Kya Maiden of the Sea Book 3...

By Stormweaver224

128K 3.5K 347

Kya is now taken captive to the Fire Nation and faced with choosing herself over her beliefs. Siding with Azu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
End of the Beginning
Hi and Hello

Chapter 27

3.2K 103 17
By Stormweaver224

"Apparently the play writers think I'm an idiot who tells bad jokes about meat all the time," Sokka said as he chewed on jerky.

"Yeah you tell jokes about plenty of other topics," Suki said.

"I know!" He replied angrily taking another bite of the jerky.

"At least the Sokka actor kinda looks like you," Aang complained,"The woman playing the Avatar doesn't resemble me at all,"

"I don't know," Toph replied,"You are more in touch with your feminine side than most guys,"

Aang groaned loudly and stood up. 

"Relax Aang," Katara chimed in,"They're not accurate portrayals. It's not like I'm a preachy crybaby who can't resist giving overemotional speeches about hope all the time," The others blankly looked at her while I looked away before I said something I shouldn't say.

"What?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's not you at all," Aang sarcastically said sitting down again.

"Listen friends. It's obvious the playwright did his research. I know it must hurt but what you're seeing up there on that stage is the truth," Toph said.

"I'm not anti social," I said crossing my arms.

"No, you just prefer to stay quiet when the rest of us are talking and occasionally walk away unless you actually have something to say," Sokka said matter of factly.

"You want to hear what I have to say," I smiled. Sokka gulped inching into Suki as Kaito and Zuko held me back.

"No," Sokka breathed out,"No I don't,"

I sighed.


After the intermission we all walked back to our seats.

"Well, here we are in the Earth Kingdom," The Katara announced.

"I'd better have a look around to see if I can find an earth bending teacher,"

"Can I see too?" I asked as Zuko looked at the program sheet.

I moved closer as I read the time stamps, sighing because we still had over another hour or so to be here. Zuko rested his head on mine as we both just looked at the program sheet with an empty head no longer that interested in what was going on in the play.

"I flew all over town, but couldn't find a single earth bending master," The Aang actress announced.

"Here it comes," Toph said excitingly, leaning forward even though she can't see the stage from where we were.

"You can't find an earth bending master in the sky," A tall, very muscular man said lifting a rock,"You have to look underground,"

Zuko drops the program sheet out of shock, his mouth hung open as the rest of us bursts into laughter.

"Who are you?" 

"My name's Toph, because it sounds like tough, and that's just what I am,"

"Wait a minute. I sound like a guy," Toph said cleaning her ears,"A really buff guy."

"Thats because you are," Kaito said.

"Well, Toph, what you hear up there is the truth. It hurts, doesn't it?" Katara said.

"Are you kidding me?" Toph smiled widely,"I wouldn't have cast it any other way. At least it's not a flying bald lady,"

"At least Toph is happy," I hummed.

Aang frowned and looked away.

"So, you're blind?" The Aang asked waving her hand at the Toph's face.

The Toph slightly laughs,"I can see you doing that. I see everything that you see, except I don't see like you do. I release a sonic wave from my mouth," The actor then turns to scream loudly at the others.

I covered my ears, pressing on them from the screeching that was now echoing the entire play house. Everyone else flinched and held an uncomfortable look as the scream went on for a short yet long while.

"There. I got a pretty good look at you,"

Well at least they have good lungs. I laughed to myself as I held my head trying to bring down the screeching that was still lingering in my mind.

The crowd applauded as the scene changed once more. It then showed Zuko splitting up from Iroh and that I followed him around the entire time as if I was some lifeless rag who barely talked and constantly sighed. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

A while after we were at the part where we encountered Azula. 

"Wait, what's that?" The Azula actress pointed to the sky,"I think it's your honor," 

"Where?" The Zuko said, they all turned around as Azula escaped.

At this point Kaito was asleep as I was nodding my head off. It was where Aang was trying to stop Azula from drilling the walls of Ba Sing Se. My head fell forward so I shot back and hit my back. I groaned as I saw Jet, who was hypnotized. Then a large rock fell on him. 

"Did Jet just die?" Zuko asked to Sokka. 

I snapped my head in Sokka's direction as he shrugged.

"You know, it was really unclear," Sokka responded.

I widened my eyes in a bit of shock as the play continued.

The scene changed to the crystal catacombs where Zuko, Katara and I were trapped.

"I have to admit, Prince Zuko, I really find you attractive," The Katara said.

"Why are you flirting with my boyfriend?" The Kya said coldly, finally speaking up after a long while. 

The two of them ignored that my actress said, as the Katara pushed me aside.

"You don't have to make fun of me," The Zuko said, looking away.

"But I mean it," The Katara said sitting down next to him,"I've had eyes for you since the day you first captured me,"

I tilted my head, mostly in confusion but it was also kind of funny because in a moment it came crashing down to me that all of this was fake. Zuko then scooted closer to me as if he was trying to deny everything the actor was saying. I just leaned back to try and get more comfortable as Zuko slowly inched closer, it was cute. 

"Wait! I thought you were the Avatar's girl," The Zuko said standing up and looking to my actress. 

The Kya then glared at him before turning around and sitting on the floor, her back now turned to the two.

"The Avatar?" The Katara laughed,"Why, he's like a little brother to me. I certainly don't think of him in a romantic way,"

I looked to Aang who had a defeated look on his face, wow we're all taking this way too seriously.

"Besides, how could he ever find out about this?" The Katara said hugging Zuko tightly.

"No!" Zuko said dramatically pointing at the Kya,"I love her, she's the only one for me. Who will  sigh in disappointment and annoyance the way she does?!  I don't think I can live with anyone different!"

My actress then glared at the Zuko as he dramatically looked away in shame of the hug. Then he walked towards the Kya as he dipped her with a hug. The Kya of course sighed in reconciliation.

I breathed out, this is actually becoming more funny then I thought it was. I weakly stretched my arms in my seat as Aang then suddenly got up to leave. 

Well that must've hit his nerve. 

"Oh, you getting up. Can you get me some fire flakes?" Sokka asked not reading Aang's expression,"Oh, and fire gummies,"

I rolled my eyes before looking at the stage once more. 

"Well, my brother, what's it gonna be?" The Azula said,"Your nation or a life of treachery?"

The Zuko actor dramatically looked to both the Azula and Iroh conflicted.

"Choose treachery. It's more fun," The Iroh said as the Zuko walked over.

"No way!" The Azula said, crossing her arms.

The Zuko then turned to the Iroh and pushed him to the ground then walked over to Azula.

"I hate you, Uncle. You smell and I hate you for all time!" The Zuko yelled at the falled Iroh and walked away with the Azula. 

"You didn't really say that did you?" Katara asked looking to Zuko who was leaning to the first row of chairs with his arms crossed.

"I might as well have," Zuko replied looking away.

The scene changed, we watched the Aang get shot down with lightning. 

"The Avatar is no more!" The Azula announced. 

Then the Kya who was pushed onto stage on a platform that was meant to look like water jumped down. 

"You shall regret that," She sighed while trying to attack the soldiers now on the stage. With a flick of the Kya's wrist the men dramatically choked and fell to the ground. A large prop then flew Kya's way, making her fall down next to Aang and passed out.

"Wait is that really how it looked like?" Kaito asked entertained by the act.

I gestured a, what the fuck, to Kaito who just smiled and turned back to watch the play. I rolled my eyes in amusement, we were both just now letting the play not affect us anymore. The Kya was slowly dragged off stage by a dog as the curtain closed and the crowd erupted in cheers and applause. 

I sighed,"I'm off," I said with a wave.

"Where are you going?" Kaito asked wondering if she was the one who bothered me.

"To get fresh air until everyone calms down," I replied looking to everyone who held an annoyed look. I went around to find a large balcony with a perfect view of the moon. 

I looked up to the beautiful night sky, a small laugh escaped my lips. A stupid play made everyone on edge. It humorous but Zuko was right, the Ember Island Players were the worst. I took in a breath of fresh air enjoying the silence of a clear mind and slowly made my way back before anyone came looking for me. 

Well the play was sort of right. Just not entirely.

"You're Zuko costumes pretty good, but your scar's on the wrong side," Said a little boy dressed as Aang.

"The scars not on the wrong side!" Zuko shouted pointing at his scar before pulling his hood up. It was just him, Toph, and Kaito sitting next to each other against the wall. Everyone else was gone. 

"Your back," Kaito announced as she, Zuko and Toph looked over to me.

"Thought I ran away?" I asked raising a brow.


"Well I sure did," Toph said crossing her arms,"Did you bring the snacks?"

"Uh no one told me to bring snacks," I replied making Toph groan.

I sat down in between Zuko and Kaito, we were all silent but it was peaceful. I closed my eyes and hummed a bit, waiting for the others to return.

"How come I haven't shown up yet?" Kaito asked breaking the silence so that the bit of sleepiness I had wash away. 

"You did," Zuko said. 

"Really?" Kaito asked looking to me confused. 

"I think you were the dog," I added. 

"What?!" Kaito asked a bit offended. 

The three of us just nodded as Kaito let the reality of this horrible play sink in. I yawned loudly while we got back to our seats to see the final stretch of the play. We watched as the Sokka, Katara and Aang went to the Fire Nation. They showed Katara as the Painted Lady, a spirit that looked over a small village over the water while it was being polluted. Then how Sokka got his sword after they ran into the meteorite. Then combustion man suddenly died. And After all that it was the invasion. 

"We finally made it to the royal palace, but no ones home," The Aang announced.

"Actually, I'm home," The Zuko said walking out. 

"Me too," The Kya sighed as the dog we saw earlier was next to the two and loudly barked.

"Spirits I really am the dog," Kaito said in a groan. 

"Told ya," I whispered as she grumbled under her breath. 

"I want to join you," The Zuko announced.

"I guess we have no choice," The Sokka said,"Come on,"

"I guess thats it," Sokka said getting up to stretch,"The play's caught up to the present now,"

"Wait," Suki said pulling Sokka back down to sit,"The plays not over,"

"But it is over," Sokka said before putting his hand to his chin,"Unless this is the future,"

I sighed,"Just watch the play Sokka," 

We saw Fire Lord Ozai appear on stage. The Ozai went on a monologue about the Fire Nation becoming unstoppable with the comet and other narcissistic and egotistical things which I nulled out because I was getting bored.

"Father, Zuko and the Avatar are here at the palace," The Azula said,"They are trying to stop you,"

"You take care of Zuko," The Fire Lord said,"I shall face the Avatar myself,"

The Zuko and Aang jumped in to where the Azula stood.

"Aang, you find the Fire Lord. I'll hold her off," The Zuko ordered as the Aang flew off. 

"You are no longer my brother," The Azula said,"You are an enemy," 

"No, I am the rightful heir to the throne!" 

"We'll see," 

They danced around each other violently throwing a long prop meant to be flames. The Zuko and Azula jumped and dodged each other until the Azula summoned a large flame that covered the Zuko. 

"Honor!" The Zuko yelled, throwing his hands up behind the flames as I widened my eyes. 

Then the dog that was meant to be Kaito rushed across the stage after seeing a fallen Zuko, barking intensely at the Azula. Once the jumped onto the Azula, she was thrown of after biting her and a large flame was sent her way too.

"I never liked dogs anyways," She finished with a bow, the crowd began cheering and applause rang through the building once more. 

Zuko widened his eyes. Zuko, Kaito and I had our mouths slightly open out of shock as everyone looked at the two fire benders. We were all just speechless about this play at this point.

The scene changed again, showing the Aang now facing off with the Fire Lord. The comet was already passing and showered the Aang trying to avoid the Fire Lords attacks before being engulfed in a very large stream of fire.

"It is over, father," The Azula said,"We've done it,"

"Yes, we have done it," The Fire Lord Ozai said with a smile," The dreams of my father and my father's father have now been realized," 

He was lifted off the stage as flames emerged in the background and a large Fire Nation flag dropped behind him,"The world is mine,"

The crowd stood up now cheering louder then ever as we all sat there fazed by what we had just witnessed. I put my hand over my mouth and took a large breath in, trying to wave off whatever this play was.

"Okay then," Sokka said being the first to walk out. 

"It's finally over," Kaito in a bit of a cheer, standing up to stretching her arms.

"That wasn't a good play," Zuko said as we walked back to the house. 

"I'll say," Aang added.

"No kidding,"


"You said it,"

"At least, I think I can sleep well tonight after that mess," I replied.

"But the effects were decent," Sokka shrugged.

Once we got to the house I decided stayed out again looking at the stars. It was a beautiful night, one that we couldn't properly enjoy since we all decided to sit through hours of horrible entertainment. Zuko approached me warily. I turned around to him as I patted the ground next to me for him to sit. He just looked at me, slowly sitting down. I hummed at him so that he would say something.

"You know it was all fake right?" Zuko said softly making me laugh loudly.

He looked at me confused as I tried to stop laughing but his expression softened a bit.

"Your so sweet to think I was bothered by that crap of a play," I laughed holding his hand with both of mine.

Zuko smiled at me before kissing me softly on the cheek. We just looked at each other, our eye's drowned in one another making me stifle another laugh. 

"Let's watch Love Amongst the Dragons one day," I suggested.

Zuko smiled again, pulling me into a tight and loving hug,"I would love to," 

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