Love Differences {under const...

By That_Fan_Girl_

13.2K 502 54

Join blossom, bubbles, and buttercup while they face their greatest challenge yet! High school. With the rowd... More

Powerpuff Girls in Highschool
New kids or new toys?
BubbleV is back
Wait what?
Now what?
Textes and Questions
I need you
Good and Bad
Plays and Confessions
Quick Note
The Brute a Brat and everything Berzerk
I Hate You Please Love Me
Over and Over
Born This Way
Locked Away

Say Something

320 16 2
By That_Fan_Girl_


"Did... did Brick do something?" She asked turning to Brute and her sister. The girls remained silent, Brute refusing to make eye contact unable to lie to her blue friend. Brat flashed Bubbles a sneer smile, as Brick walked forward. He stopped in front of Bubbles looking her in the eyes. Nobody knew what he wanted, all he did was stare. "Piss off." Butch growled holding the blond by the waist tightly. Brick gave a sad smile toward the blond and nodded. "I guess you aren't coming home anytime soon then..." he whispered to his green brother. He got a growl in response as Brute repeated, "He said, Piss. Off." the punk girl slowly stood up the tension between them all was making it hard for Bubbles to breath. With that, the red head boy walked away silently, leaving with his dark aura around him. Bubbles stared after him, something about him. It was strange and darker than what he was suppose to contain. She needed to go after him. Alone.

After school, Bubbles got into a maroon colored car. She didn't bother telling her boyfriend she had left cheer leading practice early. Instead, she slam the sports car door shut and sighed out. "This better worth it. I can't be caught alright?" she asked the red head as his ruby eyes looked at her with no emotion and nodded. The drive was silent and it bothered Bubbles quiet a bit. 'Why did I agree to this?' she thought to herself fiddling with her thumbs nervously. She glanced at Brick who's eyes were glued to the road. As if in a dark trance. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. If anything she felt like she was heading toward her death. But, they both had powers, so neither one had an advantage. 'This is so wrong... Butch will never let me leave his sight if he finds out!' Bubbles began to panic. She didn't want to lose the sacred trust she and the green boy had. Then again, he wasn't telling her the whole story.

Brute walked along the field, a habit of hers she desperately needed to break. You see, every Wednesday, Brute would watch Bubbles cheer practice. She adored how the blond would sore up into the air like a bird and come almost crashing down to the bottom only to be caught like an angel. Which she totally was. A blush crept up her face when she saw the team. Bats buzzing around in her stomach. They were all beautiful. Like those model girl's you'd see on television or in a magazine. Brute desperately wanted to be like them. Perfect body and curves. But no, her father had forsaken her, she was flat chested like a boy, she acted out like a boy, she almost SOUNDED like a boy. It was enough to make a girl go nuts after being called gay. It made her sick, that homosexuality wasn't allowed or legal in most countries. 'I mean, what does it matter?! Who cares if I like breast! who cares if boy's aren't my type?!' she scowled at herself in shame. Who would care? The punk girl stared at the floor annoyed. Bubbles would never speak to her again... her sisters would never accept her... Her dad would destroy her... Brute scowled and stomped over to the cheer crowd. 'Bubbles would never do that!!! Being the beautiful angel she is... she would accept me...' this gave Brute hope, but that hope had dissolve when the girl's informed her that Bubbles left early in a maroon sports car.

Blossom felt so happy. She hadn't felt this much joy since... well since she dumped Boomer. But as ironic as it was, she couldn't live without him. Boomer decided to keep his emo look, mostly because he knew Blossom thought he looked hot. He swore to go cold turkey on the drugs, to which the pink puff was extremely happy about. Boomer did warn her though, "Bloss... when you were... away..." he started trying to tell her, "I developed some... issues..." he gritted his teeth at issues. Blossom put a soft hand on his shoulder as looked at him silently, as if urging him to go on. "I was so angry... at myself... at.. you..." he whispered making Blossom look away. "You have anger issues..." He nodded as the red head sighed and gave a small smile. "As long as I'm with you, it doesn't matter." With that, they shared a long, passionate, and much needed kiss.

When Bubbles arrived at the Rowdy house, she and Brick sat down at the kitchen table. Again, silence surrounded them. "Brick..." bubbles finally managed to get out. The ruby eyed boy looked up and stared at her. Emotions nowhere to be seen. The blond gulped silently and continued, "Why is Butch angry with you?" She asked and a small smile made its way on Brick's face. "Heh... so, he hasn't told you yet?" The red head asked as the blond leaded forward, eagerly listening. "Told me what?" She asked her eyes wide and mind racing with confusion. Brick sighed and leaded back in his chair. Silence surrounded them, until Bubbles's patients came to an end. She stood up and slammed her hands against the desk, "SAY SOMETHING!" She screamed angry with all the secrets... all the lies... Brick nodded a small frown on his face. "Don't say I didn't warn you." he started as she scowled and flipped him off. "I don't care! Everyone is lying to me! Just cut the crap and fucking tell me!" She snapped and glared at Brick, who's eyes were wide. "Alright Blondie."

It was only two months... we didn't even know what we were doing... All Butch and I knew... was that we were in love. He held me like I was his only chance at love. I held him like he was my life source...
"Brick." Butch smiled in his older brother's arms, cuddling up against his chest, as they sat in the raven haired boy's room. Brick smoothed down Butch's gelled up hair and kissed his forehead. "Yeah Butchie?" Butch giggled at his pet name and kissed his brother's lips softly. "I love you." Brick gave a goofy grin and kissed Butch's lips again. "I love you more." They smiled to themselves getting lost into each other's eyes. Boomer walked in without knocking, again. The blond snorted and burst out laughing. "You guys are totally gay for each other." he smiled shrugging at the two. Brick blushed as Butch stood up and flipped his blue brother off. "Fuck off Boomie." Boomer crossed his arms and asked, "How about giving me some love?" All three brother's knew he was joking. To which they bursts out laughing. "Seriously though, get a lock, if you guys have sex one of these days, I don't want any part." Boomer snickered as Butch flipped him off again. Boomer closed the door, his laughs being heard from the halls. "Butchie..." Brick whined holding his hands out. "What is it my red bull?" Butch smiled casually walking around the bed. "Cuddle with me... I'm cold." "Lair." Butch stuck out his tongue but, walked over and cuddled with his red brother. "I don't want this to ever end..." Butch whispered as he fell asleep in Brick's arms. "Me too Butchie..."

'But it has too...'

Bubbles had tears welling up in her eyes. Brick looked away, ashamed of himself. "Go ahead, say it. Say it was disgusting, say you never want to speak to me again!" He yelled as she stared at him, getting up slowly. Approaching him carefully. "Say something!" Brick yelled but his voice cracked, as the tears fell from his face. The drops just coming and coming. Falling one by one, he collapsed to the ground on his knees. "Say it..." he cried as Bubbles got on her knees. And hugged him. He cried onto her shoulder, as she held onto him with so much love, with so much understanding... "Brick..." she whispered holding his face with her small hands. Wiping his tears away. "What?" He whimpered as she smiled sadly. "It's okay Brick... You were in love..." she whispered to him as he shock his head with disgust. "He is my brother! He is a guy!" He cried out. Bubbles shock her head no, "Brick, Brick listen to me..." she cooed hugging him again as he cried onto her shoulder again. "Did you love him?" She asked as he nodded sniffing. "More than anything in the world." he responded hugging her back. "Did you hurt him?" She asked. He nodded and whimpered out, "My worst mistake..." Bubbles pulled away one last time. "Do you regret anything you did together?" The silence surrounded them like a hive of raging bees. "Brick..." Bubbles whispered to him. "Say something..." Brick gave a small smile, "No, I don't. It was the best 2 months of my life..." With that, Brick gained another friend, and accepted who he was. He was gay.

Brute had called Bubbles's at least 28 times. Straight to voicemail. 'where could she be?!' She scowled to herself. She wasn't home, she wasn't at the park, or back at school. Suddenly, a maroon car pulled up and Brute's angel walked out without a scratch. She waved goodbye to the person inside, the tinted windows didn't help see inside. "Bubbles!" Brute yelled out running after her. Bubbles eyes widen and the car sped off. Brute so desperately wanted to chase after that car on her motorcycle, but Bubbles was more important than some jack ass. "Bubbles! I was so worried! Where were you?!" Brute asked hugging the blond girl tightly. "I was... I was with a friend." she stammered. "And what is up with your phone?!" Brute raged as the blue girl looked down. Sadness was read all over her face. "I'm sorry Brute.. I just.." she started but Brute cut her off. "Look Bubbles, its ok... just... never do that ok?" She half laughed and the blond smiled sadly nodding. The raven haired girl sighed and grabbed Bubbles's arm, "Come on, I have to tell you something." Bubbles followed without hesitation. They reached the empty girl's locker room. "What is it Brute?" Bubbles asked waiting. Staring into Bubbles's innocent blue eyes, Brute couldn't do it. She couldn't lose her only friend. "I... I." she started as the blond studied the raven haired girl. "Brute...?" She asked as the raven haired girl's green eyes flashed to the blond's pink lips. She couldn't hold back anymore. They were so close to, if she just crashed down... "Bru-" Bubbles was caught off mid sentence by Brute's kiss. It was short and passionate on the green girl's side. Brute pushed the blond away, her eyes widen, shocked at what she had done. Without another word, the punk girl ran off before Bubbles's could gather what the fuck had happened. One thing was for sure...

Brute had kissed her.

A/N: hey guys! So that just happened! I hope nobody here is a homophobic, cause I totally accept anyone for who they are. Gay, lesbian, trans, disabled, whatever the case, we are all human. It doesn't matter if you love the same gender, as long as you love that special someone, take it from me. A person who cares about who you are, it's ok. :)

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