Children of The Fallen

Galing kay ggwrites_1864

3.6K 68 33

"I didn't think that the first night at my new college would end with me getting my back broken. And not in t... Higit pa

Chapter 2: is she dead?
Chapter 3: am I being kidnapped?
Chapter 4: a perfectly reasonable explanation
Chapter 5: lie to me
Chapter 6: sobbing silently is a talent
Chapter 7: you look awful
Chapter 8: fucked up Princess Diaries
Chapter 9: conform, comply, compromise
Chapter 10: red and black
Chapter 11: bandaged up and feeling stupid
Chapter 12: the date
Chapter 13: sticking to the regimen
Chapter 14: distractions
Chapter 15: yay genocide
Chapter 16: we're saved, we have rocks
Chapter 17: monster
Chapter 18: North Carolina
Chapter 19: don't piss Grayson off
Chapter 20: PEMDAS
Chapter 21: hallucinations
Chapter 22: colorless Rubik's cubes
Chapter 23: a night off
Chapter 24: lectures
Chapter 25: bloodied knuckles
Chapter 26: mistakes and apologies
Chapter 27: November 22
Chapter 28: cake and vodka
Chapter 29: why aren't I dead?
Chapter 30: not human
Chapter 31: 117 Years
Chapter 32: faking it
Chapter 33: we're both a little fucked up aren't we?
Chapter 34: I have his eyes
Chapter 35: alone
Chapter 36: insecurity and desperation
Chapter 37: truth
Chapter 38: let me tell you a little story
Chapter 39: family
Chapter 40: drown

Chapter 1: getting my back broken (not fun)

373 4 0
Galing kay ggwrites_1864

Morgan Sinclair

I didn't think that the first night at my new college would end with me getting my back broken. And not in the fun way.

I'm kind of annoyed about it. Not how I wanted to kick this year off. I got into my dream school, University of Miami. Big change from New York but I've loved this school since I found out what college was. I was looking forward to this for a while.

I had decided to spend my first two years at a nearby community college to get my pre rec classes out of the way and save money. It was definitely a good idea, but the vibe of the school was: go to class, go home, and that's it. So to get to a big university I was excited for that cliche "college experience." I was excited to get shitfaced at a frat party, hookup with random guys, join a sorority and probably regret it. It's where you're gonna make the most mistakes, I mean it's the first time most people have complete, or almost complete freedom. Every adult ever always told me "college is where you're supposed to find yourself" and I was really hoping that would reign true.

To kick the year off I wanted to have a fun night out with my new roommates who weirdly didn't have any social media so I was moving in with no prior knowledge of these two other than their names Victoria Brooks and Chloe Whitlock. I wanted to get to know them and get to know the area I'd be living in for the next two years. So it was pretty inconvenient for this shit to happen on the first fucking night.

I was the first one to arrive. My parents and my sister Lindsey helped me move in, while my brother Chris stayed at home. Afterwards, they left to fly back home since both my parents had work the following day.

Victoria and Chloe, moved in at the same time. I think they drove here together so there was no awkward, drawn out goodbye to their parents like I had. I was crying, Mom was crying, Lindsey was crying, Dad was trying not to cry but I saw his lip quiver as he asked me if I was sure I had my insulin and my stun gun for the fiftieth time.

First impression of Chloe, an absolute angel, and looks like one too. I was anxiously awaiting to actually meet the two of them but her vibrant bubbly energy set me at ease. Light green dazzling eyes and the shiniest golden blonde hair I've ever seen in my life, no frizz in sight. We spent hours together talking and laughing about random shit. Previous relationships or friend drama, our favorite tv shows, singers, and whatever else. We clicked instantly.

As for Victoria. She's gorgeous as well but quite frankly, she frightens me. It's not that she was mean or anything, she was actually pretty quiet she's just very intimidating. She's one of those people where she walks in and you know- don't piss her off. Her dark clothes matched her dark brown, nearly black hair and deep brown eyes that without even trying seem to naturally stare daggers.

I offered to help both Victoria and Chloe to move things in, only Chloe took me up on that. Victoria just said, "No, I got it." I loved her English accent but I was afraid to say anything and I figured being in America she probably gets comments about her accent all the time, I could imagine it's tiring. Aside from those four words it was radio silence for hours until we started to lightly pregame while we got ready. She didn't contribute much to the conversation, I did catch her glaring at me a whole bunch but I just accepted it. Her whole vibe seemed like she'd rather be anywhere else but here.

I ended up straightening my shoulder blade length, dark brown hair for the night and put on a semi- old black backless dress. I should've prepared more, it's Miami clubbing but I figured I'd have all the time in the world to go shopping throughout the semester. I grabbed my little purse so I can put my cards, some cash, and my mini stun gun in there. A gift from my dad and he made me promise to always take it out with me for extra security. I switched out my real ID with my fake since I won't be 21 till November, but according to this I'm 23 and a resident of Pennsylvania.

We all sat down in the living room and started to seriously pregaming the night, thank God because I was relying on the alcohol to numb this migraine of mine. "Oh I'll text the guys." Chloe excitedly said putting down her drink and taking out her phone. I noticed Victoria ever so slightly roll her eyes at Chloe's words. "Morgan, you'll love them."

The guys had already known Victoria and Chloe, which made me kind of nervous. Joining a friend group that's already established- let alone where half of them are related to each other, I was worried I'd feel like an outsider.

There's Dane, who's Chloe's boyfriend and Victoria's half brother. His bright hazel eyes contrasted Victoria's dark ones. They share the same dark brown hair and the same intimidating energy. His resting face looks like he's judging your entire bloodline but as soon as he talks to you he's the sweetest guy. While he is a man of few words- he's not as intimidating as he initially seemed.

Then there was Kellan, Chloe's cousin.

Holy shit is he gorgeous, when he first walked in I almost choked on my drink. He has these enchanting emerald green eyes, not to mention his smile. God his smile, I couldn't look away from it. Charming like a prince, it was warm and brilliant but also kind of smug like he knows he's attractive. He was wearing plain clothes- a pair of dark gray jeans, a white t shirt, and a gold chain around his neck, but damn did he make it look like the most fashionable outfit I've ever seen.

He entered running his hand through his middle parted dark blonde hair and when I was introduced I said "Hi nice to meet you," to him.

He smiled at me then he opened his mouth to speak, "Nice to meet you too." I was not expecting that deep of a voice. I almost passed away on the spot. The rest of the pregame I overthought that interaction, thinking that somehow I made a fool of myself in those 4 seconds. I cannot speak to men sober. Little to nothing is embarrassing or anxiety inducing to drunk me.

Around 10 we started getting ready to leave. Chloe finished her drink quickly as everyone stood up nearing the door. "Is Grayson meeting us there?" She asked.

"I don't keep track of your brother." Victoria snarked.

"He'll meet us there I texted him before." Dane said kindly, contrary to Victoria's harsh tone.

"You're going to have the pleasure of meeting Grayson later." Victoria brought her glass up to her lips. "Be excited." She said, downing the rest of her drink. Victoria had her own stash of alcohol, she drank almost half a bottle of whiskey by herself and still seemed coherent. I didn't know if I should be impressed or concerned.

"Why wasn't he with you guys? Where is he?" Chloe asked Dane and Kellan.

"Assholes too good to share an apartment with anyone. He wanted his own." Kellan said.

I looked over at Chloe who stood biting the inside of her cheek as her eyes flickered to the ground. "He's such a dick." Victoria commented before we all exited the apartment.

I've never had a set friend group ever. I was the designated backup friend. The friend you call when everyone else is busy. It hurt a lot but I got used to it. I accepted I was the odd chronically sick girl- figured I was just a hinderance to others. I did make the most of the times I was invited places. When college started, hanging out with anyone meant going to a bar or a club meaning I had to get a fake otherwise my nearly non existent social life would be completely non existent. So I've been to clubs before, only two in Manhattan and one local to me in Westchester but this club... damn.

I walked in and a huge smile plastered across my face. I felt it sink in, this was the start to my year.

To the right was a lounge and bar area for relaxing and recovering. Straight ahead was the two floored club with a dance floor and bar on each floor. We walked into the packed club area and the CO2 cannons went off while some random EDM song played but I was too drunk to even notice the music. Kellan unfortunately said he's, "not much of a dancer," and went into the lounge. Of course now that I would've have to confidence to dance with him and actually say something other than quick comments to contribute to a group conversation, he walked away.

We went out to the dance floor and for an hour or two danced in the little circle we made. Dane and Chloe danced with each other, Victoria kept drinking and bopped her head a little while she looked absolutely miserable. The club was incredibly crowded, people were pushing past and bumping into us every 10 seconds. With each person shoving to get past us and knocking into Victoria, she was getting more and more pissed off. I could've swore I saw her eyes legitimately turn red at one point too. About 20 minutes in, she ended up walking away to go sit in the lounge. Chloe and Dane were in their own little world, they were too busy now making out to notice that I headed off to the bar at the far end of the room.

I wasted another $17 ordering another drink- a vodka Red Bull and downed it. I know my limits, I wasn't in blackout/ throwing up territory but I'd definitely be stumbling out of here later. While I finished my drink I just sat back, leaning against the bar. Feeling it all. My head swaying a bit, my eyes feeling like they're floating, the slight involuntary smile, and no thoughts.

That's what I really wanted tonight. To not think. Not feel, even.

For as long as I can remember, I've felt uncomfortable in my own body. My mind is always elsewhere and physically- my body just feels wrong. I have type 1 diabetes so when I'd bring it up to my parents and doctors they'd immediately chalk it up to that. When I continued my complaints they ran tests and took me to specialists but nothing is physically wrong with me. So I'd get the classic, "It's all in your head." from the doctors. Very helpful, thank you.

In recent months my body has been a complete stranger to me. Like someone shrink wrapped my skin and I can't get out. My head has never felt more cloudy, I think I wake up with a migraine every day- I've had one for a week straight. So I wanted this one more drink it, it was making that current migraine go away and I just didn't want to deal with my issues tonight.

I started people watching the people at the bar- I love doing that. The couples, the groups taking shots, the people spilling their drinks, saw one guy just drop to the floor and get carried out. I was having a good, relaxing time until I felt a pair of hands grab my ass. I quickly knocked them away and turned to see some grown 40 year old man dressed like a 2014 teenager. "What the fuck?!" I yelled.

"Woah." The asshole said with a stupid smile on his face. "I was coming to buy you a drink." He proceeded to take a step too close.

"I have a boyfriend." I lied and I put out my hand to try and keep him at a distance but with my back up against the bar I couldn't step back any more.

He just laughed as he moved closer disregarding my hand, knocking it to the side. He leaned in right next to my ear, close enough that I felt his disgusting warm breath on me making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "What's your name?"

"What part of I have a boyfriend didn't click?" My eyes darted around trying to find a way out. There was crowds of people to my left and right, I'm blocked in.

"I don't see him around." He said and something in his glazed eyes sent a shiver up my spine. "I'm gonna buy you a drink." He put his hand around my back yanking me into him. "Tequila good?" He shouted over the music.

I physically pushed him off of me which forced me to bump into a guys back innocently standing next to me. "You need to get away from me." My voice shook as I reached into my tiny bag feeling around for my mini stun gun.

Who would've thought I'd need to use it the first tonight out?

He took another step closer, "I'm being nice to you, I'm buying you a drink and you're being a bitch?" I pull out the stun gun having it at my side, getting ready to use it.

"Touch her again and watch what happens." A deep, accented voice called out close enough I could hear its euphonic yet gruff tone over the music taking the 40 year olds attention away from me. I turned to find who the voice belonged to but he quickly took a step in between me and the man so I only saw back. "Fuck. Off." The man with the accent said. The creepy 40 year old's face dropped, he was so scared he literally sprinted away. Or as fast as you can sprint away in a crowded club.

The man turned around to face me so I could finally get a good look at him. "What a twat." He said.

Holy fuck.

The first thing I saw was his arms, which seem to perfectly fill the sleeves of his dark blue short sleeve shirt. His wavy dark brown short hair, was a perfect mess. Like he didn't have to try and his hair was just perfect. A venomous smile and his eyes. God, I could see those striking blue irises even through the darkness of the club. I stood there mesmerized examining this mans face. His jawline, his cheekbones, his everything but always going back to his eyes. I probably looked insane or stupid considering I didn't know how long I was staring at him.

Oh god, how long have I been staring?

"Yeah he really was something." I laughed snapping out of my trance and putting my stun gun back in my purse.

"You were going to tase him?" He questioned. I looked back up from my purse meeting his inquisitive eyes.

"Yeah shame you showed up, I would've gotten to use it."

"Would've been nice to see. I'm sure we could catch up to him, he couldn't have gotten that far."

I chuckled. His eyes raked up and down my body, and I could feel my heart pounding. I didn't know if I was nervous or horny, probably both. This man seemingly took all the air out of my lungs. I cleared my throat. "So um you go to school nearby? Or..."

Is that the best I could come up with? You go to school nearby?

"No I'm... on vacation."

"So not staying long then?" I leaned on my forearm against the bar.

"One can only hope." He said, doing the same as me not breaking eye contact. He's managed to make leaning look sexy.

"What, not a city guy?" I asked.

He looked around briefly, "Not a this city guy."

"What's wrong with Miami?"

"So many things."

"There's fun things to do here."

"Oh yeah like what?" The corner of his mouth curled, as his eyes examined my whole face.


I didn't let my shock show on my face but my blunt response certainly was a shock to my system.

His lips curled and a wickedness glinted in his eyes. Good, he didn't sprint away. "Forward are we?"

"Apparently." I subtly let a breath out while the screaming in my head stopped- thankful that that actually worked.

"So the boyfriend?"

"Doesn't exist." My eyes admire his faces striking beauty but I couldn't pull my stare away from his own- like his eyes have this magnetic field to them.

He nodded then held up two fingers to the nearby bartender. He pulled out his wallet giving the bartender his card. "Two shots, Grey Goose." He turned to me, "You a vodka girl?"

Internally I winced at the thought of a shot of straight vodka without a chaser. And also what's wrong with him that he could order such a thing so casually. Whatever, it's none of my business. "As long as it's strong I'm good. What's your name?"

"Names are bit personal, are they not?" The bartender slides his card, the receipt, and the two shots over to him.

"What we're about to do is a bit personal is it not?" I retorted.

He grinned as his tongue lapses over his bottom lip. He signed the receipt with the most unreadable chicken scratch of a signature I've ever seen. "Spencer."

"Avery." I gave him my middle name, picking up the shot glass.

He picked up his shot glass holding it out to mine, "Pleasure, Avery." In that moment I had wished I gave him my actual name because even just hearing my middle name in that voice of his... fuck.

"Spencer." I said and we clinked glasses and took the shot, neither of us breaking eye contact. God, his eyes practically bore into my soul which should've been more nerve wracking than it was intriguing.

Next thing I knew we were hurrying into the last bathroom stall together. I didn't have the time or brain capacity to go over how unsanitary this is. This man wasted no time, as soon as I put my purse in the hook, and the stall door shut and locked I felt his hands grip my waist pressing me up against the wall. I chuckled lowly and hung my arms over his shoulders.

I stood on my toes to meet his lips as they crashed into mine. They were as soft as I imagined. I slipped my tongue in when his lips parted. He tasted of vodka and something else that I couldn't work out but it was amazing. I quite literally couldn't get enough of this man. All the sounds of the club, the voices from the men out in the bathroom, the music blasting- all the noise dissipated. I slid one hand down gripping the shirt surrounding his bicep and the other I moved to the back of his head. His hair woven between my fingers.

Our breathing grew heavier, his grip on my waist tightened, and the warmth of his body pressing against mine only made me want him more. I felt the significant bulge in his pants pressing against me so I arched my back pushing up against him. I wanted to feel more of him, I was literally aching for it.

What a way to start the semester.

Quickly, I slid down my hands down undoing his belt buckle. As soon as I did so, I felt him smile against my lips. He pulled back.

"You sure?" He rasped, still looking at my lips.

"Yes." I whispered, quickly pulling up my dress a little.

He smiled as he gently slid my thong down. "I'd prefer these out of the way." He said.

I continued taking them off. I wasn't completely sure where to put them but I definitely wasn't gonna leave them on the floor of the mens bathroom so I put them in his back pocket. "I'll get those later."

Pressing his lips against mine once more, I placed my hands on the side of his face. He removed his from my waist to undo his pants. Shortly after I felt his hands slide down grabbing onto my ass, gripping it hard eliciting a soft moan from me. I was anticipating him, picturing it all. I was imagining how he'd feel, I was playing out this whole scene in my head. What I didn't anticipate and what definitely was not in my mental scene, was the sound of gunshots erupting from the club.

I pulled back, my heart dropping. "Was that a gun?!"

"What the fuck?" He groaned pulling back, looking more annoyed than afraid.

"Wha- what do we do?" I said in a whisper, my heart was pounding.

"Grayson!?" A male voice yelled from outside the stalls.

"In here, give me one sec!" He said sighing, zipping up his pants and adjusting himself quickly.

Grayson opened the door slightly, still holding onto it so only he's visible while I stood with my back against the stall in a state of shock.

"Hunters." The voice said. Wait he sounds familiar.

Grayson sighs again, "Fucking hell. How many?"

I'm absolutely stunned at how calm they both seem to be right now.

"Was about 30, down to 25 I think." Wait, that's Dane. "I gotta get back, meet us down there." Dane said.

"Alright I'll be right there." Grayson said monotonously.

What the actual fuck is going on?

Grayson buckles his belt back up, he looks up at me and exhales deeply, "Stay here until the cops come. Nice to meet you Avery." He smiled completely unfazed by any of this, before running off.

I locked the door behind him, and stand still in the center of the stall with my heart beating out of my chest and my hands shaking. "What the fuck?" I whispered to myself. I opened my purse and grabbed for the mini stun gun in there quickly. Soon thereafter things fell silent, which was infinitely more worrying than all the chaos and yelling. I had tears welling up in my eyes, I was trying hard to control my breathing, and calm down but my anxiety was through the roof right now. Between the gunshots and screaming I heard moments before to the eerie silence. I had no idea what to do here.

Suddenly I heard footsteps enter the bathroom."Fuck." I mouthed to myself.

I turned around and stood on top of the toilet. I needed to hide I at least knew that, so hopefully whoever this is wouldn't see feet under the stall door and move on. I held onto my stun gun for dear life and I was gripping the top of the stall wall with my right hand so hard my fingers started to hurt.

A shadow and the sound of the footsteps came closer to my stall. The tears that were pooling began rolling down my cheeks.

I squeezed my eyes shut. Don't stop in front of my stall, don't stop in front of my stall, please don't stop in front of my stall. I kept repeating in my head.

I opened my eyes.

This motherfucker stopped in front of my stall.

"Fuck me." I mouthed again. I knew I'd have to do something if the door swung open. I knew what I could do, so either try this or I'm getting shot. I removed my hand from the stall wall and had to just balance on my own. I took one silent step down onto the floor and put the stun gun into my right hand. With one foot on the floor and a stun gun in hand I got ready to- I don't know, try not to die.

The door gets kicked in, flying open. The loud bang as the door slammed against the side of the stall startles me. I was pretty drunk, and scared out of my mind so the man in front of me looked like a big blur. I froze in fear like a deer caught in headlights until I looked down and I saw the gun he brandished in his hand.

Running on pure fear and adrenaline, I gripped the stun gun and ran forward tasing the man in front of me for a second or two. I shoved him away from the doors opening.

In my highly intoxicated mind I was sprinting like Usain Bolt out of that bathroom but I most definitely was not. I was stumbling away at best.

Right as I got to the door I heard a loud sound and felt a sudden force that made me slam up against the wall. Everything fell quiet and I only heard ringing in my ears. My left shoulder was really warm and I felt some kind of liquid there. I raised my hand to try and wipe it away but when I touched my shoulder I felt a sting of pain. I winced and pulled my hand back.

"What?" I asked quietly now looking at my own blood on my hand.

He had a gun. Was I shot? Of course I was shot. Oh my God I was shot. I'm bleeding. I'm actually bleeding from a bullet wound. Wait, he's still h-

I had no more time to think when a hand grabbed the side of my head and slammed it against the wall next to me. The sheer force of my head hitting that wall was making it incredibly hard to stay conscious.

While I was focusing on trying to stay awake the man violently grabbed my throat. Guess the gunshot and head trauma wasn't enough now I couldn't breathe. He started walking me backwards until my back hit up against the railing overlooking the first floor of the club. I kept trying to pry his hand off my throat but to no avail.

"Morgan Sinclair?" The man asked but he knew.

I felt my eyebrows raise because who the fuck is this and how does he know my name?

He pushes me further upwards and back so the majority of my torso was over the railing, hanging over nothing. I grabbed onto his forearm for dear life, while I made the mistake of looking down at what looks like Chloe and Victoria fighting off people. I think I saw Chloe break someones neck like it was the easiest thing in the world. Victoria tear away from a person's throat with her mouth?

Have I really drank this much? Have I started hallucinating? Am I experiencing alcohol induced psychosis? Because what the fuck?

My attention pulled back to my attacker. "Fucking monster." He growled lowly staring at me with such contempt. I creased my brow thoroughly confused then I took a quick glance once more below me and witnessed Victoria and Chloe stop and look up with fear on their faces. That quick look of theirs gave these people an opening. A knife plunges into Chloe's abdomen and several gunshots ring out and Victoria drops to the floor with a groan.

The man lets me go. My body free falls for what felt like forever only to be abruptly ended as my back slammed against the ledge of what I assume was the bar down below. I fell from the ledge of the bar, my body hit the ground before my head did. Although strangely enough I didn't feel it. As soon as my head whacked against the ground, everything went black.

Yeah. Definitely not how I thought my first night out would go.

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