Akaza of U.A High (BNHA X MAL...

By Kyoblazing27

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(Y/N) is the son of the former number 4 hero hakuji akaza or better known as the martial arts hero skirmisher... More

(Y/N) Bio
Chapter 1 : Late
Chapter 2 : Explosive shockwaves
chapter 3: Nice to see you too
chapter 4: class rep
chapter 5: The real deal
Chapter 6 : The Symbol of peace
Chapter 7 : Declaration
chapter 8 : The first Years
chapter 9 : calvary
Chapter 10 : Round 1 Fight!
Chapter 11 : Battle of rivals
Chapter 12 : Try your best
Chapter 13 : Double date ?
Chapter 15: snacks thought me
Chapter 16 : It just would be you
Chapter 17: Creative Shockwaves
πŸŽ₯ Chapter 18 : Two heroes part 1 πŸŽ₯
πŸŽ₯ Chapter 19 : Two heroes part 2 πŸŽ₯
Chapter 20: Not some holiday
Chapter 21: Aizawa's Boot camp
Chapter 22: Vanguard's Assault
Chapter 23: Rescue
Chapter 24: Dorms
Chapter 25: New moves
Chapter 26: Challenge from the swordsman
Chapter 27: New gear and new battles
Chapter 28: Waiting
Chapter 29: Waiting for a whale
Chapter 30: Going all out
Chapter 31: Little birdie
Chapter 32 : disturbance
Chapter 33: The third years
Chapter 34: Your kidding right ?
Chapter 35: New Faces
Chapter 36: Battle royal
Chapter 37: Team exercise
Chapter 38: Ready up
Chapter 39: The new enemy
Chapter 40 : Reason for going
Chapter 41: Battle on
Chapter 42: Promise
Chapter 43: Reunion
Chapter 44: I'm no Shakespeare
Chapter 45: Well that's not good
Chapter 46: Here comes the festival
Chapter 47: Something dark is coming
Chapter 48: All for some rope
Chapter 49: A Determined Criminal
Chapter 50: The past always catches up
Chapter 51: Festivities
Chapter 52: Hero Ranking
Chapter 53: If only i had wings
Chapter 54: His start
Chapter 55: πŸŽ₯ Heroes Rising part 1 πŸŽ₯
Chapter 56: πŸŽ₯ Heroes Rising Part 2 πŸŽ₯
Chapter 56: πŸŽ₯ Heroes Rising Part 3 πŸŽ₯
Chapter: 57 πŸŽ₯ Heroes Rising Part 4 πŸŽ₯
Chapter 58: πŸŽ₯ Heroes Rising Part 5 πŸŽ₯
Chapter 59: πŸŽ₯ Heroes Rising Part 6 πŸŽ₯
Chapter 60: Back To School
Chapter 61: Regnite
Chapter 62 : Windy Shockwaves
Chapter 63 : Fight On
Chapter 64 : Battle Rages On
Chapter 65: Jealousy
Chapter 66: Visitors
Chapter 67: Hawk's Nest

Chapter 14 : Hero names

2.4K 39 17
By Kyoblazing27

The first day back at school everyone was talking about the sports festival

Mina: It's so weird that people recognize us from tv everyone wanted to talk to me on my way here

Kirishima: Yeah me too

Sero: You won't believe what a bunch of kids yelled at me

Tsu: Nice try ?

Sero: ohhhhh

Denki: all it took was one sports festival and suddenly were like celebrities

Mineta: This school really is amazing

The door of class 1-A opens

Aizawa: Morning

Class 1-A : Morning mister aizawa

Tsu: ribbit Mr aizawa you don't bandages anymore that's good news

Aizawa: The old lady went a bit over the top with the treatment anyways we have a big class today hero informatics

The whole class began to worry

Denki: informatics?

Kirishima: crap I bet it's about hero laws I'm so bad at that

(Y/N): I forgot we do other things besides fight at this school

Aizawa: You need code names time to pick your hero names

Class 1-A: This is gonna be totally awesome

Aizawa activates his quirk silencing 1-A

Aizawa: This is related to the pro hero draft picks usually you don't worry about these things in your first year but things changed by extending offers to you pros are basically investing in your potential any offers can be rescinded though

Mineta: selfish adults

Hagakure: So we still have to prove ourselves

Aizawa: Correct here's the total for those of you who got offers

Todoroki- 4123










Aizawa: In past years it's been more spread out but there's a pretty big gap this time round

Denki: ugghh that's no fair

Aoyama: what about the real star

Jiro: Todoroki got the best ahead of bakugo

Kirishima: Yeah it's the opposite of how they placed in the tournament

Sero: Maybe because no one wanted to work with the guy who had to be chained up

Bakugo: If a pro is scared of me there just weak

Aizawa: Despite these results you will all be interning with pros got that even those who didn't get any offers

Midoriya: So we're all interning ?

Aizawa: Yes you already experienced an encounter with villains but it will still be helpful to see pros at work up close and personal first hand

Sato: so that's why we need hero names

Aizawa: These names might be temporary but take them seriously or

Door opens

???: There be hell to pay later what you pick today could be stuck with you for life so don't pick something indecent

Class 1-A : Midnight

Aizawa: midnight is gonna have final approval of your names this isn't my scene

They then started handing out white boards while aizawa went to sleep in he's sleeping bag

After a few minutes

Midnight: Now students who amongst you is presenting your name first ?

(Y/N) pov

The first person to present their name was aoyama with I can not stop twinkling ? I mean seriously dude how'd you come up with that midnight actually approved of it though she just made him shorten it to can't stop twinkling after aoyama it was mina she picked alien queen which midnight did not approve of in the slightest next up was Tsu who finally gave us a proper name she decided to go with froppy which everyone thought was a good choice. Kirishima went with Red riot which I thought was pretty cool jiro called herself earphone jack which makes sense I guess. Shoji called himself tentacole while sero went with cellophane. Ojiro picked tailman I got remember to ask this guy to spar some time sato used sugar man mina finally came up with a name midnight was alright with which was pinky kaminari had picked chargebolt . Hagakure picked invisible girl guess I should of seen that one coming, Momo had picked creati creative to say the least. Todoroki had just picked shoto I mean I didn't put much effort into myne either but I'm sure he could've tried harder. Tokoyami had picked Tsukuyomi wasn't that one of Itachi's moves in Naruto ? And the little grape had picked grape juice. Bakugo had picked king explosion murder he does know we're picking hero names not villain names right ? Uraraka had decided on uravity. midnight had called me up to say myne. Well I never really gave hero names much thought but this is what I decided on the fighting hero shock wave everyone thought it was a pretty cool name so I guess I'm happy with it. Tenya decided to just use he's first name also jeez did Todoroki just start some kinda trend ? Midoriya had decided to use Deku he said someone taught it could have a different meaning. Bakugo was now the only one left and he went with Lord explosion murder which was basically the same as he's last. After all that Aizawa started talking about the internships

Aizawa: Now that everyone decided on names we can talk about the internships they'll last one week as for who you'll be working with those of you who were on the board will choose from among your offers everyone else will have a different list. Remember each agency as its own specialty so keep that in mind when your making your choice

Midnight: Imagine you were thirteen you'd want to pick a place that focuses on rescuing over fighting understand ?

Aizawa: Think carefully before you decide

Class 1-A: Yes sir !

Kirishima: oh man I want to fight crime and bad guys in a big city

Tsu: I'm just hoping I can intern somewhere there's alot of flooding

Aizawa: Turn in your choices by the weeks end

Sero: So we only got two days ?

Aizawa: Yeah so you should start now


Mina: so guys have you decided what pro agency you wanna go for ?

Mineta: Mt lady is my top choice

(Y/N): Not for a good reason though

Tsu: Mineta are you gonna are you thinking something perverted ?

Mineta: Possibly

(Y/N): jeez dude your not gonna even try to deny it

Uraraka: Hey deku have you decided ?

Midoriya had entered muttering mode

(Y/N): And he's lost once again

Momo: Hey (Y/N) have you decided on yours ?

(Y/N): Oh I'm interning with my old man in a sense

Momo: What you mean in a sense

(Y/N): My old man said I'll be training with him and one of he's old side kicks

Momo: Well I hope for your sake it's not more window cleaning

(Y/N): Uh jeez don't remind me

Time skip

Aizawa: Everyone has there costumes right ? Remember you don't have permission to wear them out in public and don't lose them

Mina: Got ya !

Aizawa: Speak properly it's yes sir Ashido

Mina: *pouts* Yes sir

Aizawa: Remember to watch your manners during your internships now get to it

Class 1-A: Yes sir!!

Momo: Hey (Y/N) good luck on your internship

(Y/N: *smiles* Thanks and good luck to you too

Momo: just don't go do anything stupid okay

(Y/N): I make no promises but I'll give you this to put you at ease *hugs momo*

Momo was surprised too say the least but she hugged back

Momo: *blushes* Stay safe

(Y/N) then boarded he's train to Esuha city the train ride itself was uneventful (Y/N) just slept until he arrived in the station of Esuha city and then he left the station to find the agency he'd be interning with

(Y/N): This should be the place

It was a large building with a rounded roof located between two others. The main facade of the building is decorated to mimics the appearance of the hero himself.

(Y/N): The building looks almost just like the guy

(Y/N) then walked into the agency and was told that the hero he'd be interning with along with he's father were waiting for him (Y/N) then headed to the office and entered he then saw he's father who was in he's old hero suit

(Y/N): oh hey old man..

Hakuji: No don't even try it during your internship you'll address me as skirmisher

He said with pride and a serious expression while folding he's arms which made (Y/N) stand completely straight

(Y/N): *in head* woah it's like he's got a whole new aura to him *out load* Yes sir sorry skirmisher sir !

The door to the office then opens once again

???: Hey I got some snacks while we *sees (Y/N) * oh your here

(Y/N) looked at the man he was quite big and tall and who're a yellow jacket

Hakuji: Well kid don't just stare greet the man and thank him he was kind enough to accept you after all

(Y/N): Oh right *bows* thank you for this opportunity and it's an honour to meet you Mister fatgum sir !

Fatgum: No problem your old man took me in when I first entered the hero scene and he taught alot so it's the least I could do although I hope you know since your father is the former number 4 hero and my old teacher I won't be going easy on you

(Y/N): *smiles* I wouldn't want it any other way Mr fatgum sir

Hakuji: Well since introductions are out of the way I say we stop wasting time and get to training so get your hero costume on and head to the training area

(Y/N): Yes sir

(Y/N) then put on he's costume

( A/N: he got the mask but not the head piece that covers he's hair )

While (Y/N) put on he's costume he found a note from the support courses mei hatsume which said they remade he's armour out of lighter material so that it makes it easier for him to move

(Y/N): Well that should definitely help

he then arrived in the training area

Hakuji: Alright so I'll explain how your internship is gonna work you'll train with both me and fatgum in here you'll have to fight fatgum though since I'm still not medically cleared for these things but I'll give you tips on how to use your shock waves and when you go out on patrols you'll just be going with fatgum.

(Y/N): Got it

Hakuji: Now try a Mach punch on fatgum

(Y/N): uh are you sure

Fatgum: Don't worry kid I can take it

(Y/N): Well ok then shock wave technic: Mach punch

He then punches fatgum his fist sinks a bit into he's stomach but then bounces off launching (Y/N) backwards and crashing into some gym equipment

Fatgum: Oh c'mon kid I'm sure you can do better then that

(Y/N) then gets up while rubbing he's head and pushing the equipment off of him

(Y/N): ow I forget about your quirk

Hakuji: You didn't fly back like that because of fatgums quirk you flew like that because when you hit him your motion was all wrong and your stance was unbalanced just like in the festival

(Y/N): like in the festival ?

Hakuji: Yes I noticed it in the festival and then again now when you use your shock waves your stance is off making you unbalanced and also making your attacks weaker

(Y/N): Wait so I've been attacking with my stance wrong this all time

Fatgum: Yep you might not think it but just having something like your stance or motion wrong makes your attacks alot weaker and leaving you open for counter attacks

Hakuji: So since you now know what you've been doing wrong we can now fix it

(Y/N): I see so Mr fatgum sir might I try again and Mr skirmisher sir may you please correct my stance and motion i promise I'll train until I get it right !

Fatgum: Yeah that's the spirit

Hakuji: Well then let's get to it

End of Hero names

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