this room. The devil defiantly has no filter for his anger. He would just kill even his demons without a second thought, and he doesn't even care or blink an eye.
"I had a plan for you, but I think my new plan you will love just as much." He tells me with a wide smirk that gave me a horrible feeling.
I watch as he turned to walk back to his desk and chair, but he stopped in front of his desk as he turns back to me. My stomach drops at the look he gave me, and the next words that came out of his mouth.
"Oh! By the way, you need to learn to be more specific when you're making deals with the devil."
I tried again to say something, but when I turned towards him I felt lightheaded and then I fainted instead.

I let out a gasp as my eyes shot open. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I saw the blue sky in front of me. I moved my hands around and felt the dirt and grass underneath me. I took a deep breath and smelled something that wasn't the fresh air I was hoping for. I quickly sat up and my mouth fell open as my stomach drops. I felt like my entire world collapsed as I sat there frozen. I squeezed my eyes closed and just repeatedly told myself over that this isn't real. But the smell wasn't going away, and I kept feeling the wind and the grass underneath me.
I open my eyes and knew this was real. Tears fall as I stood up, looking at all the dead bodies of my friends and I saw the dead body of my last living family member. I say body, but since my father was a demon, his body was just ashes. All that remained were the clothes that he wore. The only bodies I saw were Hector's, Iridiana's, Craig, and Mr. Toma's. But they had no head. Every single one had thier heads ripped off and blood splattered everywhere.
My lips tremble as I couldn't stop the tears from falling. My heart felt like it broke into a million pieces. I have no one. Nobody. I'm all alone. The devil broke his part of the deal. He wasn't supposed to kill anyone! He broke the deal! Everyone was right. You can't trust the devil. But I was hoping he would just keep his word just this once. I was hoping he wouldn't break our deal. I was just a fool to even think that.
I fell onto the ground again as I continue to cry for everyone I cared for. I never had time to tell Joz how sorry I was, or got to know my real father. This isn't fair! This isn't fair! I was just trying to save them. I wanted them to live. They didn't need to die like this. I clench my fists as anger boils within me. I've killed them all. I couldn't save them all. I just quicken their deaths. I'm just a monster. A monster who doesn't deserve friends or family. A monster who just needs to stop pretending.
I was kidding myself this whole time. The moment I found out I was half demon I should've known. The magic inside of me. The power that circles within me. I should've known I was different, that I was a monster who was going to get everyone killed. It's like a constant screaming in my mind, and all of those nightmares should've been a clue. I was just clueless.
I look towards the broken pentagram with an icy glare. My fingertips tingle as power surged throughout my body. I gritted my teeth together as I felt anger and hatred slowly take over my body. I need to get powerful. He needs to pay. I need to get powerful. He needs to pay. I will get revenge. I just need to get powerful enough to kill him. I need to make sure that he never breaks his deals ever again. I might be a monster. But I will be damn if I let him live much longer. I will end him. Then it will be my turn.

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