Your Darkness is My Weakness...

By hopeangel11

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After moving into a new house in London at the age of 18, Harry Styles is welcomed by his mysterious, yet ver... More

Your Darkness is My Weakness [Lirry]
Chapter 1: Moved in & Settled
Chapter 2: Meeting the Neighbour
Chapter 3: Who is Liam Payne?
Chapter 4: Worried Friends & Heat of the Moment
Chapter 5: One Intense Night - The First of Many
Chapter 6: After Last Night & Just the Beginning
Chapter 7: Pictures & Being Pursued
Author's Note: On Hiatus Until Lent is Over! - SORRY!
Chapter 8: Never See It Coming
Chapter 9: Just Getting Started
Chapter 10: Dealing With Louis
Chapter 11: Up in Flames
Chapter 12: About to Give In
Author's Note: I was just offended...
Chapter 14: Who to Trust & "Welcome Home"
Chapter 15: No Way Out
Chapter 16: Accepting or Pretending?
Chapter 17: The Truth or A Lie?
Chapter 18: Here For Good
Chapter 19: Is It Too Late?
Chapter 20: The End of What Could Have Been
Chapter 21: Trying to Move On
Chapter 22: Explaining How it All Began
Chapter 23: A Chance to Make it Right
Chapter 24: Just to Be Here
Chapter 25: Meant to Be - LAST CHAPTER!
EPILOGUE: Until Today

Chapter 13: Heart Led to be Broken

703 40 10
By hopeangel11

Chapter 13: Heart Led to be Broken

*A/N: This chapter is dedicated to all you lovely people who left all those wonderful supporting comments in the part I posted last week before I went on a small hiatus to focus on my exams! This is a way of me saying THANK YOU for having my back and making my day after it was pretty much ruined by that one person. But that's over and I've dealt with it, thanks to YOU! :)

A special thanks to @OnTheRise for always being someone I can rely on as a fellow Lirry writer, to @Payzer_Sophiam for just being a wonderful soul, to @Shardaya12 for being so supportive and leaving all those comments throughout this story, to @Irrevozarry for that supportive comment you left, and to anyone else that's been there for me since the beginning!*


"My back hurts," Harry whines, stretching out his limbs slowly after getting up from the chair he slept on last night.

"So does mine, But what else could we have done?" Niall says with a shrug.

"Well, I feel fine," Louis states smugly from his bed.

"Of course you do. You actually got to sleep in a bed while the rest of us slept on these chairs," the curly-haired lad retorts, then hisses when he feels his back strain from stretching.

Louis rolls his eyes, and lays his head back on his pillow. "Oh, quit complaining. I told you guys you could go back home last night, but no. All you guys did was yell at me, saying that you didn't mind staying here. I mean, I have El here, so you didn't have to stay too."

"Well, call me paranoid or whatever, but I didn't want Liam possibly hurting you any more than he already has if we left."

"Harold, you know that's just crazy talk. And besides, we called the police last night. They probably went to take care of it. I say we just relax now and stop worrying about him. And besides, I'm hungry. When do you think they'll bring me food?"

Harry and Niall sigh, yet smile fondly a Louis for still being himself after everything. Eleanor just smiles back at them, then smacks Louis' hand when he tries to press the assistance button to contact a nurse. It's only to be used for emergencies, but Louis argues that this is an emergency, and something else about his stomach dying.

"We're gonna go out and quickly get something to eat," Harry informs the couple as he walks to the door with Niall in tow.

"Fine. Be selfish and don't get me something too. It's not like hospital food is bad or anything."

"Alright. As long as you don't mind eating that crap then we'll be on our way, mate," Niall says teasingly, laughing as he dodges a pillow Louis throws at him. He hurries out with Harry and closes the door behind them.

"He'll be fine. El will force food down his throat if she really has to," Harry informs the blond with a smile.

"Oh, I know. I've learned not to underestimate the power of women - Oof."

Niall stumbles back a bit, but keeps hold of the person's arms to make sure they don't fall after bumping into them. Harry looks worriedly at them and ready to apologize on Niall's behalf before he notices the person Niall bumped into, a girl with blondish-brown hair, blushing at the Irish lad. Harry smirks, then takes a few steps back to give them some privacy. Can you blame him for wanting to listen in on them a bit?

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you, but I should've looked where I was going!"

"Don't worry about it. I should've looked where I was going too," the girl informs him waving off his apology. "And by the way, I'm glad you've learned that."

"... Learned what?" Niall asks in confusion, now blushing.

"'Not to underestimate the power of women'. It's good to hear that from a guy once in a while."

"Well, I - Um, you know... I respect women and stuff. Like, I don't see them as objects or whatever other guys say that's stupid - and I should stop talking now, shouldn't I?"

"No. I mean, you don't have to... I don't mind hearing you talk. I'm Jade, by the way."

"Niall," the blond lad replies, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans before shaking Jade's hand nervously. "So, um..."

Rolling his eyes and having enough of Niall mumbling about nonsense, Harry steps up to them and holds his hand out for Jade to shake as well. "I'm Harry, Niall's representative. What's he's trying to ask you is, would you like to go out with him? He's a bit shy at the moment, since he thinks you're really pretty."

"Hi, Harry. And sure, I'd love to go out with you, Niall. I happen to be free now and the whole day, actually... We could grab a bite to eat now, if you want?"

"Hear that, Nialler? She wants to grab something to eat, which is funny, since we were just about to do that."

"Shut up, Harry," Niall hisses at him, before clearing his throat and smiling at Jade more confidently. "Actually, Harry already ate, so it'll just be the two of us."

"I actually haven't - "

"Yes, you have, Harry. Shall we, Jade?"

She giggles at them, then links her arm with Niall's. "Sure. Bye, Harry! Nice to meet you!"

"You too!" Harry calls back, waving at them before he glares at Niall's retreating back. "How dare he lie about me eating already, when I haven't?! He knows that! What a twat. And all for a girl he literally just met. He better buy me something too."

Just before he heads back to Louis' room to let him and Eleanor know about Niall's betrayal of him for a girl (and about them going on a lunch date now, but whatever), Harry spots someone annoyingly familiar sitting in the waiting room. Said person is on his phone, scrolling through it with a smirk on his face.

Huffing in frustration, Harry approaches him and slaps the phone out of his hand.

"How dare you come here?!"

"Hello to you too, Hazza. I have to say, though, it's not nice to slap someone's expensive phone from their hand."

"Oh, shut up! You have no right to be here, Liam! After what you did to my friends - The police are coming after you. Actually, they should've caught you last night, but here you are. But they're probably looking for you and are on their way - "

"They're not, actually," Liam replies nonchalantly, patting the seat beside him. "Take a seat, love. I'll explain some things to you."

"Not a chance," Harry counters, and turns to walk away quickly, but Liam grabs hold of his wrist.

"Uh-uh, Harry. Don't you know by now that not listening to me will get you nowhere? Now be a good boy and take a seat. You're already causing a scene, and I'm sure you shouldn't be doing that in a hospital waiting room full of anxious visitors awaiting news of their loved ones."

Harry gives in, knowing Liam's right as he looks around and sees some people staring at them, probably wondering why he was just yelling at Liam. He tries to convey to someone, anyone, to possibly help him get away from Liam, but said lad tugs him down roughly so he takes a seat on the chair beside him. Harry pulls his wrist out of Liam's grip, and rubs it, knowing they'll be a bruise there eventually with how tight Liam was holding him.

"As much as I don't want to be here with you right now, what the hell are you doing here, Liam?"

"I told you already, darling. I'm going to explain some things to you, and I'm hoping you'll listen so nobody else gets hurt."

"You mean Niall?"

"Exactly. But anyway, I know you let Louis call the 'police' last night even after I warned you not to, so Niall not getting hurt is actually out of question."

"W- what do you mean?"

"The plan's already in motion, Harry. But don't worry so much. Since it's Niall we're talking about, and it's nearly impossible to hate him, - again, nearly - it'll take more time for the plan to work. I say, give it a few days or so before you see the effect on your friend," Liam explains, putting an arm around Harry's shoulders.

The curly-haired lad feels his blood run cold in fear, thinking about what Liam meant by that. "Oh my god. Are you planning on killing him too?"

"Not exactly. Although, I'll admit that once my plan for him is complete, he'll probably wish he was dead. Along with your other friends, Louis and Zayn. They're here in the hospital after their tragic accidents, aren't they? In their own rooms, with their girlfriends looking after them... What's their names again? - Eleanor and Perrie, right? A brunette and a blonde, both worried about their boyfriends' safety because they got hurt from being friends with you."

"Th- that's not true! They don't - It's not my fault that they got hurt! You're the one who - "

"Who what? You think I'm the one who tried to kill them, yet they're still alive for some reason? Do you even have proof against me, Harry?"

"Well, no, but you texted be all those warnings, and - "

"They're just texts, Stylesy. Not much proof there. I doubt any cops will believe that's enough proof to pin those 'crimes' on me. But speaking of the cops, you should probably let your friends know that Louis didn't actually contact the police last night."

Liam pulls Harry closer, and planting a kiss on his forehead. Harry tries to pull away, but Liam's arm just tightens around him to keep him there.

"Of course Louis called them! And they should be on their way to arrest you and lock you up in jail."

"Like that will happen," Liam replies with a snort, loosening his arm from around Harry.

"It will."

"How? I'm telling you, Harry, Louis didn't call the police last night. He called me instead."

"Why would Louis call you, of all people? He doesn't even know your number, and you're the last person any of us want to be in contact with," Harry agues.

"Because I interfered with his call," Liam answers, then sighs heavily as he stands up from his seat. "Don't you see, Harry? I'm capable of doing many things. That includes preventing you from being in contact with the police or anything of the sort. And besides, the police won't try to arrest me, since they know better."

Harry gulps, feeling a shiver of fear run down his spine. "I - I know I'll regret asking, but what do you mean?"

Liam smirks and looks down at Harry, making sure to look into his eyes to emphasize his point. He might as well get his point across without embellishing the truth.

"What I mean is, I've done the police many 'favours' for the past two years since I've lived here. It's more like they owe me more than anything. So no, they won't arrest me for something like what I've done to you and your friends so far."

"But - "

"It's just the truth, Stylesy. They already know what I do with people I take interest in; people like you. They tend to ignore it, since they know better than to interfere."

With that, Liam bends down and kisses Harry's lips suddenly, surprising the green-eyed lad. When Liam pulls away, Harry blinks and watches Liam walk away until he's outside of the hospital. He lets out a shaky breath, feeling defeated on the inside after learning what Liam said.

"If he even has the police on his side, then what chance do I have of getting away from him?" he asks himself out loud, running his hands through his hair in frustration.


"Then Harry kicked the ball, - well, he tried to, but he missed, - and his shoe went flying and hit Louis right in the face. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen! Louis yelled at him and made Harry pay for his dinner to make up for his 'precious face being wounded'. Harry's just rubbish at football, really."

"I bet. He sounds very clumsy from what you've told me," Jade states with a laugh.

"Oh, you have no idea. He can barely walk without stumbling. But that's our Harry for you. Bambi and all."

"Must be fun to be friends with all of them, though. With 'Bambi Harry' or not."

"Yeah. The best three lads I've ever met," Niall replies, smiling as he takes a sip of his drink. "What about you and your friends? I bet you guys have fun too."

Jade tilts his head to the side, as if she really has to think about it. "Yeah, but not as much fun as you guys. Well, I have a friend that asks me to do some strange favours for him, but he ain't all that bad, really. Just seems like he is, though, since he kinda does things he shouldn't. I think he's lost, to be honest. Like, what I mean is, he's just looking for love, you know? But... he doesn't really know how to go about it without coming off... too creepy?"

"Creepy how?" Niall asks curiously.

"Oh, well, he kinda sta-... You know what, never mind. Now I'm just rambling on about nonsense. Overall, Liam's a great guy, besides his weird way of wanting to be loved. He's like a brother to me."


"Um, what?"

"You said his name was Liam," Niall points out, sitting up straight in his chair. "Wait a minute. Does the Liam you know happen to live on Chester Street?"

Panicking from letting that much information slip, Jade laughs awkwardly and waves her hand dismissively. "What? No, of course not! My friend doesn't live there! I mean, his name isn't even Liam. I said the wrong name! His name is - ... Victor. Yeah, that's my friend's name. My bad!"

"Victor? Isn't that really far from 'Liam'? How did you - "

"Well, you know. We all make mistakes, don't we?" she interrupts quickly, taking a long sip from her drink.

"It's just weird. I mean, from how you were describing your friend, - whether his name's Liam or not, - that would make sense in why my friend's neighbor is acting so crazy. Like, yesterday, he tried to kill my other friends."

"Really? That's a bit extreme, don't you think? I - I don't think my friend would do that. And his name is Victor; not Liam."

Nodding, yet still somewhat suspicious, Niall adds, "And Liam has been stalking Harry for the past week since he moved in right next door. So, Harry can't exactly just up and leave, you know?"

"Right. Well, I don't know that Liam, so let's not talk about him, yeah? There are other things we can talk about - "

She gets cut off when her phone rings and she checks it to see Liam's name pop up. Before Niall can peak at who it is, she covers it with her hand and excuses herself to talk this call. She quickly walks outside and answers her phone, ready to apologize for almost letting it slip to Niall that she actually knows that Liam.

"I'm so sorry, Liam! I swear I didn't meant to say - "

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't let it happen again, okay? He can't know that you know me, or else the plan won't work. And he's getting too suspicious for my liking, so I say you quickly move on to the second part of the plan."

"Uh, right. That part... So, does it matter whose place, or - "

"No, it doesn't, Jade. Just get on with it before he figures you out," Liam says through gritted teeth, then hangs up.

"Fine," she says in a huff, then walks back in. "Sorry about that. My friend just... wanted to know if I could buy him something, but I told him to buy it himself. I mean, he's a grown man with lots of money."

"Was that 'Victor'?"

Looking at him with narrowed eyes, Jade answers with, "Yeah, actually. Is that a problem now, Niall?"

"Nope. As long as you're not lying, then it's not a problem."

"Sorry. I just - I'm kinda stressed out right now, and I need to get my mind off a few things. Do you wanna get out of here and, you know... Maybe go your place?"

Niall's eyebrows raise in surprise, before he coughs awkwardly and quickly gets out of his seat. "Uh, yeah, sure. I mean, as long as you don't mind the mess in my house. I didn't get to clean up, since I've mostly been over at Harry's house lately."

"As long as you have room on your bed... Or the couch will do as well," she suggests cheekily.

"Right. Well, whichever one is the cleanest, then," Niall squeaks out, letting Jade lead him out of the restaurant and towards his car.


I'm back again! Since I've finished my exams, I can update even more often (hopefully)! I've just finished my second year at Uni, which went by so quickly, but I'm glad I'm on summer break! WHOO! :)

What did you think of this chapter? I hope you liked it, since I tried to make it long to make up for me not updating for a while again.

Do you think Niall will figure out that Jade actually knows Liam before the plan can be completed? Will Jade let it slip again? And will she be able to break Niall's heart, according to plan?

What about Harry? How will he deal with the fact that he can't really ask for anyone's help to keep Liam away from him and his friends? Will he finally give in, or will he try to keep fighting to stay away from Liam? If so, how long can that last?

What else does Liam have planned for all of them? How will he get Harry all to himself?

Also, I wanted to take the time to say thanks again for all of you that supported me after what I went through last week with all those negative comments from that one person. I know I shouldn't have let it bother me so much, but it was a real shock that someone would say that even though that person claimed to "not wanting to offend me".

But overall, I've dealt with it and I'm way over it now. I've messaged this person in private, they've apologized and we're on better terms now. I'm so glad that that's over and I don't have to stress over it anymore.

THANK YOU FOR ALL THOSE SUPPORTING MESSAGES! I really appreciate them, since I knew I could count on you guys to have my back! You're all lovely people, and I hope you continue being awesome and wonderful and just overall beautiful souls! :P

Anyway, I hope none of that stuff happens to any of you either again or at all. No one deserves that, and we all deserve the best only, right? But if any of you need someone to talk to about anything bothering you or whatever, then feel free to DM me, yeah? I don't bite! I just wanna make sure you're all okay and fine and that nothing or no one is weighing you down. I'll be the ears to your worries - if that's even a saying (probably not).

Well that's enough from me!

I hope you enjoy reading the rest of this story when it's up! FEEL FREE TO LEAVE COMMENTS ON WHAT YOU THOUGHT ABOUT THIS CHAPTER OR THE STORY SO FAR!

What will happen next? x

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