The Golden Legend

By Unicorn0515

11.4K 127 10

Paige Scott the daughter of the original red ranger and the Zeo gold ranger. After growing up under all the l... More

Prelude to a Storm
There's No "I" In Team
Beauty and the Beach
Looming Thunder
Thunder Strangers Part 1
Thunder Strangers Part 3
Nowhere to Grow
A Ranger's Journey
Snip it, Snip it Good
Return of Thunder Part 1
Return of Thunder Part 2
Return of Thunder Part 3
Return of Thunder Part 4

Thunder Strangers Part 2

574 7 1
By Unicorn0515

Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies

trains our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three, who would be chosen above the others.

Three who will become...


Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

The call is on!

Their force is getting strong!

They'll have to brave the weather!

Ninja Storm! stand together!

The storm will grow!

Waters flow!

Power Ranger Ninjas Go!

Power Rangers Ninja Storm is growing (growing)

is growing (growing)



Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

With the speed of the wind!


And strength like thunder!


Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

"Any sign of the rangers Cam?" "So far nothing but scorched Earth and a few fragments of zord wreckage."

"Come on." as the brothers and Kelly ran to see if they could help their friends. "There." shouted Blake as he saw Tori coming over the top of the hill. Shane and Dustin were helping Paige up the hill considering sometime during the walk she had started to wake up but was not all there. "We were riding our bikes when we saw the smoke. Are you guys okay?" "Paige!" exclaimed Hunter as he rushed to the girls and held her gently in his arms scared that she would not be there if he let go. "Are you okay?" "I think so I don't really remember much of what happened before whatever happened." "What happened?" Hunter questioned the other three to see if they could tell him what happened to Paige. "I was listening in the car on the way here they think it was some kind of alien attack." "What does that sort of thing happen a lot around here?" "You never wonder why housing was so cheap." "We need to call someone, the police, the FBI, the CIA." "No kelly we're fine thanks." Hunter looked down at the girl in his arms, still worried if she was truly alright "Paige, look at me." and grabbed either side of her face to make sure she was truly okay. "Why don't I take you home and you rest a little bit okay?" "Yeah Paige you go home we will talk to you later okay." said Shane and Tori came up and hugged her and Paige secretly gave her morpher to Tori for Cam to look at. Hunter walked Paige back to her house and helped her lay down in her bed and was about to leave when Paige stopped him. "Thank you so much for helping me Hunter." "Of course Sunshine you know I will do anything for you. " Are you feeling any better?" "My head is still a little fuzzy but I think I will feel better after a nap." "Sleep tight angel." and neither one of them noticed the slight glow they both had.

"Sir the thunder rangers have failed, please permit me to attack while the enemy is still vulnerable." "Do you listen to anything I say, Zurgane." "Sir." "What did I tell you about the power rangers?" "Well uhhh...." "I'll give you a hint. It's to do with their power and how you destroy them. Anyone? Anyone?" "uhhh." "It has to be really painful?" "Wrong answer but thanks for playing our game." and he fired a blast at Marah but she moved out of the way and it hit CHoobo instead. "What kind of answer was that? Huh." "I don't know, I just thought..." "What did I tell you about thinking?" "Dont." "exactly." "To defeat the power rangers they must be in their ranger form." "Sir, that hurt quite a lot." "It's a laser beam it's supposed to hurt. Now get out of here everyone." "Yes sir." "And don't do anything until I tell you."

"You guys all right?" "That was way harsh man. You know what I think my morpher's toast. Plus I am really worried about Paige. I think she really hit her head hard." as he showed his friends his morpher." "Cam is going to freak when he finds out we thrash the zords and that Paige was hurt and did not let him check her out."

Back at Ninja Ops Cam is seen holding Four power ranger morphers

"Well you've managed to reduce years of technological advance into a pile of scrap metal in a single afternoon not to mention what you did to the zords and are you sure Paige is okay?"

"Cam now is not the time."

"I'm sorry you're right."

"And cam yes she went home and layed down you know she will probably be back in Ninja Ops either later today or tomorrow even if she is not ready." said Tori. Cam gave her a grateful smile before continuing "Thankfully the auto retreat allowed the reactors time to rest the holographic portals. I've engaged the self-reconstruct functions." "Dude I've got no idea what you just said." "They're fixing themselves." "Oh okay okay right sweet. Ow." said Dustin as Sensei slipped off of his head and in front of Cam. "hey Sensei uh why didn't they finish us off." "I mean those zords they had were sicko bro uh I mean Sensei."

"Thunder swords created by the same technology that power your own." "And these thunder ninjas work for Lothor that doesn't make any sense plus why do they think Paige has betrayed them." "Yeah, no more than Zurgane booking out of there when they showed up." "I suspect that as with all evil alliances there is dissension in their ranks dissension that can be used to our advantage when the time is right but hopefully not to our disadvantage. You three must watch over Paige carefully. We do not know the connections that they might have with Paige." the three nodded in understanding before Dustin said " I hope these are under warranty." "I just feel totally helpless there's got to be something we can do." "For now you must return to your daily lives if Lothor suspects anything out of the ordinary it will only give him more power." "And be careful they've already stolen the Tsunami Cycles discs somehow whoever you speak to make sure you trust them. Tell Paige if she feels up to it she can come and sit with me in Ninja Ops to get rid of the craziness."

At the beach

"Tori is walking back to her fan clearly thinking about something "What no hello?" turning around Tori saw that it was Blake and Hunter "sorry my mind's somewhere else." "Yeah rough day." "yeah actually going to see Paige after I'm done surfing she always helps my rough days." "Yeah she does his days more than mine." said Blake as he smiled at his big brother before getting a smack to the back of the head. Tori giggled "I get what you mean on that one." looking at Hunter with knowing eyes. "Hey thanks again for helping me out there and for taking Paige home." "Oh yeah hey listen uh don't mention it. Anytime." "I'll keep that in mind." "cool."

"I'll catch you later." "yeah Sure thing." and tori went back to walk on the beach. "Wow, smooth. You'll have to show me your moves sometime." "What so I can help you ask sunshine on a date?" messing with his brother before running off seeing a flustered Hunter running after him.

Back at Storm Chargers Dustin is seen in the shop part changing the oil on his bike

"Dude you've changed your oil like four times already." "Yeah I don't know man I..I Just can't stop thinking about why those thunder punks just didn't destroy us when they had the chance you know." 'Maybe something to do with Paige."

"Hey kel." "Yo check it out." "Hey just fill these out before the race and we're good to go um make sure your parents sign them..." "We don't leave with our parents." said Hunter "Oh I'm sorry." "Hey don't sweat it we'll get the forms back to you tomorrow okay?" "Great I'll see you out there then." "Cool."

"You know I'm going to see if they want to hit the track later." "I don't know man something about those guys." "Comeon man." says Dustin as he puts his hand on Shane's shoulder but once he removes it Shane sees a grease stain on his shirt. "Sorry dude I'll..gotta go." before he backs into a counter and runs out the store. "Yeah. Man I wonder if Paige left a shirt of mine around for me to change. Or even better something to get this stain out."

Blake and Hunter are seen outside of Storm Charger and Dustin is trying to catch up to them "hey guys wait up." as he rounded the corner they were gone "where'd they go?"

On Lothor's ship

"Are you finished yet?" "Almost just hold still." as Marah is painting his fingernails. "Ok so what I'm going to do is give you a light topcoat to protect against chipping and cracking." 'For the last time I'm an evil space ninja not a male model. Just a light trim and buff." "See I told you no fashion sense huh." "Permission to speak sir." "as long as I can Vaporize you when you say something stupid." "well uhhh.." "I'm kidding. Have a sense of humor, why don't you?" "Of course sir, very amusing. Now then I've come to admit that I deserved your most recent merciful punishment." "And." "Please allow me to redeem myself. I have found an alien life form that will lure the power rangers into their morphed form and then destroy them." "All right let's give it a rip." "Yes." "But don't blow it I was only half joking about that vaporizing thing. "Yes Sir." "There we go, just don't pick your nose for a while." "or vaporize anybody for the next couple of hours." "They have to dry first." "Hmmm." said Lothor admiring his nails.

"I'M FREEE! I owe you one Zuragne, you the man. I'm so Thirsty." As the frog monster releases some of his polytheism into the water to suck it all up. "Bottoms up my little polytrons. Drink it up. Drink it all." At the beach you can see all the water disappear until there is none left "what the water. What happened?" "Oh my gosh what is that?" Said someone in the crowd as everyone on the beach ran for cover "Oh a ranger how convenient. Time to make a splash" Says the frog monster as Tori gets into a fighting position. "Ninja Storm Ranger form?" Looking down her wrist she remembered that her morpher was with Cam for repairs. "Better hop to it." Says the frog as he fires at Tori but lucky she dived out of the way. "Guess it's not Morphin time after all is it? Low tide for you Malibu beach buddy." And he fires some of the polytrons at Tori's feet causing an explosion to occur." Come closer ranger your not afraid of a few warts are you?" Says the frog as he keeps getting closer to Tori as she keeps backing up. "I really wish I hadn't gone to the beach today." And the mister gets distracted when someone on a motocross bike comes in. "Hang on Tori. I'm coming." Said Blake as he pulled up right beside the frog knocking him over. "Eat some beach." Before riding over to Tori "Run." "Blake?" "I'll distract him." And Blake wrote right towards the monster "No! Stop! Don't!" But the frog jumped over Blake avoiding him altogether. "Blake, watch your back." The frog fired a shot right at Blake hitting his back tire of his bike causing him to fall off. Tori saw this and ran up behind the frog and kicked him "That hurt." And Tori starts fighting the frog in hand to hand combat like she had practiced with Paige before but as she goes to kick him again he takes her leg and tosses her across the sand. "Now my polytrons will finish the job." "Tori!" As the frog fires his polytrons at Tori she prepares for the worst when Blake jumps in front of her on his bike taking the hit and causing him to fall to the ground. "No!"

Exclaimed Tori as she rushed to go check on him. "So much water so little time we'll catch you later bye bye." And the frog disappears. "Blake. Blake, are you alright?" Tori helps Blake roll over to see a few of the polytrons have oranger electricity surrounding them as they suck the water out of Blake.

"Cam I need your help outside." Said Tori as she rushed inside. "Can't it wait , Paige just left after helping me and we almost got the morphers back online. "It's an emergency my friend, he's hurt." This got Can's attention and he stopped and stood up really quick. "And you brought him here, you ever heard of a hospital?" "I know, I know but he was hurt because of me. Please come look at him. It was one of Lothor's space freaks. We have to help him." "Alright but you can explain to Paige and my father." And the two ran out of Ninja Ops to help Tori's friend.

"What are those things?" said Tori as she watched Cam help Blake "Some kind of cybernetic leech. Looks like they dehydrate the human body until it just shuts down."

"Well did you get them off in time." "I think so, this guy must drink a lot of water." "His name's Blake." "I don't care what his name is, dad and Paige are gonna flip when they find out you brought him here. And I don't know about you but I don't want to deal with an angry Paige because she gets too angry her animal spirit may just come out." "Well then maybe they shouldn't find out." Cam just sighed "the morphers are on the console inside. Go get them, I'll stay here." "Thanks Cam." said Tori and she gave him a kiss on the cheek before going through the secret entrance to the ninja academy. "Men as a species are doomed." as Cam watches Tori go through the waterfall but he did not seem to notice that Blake had opened his eyes and watched Tori go through it.

Shane and Dustin are seen at the track working on Dustin's bike. "And when you got to the alley Blake and Hunter were gone." "Yeah man." "What's up with that?" "You know what, maybe they're really like master illusionists. You know like that that guy on tv who makes the tanks disappear now that would be cool huh. I bet Paige knows." "hey have you guys seen Blake?" said Hunter walking up to the two wind rangers "Gee second time today he's just disappeared."

After making sure Blake was okay she went by Paige's house and picked her and the three drove to the track. Tori, Blake, and Paige pulled up in Tori's van but Paige got out to give the two some time and so she could see Hunter. "Hunter, Shane, Dustin!" exclaimed Paige as she rushed over to her three friends. "Paige, do you like feeling any better?" said Dustin "yeah I feel a whole lot better I guess I just needed some rest." "Well that's good you had us worried there for a second." said Shane as he gave the girl a hug and Paige gave Dustin a hug as well before going over to Hunter. "I'm glad you are feeling better sunshine. You had me worried." And Hunter gave Paige a big hug which she gladly returned. But in the background the two wind rangers gave each other a knowing look. " Thanks bubba also if you were looking for Blake he is talking with Tori." said Paige giving him a knowing look about the two. "I know, let's go get him before he embarasses himself in front of his crush."

Meanwhile with Blake and Tori

"Listen uh thanks for what you did back there and I don't know what happened un I guess I just blacked out." "yeah you took a nasty fall you're actually pretty lucky."

"I feel like a chump. I mean I try to save you and you end up saving me instead." "Forget it, it's no big deal." "Hey what happened? You alright?" "Long story I'll tell you later." and Paige let the two brothers go off and talk while she went up to Tori "Look at you Tori getting some quality time with Blake." "Oh shut up. What about you and Hunter." said a blushing Tori before looking at her friend to see her blushing as well.

"I still do not get why you guys will not let me ride on the track." huffed Paige "Because you were pretty out of it after the battle and I am not going to explain to Cam of Sensei why you got hurt worse." said Tori. "But besides I got your morpher guys and I think we're gonna need them." "Hey!" "Hey guys." "hey." "I just wanted to say thanks for taking care of my bro." "Anytime." said Tori as Paige gave a reassuring smile "We owe you one and we always make good on our promises." "except when that promise is to get ice cream." grumbled Paige as she crossed her arms "Paige that's not fair." "Paige, we have been over this, you do not need ice cream." "Yeah Mana we have all seen you on sugar and that's not a good idea." Paige just huffed making the others laugh. "Well anyways good to know thanks." "We got to get home. Parents, you know how it is." Yeah okay I'll catch you later." "See you." "Later." "Bye paige." said Hunter as he went and gave her a kiss on the cheek before whispering "I don't think Blake is ready to tell Tori about our Parent okay?" and Paige just nodded before waving good-bye. "Here. when you see Cam say thank you. I think he's feeling a little unappreciated." "dude they told kelly they didn't live with their parents right? I mean that's what we heard." " Yeah that's right." Before Paige could say anything their morphers beeped "I've located that frog again he's at the riverbank hurry and Paige be careful." "dude if Cam wants a frog let's just stop by the pet store I mean they got like a like a tank like full of them." "Dustin that's not oh forget it." said Paige "I'll explain on the way you ready?" "Ready!" "Ninja Storm Ranger Form Ha! Wind Ranger Power! Elemental Ranger Power!" and all four of the ninja ninja streaked in front of the frog with a fighting positions with their swords. But the frog sent a blast at all of the ninja using them to come together and be bonded by chains. "I can't move." "I can't use my elemental powers without risking hurting you guys." "Going up. Next floor houseware and sporting goods. Hope you can swim." says the frog as he throws the ninja into the water. "I knew they'd make a splash." "Put it on rewind." "I'm flipping out." "Lucky this is wash and wear." "Hey frogman you looked a little croaked up."

"Okay guys ninja beams." and the ninjas shot out beams from their morphers. The beams caused some damage but not before the frog disappeared. "What?" "Where did he go?" "you guys into hip hop?" and he hopped by the rangers slashing at them but Paige had her ninja sword ready and slashed his chest causing him to fall over. "Stupid gold ranger. Polytrons." and three polytrons landed on each of the ranger's chest causing an explosion. "Friendly aren't they?" "This guys tough. Huh?" looking up to see lightning in the sky and as it strikes the ground the two thunder rangers can be seen. "What?" "Like fighting a giant frog wasn't bad enough." "These two are really starting to test my patience for evil rangers." "Thunder Staff's Attack!" And the two thunder rangers started running towards the other rangers "Thunder Staff!" Said Paige as she got ready to fight the two thunder rangers to protect her friends but they ran past the ninja and straight towards the frog. The two thunder's worked in sync with one another slashing at the frog causing a lot of damage. "But I thought we were on the same teammm." Said the frog as the thunder rangers picked him up with their staffs and threw him across the battlefield. But the frog still landed on his feet "I guess not. Polytrons!" And fired his polytrons at the crimson and navy rangers "Thindershields!" And two shields came up blocking the polytrons and ended up sending them back to the frog causing him to get a taste of his own medicine. "My precious. Owwww." As the explosion happened right at his feet. "Thunder staff's. Tornado star." and throws them at the frog causing an explosion to occur. "Imagine all the good they could do."

"Crimson blaster!" "Navy antler!" "Thunder Weapons!" "You ready?" 'You know it." and the navy ranger jumped up and went over, opening up the antlers and putting them around the frog's waist, lifting him up and throwing him "how about a lift?" "Wow!" The frog lands on his feet and then says "well that's didnt hurt." but then turned to see the crimson ranger coming his way. "How about this?" firing his blaster multiple times sending the frog flying back and falling to the ground. "Let's put it together." "Thunder Blaster!" "Ready when you are." " Ready?" "I'm too young to croak." "Fire!" and the crimson ranger pulls the trigger and uses a giant ball of lightning to hit the frog causing him to fall over and explode. "Don't deal." said the crimson ranger as they walked away from the explosion. "Hey wait. What's up with you guys." "Why did you just help us?" "Hello, anybody in there?" "wait! I don't know why you did what you did but thank you." said Paige as the two thunder rangers stopped and nodded at her before continuing to walk away. "We're even wind rangers."

"Maybe they're the strong silent types." "I don't get it." "Who knows but maybe they aren't as bad as they seem."

"What is it with these two? I need closers here. Is anyone around here a closer?" said Lothor before hitting a few buttons on the personal alien manager to send the scroll of empowerment to make the frog grow. "I haven't croaked yet, rangers." "Let's toast this toad once and for all." "Right!" "Yeah!" "You got it!' "Cam guess what we need." "don't tell me." said Cam as he deployed the zords. And next thing you know ll of the rangers zords have arrived on the scene "let's do it." and all four ninja then ninja streaked into their zord. "You guys ready?" questioned Shane to the two other wind rangers "ready!" "Storm Megazord!" and there stood the Storm Megazord and the DragonZord ready to fight "About time Polytrons!" and shot polytrons all over the megazords but then let them explode on the ninja zord causing damage to occur. "We're getting schooled." " Cam anything you can send our way?" "uh try the Ram Hammar and the Dragon Dagger."

"What do you think guys?" "Yeah!" "Power disc received. Let's lock and drop." "Summoning Dragon Dagger!" the Ram Hammer appeared from the Storm Megazord while a big version of her Dragon Dagger appeared in her zords hand. "Oh you had to go there didn't you." then fired more polytrons at the rangers "Bring it on frog face." and the rangers used the hammer and the dagger to deflect the polytrons back to the frog and cause them to explode on him and knock him over. "Is he down for good?" "Just resting. What else ya got?" "Dustin never ask that." "Ready!" "Set!" "Aim!" "Hammer!" and the rangers did their final attack with their hammer while Paige threw the dagger right at the frog. And he was destroyed in an explosion. Cheers could be heard from the cockpit from both zords "awesome!" "We did it!"

The ninjas were walking back into Ninja Ops talking about Hunter and Blake "Yeah that's what he told Kelly no parents." "Blake and Hunter lied to me. Why?" "Listen T their parents is a rough subject for both of them they might not have been ready to tell you yet." Tori nodded silently. But no one could say anything else because the two thunder rangers walk out with Cam and they are holding his hands behind their back. All four ninjas get into a fighting position in front of them 'what are you doing here?" questioned Shane but as an answer the two rangers demorphered to reveal Blake and Hunter. "So what do you want? How did you get in here?" "Ask her." replied Hunter looking at Tori "Blake?" "Hunter?' questioned the girls but the boyd couldn't even look at Paige because her face was breaking their hearts. Paige had so many emotions going through her head she did not know what to say she was hurt they were the evil ninja she had been fighting. But Hunter's expression dropped a little when he saw the hurt that was on Paige's face before he turned the other way when his brother spoke. "I'm sorry but we had to find the Ninja Ops. I didn't mean to use you." and tori had a hurt look on her face before she saw Cma struggle in the two brother grip "If you hurt him I will hunt you down." "We both will." said Paige standing beside Tori. "We give him back if Paige comes with us willingly." "No way." said Shane as he pushed Paige behind him and Dustin held her in his arms. "Paige don't you even think about it." said Cam "Fine. I will go willingly and you let Cam go." and she walked over to the two brothers as they released him. "Goodbye rangers and good luck in your future battles." said Hunter as he put his arm around Paige's wrist before they did a smoke screen and disappeared. Cam ran and checked the area where his father normally lives "everyone all right?" "What did they want in Ninja Ops? Why take Paige?" Cam gets up and turns around with his glasses in his hand before responding "My father."

"They took my father." Said Cam


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