The Golden Legend

נכתב על ידי Unicorn0515

10.9K 122 10

Paige Scott the daughter of the original red ranger and the Zeo gold ranger. After growing up under all the l... עוד

Prelude to a Storm
There's No "I" In Team
Beauty and the Beach
Looming Thunder
Thunder Strangers Part 2
Thunder Strangers Part 3
Nowhere to Grow
A Ranger's Journey
Snip it, Snip it Good
Return of Thunder Part 1
Return of Thunder Part 2
Return of Thunder Part 3
Return of Thunder Part 4

Thunder Strangers Part 1

575 6 0
נכתב על ידי Unicorn0515

Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies

trains our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three, who would be chosen above the others.

Three who will become...


Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

The call is on!

Their force is getting strong!

They'll have to brave the weather!

Ninja Storm! stand together!

The storm will grow!

Waters flow!

Power Ranger Ninjas Go!

Power Rangers Ninja Storm is growing (growing)

is growing (growing)



Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

With the speed of the wind!


And strength like thunder!


Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

"Unbelievable." "Dude that's so sick it's wrong."

"Ah check out the lines on that baby bro the way they move. Dude, I can't believe it."

"You better not be doing anything illegal." Said Cam."Oh uh no no... because it was like here."

"Let me see. The tsunami cycles?" "Yeah man check it out." "Shouldn't you be doing schoolwork or annoying or something." "Well I mean you know it was already switched on to this channel so we thought we'd just just go for it."

"Computers don't have channels Dustin and I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't cruise in here without asking me first." "What's the big deal? We didn't hurt it." "It's just taken me and Paige both two weeks to make the changes to the onboard telemetry systems I just don't want anything to...." Says Cam while beeping could be heard from the computers "Please say this is a dream. I don't believe this." "What?"

"You're sweating like really ,really bad man."

"Yeah." "You okay?" "It's frozen. The system's locked up." Said Cam as he ran over to the main computer in Ninja Ops. "It's totally dead."

"Yeah but you back it up huh." "Of course I did, I must have. Dustin, you have the backup. I gave it to you on that disc." "Oh yeah yeah yeah right it's in my back...(Dustin has a flashback of Paige and Can giving him the disc) it's in my backpack." With a panicked look not knowing where his backpack is.

On Lothor ship

"The wind rangers greatest hits. Are all my favorites on there?" Said Lothor "If you mean the Tsunami cycle serenade then yes." "I wonder if they know it's been released a little early." Said the two thunder rangers

"I only wished I could be there to see the look on that rodent's face."

"Which brings us to our agreement. We have unfinished business."

"Relax evil plans are like fine wine; you must let them sit a while before uncorking them."

"They also go bad if you leave them too long."

"He's right, I read that it's something about the cork and the sediment." Said Marah

"Oh stop showing off." Said Kapri

"Just because you had to repeat evil alien first grade four times don't get all mad at me."

"Ahh do you mind." Said Lothor as the girls moved out of his chair. "I told them not to sit there."

"Ugh out of my way sir I have a plan of attack if we hit them at the place they call Storm Chargers...."

"Zurgane, Zurgane, Zurgane how many times must we go over this a ranger's power can only be destroyed when he's in his full ranger form."

"Of course Sir." "Therefore we must defeat them at the right moment otherwise all our efforts will be in vain. Surely such a powerful general can understand why your plan is so completely ridiculous. You looked overworked, why don't you take a vacation day." "Yeah." "If that is what you wish." Said Zuragne

"And we will put our heads together and see what we can come up with. won't we" said Lothor turning to the thunder rangers and laughing. "Take a break. I'll show you." Said Zurgane and walked away.

Back at Storm Chargers...

Kelly and Paige walk in to see the store is a mess and someone is throwing stuff around. "Hello Dustin." "Oh hey." "You understand the concept of cleaning, don't you put things onto the shelves." "Dustin I hope you have a reason you are making a mess of the store I just organized." Said a frustrated Paige

"Sorry Paige but you know what, I've lost my backpack and can't even think about anything else until I find it." Paige's eyes went big in understanding and knew you would talk to Dustin about it later and decided to go to the back and start cleaning again. "You'll find it. By the way, I've been meaning to ask, have you seen Blake and Hunter?" "They kind of blew me off last week and I only see them when they are saying goodbye to Paige after she hangs out with them."

"Do you or Paige have a cell number?" They look back to see Paige with headphones in not hearing any of their conversation. "Yeah sure why?" "I got the money I needed for the regionals next week. I got to put a 250 team like yesterday."

"All right." Said Dustin, handing her the number. "Hey well I mean you know what about me and Paige." "I only got a budget for 250s and Paige said that you could have her spot but because of budget plus those two guys have the experience on big bikes. You understand right?"

"Yeah sure I mean I'm if I were putting a team together I'd want them and Paige too."

"You know what I got to go. Tell Paige I will talk to her later okay"

A little bit later Shane and Paige were skating on a mini skate park. Shane had done a trick with his board as Paige did an air trick and landed it before skating over to their friends. "Oh man."

"Any luck man?" "No man." "Dustin I know you will find it." Said Paige with an encouraging smile. "Thanks Mana." "Well, think where else have you been." "The track. The track." Then their morphers beep "Go for Shane." "We're getting a strange heat signature reading at the quarry." "Kelzaks?"

"No I don't know what it is better ranger up just to be safe." "Not gonna be a problem." The groups of rangers look around to make sure there is no one around before morphing "Ready?"

"Ready." Ninja Storm Ranger Form Ha! Wind Ranger Power! Elemental Ranger Power!

They all ninja streak to the quarry "what's going on?" "Not a lot." "This is weird." "Nothing here."

"Uh Cam this place is like downtown deadsville."

"I'm taking a heat reading from the Air Force satellite it's usually right on." "Well I'm not going to tell the Air Force their satellite might be wrong are you? Besides, let's just keep looking, we must be missing something" Said Paige looking around.

"You ready?" "Let's do it, goodbye rangers." And lightning hit the ground around the rangers causing an explosion and then to be thrown to the ground "Note to self never ever doubt Cam." "I could have told you that." Said Paige getting up from the ground. As the smoke cleared one navy ranger and one crimson ranger could be seen. It couldn't be them though they would never do anything like this thought Paige. "Who are you?" "What's with the attitude?"

"Hello anybody home?" "Obviously you didn't get the memo old rangers out new rangers in."

"What, you expect us to fight you." "Let's try and talk this out first." Said Paige knowing how evil rangers can be but also was taught not to start unnecessary fights. But the Thunder rangers ran at the wind rangers and attacked them with their ninja streak all four rangers were being slashed at and ended up falling to ground. "Doesn't seem like they want to talk." "I vote for kicking their wannabe butts." "For sure I hate being someone's punching bag." "I hear you." "Didn't anyone ever teach you to play nice?" Shane goes up and does an air attack but gets knocked back by the navy ranger "We don't do nice." Tori and Dustin go and battle the Crimson ranger while Paige goes and helps Shane up. "That was brutal." "Shane, are you okay?" "I'm alright goldey. I'm going to go help the others." As the other two rangers could be seen battling the crimson ranger as not faring too well. "Hang on."

"What for?" "Thunder staff mega power!" Says Navy running towards the other rangers but was stopped by Paige. "You want a real fight, let's see how you do against a fellow Thunder. Thunder Staff Mega power!" And a thunder staff appears in her hand. Both the thunder rangers and the wind rangers looked at Paige in shock not knowing she could do that. "Why would a thunder ninja betray its academy for these wind losers?" "No I betrayed no one but a true thunder ninja would never betray its academy which is one you are doing beetle boys."

Said Paige before running up a was in a tough battle with the two thunder staffs. After Paige called them both beetle boys they knew exactly who this was because only one other person had called them that when they were kids. What had happened to make Paige fight against them. Having to think about that more later it could be seen that those two battled and the three wind rangers are still battling the crimson ranger and not doing so well. "What did y'all do to her? A true thunder would never betray another thunder." "We didn't do anything to her dude." Said Dustin "Plus as a ninja you should be helping Earth not destroying its protectors." "We will get her to see the truth." And slashed all three rangers causing them to fall to the ground. This caused Paige and navy to look and see all the wind rangers on the ground. "No!" Said Paige and slashed navy causing him to be weakened so she could run over and check on her friends but she was stopped by crimson. "Where do you think you are going?" "Get out of my way, beetle boy." "Why do you betray us?" "I would never betray any of my friends. I think you should get all your facts straight before you go blaming me." By now all the wind rangers and the navy ranger had gotten up and we're fighting each other while Paige and crimson started fighting. "Well, it looks like you are a worthy opponent." "You ain't seen nothing yet. I summon the power of the Dragon Shield!" And a golden shield formed on Paige's shoulder while a golden dagger with slight green detailing on it appeared in her hand. With the power of the dagger and thunder staff she was able to overpower the crimson ranger and join her friends while the navy ranger went to check on the crimson ranger. "They have sticks." "Really big sticks." "Anybody got a suggestion." "You want an idea how about give up." "Trust us it will be much less painful that way." "Yeah you can forget that idea." Said Paige with a glare on her face.

"Oh I get it this is a training thing isn't it."

"Cam you got us." "I think this is for real." "Yeah this isn't a training exercise." "All right ready." "Yeah." And they held up the wrist with their morphers on it as lightning formed at the end of their hand and disappeared. "Where'd they go?" "Really far away if we're lucky." "I know they don't want to see me really mad." All the rangers gulp knowing that a mad Paige is someone you don't want to be on the other side of.

Back at Ninja Ops

All the wind rangers minus Paige who was sitting on the ground were all trying to ask Sensei questions about the thunder rangers. "One at a time." "Sensei, who were those guys?"

"They fight in the style of the thunder ninja academy, this is all I know for certain."

"I thought Lothor captured all the other ninja schools." "He has, I have checked every location of where a ninja school was located and it looks just like the wind academy." "Could he have turned them against us so he could fight fire with fire." "Their fire comes from deep within even Lothor cannot be driving them to attack with such passion." "You know I don't really care what their problem is, all I know is those dudes almost smoked us without Paige." "Yeah but they didn't and I want to know why." "Also Paige what was like with the thunder staff and dragon shield?" Said Dustin "I know it was like super cool but I didn't know you could do it." Said Tori "I can explain so as you all know I trained at all of the ninja academy's so I have access to all of their powers and weapons. This was my first time trying to access another academy's weapons during a battle so I did know if I was successful but I had to try."

"Paige that was a big risk you could have hurt yourself by summoning the thunder staff having not done it in a battle before."

"I know Sensei but I couldn't just let my team get hurt." Looking at her friends who all smiled at their honorary little sister in awe that she would risk herself for them. "But the Dragon Shield was something that I gained access to after one of my meditations in trying to find my ninja zord I was given access to the power of the Dragon Coin." Pulling out the necklace from underneath her shirt to show them the golden coin. "Well that type of power is truly an honor that has been wisely given to you, Paige." Said Sensei "Thank you Sensei but I was wondering if Cam would be able to help me find out if I have access to the legendary Dragon zord." "Come on Paige we will look together." Paige smiled and ran over to the computer to help Cam.

On Lothors ship

"I would have given anything to see the look on their faces." "Yeah they were scared all right."

"This is going to be easier than we thought if only the gold ranger didn't have to get it the way."

"Yo Zurgane what up dog?"

"Step aside ranger." As Zurgane struggles to get around the thunder rangers. "Hey if you want to dance ,at least put on some music."

"Why didn't you destroy the rangers when you had the chance?"

"You familiar with the term need to know basis. It means we know and we don't have to tell you anything." "Oh but we'll call if we change our mind or if we need someone to carry our bags." "You insolent, disrespectful..." and Zurgane goes to punch the navy rangers but gets blocked by the crimson ranger. "Hey you ever consider anger management therapy?"

"This is going nowhere we're supposed to be on the same team."

"Only for the time being." Said Zuragne as he let the two rangers pass. "I'll show them how it's done." Said Zuragne as he transported down to the quarry but the Thunder rangers were still talking on the ship. "You don't think it could be her do you?" Said navy "There's no way she would choose the wind academy over the thunder academy but how many other ninjas do you know have elemental powers from multiple academy's. I can't believe we didn't see it." "Hey bro, before we make any rash decision we need to be sure. I don't want us to lose the friendship with her over something we aren't sure about yet okay?"

Down on Earth

"The quarry again what is it like a monster con over there." "Zuragne still ugly as ever." "Doesn't he usually come equipped with an evil alien sidekick."

"Or at least a Kelzaks or two." Said Paige sensing trouble. "It could be a trap. Use caution when engaging him." "We always do." "Yeah right."

"Ready?" "Ready!" "Ninja Storm Ranger Form Ha! Power of Water! Air! Earth! Elements!"

"Lothor run out of good looking monsters?" Said Shane "If you want something done right you do it yourself. Ah, rangers meet your destiny."

"Ninja swords!" "Bring it on." "You got it." And the four ninjas jump over to where Zurgane has all four of their swords down at him but he blocks them and slashes his swords at all of them knocking them to the ground. "Okay good idea, bad result."

"I'm sick of power rangers ,rangers ,rangers that's all I ever hear." Shane goes up and tries to fight but Zurgane's two swords block him and push him away where all the other rangers help him up. "This will teach you to respect me." And he sends lightning from his swords at the rangers. Paige was able to absorb most of it, taking most of the damage away from her friends."Paige are you okay?" "I think so, just really weak." "You didn't have to do that." "Yes I did, we watch each other's backs."

"Now to finish what those imbeciles could only start."

From Lothors ship it can be seen that Lothor and his nieces are watching the battle between Zurgane and the ninjas "You ask for one simple thing then you turn your back and it's total anarchy." And lothor uses his powers and zaps Zurgane back on to the ship. "Catch you later, big guy." "That was weird." "What did they want from us?" "I don't know but I'm tired." Says Paige but before anyone could react they are shot again and look to see the two thunder rangers are back. "Great these two."

"Recognize these?" And two bikes form in front of the two thunder rangers.

"Those are mine and Paige's tsunami cycles."

"No.""Dude." "You gonna pay for that." "Ah no way."

"Yes way." "But ours come with a few improvements."

"This is so wrong."

"Ready to ride?"

"Okay let's show these poser how it's done." And they rev their engines and speed towards the rangers and shoot a blast of electricity towards the rangers but Paige was not able to absorb it like last time. This caused the rangers to fall off the cliff ledge and to the ground below and the thunders follow them down there with their bikes.

"Ready for another lap?" Both thunder rangers go on either side of the rangers and jump over then Tori and Shane go to one side while Paige and Dustin go to the other side. But Dustin's ankle twists and trips and falls while Paige's help him back up. "Nice face plant." And Tori and Shane turn their ninja swords into blasters and fire the crimson ninja but he keeps coming and fires lightning at them again. Shane, Dustin, Tori, and Paige all gather back up right as the thunders are coming right at them. "Thunder energy blast!" "Fire!" And they fire at the rangers but thinking quickly Paige uses all of her elemental powers to form a shield with the extra power of the Dragon Shield. "Elemental Shield!" An explosion occurs and Paige was able to absorb all of the explosion that was around causing her to fall to the ground after using all of her powers to save her friend. "NO!" Exclaimed the wind rangers seeing the friend hurt. "You smell anything burning." "Hey anyone feel like s'mores?" Before turning around to see that the gold ranger was hurt and they were conflicted still not knowing if it was Paige or not.

"I can't believe they stole Cam's disc and injured Mana." "But how." "Who are these guys?"

"This is so easy it's almost boring. I thought they'd at least put up a fight." "Those guys never could compete with the thunder ninja academy. They're so lame." "No doubt I thought their Sensei taught them better than this.Are you sure you would not rather join us gold ranger?" "I will never join you two." getting up from the ground ready to fight the two. "Oh what's wrong with sunshine?" "Don't call me that." snapped Paige.

"Did you hear what they said about you?" "Yes Cam their words are not what concern me however."

"It's time to finish what we started." "Crimson Thunder Power! Navy Thunder Power! Sky of Wonder! Power of Thunder!" holding up their morphers to the sky as lightning strikes all around them. "That does not look good." " No it does not."

"Crimson Insectizord!" "Navy BeetleZord!" one crimson zord and one navy zord came from the earth "you've got to be kidding me." "They have zords." "This is getting ridiculous." "How come the evil ninja get zords before me?" said Paige "Later days." said Crimson as he and Navy ran towards their respective zords. "By the time this is over we'll be the last two ninja rangers on the planet so let's stay focused. Also try not to injure the gold ranger too much." "You got it and BeetleZord is rough and ready to go."


"They want to play rough, we're all about rough. Cam hit it."

"I need DragonZord Power! Says Paige and plays the tune on the dagger to call the DragonZord. "Ninja Zords!" and they all jump to the cockpit of the zords. (Paige's family added a cockpit to the DragonZord) "let's show these imposters who's who in the zord zoo." "Bottom of the ninth boys it's now or never." "I'm thinking now." "Because they will never be able to unhear my dragon's roar."

"Here they come. Deface formation." "Engage!"

"Okay let's bring the heat people." "Copy that now it's our turn." "Right!" "Let's see what this baby can do." "Hawk zord flame attack!" the crimson rangers zord was surrounded in flames

"Prepare to activate weaponry. Activate." and the flames disappeared and the Crimson Insectizord started firing at the Hawk Zord but did not get too much damage before the DragonZord started firing at the Insectizord. "Shane!" exclaimed Tori "I'm hit but I'm okay. Thanks Paige." "No problem." The Beetlezord dove up from the ground and attacked the lion zord "what's with the pliers? I'm gonna hit him with the blow dryer. Tornado Blast!" and the gust of wind from the Lion zord caused the beetle to be thrown across the battlefield. "Tim to squash this bug." said Dustin as he started to head towards the beetlezord to step on him. "Clocking device." and the beetle disappeared before anything could be done "What the where did he go?"

"I can't find him anywhere on my scanners." but the BeetleZord uncloaked itself and pulled right up behind the dolphin zord. "Tori behind you." And the beetle zord grabbed onto Tori and started to spin her around. "He's got me." "Hands of the fish." "Hey bugboy release my friend." said Paige as she started firing at the beetlezord which caused it to release Tori. "Whoa let go of me you dum bug."

"Prepare the next power sphere." instructed sensei to his son Cam "right."

"Thanks Paige." "Of course Tor."

"Let's bust out the megazord on these punks." "Form the Megazord now!" and the three zords formed into one big megazord. "Finally a little something from the hasbeens." "Let's turn them into never worse." "Thunder Megazord!" and the two zords formed into one big megazord. "Thunder Megazord Powered Up!" "That's impossible." "Why do they always have to get bigger?" "These guys are working my last good nerve." "Copy that sister T." and the two megazords went ready to fight the thunder ninja zords. The DragonZord and the Storm Megazords took turns fighting the thunder and both were able to get a few hits in. "You guys thinking what I am thinking." "Serpent Sword Activate!" "Dragon Tail Drill Staff!" "This should slow those clones down." and they use the sword the slash at the Thunder Megazord. "Fire! This isnt working Paige, why don't you give it a try." "All right, Dragon Tail Strike!" and the staff's tip starts to spin like a drill and slashes it against the Thunder Megazord knocking it back a little bit causing some damage to occur. But the Thunder Megazord got back up and stopped Paige from hitting them again and used her staff to push her backwards towards the Storm Megazord. "You give up?" and as they are still holding on to the staff they use it to lift up the DragonZord and throw it over their shoulder. Then goes over to the Storm Megazord and as they go to slash them with the sword, lifts them up by the sword and drops the right where they are on the field causing them to fall as Paige slowly gets back up. "Where's that last minute just in time save our butt device? We're waiting." "Please Cam." "Give, give, give that's all I do. Sending power Sphere four and twenty." "Thank you Cam." "Thanks Cam just in time. What where'd it go." "Oh come on." as the power sphere disappeared before Paige or Shane could grab it. "What's happening?" "intercepting of the goal line and the thunders are running it back for a touchdown. Activating Power Spheres and two power spheres appeared out of the Thunder Megazord and combined one weapon. The Spin star blade which could shoot out stars of whatever element (so lightning in this case) and then slash options arter theory were hit by ninja throwing stars. The thunders powered up the sword and sent the lightning stars at the two zords and then a blast from the sword. Then the Thunder Megazord just starts slashing the sword at the two megazords. "hes at the 50 the 50 the 30." Before taking the final attack but right before it was about to hit the Storm Megazord the DragonZord stepped in and took majority of the blow and the two megazords started sparking like crazy and both fell over in an explosion. "They're both down." said Cam

"Now for a little touchdown dance on their heads." "We've knocked out their zords, that's enough. For now" and the Thunder Megazord walks away. "Come in Shane, Paige, Tori, Dustin anybody?" Shane, Tori, Dustin, and Paige are all in their cockpits surrounded by what is left of their zords. Shane and Tori are somewhat awake but Dustin and Paige seem to be out of it.

With Blake and Hunter

They can be seen running up to Kelly at the edge of the track. "What are you guys doing here we're under attack?" "We think they need help. Come on." and the brothers and Kelly ran into the forest to go help their friends. The megazords can be seen with sparks coming from it as the three wind rangers wake up in their cockpit but Paige is still out from the explosion. "Are you guys okay?"said Shane, "I think so but the megazord is not." responded Tori "Yeah dude my area of the megazord is like completely destroyed." "Paige, are you ok?" but there was not a response. "Paige?" said Shane again "Guys she's not responding see if you can get over to her megazord and fast." and all three rangers hurried over to the DragonZord to see if they could find their friend. After they started looking through what remained of the DragonZord the rangers finally found Paige under some rubble. "Guys I found her but she is unconscious and stuck under a beam. Help me lift it on 3. 1, 2, 3 Go!" They moved the beam off of their little sister before moving her out of the battlefield and to safety.

On Lothors ship they were watching the battle on the screen. "Round one is in the books with the zords out of my way, it's only a matter of time." as Lothor and his nieces laugh at the damage to the ninja ranger zords.

TO BE CONTINUED...........

המשך קריאה

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